


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  itinerary for key synaptic molecules in rat cortical neurons.
2  is more active in hippocampal compared with cortical neurons.
3 dy, for the first time, local translation in cortical neurons.
4 variability, a phenomenon also described for cortical neurons.
5 , in part, on activation of TASK currents in cortical neurons.
6 hippocampal CA1 neurons more vulnerable than cortical neurons.
7 ation that sharpens the tuning properties of cortical neurons.
8  and induced CaMPARI conversion in recipient cortical neurons.
9 oach for accelerated induction of early-born cortical neurons.
10 loreceptor mediate homeostatic plasticity in cortical neurons.
11 psin primarily to the cell body of mammalian cortical neurons.
12 eep, reflect near-synchronous OFF periods in cortical neurons.
13  toxicity in neuroblastoma cells and primary cortical neurons.
14  tACS acts on both excitatory and inhibitory cortical neurons.
15  response to OGD/ischemia in hippocampal and cortical neurons.
16 ding the contents of WM is ubiquitous across cortical neurons.
17 ted axon outgrowth and guidance in embryonic cortical neurons.
18 ERK1/2, AKT, and Ca(2+) signaling in primary cortical neurons.
19 ze COX-2 basal transcriptional regulation in cortical neurons.
20 endritic expression of alpha2B-AR in primary cortical neurons.
21 erate the correct number and laminar fate of cortical neurons.
22 (+) animals, with associated preservation of cortical neurons.
23 veloping primary- or stem cell-derived mouse cortical neurons.
24 vergent input onto some of the same auditory cortical neurons.
25 or cells, which divide in the SVZ to produce cortical neurons.
26 variation in the spike responses of auditory cortical neurons.
27  to otherwise healthy cerebellar granule and cortical neurons.
28 ed pluripotent stem cells, or in primary rat cortical neurons.
29 d replay of specific firing sequences of the cortical neurons.
30 isual stimuli and in complete populations of cortical neurons.
31 ation and decreased excitability in cultured cortical neurons.
32  at tyrosine-53 (Y53) in rat hippocampal and cortical neurons.
33 cts of TDP-43 dysfunction in hippocampal and cortical neurons.
34  activity in pallidal neurons and downstream cortical neurons.
35 d the receptive fields (RFs) of postsynaptic cortical neurons.
36 rward input from thalamus and other upstream cortical neurons.
37 ytosine methylation in mutant Htt-expressing cortical neurons.
38 f both C. elegans GABA neurons and mammalian cortical neurons.
39 striatal tissues and murine LRRK2 Gly2019Ser cortical neurons.
40 ion was perturbed in murine LRRK2 Gly2019Ser cortical neurons.
41 excitotoxicity-induced apoptosis of cultured cortical neurons.
42 phase and subsequent increased production of cortical neurons.
43 e, causes increased mRNA levels in embryonic cortical neurons.
44 piCCT1) decreased the level of mHTT in BACHD cortical neurons.
45 tered synaptic transmission in layer 5 motor cortical neurons.
46 neuronal networks derived from primary mouse cortical neurons.
47 nd increased neuronal damage in cultured rat cortical neurons.
48 robust, short-latency increases in firing of cortical neurons.
49  induced by the defective differentiation of cortical neurons.
50 on in anterograde transport of BDNF in BACHD cortical neurons.
51 s we previously observed by NF-Y deletion in cortical neurons.
52 esis and synapse formation in hiPSCs-derived cortical neurons.
53 ntion (FBA), from upstream feature-selective cortical neurons.
54 L/V991L, also demonstrated reduced firing in cortical neurons.
55 size and strength, altering the E/I ratio in cortical neurons.
56 ng platform to quantify endogenous NMNAT2 in cortical neurons.
57 nocularly matched orientation preferences in cortical neurons.
58 binations, in cultured mouse hippocampal and cortical neurons.
59  transcriptomes in excitatory and inhibitory cortical neurons.
60 or the development of excitatory synapses in cortical neurons.
61 of speed tuning and direction selectivity in cortical neurons.
62  interaction takes place in the responses of cortical neurons.
63 al maturation and maintenance of upper-layer cortical neurons.
