


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 for type 2 diabetes should be established by cost-effectiveness analysis.
2 servative assumptions, the authors performed cost-effectiveness analysis.
3 oring) were derived from data in the GUSTO-1 cost-effectiveness analysis.
4 ths after hospitalization and (2) a lifetime cost-effectiveness analysis.
5 cal technologies, with a particular focus on cost-effectiveness analysis.
6 er importance on equity than is reflected by cost-effectiveness analysis.
7   We compared alternatives using incremental cost-effectiveness analysis.
8                           This study omitted cost-effectiveness analysis.
9 rmatics, 3) databases, 4) biomarkers, and 5) cost-effectiveness analysis.
10  randomised controlled trial with a parallel cost-effectiveness analysis.
11 r error avoided was estimated by incremental cost-effectiveness analysis.
12    We did a Markov model-based probabilistic cost-effectiveness analysis.
13 es a conceptual link with the denominator of cost-effectiveness analysis.
14  have implications for decision analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis.
15                                  Model-based cost-effectiveness analysis.
16 's recommendations define a "reference case" cost-effectiveness analysis, a standard set of methods t
17                                     We did a cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a cluster-randomis
18 ion analysis; (2) cost-benefit analysis; (3) cost-effectiveness analysis and (4) cost-utility analysi
19  reviewed the current status of the field of cost-effectiveness analysis and developed a new set of r
20 ion analysis, (2) cost-benefit analysis, (3) cost-effectiveness analysis, and (4) cost-utility analys
21 96, researchers have advanced the methods of cost-effectiveness analysis, and policy makers have expe
22 , budget impact, and sustainability into the cost-effectiveness analysis are needed to reach this goa
23 s the rationale, terminology, and methods of cost-effectiveness analysis as applied to radiology.
24                                            A cost-effectiveness analysis based on probabilities of ch
25 to be based not only on outcome evidence and cost-effectiveness analysis, but also on safety consider
26  care, abandoning the formulaic pretenses of cost-effectiveness analysis, but with a commitment to re
27                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis can be used to inform medica
28  Simulation models that support decision and cost-effectiveness analysis can further the goals of evi
29                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis can help to inform research
30                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) compares the cost of t
31                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is a research method u
32                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is an analytic tool th
33                                         This cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) provides important dat
34                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) refers to a set of res
35                                           In cost-effectiveness analysis, choice for both age groups
36                                            A cost-effectiveness analysis compared the three arms of t
37 nd eliminated wait time (EWT), and perform a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing RWT and EWT with c
38 ts were combined with clinical outcomes in a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing the intervention w
39       The aim of this study was to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing TIPS with endoscop
40      Design, Setting, and Participants: This cost-effectiveness analysis conducted from September 201
41                                Proper use of cost-effectiveness analysis could provide valuable evide
42                                          The cost effectiveness analysis did not indicate that the qu
43                            The probabilistic cost-effectiveness analysis estimated an incremental cos
44                                The base case cost-effectiveness analysis estimated telemedicine in th
45                                     We did a cost-effectiveness analysis for these strategies, implem
46 the Ministry of Health and Population, and a cost-effectiveness analysis, from a societal perspective
47 able to other cancer interventions for which cost-effectiveness analysis has been performed.
48 reatment of schizophrenia, but a large-scale cost/effectiveness analysis has not been attempted.
49 Guidelines based on systematic reviews and a cost-effectiveness analysis have suggested that it is wo
50 uld undergo imaging and, in combination with cost-effectiveness analysis, how imaging should be perfo
51 ragmatic randomized trial with an integrated cost-effectiveness analysis in 56 hospitals in England.
52 lower total positive rates yield a promising cost-effectiveness analysis in favor of universal ECG sc
53  to our knowledge there has been no previous cost-effectiveness analysis in pediatric IF including IR
54 d febrile neutropenia cost information and a cost-effectiveness analysis in the adjuvant breast cance
55           Cost-utility analysis is a type of cost-effectiveness analysis in which health effects are
56                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis is a state-of-the-art resear
57                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis is an objective method to es
58                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis is an objective systematic t
59                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis is often suggested as a mean
60 hen there are budget limitations, the use of cost-effectiveness analysis leads to health care policie
61                              We use extended cost-effectiveness analysis methods to estimate, across
62 he proposed intervention and finally perform cost effectiveness analysis of the results.
