


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e some of the interior surfaces are markedly corrugated.
2 he analysis reveals a grain boundary that is corrugated.
3  (1).(C(+),X(-)) show recurrent formation of corrugated (6,3) networks, with the large cavities thus
4                                  A standard, corrugated, adult breathing circuit was used.
5 rystal packing with alternating, interlocked corrugated and distorted hexagonal layers.
6 ertical displacement produces a very regular corrugated appearance of the planar membrane sheets.
7  layers are planar (as in AlB2) and half are corrugated (as in ReB2), has been shown not to be superh
8             In the last, we demonstrated the corrugated Au film was capable of sensing biomolecules,
9                                          The corrugated Au films exhibited high sensitivity (ca. 800
10                     The rugose variant forms corrugated colonies and well-developed biofilms and exhi
11                     The rugose variant forms corrugated colonies, exhibits increased levels of resist
12 ral cellular processes, such as formation of corrugated colony morphology, biofilm formation, motilit
13 mensional anisotropy, weaker connection, and corrugated design favor the large 2D array formation, wh
14 merical Simulation database representing the corrugated flamelets (CF), thin reaction zones (TRZ) and
15 ligands covalently bound to the surface of a corrugated gold sensor chip.
16 l polyanion [GaEH](2-) that corresponds to a corrugated hexagon layer built from three-bonded Ga and
17 bic walls, water confined between atomically corrugated hydrophilic walls, and water confined between
18 ing in laminated sublayers and geometrically corrugated junctions between layers.
19 action experiments reveal that 1 possesses a corrugated layered structure constructed from molybdenum
20 thylamino)ethylamine), which adopts a unique corrugated layered structure in space group Pbca with un
21          Rhenium diboride (ReB2), containing corrugated layers of covalently bonded boron, is a super
22 10), and their crystal structures consist of corrugated layers of edge-sharing bicapped trigonal pris
23 s to template the solution-state assembly of corrugated lead halide layers in bulk crystalline materi
24  and gradually appears more and more densely corrugated, like an accordion bellows.
25                                   A complex, corrugated metal-oxide interface was observed, with appr
26 rocrystallization at very low densities, the corrugated monolayers it forms, and the strong interacti
27 mple epithelia and we identify four types of corrugated morphologies: compact, invaginated, evaginate
28 controlled synthesis of one-dimensional (1D) corrugated nanoarrays of Pb(1-x)Mn(x)Se nanocrystals (0.
29 he morphology of graphene, which is strongly corrugated on bare Ru, but becomes flat at a Pt coverage
30 he hydrochloride salt of CFZ (CFZ-HCl)-has a corrugated packing along the (001) face and weak dispers
31 The rough surface is modeled as sinusoidally corrugated particular to the case of a fixed relationshi
32 re is organized by the r-modes, the observed corrugated photosphere is a probable surface manifestati
33 cale is introduced (here, crudely, through a corrugated pipe), linear stability analyses lead to stab
34  metamaterials created by forming continuous corrugated plates out of ultrathin films.
35 the calculations we find that the underlying corrugated potential energy surface is a result of the i
36 res, and constructed a flat structure with a corrugated strand pattern.
37                    We take advantage of this corrugated structure to design a new class of inhibitors
38  only, the platinum overlayers evolve into a corrugated structure under compressive strain.
39 n-metal method, fabrication of this metallic corrugated structure was readily achieved in a single st
40          In this study, we prepared metallic corrugated structures for use as highly sensitive plasmo
41              This algorithm models extremely corrugated structures like the brain, is topologically a
42                                 The metallic corrugated structures were capable of sensing both surfa
43  core of a micelle is surrounded by a highly corrugated surface containing hydrated non-polar cavitie
44                                          The corrugated surface of BHCNTs enables them to bond easily
45 te experimental band structure of atoms in a corrugated surface potential.
46 uggest that the gating reaction has a broad, corrugated transition state region, with the maximum ope
47 30 mins, by connecting 45-mL (3- to 4-mL/kg) corrugated tube segments until a total deadspace volume
48                              These are quite corrugated, unlike the pristine sheets, and have a diffe

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