64 of NMDA-induced PICK1-Ago2 disassociation in cortical neurons.
65 2 is enhanced by OGD in hippocampal, but not cortical neurons.
66 r (DCC) promote axon branching in developing cortical neurons.
67 s more abundant in hippocampal compared with cortical neurons.
68 t deactivation of BCR in hippocampal but not cortical neurons.
69 nd 1-hydroxymidazolam on network activity of cortical neurons.
70 d in the same iPSC lines differentiated into cortical neurons.
71 rs of BDNF-induced Arc expression in primary cortical neurons.
72 y similar to the axonal transcriptome of rat cortical neurons.
73 ollowing: (1) placement of activity-directed cortical neurons; (2) regulation of polarized dendritic
74  multiple modalities that, in murine layer 5 cortical neurons, a gradation of abnormalities exists ba
75                  Yet, the mechanism by which cortical neurons abruptly and synchronously cease firing
76 inhibits the spontaneous firing of olfactory cortical neurons, acting in a divisive manner, but entir
77 nd restored mitochondrial trafficking in rat cortical neurons against glutamate-induced excitotoxicit
78  During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, cortical neurons alternate between ON periods of firing
79 nd that NPCT is expressed in hippocampal and cortical neurons and Abeta-induced up-regulation of NPCT
80 be expressed in cell bodies and dendrites of cortical neurons and along their corticothalamic project
81  this, we first developed a system combining cortical neurons and astrocytes from closely related spe
82 ecordings of directly connected thalamic and cortical neurons and compared between cortical responses
83 ength, and neurite number in mouse embryonic cortical neurons and enhanced Neuro2a cell process exten
84 endritic and mitochondrial calcium uptake in cortical neurons and familial PD patient fibroblasts, ac
85 is of LFG subcellular localization in murine cortical neurons and found that LFG localizes mainly to
86 nitors and neurons observed early and mature cortical neurons and glial cell types produced late.
87 n enhances mitochondrial function in primary cortical neurons and human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells t
88  excitatory synapse formation in dissociated cortical neurons and in vivo Together, our findings supp
89 xcitatory synapse development in dissociated cortical neurons and in vivo We identify Nogo-66 recepto
90 henotypes, including increased production of cortical neurons and morphological deficits.
91 en arbitrary mapping between the activity of cortical neurons and movement of prosthetic devices [1-4
92 after injury, reduced lesion size, protected cortical neurons and oligodendrocytes, and had a positiv
93 pendent neurotoxicity of oxysterols in human cortical neurons and performed a randomized placebo-cont
94  cortex were identified: oxidative injury of cortical neurons and retrograde neurodegeneration due to
95  production of PrP(Sc) within prion-infected cortical neurons and ScGT1 and ScN2a cells.
96 g is regulated throughout differentiation of cortical neurons and that amyloidogenic APP processing,
97 rom these progenitors, including upper layer cortical neurons and the CA1-CA3 regions of the hippocam
98 od-associated visual responses in postrhinal cortical neurons and their inputs from amygdala.
99 s of volatile anesthetic on TASK currents in cortical neurons and to verify loss of anesthetic-activa
100 neural projections and soma of primary mouse cortical neurons and two neuronal cell lines and found t
101 n triggers robust photoconversion of layer 5 cortical neurons and weaker conversion of layer 2/3 neur
102 results in increased degeneration of primary cortical neurons, and can be prevented by gamma-secretas
103 n of the reticular system, which projects to cortical neurons, and projects to spinal motoneurons con
104 ome of which were not seen in hippocampal or cortical neurons, and resulting in neuronal hyperexcitab
105 ut not the healthy twin's, were toxic to rat cortical neurons, and this toxicity was strongly inhibit
106      OGD does not cause GluA2 endocytosis in cortical neurons, and we show that PICK1 binding to the
107 or the first time that responses of auditory cortical neurons are attenuated to sounds generated manu
108 refore provide reassurance that iPSC-derived cortical neurons are highly similar to primary cortical
109 ural sounds, we reveal that primary auditory cortical neurons are sensitive over a substantially larg
110                   It is widely accepted that cortical neurons are similarly more activated during wak
111                                       Visual cortical neurons are tuned to similar orientations throu
112 issues, we recorded the activity of auditory cortical neurons as gerbils trained on a sound detection
113 ir metabolic activity and viability of human cortical neurons at concentrations found in SPG5 patient
114 rtical neurons are highly similar to primary cortical neurons at the level of single cells but sugges
115 genetically activating a local population of cortical neurons at wake-like levels during sleep.
