


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ive action of distinct subsets of unisensory corticofugal afferents, afferents whose sensory combinat
2 ed for the formation and maintenance of both corticofugal and intracortical pyramidal cell population
3 al cells projecting to distinct targets, and corticofugal and modulatory projection neurons.
4 ical limit and defects in the pathfinding of corticofugal and thalamocortical fibers.
5                              The descending (corticofugal) auditory system adjusts and improves audit
6 f Pax6 function on thalamocortical (TCA) and corticofugal axon (CFA) pathfinding during the period of
7 on factor controlling neuronal migration and corticofugal axon projections.
8 e errant CB1 cannabinoid receptor-containing corticofugal axon spreading.
9 usion, both the recovery of motor skills and corticofugal axonal plasticity are promoted by intracere
10 ty, ascending thalamocortical and descending corticofugal axons first intermingle at the pallial-subp
11 docannabinoid action, to excessive growth of corticofugal axons into the sub-ventricular zone in vivo
12 cal interactions between thalamocortical and corticofugal axons to form the IC.
13  ganglionic eminence-derived corridor and on corticofugal axons, but not on thalamocortical axons, an
14 fraction of small-to-medium-sized long-range corticofugal axons, which also emit collaterals that inn
15 ntains many thalamocortical and callosal and corticofugal axons.
16 f prion-like spread at synaptic terminals of corticofugal axons.
17 axon responsiveness to Sema3A in presumptive corticofugal axons.
18 e errors in a variety of pathways, including corticofugal, callosal, and thalamocortical tracts.
19             In the bat auditory system, such corticofugal connections modulate neuronal activity to i
20  conclusion, the tonotopic and non-tonotopic corticofugal connections of AI can potentially serve for
21 ll fate that control interhemispheric versus corticofugal connections respectively.
22 tions of the circuitry of the basal ganglia, corticofugal connections, topographic maps in sensory sy
23 hat plasticity may be mediated by descending corticofugal connections.
24 B1 signaling is known to modulate long-range corticofugal connectivity, we analyzed the impact of THC
25 ate remarkable neuroanatomical plasticity in corticofugal connectivity.
26 cribed synchronizing influence of the direct corticofugal contacts onto relay cells.
27                                         Such corticofugal control may be a general feature of innate
28 r colliculus receive differential degrees of corticofugal control; (5) cochleotopically organized are
29 track degeneration related to projection and corticofugal descending tracks associated with the right
30                                          The corticofugal (descending) auditory system forms multiple
31                   The recent research on the corticofugal (descending) auditory system, however, indi
32 uited for exploration of the function of the corticofugal (descending) system and the neural mechanis
33                                              Corticofugal evoked climbing fibre responses were mapped
34 ogenesis causes re-emergence of neurons with corticofugal features.
35  the long-term cortical BF shift are the AC, corticofugal feedback and the cholinergic nucleus.
36 stimuli were examined in dLGN cells with the corticofugal feedback inactivated.
37   Decorticate-intact differences may reflect corticofugal feedback inhibition.
38  It now appears that the connectivity of the corticofugal feedback pathway is also fundamentally link
39                            In the absence of corticofugal feedback this alignment effect was essentia
40 w spatial frequencies and in the presence of corticofugal feedback.
41 re examined in dLGN cells in the presence of corticofugal feedback.
42 n subcortical nuclei and is amplified by the corticofugal feedback.
43 ed disruption of the development of auditory corticofugal fibers may interfere with the ability of th
44 as the corpus callosum, anterior commissure, corticofugal fibers, lateral lemniscus, and cerebellar p
45  including the optic nerve, corpus callosum, corticofugal fibers, thalamocortical axons, lateral olfa
46 le that contain auditory thalamocortical and corticofugal fibers.
47 s, situated in close proximity to traversing corticofugal fibers.
48 lling along axonal bundles of the developing corticofugal fibre system.
