


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 inction memories intermingle within the same cortical area.
2 gh-intensity electrical signals over a broad cortical area.
3  seizures are driven from a small, migrating cortical area.
4 ognize the multi-modal 'fingerprint' of each cortical area.
5 d language acquisition in bilinguals in this cortical area.
6 ions of spiking neurons, each representing a cortical area.
7 as it integrates information across multiple cortical areas.
8 ormation from neural activity in heteromodal cortical areas.
9 llation) of its major subdivisions, known as cortical areas.
10  that propagate across the surface of visual cortical areas.
11 it and population responses in higher visual cortical areas.
12 ing waves of synaptic activity into adjacent cortical areas.
13 l remain unclear, especially in higher-order cortical areas.
14 nput suggest differential contributions from cortical areas.
15 onnecting to subcortical regions and distant cortical areas.
16 ometabolism spread in temporal, parietal and cortical areas.
17 eferentially interconnect with motor-related cortical areas.
18 eld properties of neurons in primary sensory cortical areas.
19 P < .001), a region connected to associative cortical areas.
20 hat encode attended information in different cortical areas.
21  of the neural computations performed across cortical areas.
22  of the neural computations performed across cortical areas.
23 than occurring near synchronously across all cortical areas.
24 ent with the natural frequencies of targeted cortical areas.
25 nterior cingulate, insula, and orbitofrontal cortical areas.
26  between connectivity and function in visual cortical areas.
27 on compared to controls in stimulus-specific cortical areas.
28  different receptive field sizes in distinct cortical areas.
29 y classical cytoarchitectonic definitions of cortical areas.
30 d diffuse activation in V1 and contralateral cortical areas.
31 integration of heading signals, unlike other cortical areas.
32  correlations consistently vanish across all cortical areas.
33 urring within the auditory thalamus and some cortical areas.
34 ctionally specialized but widely distributed cortical areas.
35 nd may be a general property shared by other cortical areas.
36 gh task-dependent interactions with adjacent cortical areas.
37  neurons and two nuclei innervating distinct cortical areas.
38 adjustments by modulating activity in visual cortical areas.
39 as well as in extrastriate and contralateral cortical areas.
40  a way that facilitates communication across cortical areas.
41 e prominent inputs from virtually all visual cortical areas.
42 the transmission of information to and among cortical areas.
43  of differences in brain activity in frontal cortical areas.
44 er, is not well established across different cortical areas.
45  to each other or between layers of the same cortical areas.
46 in functional interactions within and across cortical areas.
47 a sharp decrease in FC between somatosensory cortical areas.
48 bution patterns and to certain contralateral cortical areas.
49 verlap with the PMG or include solely remote cortical areas.
50 ity is a general principle applying to other cortical areas.
51  effects were only produced between specific cortical areas.
52 MD (-0.85), cortical volumetric BMD (-0.67), cortical area (-0.61), and cortical thickness (-0.77) th
53 es to audiovisual signals in subcortical and cortical areas [1-5].
54 idly and alternately activate and deactivate cortical areas advantageous or obtrusive to function dir
55 rc/Arg3.1 in auditory and neighboring visual cortical areas after bilateral deafness in young adult r
56 de neuronal tract tracer injections into rat cortical areas along the cortical processing hierarchy,
57 ea, primary visual cortex, as well as higher cortical areas along the ventral and dorsal visual proce
58  weight in the child sample had an effect on cortical area also when controlling for possible genetic
59 the strength of connectivity between a given cortical area and the claustrum.
60  the way visual stimuli are encoded within a cortical area and the extent to which visual information
61 he relationship between the size of affected cortical area and the magnitude of electrical charge.
62  the structure of these synapses in distinct cortical areas and across species is a prerequisite for
63 to provide regulation of signals between the cortical areas and among layers.
64 gamma)-oscillations are present in different cortical areas and are thought to be inhibition-driven,
65 mpartments of projection neurons, in diverse cortical areas and at timescales ranging from millisecon
66 ting theta phase coupling of distant frontal cortical areas and can contribute to the development of
67 sets comprising different species, different cortical areas and different experimental tasks.
68 s involved deeper cortical laminae, multiple cortical areas and gyri.
69 ors in human brain had the highest values in cortical areas and hippocampus, with moderate values in
70 including those in both superficial and deep cortical areas and in grid, border, and head direction c
71   iGluRs are differentially expressed in the cortical areas and in the species, and all have a unique
72 ion of extinction memory and suggested novel cortical areas and large-scale networks for targeting in
73 tween prestimulus alpha power over posterior cortical areas and reaction time (RT) to targets during
74  the neocortex of many mammals varies across cortical areas and regions.
