


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 annels and subsequently combined in a single cortical cell.
2 l cells and nonhair (N) cells contacting one cortical cell.
3  cell affected their efficacy in driving the cortical cell.
4 called the periarbuscular membrane, into the cortical cell.
5 train the information communicated through a cortical cell.
6  both acting specifically in elongation zone cortical cells.
7 fferentiated hyphae called arbuscules in the cortical cells.
8  to as the infection thread (IT), toward the cortical cells.
9 ow a diverse range of properties observed in cortical cells.
10  and estrogen have been detected in neonatal cortical cells.
11 mitral cell convergence and integration onto cortical cells.
12 neurotoxicity utilizing rat neonatal primary cortical cells.
13 ive to the excitation it receives from other cortical cells.
14 m early visual pathways can affect tuning in cortical cells.
15 plant and have joint plasmodesmata with host cortical cells.
16 ired for the production of normal numbers of cortical cells.
17 sfers mineral nutrients from the soil to the cortical cells.
18 1 (ribosomal S6 kinase 1) levels in cultured cortical cells.
19 and motility signals for migrating embryonic cortical cells.
20 a and oligodendrocytes and replicating fetal cortical cells.
21 the transformation from non-DS neurons to DS cortical cells.
22 bserved between the modulation of VPM and BF cortical cells.
23 the diameter of the epidermal and underlying cortical cells.
24 rate of both epidermal cell types but not of cortical cells.
25 ating that the changes were intrinsic to the cortical cells.
26 found at both apical and basal ends of these cortical cells.
27  low frequencies to become possible for more cortical cells.
28 eas ventrolateral deposits labeled few or no cortical cells.
29 the neocortex and to confer area identity to cortical cells.
30 ibute to representation of visual stimuli by cortical cells.
31 inder, but not in the surrounding uninfected cortical cells.
32 nt of the orientation-selective responses of cortical cells.
33 amidal neurons or between FS cells and other cortical cells.
34 lated COX-1 activity, but not expression, in cortical cells.
35 embers is regulated by programs intrinsic to cortical cells.
36  effect in the firing rates of primary motor cortical cells.
37 n branched hyphae called arbuscules and root cortical cells.
38 ression of Jnk1 relative to noninterneuronal cortical cells.
39  maternal seizure activates HSF1 in cerebral cortical cells.
40 anched hyphae, called arbuscules, within the cortical cells.
41 t to enable arbuscule formation in the inner cortical cells.
42  species have been localized in lysosomes of cortical cells, a type of adrenal cell present in the cu
43 initiating and balancing the requirement for cortical cell activation without uncontrolled cell proli
44 so accumulated at lower levels in uninfected cortical cells adjacent to the periderm and the vascular
45 ate, and 2-phosphoglycerate were elevated in cortical cells after toxic exposure to copper.
46                                              Cortical cells also became broadly tuned for stimulus or
47 B.T1 receptor by gene targeting rescues Ts16 cortical cell and hippocampal neuronal death.
48 symbiosis, arbuscule development in the root cortical cell and simultaneous deposition of the plant p
49 ons constitute approximately 20% of auditory cortical cells and are essential for shaping sensory pro
50 usly described, including embryonic piriform cortical cells and dentate granule cell precursors.
51  window resulting in maturation of binocular cortical cells and depth perception.
52  nuclei occur prior to hyphal entry into the cortical cells and do not require DELLA signaling.
53 their position in relation to the underlying cortical cells and establish distinct cell identities.
54 ntagonizes the inhibitory effects of younger cortical cells and exogenous BMP4.
55 med in wild-type (WT) and STEP knockout (KO) cortical cells and in vivo in WT and STEP KO mice sugges
56 estions remain, but new tools for perturbing cortical cells and measuring plasticity at the level of
57 n that direct artificial connections between cortical cells and muscles can compensate for interrupte
58 ntagonist U-73122 studies in hop-transfected cortical cells and native sympathetic neuroblasts.