49 n the cerebral cortex itself, secondarily in corticofugal fibres and the subcortical targets with whi
50 ns indicate that strength is conveyed by the corticofugal fibres destined for the spinal cord, wherea
51                   Though the trajectories of corticofugal fibres from each major component of the mot
52 s confirm that selective disruption of motor corticofugal fibres influences functional reorganization
53 al pathway, the conduction velocities of the corticofugal fibres that mediate the responses were esti
54                       The fastest conducting corticofugal fibres were estimated to conduct significan
55 s II and paramedian lobule by stimulation of corticofugal fibres.
56                                          The corticofugal function consists of at least the following
57 shift our focus to involvement of cortex and corticofugal glutamate projections.
58                                         Such corticofugal influences could contribute to the developm
59                                              Corticofugal influences reach even into the inner ear vi
60 ps by tonic, but not exclusively excitatory, corticofugal influences.
61 transmission through the posterior thalamus, corticofugal input may be essential for normal processin
62  auditory corticogeniculate projections with corticofugal input to the inferior colliculus.
63                      These data suggest that corticofugal input to the NST may differentially inhibit
64 hat project to the pons, receive substantial corticofugal input.
65 n, the entire IC appears to be the target of corticofugal input.
66 auditory thalamic nuclei receive significant corticofugal input.
67                                     Although corticofugal inputs have been shown to modulate neuronal
68                               In conclusion, corticofugal L5B neurons establish a widespread cortico-
69                     These data indicate that corticofugal modulation also improves subcortical signal
70                            This asymmetry in corticofugal modulation is mostly, if not totally, creat
71                                              Corticofugal modulation is specific and systematic accor
72                            Recent studies of corticofugal modulation of auditory information processi
73 ecific effects can be explained by selective corticofugal modulation of individual olivocochlear effe
74                    In this study, we examine corticofugal modulation of rate-intensity functions of i
75                 This intriguing asymmetry in corticofugal modulation presumably functions for equaliz
76 rall excitatory, facilitatory, or inhibitory corticofugal modulation.
77 ateral and contralateral MEPs indicates that corticofugal motor fibres other than the fast-conducting
78 indicate that the widespread distribution of corticofugal motor projections may account for the favor
79                     We aimed to identify the corticofugal networks that directly influence meningeal
80 the timing of critical fate decisions during corticofugal neuron production and thus subtype-specific
81 ntrols the sequential generation of distinct corticofugal neuron subtypes by preventing premature eme
82 ies of the three principal sequentially born corticofugal neuron subtypes: subplate neurons, corticot
83 acquisition of cell fate for closely related corticofugal neurons and indicate that differential dosa
84        However, functional properties of the corticofugal neurons and their synaptic circuitry mechan
85 ion factor, Fezf2, is sufficient to generate corticofugal neurons from progenitors fated to become me
86                           Here, we show that corticofugal neurons in the auditory cortex (ACx) target
87                       Axons from presumptive corticofugal neurons lacking the transcription factor Sa
88  contralateral projection (CCCs), descending corticofugal neurons of layer V (CF5s), and those of lay
89 of efferent neurons were studied: descending corticofugal neurons of layer V (CF5s), those of layer V
90 ence of excitatory amino acids released from corticofugal neurons on dopaminergic activity in the bas
91  addition, experimental generation of either corticofugal neurons or callosal neurons below the corte
92                                 In addition, corticofugal neurons showed a severe loss of axonal proj
93 FIB is strongly expressed in radial glia and corticofugal neurons throughout cortical development.
94      Intrinsic-bursting (IB) neurons, the L5 corticofugal neurons, exhibited early and rather unselec
95  in controlling the sequential generation of corticofugal neurons--SOX5 overexpression at late stages
96 g premature emergence of normally later-born corticofugal neurons.
97  to aberrantly motorized corticocortical and corticofugal output connectivity.