116 epends on a successful bridge, within single cortical neurons, between the representation of learning
117  serve as the direct precursors for cerebral cortical neurons, but factors that control their neuroge
118 d that differentiation protocols can produce cortical neurons, but little has been done to characteri
119 ion and luciferase activity were detected in cortical neurons, but not in cortical astrocytes, cultur
120 non-overlapping subpopulations of excitatory cortical neurons, but only sparse expression was observe
121  the generation of the appropriate number of cortical neurons, but the transcriptional logic underpin
122 enic mice and in ALS mutant SOD1 transfected cortical neurons, but the underlying mechanisms remained
123                                              Cortical neurons can exhibit significant variation in th
124 rafficking selectively in MB neurons but not cortical neurons caused by two PARK genes: LRRK2 (PARK8)
125  and adult brain and found that iPSC-derived cortical neurons closely resembled primary fetal brain c
126                                           In cortical neurons, co-expressing PGC-1alpha and Parkin in
127 w that both classes mutually hyperexcite rat cortical neurons, consistent with antagonism of inhibito
128  has been observed that mixed selectivity in cortical neurons contributes to represent diverse situat
129 These observations suggest that sensorimotor cortical neurons corepresent rewards and movement-relate
130 we show that TCF4-dependent transcription in cortical neurons cultured from embryonic rats of both se
131                                              Cortical neurons cultured on MEAs displayed a rich reper
132 ATF4 down-regulation in both hippocampal and cortical neuron cultures reduces protein and message lev
133  evoked calcium transients in primary murine cortical neuron cultures transduced with an adeno-associ
134 1 affected synapse formation in isolated rat cortical neuron cultures, suggesting an effect on synapt
135                            Using rat primary cortical neuron cultures, we show that the BDNF gene is
136 s in primary cultures of rat hippocampal and cortical neurons, dentate granule cells in mouse organot
137 ynaptic activity synchronizing the output of cortical neurons depending on external sensory drive.
138                                 We show that cortical neurons derived from these different MECP2dup i
139 n affects development of receptive fields of cortical neurons determining a specific impairment of bi
140                     Here we demonstrate that cortical neurons directly innervate the brainstem to dri
141 P-43 RNP granules in axons of rodent primary cortical neurons display liquid-like properties, includi
142                   During slow-wave activity, cortical neurons display synchronized transitions betwee
143 duced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) towards cortical neurons enables in vitro mechanistic studies on
144 th neurological disorders, by exposing mouse cortical neuron-enriched cultures to hundreds of chemica
145  firing rates among a large subpopulation of cortical neurons, especially at high speeds.
146 role in shaping sensory processing in visual cortical neurons, even during active wakefulness and dec
147 report that the activity of human entorhinal cortical neurons exhibits adaptive scaling in grid perio
148 e course of neurodegeneration in rat primary cortical neurons exposed to glutamate toxicity.
149                                        Mouse cortical neurons expressing L213P showed the accumulatio
150 ate enhanced excitatory neurotransmission in cortical neurons expressing mutant LRRK2, which occurs b
151             Accelerated differentiation into cortical neuron fates should facilitate hPSC-based strat
152                                         Most cortical neurons fire regularly when excited by a consta
153 potentiation phenotype in iPSC-derived human cortical neurons following antisense oligonucleotide kno
154 mbryonic brain enlargement during deep layer cortical neuron formation.
155 ation of outwardly radiating F-actin rods in cortical neurons from APPswe/PS1DeltaE9 mice.
156 ating expression of isoform-A or -D protects cortical neurons from death caused by the expression of
157 rial pyruvate carrier (MPC) protects primary cortical neurons from excitotoxic death.