59 oot-hair (H) cells contacting two underlying cortical cells and nonhair (N) cells contacting one cort
60 biosis in which the fungus inhabits the root cortical cells and obtains carbon provided by the plant
61         However, the rules of innervation of cortical cells and regions by diverse septal neurons are
62 e applied the platform to fresh single mouse cortical cells and to frozen post-mortem human cortical
63 brain neurons consistent with the view that 'cortical' cells and circuits are present in all amniotes
64 athic pain, orientation preference in visual cortical cells, and cocaine sensitisation.
65     RAM1 itself is induced in colonized root cortical cells, and expression of RAM1 and RAD1 is modul
66 erating cells like cardiac myocytes, adrenal cortical cells, and neurons, suggesting an additional ro
67  shaping the temporal response properties of cortical cells, and suggests that common cortical circui
68 e called arbuscules, that develop within the cortical cells, and the plant transports the phosphate a
69 phase resetting curves (PRCs) for entorhinal cortical cells, and then to construct networks of two su
70 itotoxic neuronal death in mixed cultures of cortical cells; and 3) protection against 1-methyl-4-phe
71  arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, the root cortical cells are colonized by branched hyphae called a
72                                       Visual cortical cells are commonly characterized by their recep
73                                Because these cortical cells are the first to intercept photosynthate
74 e that early functions of Pax6 in developing cortical cells are to repress expression of transcriptio
75  an ON-center blockade starting after visual cortical cells are visually driven but still poorly tune
76     The higher Bax/Bcl-2 ratio suggests that cortical cells are vulnerable to apoptosis in chronic sc
77 ng-term plasticity can alter the discharging cortical cell assemblies by learning.
78 d Ivm in the arrangement and connectivity of cortical cell assemblies.
79 s to compile a cell type parts list, build a Cortical Cell Atlas, establish experimental access to mo
80 lar invertase were both observed in the same cortical cells bearing arbuscules that fluoresce.
81 r, TCSn, showed that this response occurs in cortical cells before spreading to the epidermis in L. j
82                      Visual input to layer 4 cortical cells between electrical stimuli must therefore
83 , and, following retrograde transport to the cortical cell bodies, apoptosis was induced by infrared
84 lly positioned symmetrically relative to the cortical cell boundaries, but it can also be asymmetric.
85 y continuous with the plasma membrane of the cortical cell, but MtPT4 and other periarbuscular membra
86  mVAP33 protein in brain slices and cultured cortical cells by light and electron microscopy.
87 h and maintenance of dendrites in developing cortical cells by regulating the phosphorylation of MAP2
88 ntation selectivity is conferred upon visual cortical cells by the alignment of the receptive fields
89 tion/neuroprotection using mixed cultures of cortical cells challenged with beta-amyloid peptide.
90 es in the connectivity patterns of different cortical cell classes enable them to encode information
91 shuttles between the nuclear and cytoplasmic/cortical cell compartments in embryonic cells.
92 -nothing' LAX3 spatial expression pattern in cortical cells containing a gradient of auxin concentrat
93 ascular tissue, and expression is induced in cortical cells containing arbuscules.
94 e inconsistent with a well-known property of cortical cells: contrast invariance of orientation tunin
95 cellular AA release employing a murine mixed cortical cell culture preparation radiolabeled with AA.
96 oprotective at low concentrations in primary cortical cell culture.
97                A population of embryonic rat cortical cells cultured in the presence of FGF2 and havi
98 ha-synuclein phosphorylation both in primary cortical cell cultures and in mouse brain in vivo.
99 iRNA) targeting TNFalpha were incubated with cortical cell cultures and microinjected into the primar
100                                       Murine cortical cell cultures exposed for 5-10 min to 300 micro
101                       Subsequent analysis of cortical cell cultures indicated that combined E2/LiCl d
102                          Exposure of primary cortical cell cultures to both compounds resulted in an
103                       In this study, we used cortical cell cultures to show for the first time that a
104 pression of Bcl-X splice variants in primary cortical cell cultures.
105      DHA also increased synaptophysin in rat cortical cell cultures.
106 educed brain edema, axonal degeneration, and cortical cell death at 24-48 h of recovery.