75 o the claustrum, has connections with limbic cortical areas and should be considered part of a claust
76 e of functional connectivity between frontal cortical areas and the motor region of the striatum as a
77 he functional connectivity between different cortical areas and the motor, but not associative, regio
78 n addition to the anatomical connectivity of cortical areas and the properties of individual neurons
79 ent is particularly evident for the cerebral cortical areas and the transformation of the use of the
80 y exerting a distant modulatory influence on cortical areas and their reciprocal interplay with subco
81 rticularly wide subjacent to the association cortical areas and underneath the summit of its folia.
82  neurons receive strong inputs from auditory cortical areas and very poor or even absent projections
83 e spike timing has to propagate through many cortical areas, and noise could disrupt millisecond prec
84 ed of networks of neurons, circuits, nuclei, cortical areas, and systems of areas.
85       Reorganization takes place in multiple cortical areas, and thalamic and medullary nuclei.
86  (S2), parietal ventral area (PV), and other cortical areas; and thalamic inputs from the ventroposte
87 Feedforward and feedback pathways connecting cortical areas are critical for this transformation.
88 r responses, for which the sensory and motor cortical areas are critical.
89 theoretical framework suggesting all primary cortical areas are equivalent.
90                                 Extrastriate cortical areas are frequently composed of subpopulations
91                   In contrast, the cingulate cortical areas are important for emotional expression, b
92                                       Visual cortical areas are interconnected via layer-specific fee
93                                        These cortical areas are involved in all aspects of skeletomot
94                                        These cortical areas are involved in higher-order aspects of c
95 ationships vary across functionally distinct cortical areas are not known.
96                                    Different cortical areas are organized into distinct intracortical
97              In primates, posterior auditory cortical areas are thought to be part of a dorsal audito
98 cal response properties of motion-responsive cortical areas are well studied, sensory estimates of vi
99 l signature of sporadic ALS is restricted to cortical areas as well as to subcortical nuclei that are
100 ctions of features associated with different cortical areas as well as to successfully match image re
101  The kinetics of the (18)F-AV-1451 tracer in cortical areas, as examined in this small group of subje
102 eentrant loops between frontal and posterior cortical areas, as well as sub-cortical structures.
103 avenues for emotions to influence high-order cortical areas associated with affective reasoning.
104 y demonstrations showing that frontoparietal cortical areas associated with top-down control represen
105 ere thicker and less myelinated than primary cortical areas at 14 y.
106 ost strongly influences (drives) activity in cortical areas beyond V1.
107           These data demonstrate that limbic cortical areas both tune the function of cognitive terri
108 send profuse axonal projections to olfactory cortical areas, but not to the OB.
109 forms widespread connections with almost all cortical areas, but the cellular organization of claustr
110 ve connections with striate and extrastriate cortical areas, but the impact of these connections on c
111 lantation and narrow the search for eloquent cortical areas by DCS.
112      We also show that higher-order auditory cortical areas, by contrast, represent an attended speec
113      We also show that higher-order auditory cortical areas, by contrast, represent the attended stre
114              Studies of plasticity show that cortical areas can change function from one sensory moda
115                               Moreover, some cortical areas can transiently "wake up" [8] in an other
116 the rat as diverse, higher order associative cortical areas, comparable to those described in the pri
117 nstrated modifications in the recruitment of cortical areas consistent with data from MS patients.
118                                         Each cortical area contains a topographic map of visual space
119                                     Multiple cortical areas contribute to visual processing in mice.
120 tigate whether characteristics of prefrontal cortical areas correlate with these measures.
121 ys and functionally connected more posterior cortical areas could contribute to apathy.