63                                     We did a cost-effectiveness analysis of 43 insecticide-based vect
64                                 Decision and cost-effectiveness analysis of a strategy of full deploy
65 rpose of this investigation was to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis of adjunctive oral and intra
66 mplementation in South Africa we performed a cost-effectiveness analysis of alternative preventive st
67                               We conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis of argatroban, bivalirudin,
68          We review the principles underlying cost-effectiveness analysis of diagnostic tests and proc
69                                  Comparative cost-effectiveness analysis of DSAEK versus PK indicates
70                                 We present a cost-effectiveness analysis of elective neck dissection
71 US adults (aged 15-65 years) and conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis of improvements along the HI
72  of treatment provide information for future cost-effectiveness analysis of potential innovative inte
73                                          The cost-effectiveness analysis of the Public Access Defibri
74                                            A cost-effectiveness analysis of the study results demonst
75                                    Perform a cost-effectiveness analysis of the treatment of diabetic
76                      This article presents a cost-effectiveness analysis of these two treatment regim
77 ted thromboses, but confirmatory studies and cost-effectiveness analysis of this approach are needed.
78 y heart disease with lipid lowering therapy, cost effectiveness analysis offers an important tool to
79 m this review could be used to inform future cost-effectiveness analysis on the impact of LTBI screen
80 tiveness ratio" OR "economic evaluation" OR "cost effectiveness analysis" OR "cost utility analysis"
81 c malignancies from the Tufts Medical Center Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry (www.cearegistry.or
82                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis should include recognition t
83 familiar with the concepts and procedures of cost-effectiveness analysis so they can properly evaluat
84 eness analysis so they can properly evaluate cost-effectiveness analysis studies and be more knowledg
85 nt colonic obstruction has been supported by cost-effectiveness analysis studies and several pooled a
86                                          Our cost-effectiveness analysis suggests surveillance imagin
87 en unselected for hormone receptor status, a cost-effectiveness analysis suggests that this intervent
88                                         In a cost-effectiveness analysis, the average cost of total-b
89                                       In the cost-effectiveness analysis, the care bundle was estimat
90   For the purposes of clinical prognosis and cost-effectiveness analysis, the long-term survival of p
91 s in more detail the elements contained in a cost-effectiveness analysis, the preferred approach to p
92                                      For the cost-effectiveness analysis, the primary outcome was the
93                                Extending the cost-effectiveness analysis to a seven-year base-case ti
94                               We performed a cost-effectiveness analysis to assess diagnosis and trea
95                               We conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis to assess the benefits of di
96                             We used extended cost-effectiveness analysis to assess the health gains (
97                               We performed a cost-effectiveness analysis to assess the value of addin
98                               We performed a cost-effectiveness analysis to determine optimal CRC scr
99                               We conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis to determine whether prophyl
100 eatment trials are warranted, we conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis to estimate the costs and be
101      This study's first aim was to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis to estimate the incremental
102 rd trimesters, but noted the importance of a cost-effectiveness analysis to lend support to the decis
103  This article demonstrates the usefulness of cost-effectiveness analysis to support these decisions.
104 e, randomised controlled trial with parallel cost-effectiveness analysis undertaken in England, 701 a
105                                Our base case cost-effectiveness analysis used empirical clinical and
106                                            A cost-effectiveness analysis using a Markov model from th
107 nts with atrial fibrillation, we performed a cost-effectiveness analysis using patient-level data fro
108                        We did a within-trial cost-effectiveness analysis using person-level data and
109                                            A cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted using a Markov
110                                            A cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted.
111                                Our base-case cost-effectiveness analysis was from the societal perspe
112                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis was limited by lack of prosp
113                                         This cost-effectiveness analysis was made from data from the
114                                         This cost-effectiveness analysis was performed from a third-p
115                                          The cost-effectiveness analysis was performed from the persp
116                                            A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed from the socie
117 lled trial with two open parallel arms and a cost-effectiveness analysis was performed in 12 tertiary
118                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis was performed to determine t
119                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis was performed to determine t
120                               An incremental cost-effectiveness analysis was performed to determine w
121                               An incremental cost-effectiveness analysis was performed to identify st
122                               An incremental cost-effectiveness analysis was performed to identify tr
123                                            A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed using a Markov
124     A multi-institutional prospective cohort cost-effectiveness analysis was performed.
125                               An incremental cost-effectiveness analysis was subsequently employed to
126                The primary end point for the cost-effectiveness analysis was the incremental cost per
127                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis was used to evaluate alterna
128                              For a long-term cost-effectiveness analysis, we created a simulation mod
129                                     For this cost-effectiveness analysis, we used a transmission mode
130 " Second, it describes decision analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis, which are quantitative mode
131                                            A cost-effectiveness analysis will also be performed.
132                                              Cost-effectiveness analysis will continue to be the most
133                                            A cost-effectiveness analysis with therapy targeted to hig
134               We used a Markov model to do a cost-effectiveness analysis with two combination regimen

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