107      These effects were not due to increased cortical cell death during inactivation.
108 h ATP and BzATP stimulated microglia-induced cortical cell death indicating this pathway may contribu
109 of embryonic cortex, co-culture with younger cortical cells delays their development.
110 n the cortex, but the majority of adult-born cortical cells did not appear to myelinate.
111 s), whereas cells that contact only a single cortical cell differentiate into mature hairless cells (
112 Epidermal cells in contact with 2 underlying cortical cells differentiate into hair cells (H cells; t
113 nt have used time-lapse microscopy to follow cortical cell division and migration, gene arrays to fin
114 lso show a complete absence of infection and cortical cell division following Sinorhizobium meliloti
115 tion response before the involvement of root cortical cell division leading to the nodule structure.
116 d disclosed a novel action of MAP65-4 at the cortical cell division site.
117 nitiated forward signaling of EphA4 promotes cortical cell division.
118 the Ckx3 promoter is active during the first cortical cell divisions of the nodule primordium and in
119  infection thread progression and associated cortical cell divisions, resulting in a drastic reductio
120 show that in the ton1a mutant, epidermal and cortical cells do not form narrow, ring-like preprophase
121 ed by the decrease in number of meristematic cortical cells due to EPiR.
122 sed data and the directional tuning of motor cortical cells during a center-out reaching task.
123 ermal plasma membrane domain oriented to the cortical cells during cell elongation as well as subsequ
124 drogenase is detrimental to the viability of cortical cells during I/R, even though extracellular lac
125 ansport and subsequent auxin accumulation in cortical cells during the early stages of nodulation.
126                      The network behavior of cortical cells during the processing of a light flash wa
127                      We also showed that the cortical cells expand during germination, suggesting a s
128          An increased fraction of transgenic cortical cells express the progenitor markers Nestin and
129 linergic neurons) and has reduced numbers of cortical cells expressing GABA, DLX2 and calbindin that
130           When neuronal activity is blocked, cortical cells fail to develop normal ocular dominance a
131                      Furthermore, transgenic cortical cells fail to either upregulate ErbB4 or develo
132 BMPs and their antagonist noggin co-regulate cortical cell fate and morphogenesis.
133 trophins, in the regulation of p53-dependent cortical cell fate.
134   We tested the hypothesis that reduced root cortical cell file number (CCFN) would improve drought t
135 etamine-treated rats, a higher proportion of cortical cells fired in bursts, and a larger proportion
136 ssociated with browning and necrosis of root cortical cells flanking the invading endophyte and with
137 oteins were detected immunocytochemically in cortical cells from E10 to birth.
138           Corresponding in vitro cultures of cortical cells from Epor(-/-) mice also exhibited decrea
139 Once removed from their in vivo environment, cortical cells from the H-Tx rat have the ability to pro
140 ctional structures called arbuscules in root cortical cells from which mineral nutrients are released
141               First, the disparity tuning of cortical cells generally sharpened during the time cours
142 fects of GABA, demonstrating that for murine cortical cells, glutamate is a more potent chemoattracta
143 on, we examined gene expression in embryonic cortical cells grown in vitro, such that all cellular co
144 platform that consists of fetal rat cerebral cortical cells grown within 3D silk scaffolds (SF).
145    Twenty-two percent of striatal and 15% of cortical cells had temporally specific modulations in th
146 pective extrastriate cortex, suggesting that cortical cells harbor functional biases that may influen
147                         In cultures of mixed cortical cells, HIV/gp120 increased the protein level of
148 ntraradices (Schenck & Smith) was limited to cortical cells immediately adjacent to the endodermis.
149                                 Furthermore, cortical cells immediately below the epidermal layer als
150 ntibodies raised in rabbits destroy cultured cortical cells in a complement-dependent manner.
151                Compatible bacteria can reach cortical cells in a tightly regulated infection process,
152                                              Cortical cells in cocaine- and saline-treated animals ex
153                   These results suggest that cortical cells in fine roots function like hydraulic fus
154  the intracellular potential of postsynaptic cortical cells in input layers of primary visual cortex.
155  and those between neighboring epidermal and cortical cells in sos5 roots appear less organized.