122 ifts in the relative alpha phase between two cortical areas could modulate cortical communication, qu
123            Subsequently, the same prefrontal cortical areas deactivated after a painful experience ha
124 ches functional connectivity between MDT and cortical areas depending on current task demands, with,
125 ugh kinematic synergies, were represented in cortical areas devoted to hand motor control and success
126  imaging studies show that different frontal cortical areas directly project to the STN via so-called
127 al, midline, and prefrontal, but not primary cortical areas, displayed localized ripple (100 to 150 h
128  applying the same tACS waveform to the same cortical area does not always give the same change in co
129 tive function, its interactions with sensory cortical areas during attention have been hypothesized t
130 profound modifications in the recruitment of cortical areas during motor, cognitive, and sensory task
131 ber of grip types can be decoded from higher cortical areas during movement preparation and execution
132  behavioral manipulations targeting specific cortical areas during prolonged wakefulness lead to a re
133 he interaction between both local and remote cortical areas during the use of an electrocorticographi
134 n the patterns of fMRI activation in various cortical areas: early visual cortex, posterior intrapari
135 ivity in human visual, parietal, and frontal cortical areas encode representations of a simple featur
136  in part by observations that frontoparietal cortical areas encode task-level variables (e.g., what s
137 ion are dissociable and that a circumscribed cortical area equally critical for word and sentence com
138                                              Cortical areas, especially visual cortex, may be respons
139             Since tRNS can be applied to all cortical areas, exploiting the SR phenomenon is not rest
140        Corticocortical pathways interconnect cortical areas extensively, but the cellular connectivit
141 down modulation of activity within posterior cortical areas for the selective retrieval of specific a
142 ing circuit dynamics and connectivity across cortical areas, for long-term studies of neuromodulation
143 progressively increase in neighboring visual cortical areas from 2 weeks after deafness and these cha
144 olume of the frontal, temporal, and parietal cortical areas further decreased from that at 12 months.
145       Although the role of sensory and motor cortical areas has been a focus of recent debate, neuroi
146                   Neural activity in frontal cortical areas has been causally linked to short-term me
147  simultaneous termination of seizures across cortical areas has led to the hypothesis that seizures a
148 d by a population of neurons in a particular cortical area, has considerable physiological support.
149 esponses of pairs of neurons within the same cortical area have been a subject of growing interest in
150 trols over the size and relative position of cortical areas have been identified, less is known about
151 e of action potential bursts in the premotor cortical area HVC.
152 feedforward neural processing between visual cortical areas, ignoring the likely impact of corticosub
153 rd, lateral, and feedback inputs within each cortical area impedes the investigation of feedback, and
154 tern of long-distance synaptic inputs into a cortical area important for cognition.
155 ion (PHR) and retrosplenial cortex (RSC) are cortical areas important for spatial cognition.
156 e Ca(2+) neuronal activity in vivo in the V1 cortical area in awake and freely moving mice using two-
157 mpacts of an inflammation restricted to this cortical area in rats.
158                       The EZ included remote cortical areas in 21 (43%) cases and was primarily local
159 ndopiriform nucleus, but was abundant across cortical areas in a ventral high-dorsal low gradient.
160 ic, limbic, and particularly primary sensory cortical areas in addition to known head-direction pathw
161 mpared the cortical cytoarchitecture of four cortical areas in adult hearing and congenitally deaf ca
162 across a hierarchically organized network of cortical areas in monkeys trained to group visual stimul
163 ocessing streams within the first and second cortical areas in monkeys.
164 sifier detected the presence of 96.6% of the cortical areas in new subjects, replicated the group par
165 ngs support a central role of human-specific cortical areas in the brain dynamics of dyadic interacti
166 cal region interacts with specific posterior cortical areas in the human cerebral cortex for the sele
167 mping links" between nonadjacent perisylvian cortical areas in the latter, and demonstrate that the e
168 mined the morphology of neurons from several cortical areas in the newborn giraffe and elephant.
169   When we reach and grasp an object, various cortical areas in the parietal and frontal lobes work to
170 layer 3 pyramidal neurons of two specialized cortical areas in the rhesus monkey, the high-order late
171                             Higher and lower cortical areas in the visual hierarchy are reciprocally
172 he biological limit of a single axon between cortical areas in these data, suggests that they might c
173 fMRI data to investigate the hypothesis that cortical areas in this "general semantic network" (GSN)
174 l to any laboratory wishing to target visual cortical areas in this increasingly valuable model syste
175 sists of discrete, bilateral and symmetrical cortical areas, in the medial and lateral parietal, medi
176 s are associated with dysfunction of frontal cortical areas including the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC).
177 ultitude of visual, parietal, and prefrontal cortical areas, including portions of the medial occipit
178 ller conflict-related activations in several cortical areas, including the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Co
179         The number of MCs in hippocampal and cortical areas increased drastically even before amyloid
180 ioning of exocytic vesicle fusion to broader cortical areas induces proportional shape changes to gro
181  neurons were also found within transitional cortical areas (insular, cingulate, and piriform cortice
182                    We suggest that different cortical areas integrate motion signals in different way
183                              Across multiple cortical areas, integration is characterized by two neur
184 ork helps define the rules for how different cortical areas interact in time and space.