158                     Using iPSC-derived human cortical neurons from FTD patients harboring PGRN mutati
159 ocampal and adjacent somatosensory pyramidal cortical neurons from male and female postnatal day (P)2
160                    We generated iPSC-derived cortical neurons from myoclonus-dystonia patients with m
161 ipotent stem cells (iPSCs), and iPSC-derived cortical neurons from patients with pathogenic mutations
162                          We used cultures of cortical neurons from postnatal day (P)0-P2 golden Syria
163 tory synaptic scaffold structure in cultured cortical neurons from rats of both sexes.
164 how that betaIII spectrin in hippocampal and cortical neurons from rodent embryos of both sexes is di
165 a mammalian expression system, and protected cortical neurons from slow excitotoxic injury in vitro,
166 nduced apoptosis of cultured hippocampal and cortical neurons from wild-type mice, but mutant neurons
167 ondria play a variety of functional roles in cortical neurons, from metabolic support and neuroprotec
168 digms of glutamate-induced excitotoxicity in cortical neurons: glucose deprivation and acute glutamat
169                      If, during development, cortical neurons had the flexibility to choose from amon
170   This is the first demonstration that human cortical neurons have distinctive membrane properties, s
171                                           In cortical neurons, however, and in vivo in Alzheimer's di
172 he neocortex by refining the final number of cortical neurons in a region-dependent manner.
173 ves, indicating increased synchronization of cortical neurons in aging, opposite to what was found in
174                                              Cortical neurons in all layers exhibited sharper tuning
175  record the activity of large populations of cortical neurons in behaving mice subject to visual stim
176         Further, in both the OFC and primary cortical neurons in culture, ketamine increased expressi
177 better at capturing the dynamic responses of cortical neurons in ferrets.
178 firing rate homeostasis in individual visual cortical neurons in freely behaving rats as they cycled
179 000 thalamic boutons and approximately 4,000 cortical neurons in layers 1-5 of awake mouse V1.
180  the ratio of GABA-positive neurons to total cortical neurons in old rats was significantly decreased
181 s leading to axonal dysfunction in embryonic cortical neurons in PD mouse models.
182 o reeler embryos normalised the migration of cortical neurons in reeler embryos.
183 dentifying the special function of different cortical neurons in the auditory cortex and discuss a co
184 xcitability and synaptic connectivity of the cortical neurons in the developing brain, we used anatom
185 siological properties of distinct classes of cortical neurons in the motor cortex of hSOD1(G93A) mice
186 our data revealed an increased number of new cortical neurons in the peri-infarct cortex 65d after th
187       Most areas receive inputs from layer 5 cortical neurons in the visual cortex but one exception
188 ntaneous activity in generic networks of rat cortical neurons in vitro In these networks, neurons spo
189 rin-dependent Kv2.1 channel dispersal in rat cortical neurons in vitro, which is accompanied by a rel
190 as also essential for neurite outgrowth from cortical neurons in vitro.
191 y to achieve precise and reliable spiking in cortical neurons in vivo Our results demonstrate a novel
192 ll survival-promoting kinase Akt in cultured cortical neurons in which both the channel activity of N
193 man pluripotent stem cell-derived excitatory cortical neurons, in the context of both maturation and
194                                   In primary cortical neurons, in vitro, modulation of m(6)A by the R
195 nine monosynaptically connected thalamic and cortical neurons, including principal cells and two subt
196 bition of lysosomal activity in cultured rat cortical neurons increased the fraction of Lys-63-linked
197 ins were transcribed by increased numbers of cortical neurons, indicating relaxation of single-cell c
198 unchanged in cultured cerebellar granule and cortical neurons induced to die by low potassium or homo
199 TATEMENT Acetylcholine influences how visual cortical neurons integrate signals across space, perhaps
200                   Here we show that parietal cortical neurons involved in oculomotor decisions encode
201 has shown that functional connectivity among cortical neurons is highly varied, with a small percenta
202 hat TCF4-controlled transcription in primary cortical neurons is induced by neuronal activity and pro