156                                              Cortical cells in stems of N-stressed Gunnera plants wer
157 ctopic deposition of lignin in epidermal and cortical cells in stems.
158 noreactivity is present on medullary but not cortical cells in the adrenal gland.
159 xpressed strongly in dividing and elongating cortical cells in the apical hook and in the root elonga
160 ow, the preferred orientations of individual cortical cells in the mouse are mismatched through the t
161  signaling influences the differentiation of cortical cells in vitro.
162  we examined the effects of BMP2 and BMP4 on cortical cells in vitro.
163  of differentiation markers in Pax6(Sey/Sey) cortical cells in vivo and in vitro.
164 f their stimulus selectivity, primary visual cortical cells increase their firing rates in response t
165 s) 1, 2, and 3], a loss of lipid droplets in cortical cells (index of availability of cholesterol, th
166  occurred in dissociated culture of isolated cortical cells, indicating that the changes were intrins
167 in the marginal zone, and disorganization of cortical cells induced several malformations, including
168                                    Clones of cortical cells initially expressing only BLBP gave rise
169                                              Cortical cells integrate synaptic input from multiple so
170  linked to the orientation preference of the cortical cells involved.
171 ailure (i.e. lacunae formation) in fine root cortical cells is the initial and primary driver of redu
172 tory bulb glomeruli converge onto individual cortical cells is unclear.
173 inuous with the plant plasma membrane of the cortical cell, is a key interface in the symbiosis; howe
174 ding reduced cellular polarity but preserved cortical cell layer identity.
175 ovel gravity set point angle, differences in cortical cell layer patterning, stem cell niche structur
176              The endodermis is the innermost cortical cell layer that features rings of hydrophobic c
177                                              Cortical cell layers also form normally in mice deficien
178 fically localized to the epidermal and outer cortical cell layers of the DTZ in the Al-resistant NIL,
179 the epidermis and proceeded to include outer cortical cell layers.
180 ll length was less dramatically reduced than cortical cell length, suggesting that a reduction in the
181                          In an embryonic rat cortical cell line (A1A1v), 24-h treatment with 100 nM (
182 from Al(3+) treatment originated mostly from cortical cells located at 300 to 500 mu m from the root
183             Furthermore, we observed reduced cortical cell loss at 5 weeks postinjury in mannose-bind
184  in the amyloplast-rich sheath of uninfected cortical cells lying between the infected cells and nodu
185                           This suggests that cortical cells may be "hard wired" to respond preferenti
186 3)H-MK-801 binding was performed in cerebral cortical cell membranes from fetal sheep at 88, 120, and
187 ls axon guidance defects without evidence of cortical cell migration abnormalities.
188 ptor protein with a well established role in cortical cell migration, acts downstream of APP for this
189         Stereological analysis of entorhinal cortical cell number demonstrated approximately 20% redu
190      Together, these data suggest that adult cortical cell number may be established, in part, by an
191                  This review aims to compare cortical cell numbers and neuronal cell types to the ela
192                                        While cortical cell numbers decreased, size increased to maint
193     Reprogramming of the plant epidermal and cortical cells occurs to enable intracellular growth of
194 tural abnormalities were observed in adrenal cortical cells of ALD mice.
195          Growth and maturation of the edible cortical cells of apples (Malus domestica Borkh) are acc
196 e region of the transverse cell walls in the cortical cells of both root and hypocotyl.
197 T-1 was found predominantly in epidermal and cortical cells of the apical hook of light-grown seedlin
198 uctures called arbuscules that are formed in cortical cells of the host root.
199 ed survival- and growth-enhancing effects of cortical cells on basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (B
200 not reproduce the morphologic enhancement of cortical cells on BFCNs.
201 on molecular cues present on thalamic axons, cortical cells or both.