185 ross both hemispheres, consisting of several cortical areas interconnected by long-association fronto
186 of retrograde tracing data on connections of cortical areas into a 3D marmoset brain template, genera
187 n of visual-feature encoding in early visual cortical areas into more flexible categorical representa
188                    Moreover, FEF is the only cortical area investigated in which attention does not a
189 an error, activity increased in those visual cortical areas involved in processing task-relevant stim
190 we show that mnemonic encoding occurs when a cortical area is organized such that nearby neurons pref
191 ect perception and neural activity in visual cortical areas is a problem of fundamental importance in
192              Relaying neural signals between cortical areas is central to cognition and sensory proce
193            Flexible coordination of multiple cortical areas is critical for complex cognitive functio
194 alysis have shown that communication between cortical areas is disrupted in non-REM sleep and anesthe
195 al coordination of neuronal assemblies among cortical areas is essential for behavioral performance.
196 suggest that the cognitive function of human cortical areas is largely determined by input during dev
197 er, correlated variability between different cortical areas is likely just as important.
198     Selective routing of information between cortical areas is required in order to combine different
199  connection strengths is observed in diverse cortical areas, its functional significance remains unkn
200 feedback during locust flight or to multiple cortical areas just prior to task performance decreases
201 eatures of the genetic architecture of adult cortical areas, layers, and cell types, as well as spati
202 ficient sleep restoration over circumscribed cortical areas leads to aberrant behavior.
203                           Abnormal layout of cortical areas may disrupt sensory function and behavior
204                                       Across cortical areas, modest transcriptional differences among
205 edback signals originating in frontoparietal cortical areas modulate or bias sensory processing in po
206 zation for sensing 3D motion in area MT, the cortical area most tightly linked to the processing and
207            Remarkably, we also found several cortical areas, mostly located along the middle temporal
208                                      Primate cortical area MT plays a central role in visual motion p
209 r depth sign from motion parallax in macaque cortical area MT, a computation that was previously thou
210                     For instance, in primate cortical area MT, different classes of direction-selecti
211 ulate nucleus directly with the extrastriate cortical area MT.
212 m populations of motion-sensitive neurons in cortical area MT.
213 unit responses in the monkey middle temporal cortical area (MT).
214 arly, it is unclear how the neurons in these cortical areas multiplex their traditional functions rel
215 haracterize the architecture of the parietal cortical areas of cebus monkeys.
216 eptive activity generated in subcortical and cortical areas of the brain [1, 2].
217       It is now widely accepted that primary cortical areas of the brain that were once thought to be
218           Consistent across the cohorts, all cortical areas of the CO network showed higher activity
219            It is commonly conceived that the cortical areas of the hippocampal region are functionall
220 sly recorded in sensory, premotor, and motor cortical areas of two monkeys during a somatosensory dis
221 y visual information is communicated between cortical areas on longer timescales by recording simulta
222  of connectivity between thalamic nuclei and cortical areas or deep nuclei), which independently cont
223 ed influence of hierarchically higher placed cortical areas over primary motor and somatosensory cort
224 verlap showed significant network overlap in cortical areas previously implicated in symptom expressi
225 cortex, given how dysfunctions in the latter cortical area provide some of the earliest in vivo imagi
226  synergy among different layers in different cortical areas remains unclear.
227 tending from perceptual and motor regions to cortical areas representing more abstract functions, but
228 or cortex (PM) receives inputs from parietal cortical areas representing processed visuospatial infor
229 nd allocortical areas, we conclude that most cortical areas send bilateral projections to the claustr
230                      Hearing cats and visual cortical areas served as a control.
231                                          The cortical areas showing increased global connectivity ove
232  information processing in area MT and other cortical areas.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Propagating wave p
233 fferent stimulus dimensions and in different cortical areas.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Visual neurons are
234 2), precluding the visualization of multiple cortical areas simultaneously.
235                                 Yet, sensory cortical area size appears to be fine tuned during devel
236 ring changes in thalamic gene expression and cortical area size.
237 al sub-cortical mechanism that regulates the cortical areas size in mice.
238 al function of the human brain with multiple cortical areas specialised for sensory recognition or mo
239                                       Visual cortical areas subserve cognitive functions by interacti
240 he hippocampus and increasingly dependent on cortical areas, such as the anterior cingulate cortex (A
241                                              Cortical areas, such as the dorsal subdivision of the me
242 at, during working memory, neurons in higher cortical areas, such as the parietal and prefrontal cort
243                            Neurons in higher cortical areas, such as the prefrontal cortex, are often
244 pment of the caudate nucleus and associative cortical areas, suggesting potential dysfunction of cort
245 istance links, which are concentrated on few cortical areas, termed long-distance connectors (LDCs).