203   Conversely, dendritic morphology of female cortical neurons is more complex than males.
204 ain function is that the spiking activity of cortical neurons is variable and that some of this varia
205     Moreover, using a sophisticated model of cortical neurons, it is proposed that this occurs when s
206 red spine morphology along medial prefrontal cortical neurons known to mediate neurotransmission inte
207 lays are consistent with the distribution of cortical neuron latencies and that temporal motion integ
208 th factor 1 (IGF1) and osteopontin (OPN), in cortical neurons leads to robust CST regrowth and the re
209     Interestingly, ZSCAN21 overexpression in cortical neurons led to robust mRNA but negligible prote
210         Here we report that in primary mouse cortical neurons, LMNB1 overexpression reduces axonal ou
211 ctive suppression of a specific set of motor cortical neurons may be a key aspect of successful movem
212      A large component of the variability of cortical neurons may therefore arise from synchronous in
213 ualitative variability of masking effects in cortical neurons might arise from differences in the ext
214 lso postnatal viable, but show evidence of a cortical neuron migration delay that is evident pre- and
215 y of cohesin and regulate genes that control cortical neuron migration.
216 cotine exposure causes persistent changes in cortical neuron morphology and in behavior.
217 ntrol the timing of pyramidal cell output in cortical neuron networks.
218 f longer cortical neurogenesis and increased cortical neuron number deriving from cortical layers II-
219 owledge about total and laminar variation in cortical neuron numbers and neurogenesis comes from rode
220  and extensive dendritic varicosities in the cortical neurons of CM-infected brain.
221 c branching and spine density are reduced in cortical neurons of Ube3A 2X ASD mice.
222        Kal9 was overexpressed in primary rat cortical neurons or human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293)
223 ns and other primates in the distribution of cortical neurons or white matter cells along the anterop
224 utant neurons from the neocortex (hereafter, cortical neurons) or the hippocampus, suggesting a brain
225 early life drives the matching of individual cortical neurons' orientation preferences through the tw
226 uring differentiation of human iPSCs towards cortical neurons over a 100-day period.
227 mutant does not have an inverted cortex, but cortical neurons overmigrate and invade the marginal zon
228 l model in vivo and in blood-induced primary cortical neuron (PCNs) cellular model of SAH in vitro.
229  of synaptic inputs on the dendritic tree of cortical neurons plays a major role for dendritic integr
230  show that downregulation of TBC1D23 affects cortical neuron positioning.
231 Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived cortical neurons potentially present a powerful new mode
232                                Finally, in a cortical neuron primary culture, both Nanobodies were ab
233               Overexpression of TG2 in mouse cortical neurons reduced TrkB levels as a result of impa
234 ge of orientation selectivities exhibited by cortical neurons remain unclear.
235 eracts with the receptive-field structure of cortical neurons remains unclear.
236                                              Cortical neurons remap their receptive fields and rescal
237     Moreover, reversible inactivation of the cortical neurons rescued the disorganized vocal sequence
238 nk between the trial-to-trial variability of cortical neuron responses and network activity that is r
239 so suggest that ERG current normally governs cortical neuron responses to depolarizing stimuli by opp
240 twork activity related to the variability of cortical neuron responses, and suggest their central rol
241  not capture the fact that the response of a cortical neuron results from the complex nonlinear netwo
242           In particular, a subset of layer V cortical neurons retains relatively high expression of b
243 Further, overexpression of PCDH17 in primary cortical neurons revealed significantly decreased spine
244 citability in both excitatory and inhibitory cortical neurons show that selective dysfunction of neur
245  first mechanistic description of how visual cortical neurons signal depth from MP.SIGNIFICANCE STATE
246               Knockdown of FOXP1 in cultured cortical neurons stunts dendritic outgrowth and this phe
247 odels consider the possibility that distinct cortical neuron subtypes may be affected differently.
248 ed in both infected and uninfected bystander cortical neurons, suggesting a role for paracrine factor
249 ntial alterations in lipid networks in human cortical neurons, suggesting that promiscuous lipase inh
250 olliculus neurons and glutamatergic auditory cortical neurons supporting the present slice findings.