202  cells that arise directly from either fetal cortical cells or from fetal cortex-derived capsular cel
203 as no effect on proliferation or survival of cortical cells or on phosphorylation of two Ilk substrat
204                                 Treatment of cortical cells or primary neurons with fisetin resulted
205                                              Cortical cell polarity controls mitotic spindle orientat
206     Here, we describe a network of conserved cortical cell polarity proteins that have key roles in m
207 cally by aligning their mitotic spindle with cortical cell polarity to generate distinct sibling cell
208 le-associated signaling pathways to generate cortical cell polarity, highlight common mechanisms, and
209 d in the postnatal cortex and that different cortical cell populations have varying requirements for
210 o phases may represent activities of the two cortical cell populations previously found by animal stu
211 at these physiologic differences seen in the cortical cells postsynaptic to different LGN pathways re
212 rade tracers to determine whether individual cortical cells project to both the left and right IC.
213                               Examination of cortical cell proliferation and differentiation indicate
214 oblast growth factor 2, a known regulator of cortical cell proliferation and differentiation.
215 at a balanced supply of tbcd is critical for cortical cell proliferation and radial migration in the
216                                              Cortical cells receiving direct input from the LGN, iden
217 cessary for the normal development of visual cortical cell receptive fields.
218             Within areas affected by NT-4/5, cortical cells remained responsive to the deprived eye,
219  clonal relationship of radial glia to other cortical cells remains unknown.
220 ted contours-the same regions to which early cortical cells respond in neurophysiological studies of
221               Our observations indicate that cortical cells respond to the acute administration of MD
222 e fura-2 calcium imaging technique, cultured cortical cells responded to GHRH by increasing intracell
223 ping was used to determine the percentage of cortical cells responding to cutaneous forelimb stimulat
224 e attributed to a selective amplification of cortical cells' responses at preferred frequencies by in
225 tractively or divisively suppressed auditory cortical cells' responses to tones.
226  that the CSF reflects the underlying visual cortical cells responsible for fMRI volume and the level
227 iven but still poorly tuned for orientation, cortical cell responsivity was maintained, but no matura
228  addition the expression of R406W tau in the cortical cells resulted in increased cell death as compa
229 n may interact with the existing activity of cortical cells resulting from natural synaptic inputs.
230 el of the direct thalamic input to a layer 4 cortical cell reveals a strong correlation between the d
231 actin cytoskeleton of alpha3 integrin mutant cortical cells reveals aberrant actin cytoskeletal dynam
232 maging of the (190)Os(16)O(-) ion species in cortical cells reveals the same localization as a wide r
233                        We propose that early cortical cells serve a synchronizing role in the initiat
234 sis between simultaneously recorded pairs of cortical cells showed that connections between disparity
235                  They defined two classes of cortical cells, "simple" and "complex", based on neural
236  study was to test the hypothesis that large cortical cell size (CCS) would improve drought tolerance
237  the context of our present understanding of cortical cell specification.
238 y revealed high ACSVL3 expression in adrenal cortical cells, spermatocytes and interstitial cells of
239 n of memories through preferential replay of cortical cell spike sequences during slow-wave sleep.
240 orescence in situ hybridization on embryonic cortical cells supported the rate of aneuploidy observed
241                                  Using a rat cortical cell system, the action of insulysin on Abeta(1
242 ular hyphae form fine-branched structures in cortical cells termed arbuscules, representing the major
243 tation and stimulus size selectivity in most cortical cells tested.
244 , as well as decreased excitation from other cortical cells that are themselves end-inhibited.
245 unique temporal and/or spatial role of adult cortical cells that arise directly from either fetal cor
246 y, demonstrate somatic mutations in affected cortical cells that cannot be detected in unaffected par
247   To accomplish this goal immortalized mouse cortical cells that express low levels of endogenous tau
248 labeled cells form a small percentage of the cortical cells that project to the ipsilateral IC (6.1%
249 eling to determine the morphology of the rat cortical cells that store Reln.