98 aryal postsynaptic staining, suggesting that corticofugal output neurons may be modulated particularl
99 s 5 and 6) of primary sensory cortex provide corticofugal output to thalamus and they also project to
100 compensated by activity in areas that retain corticofugal outputs.
101  cortex by focal stimulation of the cerebral corticofugal pathway was investigated in anaesthetised r
102 onses evoked from different locations in the corticofugal pathway, the conduction velocities of the c
103                   We then inferred damage to corticofugal pathways in stroke patients (n = 3) by comp
104                                          The corticofugal pathways of ipsilateral and contralateral M
105                    In the IC, the individual corticofugal pathways were found to be widespread, topog
106  of peripheral structures is the presence of corticofugal pathways.
107  neurite inhibitory proteins, lesion-induced corticofugal plasticity is possible even in the adult ce
108 ehensive disruption of frontal and cingulate corticofugal projection fibers.
109                                          The corticofugal projection from 12 auditory cortical fields
110            At superior levels of the IC, the corticofugal projection from the arm representation of M
111                          Localization of the corticofugal projection in the corona radiata (CR) and i
112 our understanding of the organization of the corticofugal projection in this critical brain region, w
113 losal projection neurons (CPNs) into induced corticofugal projection neurons (iCFuPNs) increases inhi
114                  Shh is expressed in layer V corticofugal projection neurons and the Shh receptor, Br
115                           Thus, via the same corticofugal projection, visual cortex not only modulate
116 erentation is dependent upon both descending corticofugal projections and ascending trigeminothalamic
117                            Here we show that corticofugal projections are also involved in the most c
118 erized the topography of corticostriatal and corticofugal projections arising in the DSZ.
119  the mechanisms that control the guidance of corticofugal projections as they extend along different
120                                              Corticofugal projections from the primary auditory corte
121 d to quantify the contribution of descending corticofugal projections on (i) the normal organization
122                                              Corticofugal projections to the auditory midbrain, the i
123 a connection to be reciprocal and documented corticofugal projections to the facial nucleus, surround
124 ugh considerable overlap characterized these corticofugal projections, a general topography was disce
125  nuclei that are under the direct control of corticofugal projections.
126  the behavior, in contrast to other major L5 corticofugal projections.
127 asal arbors, and an axon with both local and corticofugal projections.
128 injury depend on the integrity of descending corticofugal projections.
129 topography of both early thalamocortical and corticofugal projections.
130                                              Corticofugal regulation of excitatory and inhibitory fre
131            This finding implies that diverse corticofugal roles in sensorimotor processing may requir
132 unctions, but also a possible reciprocity of corticofugal speech and music tuning, providing neurophy
133 auditory system, however, indicates that the corticofugal system adjusts and improves auditory signal
134                      The auditory cortex and corticofugal system evoke small, short-term changes of t
135 hypothesis is that, during conditioning, the corticofugal system evokes subcortical BF shifts, which
136                                 An extensive corticofugal system extends from the auditory cortex tow
137  itself can sustain the change evoked by the corticofugal system for some time.
138    Facilitation and inhibition evoked by the corticofugal system have been hypothesized to be respect
139                                         This corticofugal system is thought to contribute to neuropla
140              Thus, one role of the mammalian corticofugal system may be to modify subcortical sensory
141                                     Thus the corticofugal system mediates a positive feedback which,
142  Recent studies have shown that the auditory corticofugal system modulates and improves signal proces
143          However, the mechanism by which the corticofugal system modulates cochlear hair cells has be
144 tric stimulation of cortical neurons via the corticofugal system modulates cochlear hair cells in a h
145                                          The corticofugal system plays an important role in informati
146  and spatial domains can be sharpened by the corticofugal system.
147 ortical neural net working together with the corticofugal system.
148 -STN projection is one part of this multiple corticofugal system.
149 hat the collicular change is mediated by the corticofugal system; and that the IC itself can sustain
150     These data support previous reports that corticofugal systems work together with widespread later
151 -neu ligand and EGF regulate the activity of corticofugal systems.

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