251 is leads to ectopic placement of upper-layer cortical neurons that does not require altered signaling
252 show by cross-linking immunoprecipitation in cortical neurons that FMRP is mostly associated with one
253 rotein expressed selectively in striatal and cortical neurons that plays a neuroprotective role in th
254  show for the first time that in rat primary cortical neurons the expression of all major BDNF transc
255  to dramatically enhance the excitability of cortical neurons, the cellular mechanisms responsible fo
256  signaling stimulates glucose utilization in cortical neurons through glycolysis to satisfy the high
257 of lamin B1 in dendrite development of mouse cortical neurons through regulation of nuclear shuttling
258 spike-field coherence of a rat primary motor cortical neuron to the LFP theta rhythm.
259                                 Responses of cortical neurons to both first- and second-order pattern
260      We measured the sensitivity of auditory cortical neurons to brief tones embedded in masking nois
261 ions from ex vivo work about the capacity of cortical neurons to generate precise discharges, and con
262 NAT2 function increases the vulnerability of cortical neurons to proteotoxic stress and excitotoxicit
263 here we measured systematically responses of cortical neurons to the spatial relationship between sup
264      We found that the responses of auditory cortical neurons to these self-generated sounds were con
265 tsynaptic responses of different subtypes of cortical neurons to unitary thalamocortical bursts are m
266 f light to trigger optogenetic activation of cortical neurons transduced to express channelrhodopsin2
267                                           In cortical neurons transfected with p67siRNA, we also show
268  We previously reported that embryonic motor cortical neurons transplanted immediately after lesions
269  We previously reported that embryonic motor cortical neurons transplanted immediately after lesions
270 on of these synapses onto different auditory cortical neuron types, how they influence auditory respo
271  the rapid kinetics of miR-132 activation in cortical neurons under physiological conditions.
272             Depolarization of cultured mouse cortical neurons upregulated the levels of several Fgf/F
273 compare them to each other and to inhibitory cortical neurons using the Assay for Transposase-Accessi
274 n related kinase B), levels in mouse primary cortical neurons via a Rac1 (RAS-related C3 botulinum to
275 to-bipolar transition and the positioning of cortical neurons via modulating surface L1 expression.
276       Furthermore, the number of upper layer cortical neurons was decreased in the offspring of dams
277 ScN2a cells) and in scrapie-infected primary cortical neurons was increased following the introductio
278 rophic factor (BDNF) in DIV7 cultures of E18 cortical neurons was markedly impaired at the embryonic
279                  Activity of several hundred cortical neurons was simultaneously recorded using chron
280    In acute brain slices of murine layer 2/3 cortical neurons, we determined that the photoswitch qui
281                             In 18 additional cortical neurons, we elicited unitary burst responses op
282                                        Using cortical neurons, we found that provision of extracellul
283                             In primary mouse cortical neurons, we observed increased depolarization-i
284                  Primary embryonic (E18) rat cortical neurons were cultured to DIV (days in vitro) 14
285            The embryonic precursors of these cortical neurons were in utero electroporated with CBSH3
286  However, these changes were prevented if WT cortical neurons were paired with BACHD striatal neurons
287                                        After cortical neurons were stained with a modified Golgi tech
288 teins decreases significantly in necdin-null cortical neurons, where mitochondrial function and expre
289 e-trains preferentially stimulate excitatory cortical neurons, whereas high-rate suprathreshold pulse
290  and presenilin 1 (PSEN1(M146V)) and derived cortical neurons, which displayed genotype-dependent dis
291                  Importantly, treating BACHD cortical neurons with ApiCCT1 prevented BACHD striatal n
292                        Treatment of cultured cortical neurons with E2 reduced the accumulation of GAB
293                 Differentiation of hiPSCs to cortical neurons with extended period demonstrates matur
294  six pathway inhibitors induces post-mitotic cortical neurons with functional electrophysiological pr
295 acterized local and global network firing in cortical neurons with MEAs, and then developed methods t
296 n highlights the suitability of iPSC-derived cortical neurons with SGCE mutations for myoclonus-dysto
297 the complex 3D morphology of human and mouse cortical neurons with six-fold reduction in image data r
298 ponses in developing human stem cell-derived cortical neurons with those induced in developing primar
299 uman and nonhuman primates holds about 8% of cortical neurons, with no clear difference across humans
300 uroprogenitor cells as well as rat embryonic cortical neurons Zika virus (ZIKV) infection leads to ri

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