


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ay a critical role in the differentiation of cortical fields (; ).
2 ] and hippocampal [ventral subiculum (vSUB)] cortical fields.
3 ections with other architectonically defined cortical fields.
4 input to all neighboring frequency-organized cortical fields.
5 tional diversity between frequency-organized cortical fields.
6 om neuron to neuron and across five auditory cortical fields.
7 e about how normal aging affects these early cortical fields.
8  with each taste quality encoded by distinct cortical fields.
9              We found that V1 projects to 15 cortical fields.
10  spine density in pyramidal neurons in these cortical fields.
11 ion with physiologically identified auditory cortical fields.
12 ouble-dissociation in map plasticity in both cortical fields.
13 ed in the tonotopic organization of auditory cortical fields.
14 al organization principle of primary sensory cortical fields.
15 ependent responses across different auditory cortical fields (ACFs).
16 raphy of connections of the primary auditory cortical field (AI) in the Mongolian gerbil with subcort
17 d a tonotopically organized primary auditory cortical field (AI) in the rat.
18 a specific pattern of connections with other cortical fields and brain structures, and together they
19 d their termination patterns in the auditory cortical fields and layers.
20 eeded, these patterns of interconnections of cortical fields and thalamic nuclei suggest that the som
21 l (MT) area, an early maturing dorsal stream cortical field, and which bypass the primary visual cort
22 erior and mediolateral relationships between cortical fields appear to be invariant.
23 indicate that some aspects of development of cortical fields are not mediated by specific sensory inp
24  field correlated with the size of the other cortical fields as well as with the total size of the do
25 cal neuroepithelium to accommodate different cortical fields at early stages of development, although
26 use they interrupted connections of temporal cortical fields beyond the rhinal cortex that are also i
27 rtex with clear functional and architectonic cortical field boundaries, as well as discrete patterns
28 ation, such as the size and connections of a cortical field, can generate differences in behavior, wh
29      Further, we found that the size of each cortical field correlated with the size of the other cor
30 childhood abuse and neuroplastic thinning of cortical fields, depending on the nature of the abusive
31                             Theories of both cortical field development and cortical evolution propos
32 , to populations of neurons from 6 different cortical fields encompassing core and belt areas.
33 ls may supply the raw material necessary for cortical field evolution.
34 ivity to f(0) was found in all five auditory cortical fields examined, with most of those neurons exh
35                                         Each cortical field has a specific pattern of connections wit
36 nterhemispheric connections between auditory cortical fields have not been widely scrutinized.
37 or or non-selective responses in this second cortical field in naive animals.
38 ated dextran amine were performed in various cortical fields in cats (perirhinal, entorhinal, pre/inf
39 ish the location and organization of sensory cortical fields in macaque monkeys, a species with a rel
40 se loci have several features in common with cortical fields in monkey and human brains that contribu
41 populations of neurons in different auditory cortical fields in the macaque monkey carry sufficient i
42            The presence of multiple auditory cortical fields in the rat is consistent with auditory c
43  receiving pallidal input project to a motor cortical field, injections of the retrograde tracer Fluo
44 visual signals (gain fields) in two adjacent cortical fields, LIP and 7a, are referenced to the body
45 formed of multiple, functionally specialized cortical field maps (CFMs).
46 iled anatomic analyses to delineate its many cortical fields more clearly.
47  explain much of the phenotypic variation in cortical field number and organization in different mamm
48  between visual, somatosensory, and auditory cortical fields on the remaining cortical sheet.
49 The corticofugal projection from 12 auditory cortical fields onto the medial geniculate body was inve
50 l premotor cortex is a functionally distinct cortical field or group of fields in the primate frontal
51 e prelimbic and/or dorsal anterior cingulate cortical fields (PL and ACd, respectively).
52 ress this, we examined electrocorticographic cortical field potential recordings from the human nonpr
53 oscillations apparent in posterior cingulate cortical field potentials are volume-conducted from the
54                         Finally, we recorded cortical field potentials from three human subjects and
55 near methods could decode limb position from cortical field potentials in both monkeys.
56                     We concurrently measured cortical field potentials via thinned-skull electroencep
57  potential amplitude, as reflected in global cortical field power.
58 ribe the number and internal organization of cortical fields present.
59                     To gain insight into how cortical fields process somatic inputs and ultimately co
60 response, indicating that the birds' primary cortical field represents the segregated streams, but no
61 e quality is represented in its own separate cortical field, revealing the existence of a gustotopic
62 rate representation, we find that neurons in cortical fields rostral to AI predominantly use a monoto
63 he target of natural selection, variation in cortical field size across individuals may supply the ra
64 riation and examine the relationship between cortical field size and sensory processing abilities and
65 riability in body weight and primary sensory cortical field size, as defined by myeloarchitecture.
66 ze, cortical sheet size, and primary sensory cortical field sizes in the adult short-tailed opossum (
67 ize of the dorsolateral cortex or in primary cortical field sizes.
68 s suggest a functional dichotomy of auditory cortical fields: stimulus-determined mesial fields that
69                             This is an avian cortical field that appears to contain a region comparab
70 d by progenitors specify an occipital visual cortical field that differentiates into V1 and V(HO); th
71      The neocortex of mammals is composed of cortical fields that have a unique organization associat
72 termine the degree of divergence from single cortical fields, the pattern of convergence from several
73  of single neurons in core and belt auditory cortical fields to both forward and reversed vocalizatio
74 acer (dextran biotin) injections in auditory cortical fields to describe the distribution of terminal
75  extends beyond reshaping of primary sensory cortical fields to respecification of the cortical origi
76 responses of individual neurons in different cortical fields to sounds that vary simultaneously acros
77 hitectonically defined nuclei to 14 auditory cortical fields was characterized qualitatively and quan
78                     Functional boundaries of cortical fields were directly related to myeloarchitecto
79 pagates unconventional impulse excitation to cortical fields which have a critical role in providing
80  patches in layer IV within a poorly defined cortical field, which varies between hemispheres, rather
81 to determine the topographic organization of cortical fields with 55% concordance to electrophysiolog
82 species is the presence of multiple auditory cortical fields with topographically organized responses
83 d the results were used to localize auditory cortical fields within the STG.

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