246  the complexity of such applications, higher cortical areas that also represent motor plans rather th
247 ot (15)O-water delivery measures) in primary cortical areas that arose only after accounting for cere
248      These techniques restrict the number of cortical areas that can be simultaneously sampled and ar
249 milar stimuli and are fully absent in visual cortical areas that feed into the hippocampus.
250 sual perception and behavior are mediated by cortical areas that have been distinguished using archit
251 to reveal significant differences from other cortical areas that perform different functions.
252                      However, only one minor cortical area, the amygdalo-piriform transition area (Am
253 scale changes in projections from one visual cortical area, the posterior ectosylvian field (EPp), an
254                                        Among cortical areas, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC, area
255  transmission of spiking information between cortical areas, thereby confirming the value of gamma co
256 t by its smooth cortical sheet, which allows cortical areas to be easily accessed by current technolo
257 Subcortical brain regions form circuits with cortical areas to coordinate movement, learning, memory
258 anding the relative contributions of various cortical areas to decision making.
259 nd feedback projections from multiple higher cortical areas to L1 are patchy.
260 ensory modality can recruit sensory-deprived cortical areas to process information from the remaining
261  investigated reactivity of the amygdala and cortical areas to repeated threat presentations in a pro
262 bserved not only in fiber bundles connecting cortical areas to the striatum (e.g. striatal bundle and
263 ime, neuroimaging studies have also revealed cortical areas to vary in their level of macroscale conn
264 al tracers, we found that multiple olfactory cortical areas transmit signals to hypothalamic corticot
265 igated how the IPS actively relates to other cortical areas under arms-crossed and -uncrossed conditi
266  mapping retinotopy to identify mouse visual cortical areas using ISI.
267 aneous recordings of neuronal populations in cortical areas V1 and V2 of the macaque monkey.
268                                 The earliest cortical area (V1) contains neurons responding to colour
269 and P-influenced columns within each of four cortical areas (V2, V3, V3A, and V4), based on known fun
270                                We found that cortical area V3 has a parametric representation of the
271 e of local field potential (LFP) activity in cortical area V4 of macaque monkeys that is triggered by
272 ties, we recorded from individual neurons in cortical area V4 of nonhuman primates trained to execute
273                     Specifically, in primate cortical area V4, alpha coherence links sites that encod
274 magnetic stimulation (TMS) applied to visual cortical area V5/MT to reduce the SNR focally and thus d
275                                              Cortical area V6 has been implicated in heading computat
276 visual areas and projecting back to the same cortical areas via globus pallidus, substantia nigra, an
277 he primary motor (M1) and somatosensory (S1) cortical areas via the projections from reward-sensitive
278                       Furthermore, a greater cortical area was dedicated to controlling the forelimb
279                                              Cortical area was more predictive of neuronal selectivit
280  of N-terminally truncated amyloid-beta42 in cortical areas was associated with disease onset, durati
281 sk-specific training, recruitment of ectopic cortical areas was greatly reduced and there was no sign
282 lamocortical synaptic circuits differ across cortical areas, we examined the ultrastructure of genicu
283 multiple single unit recordings from various cortical areas, we find that there is no universal corti
284                                        Seven cortical areas were identified between the precentral gy
285 omposed of two parts, and lateral and dorsal cortical areas were identified.
286 ssive changes after injury and that hindlimb cortical areas were recruited to control the forelimb ov
287     We found and replicated that association cortical areas were thicker and less myelinated than pri
288 y increased gamma-band activity (GBA) in the cortical area where prediction and evidence are compared
289 ion encoding in high-gamma activity (HGA) in cortical areas where neurons are heterogeneous in select
290 tial organization for memories in high-level cortical areas, where encoded information is largely abs
291 ogeneous, even in layers 3b/4 of the primary cortical areas, where the thalamic input is dominated by
292 .e., layers II-IV) project within and across cortical areas, whereas many lower-layer pyramidal neuro
293 the ependyma (EP), containing the limbic and cortical areas, which also harbor neural progenitor cell
294 ol subjects, additionally recruited adjacent cortical areas, which showed a decrease in functional ma
295 ctivity of subsectors of neurons in the same cortical area with highly similar neuronal response prop
296 ing studies have consistently found specific cortical areas with biased responses to food-associated
297 ad projections preferentially to ipsilateral cortical areas with different projection strengths and l
298 sults suggest that under disease conditions, cortical areas with pronounced expression of risk genes
299 icacy of glutamatergic signaling in distinct cortical areas within and across species.
300 be related to the degree of convergence from cortical areas within this region of the striatum and ma

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