


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1    Reusable instruments were assumed for the cost analysis.
2 vides examples of how to undertake a program cost analysis.
3  in the United States are provided to aid in cost analysis.
4 and compared with that of a psychologist for cost analysis.
5 ere applied to individual event data for the cost analysis.
6 les were selected for inclusion, including 1 cost analysis, 4 cost-minimization analyses, 4 cost-effe
7          How robust are the usual methods of cost analysis against the skewed distribution of cost da
8 attention to methodology, safety evaluation, cost analysis and clinically meaningful endpoints will b
9                          For this real-world cost analysis and economic evaluation, we applied extens
10                               Results of the cost analysis and examination of sensitivity and specifi
11  two group-level hypotheses based on benefit-cost analysis and social stratification, we show the fir
12 in surgical techniques, outcome comparisons, cost analysis, and the continued role of extracapsular c
13       Perverse outcomes of overemphasizing a cost analysis are also discussed.
14                Longer follow-up and detailed cost analysis are needed to better understand the implic
15            A life-cycle assessment (LCA) and cost analysis are presented comparing the environmental
16  Secondary end points included a model-based cost analysis, as well as pharmacokinetic and DPD enzyme
17                                    Moreover, cost analysis based on labor, disposables, and biohazard
18 r their relevance to the subjects of CPR and cost-analysis by MEDLINE keyword search.
19                           Various methods of cost analysis can provide a structured manner to assess
20 m efficacy of Deflux is not well defined and cost-analysis data of patients managed in a prospective
21                              A retrospective cost analysis demonstrated 59% of the cost of routine st
22                                            A cost analysis demonstrated economic efficiency after 4 y
23 iologic response to CLP sepsis and conduct a cost analysis detailing the potential for reducing anima
24    Here, we aim to compare 3 methods of drug cost analysis during 3 phases of an ASP as an example of
25 d with a common reference cement plant and a cost analysis exercise is carried out.
26                                  Comparative cost analysis for genotyping of HCV by line probe assay,
27                           The method of unit cost analysis for individual imaging modalities was succ
28 stoperative donor care must be included in a cost analysis for LDLT.
29        The authors performed a retrospective cost analysis for patients undergoing revascularization
30                                              Cost analysis for the two systems in a laboratory that p
31 s for preparation of a comprehensive benefit-cost analysis for this megaproject are presented.
32                                              Cost analysis identified that P4HB had a $7328.91 financ
33                                          The cost analysis included medications plus health services
34                                  Preliminary cost analysis indicates that optimum recovery of aluminu
35                                            A cost analysis is presented, which shows that fluorinatio
36 l life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) of processes needed to construct an
37 eparation, reduction in processing time, low cost analysis, minimal handling of hazardous materials,
38                           This comprehensive cost analysis model can be generalized to other moderate
39                                            A cost analysis of 3 vaccines shows great variation in ins
40                     We present a preliminary cost analysis of a combination intervention using PET an
41                                            A cost analysis of box training, VR training, and conventi
42                                            A cost analysis of combining a tuberculin skin test (TST)
43                                              Cost analysis of flexible sigmoidoscopy, followed by col
44 , and should facilitate the large-scale, low-cost analysis of HPV-16 variants in epidemiologic invest
45                     Our results suggest that cost analysis of reduced carbon emissions from conservat
46 rs great promise for a rapid, simple and low-cost analysis of S. typhi.
47             We present an empirical economic cost analysis of the April 2016 switch from trivalent (t
48 nd better tolerated than SC and to perform a cost analysis of the available esophageal pH-metry metho
49        Major aspects of the cost and benefit-cost analysis of the indicated program are presented.
50               This study was a retrospective cost analysis of the Medicare Part D Prescriber Public U
51 enotypic data were collected, and a detailed cost analysis of the panel compared with single gene tes
52 nd reduces unnecessary excisions; however, a cost analysis of this specialized service has not been u
53   We sought to evaluate the clinical use and cost-analysis of acute rest technetium-99m (Tc-99m) tetr
54 comprehensive critical care medicine use and cost analysis provides a contemporary benchmark for the
55 hieved using the new approach and a monetary cost analysis provides a practical measure of its utilit
56                                              Cost analysis revealed that islet transplantation is est
57                                     Detailed cost analysis revealed US $57,525 of additional cost for
58 tterns, hospital formulary restrictions, and cost-analysis should be considered for each institution
59                                            A cost analysis showed that screening for PegIFNalpha-asso
60                                              Cost-analysis studies of CPR programs are limited by the
61                              This cohort and cost analysis study examined the direct costs of POFP fr
62 imal algorithm is unknown, although a recent cost-analysis study suggests that routine supplementatio
63                                              Cost analysis suggested that this urinary testing algori
64                                              Cost analysis suggests that implementation of reuse tech
65                                An indicative cost analysis suggests that the cost per functional pump
66                    Reagent costs and a total cost analysis that included technologist time in additio
67                                 In base-case cost analysis, the SOF/SMV treatment strategy saved $91,
68 m that can lead to substantial reductions in cost, analysis time, and sample volume.
69                                            A cost analysis (time and supplies for our laboratory) sho
70                                     In crude cost analysis, transfer patients' costs were $9,600 high
71                                            A cost analysis using Medicare cataract surgery volume est
72                              A comprehensive cost analysis was conducted using 36 months of observati
73                                          The cost analysis was performed from a hospital perspective
74 BPAR, and infections requiring readmission.A cost analysis was performed including all immunosuppress
75                                            A cost analysis was performed to evaluate the effect on ph
76                                              Cost analysis was performed using standard cost-accounti
77                                            A cost analysis was performed utilizing patient data gener
78                                              Cost analysis was performed.
79 t one of the institutions, an activity-based costing analysis was performed by procedure type: screen
80                        In a population-based cost analysis, we evaluated the cost of all cancers and
81                    A life-cycle approach and cost analysis were then completed to analyze the environ
82 w hours, providing a fast, sensitive and low cost analysis with respect to the conventional procedure
83                                            A cost analysis yielded a 1-yr institutional return on inv

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