250 can be initiated by Y cells and completed by cortical cells that sum outputs of multiple Y cells in a
251          Delay-period activity of prefrontal cortical cells, the neural hallmark of working memory, i
252                            In endodermal and cortical cells, the noa1 mutant acts synergistically to
253  of gravity perception, and in epidermal and cortical cells, the site of differential growth, but fla
254 afterhyperpolarization (AHP), but, unlike in cortical cells, this AHP is not primarily driven by an i
255 hey raise the possibility that, in primates, cortical cells thought to encode where others are lookin
256                            The response of a cortical cell to a repeated stimulus can be highly varia
257 hat endogenous cortical GHRH activates local cortical cells to affect EEG delta wave power state-spec
258                     We then genotyped single cortical cells to characterize the mosaicism of a somati
259 ithdrawal (2-4 weeks) on the responsivity of cortical cells to electrical stimulation of the ventral
260  this stimulus, we quantified the ability of cortical cells to encode independently and simultaneousl
261 e a consequence of the increasing ability of cortical cells to encode rapid changes in the visual env
262 ned to use these artificial connections from cortical cells to muscles to generate bidirectional wris
263 al excitability, (2) reduced responsivity of cortical cells to phasic increases in DA, and (3) a tren
264                                  Exposure of cortical cells to sustained sensory stimuli results in c
265          Testing the responsiveness of these cortical cells to synaptic inputs or the injection of ar
266 alignancy rate, and metastasis compared with cortical cells-transplanted rats.
267 ocessing, as well as the production rates of cortical cells, trichoblasts, and atrichoblasts.
268 ults identify molecular changes in a defined cortical cell type and link aberrant developmental traje
269 ique to each, were identified for each major cortical cell type.
270 ar mGlu5 receptors derived from HEK cells or cortical cell types bound [3H]quisqualate.
271 whether the intrinsic membrane properties of cortical cell types differ between cortical regions.
272 siological properties that distinguish adult cortical cell types emerge relatively late in postnatal
273 ian cerebral cortex give rise to specialized cortical cell types via consecutive rounds of proliferat
274  of these responses across the full range of cortical cell types, and how these changes contribute to
275 get major excitatory and inhibitory auditory cortical cell types, rapidly modulate auditory cortical
276 ons while producing large numbers of diverse cortical cell types.
277 ptic plasticity, but in vitro experiments in cortical cells typically show very small changes in syna
278              As each arbuscule develops, the cortical cell undergoes a transient reorganization and e
279                  We find that these organoid cortical cells use gene expression programs remarkably s
280  of the wild-type plants but confined to the cortical cell walls of the mutant.
281 itionally, survival of these newly generated cortical cells was affected by neonatal alcohol exposure
282 tamate-induced migration of murine embryonic cortical cells was evaluated in cell dissociates and cor
283         Moreover, orientation selectivity of cortical cells was not disrupted by antisense ODN treatm
284 gation, via inhibition of elongation of root cortical cells, was abolished in npf6.8 knockdown lines.
285                                     Cerebral cortical cells were biopsied from the animals, held in c
286 es showed that early senescence and infected cortical cells were devoid of symbiosome-containing bact
287      New lines of conditionally immortalized cortical cells were generated to test this hypothesis.
288  for functional CFTR was obtained when outer cortical cells were stimulated with protein kinase A or
289             GUS staining was not observed in cortical cells where a lateral root tip or a growing nem
290 ngi, the fungal symbiont resides in the root cortical cells where it delivers mineral nutrients to it
291  symbiosis, the AM fungus colonizes the root cortical cells where it forms branched hyphae called arb
292 of a signal between the root surface and the cortical cells where nodule organogenesis is initiated.
293 ymbiosis, the fungal symbiont colonizes root cortical cells, where it establishes differentiated hyph
294 pression was observed in the root cap and in cortical cells whereas ACC oxidase (ZmACO) expression wa
295  in the intestine, and in kidney and adrenal cortical cells, whereas ACAT2 is present only in hepatoc
296  neocortex and impart positional identity to cortical cells, whereas EMX1 appears not to have a role
297  evoked synaptic responses in primary visual cortical cells while delivering DNA plasmids that allowe
298 tation inhibition: synaptic inhibition among cortical cells with different preferred orientations.
299  from the lateral geniculate nucleus confers cortical cells with orientation and spatial phase prefer
300 t ganglion neurons are stiffer than P-19 and cortical cells, yielding elastic moduli in the range 0.1

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