


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 il colloids facilitated the release of AgNP (cotransport).
2  these sites result in constitutively active cotransport.
3 nd decrease in bumetanide-sensitive chloride cotransport.
4            Similar constraints must apply to cotransport.
5 fects of bumetanide, an inhibitor of Na-K-Cl cotransport.
6 changes in the transporter protein accompany cotransport.
7 nd 8 of EAAC1, Asp-367 and Asp-454, in Na(+) cotransport.
8 transepithelial transport, e.g., Na+/glucose cotransport.
9 al pH and, thus, does not contribute to H(+) cotransport.
10 ay recruit them as a complex, enabling their cotransport.
11 E681OH AE1, thereby allowing Cl(-)/SO(4)(2-) cotransport.
12 t pH(i) increases triggered by Na(+)-glucose cotransport.
13  processes such as the Na+-K+-ATPase and ion cotransport.
14 ment and pH(i) increases after Na(+)-glucose cotransport.
15 horylation after initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport.
16 horylation after initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport.
17 ant presence of reticulocytes with high K-Cl cotransport.
18 , revealing the reversibility of Na(+)/sugar cotransport.
19 ransmitter uptake to the sodium and chloride cotransport.
20 approximate 1:1 coupling ratio for Na(+)-GSH cotransport.
21 o be nonelectrogenic, inseparable H(+)/Cl(-) cotransport.
22  were without effect on glaucomatous TM cell cotransport.
23 p an ideal coordinator of ER tubule and mRNA cotransport.
24 mbrane potential, indicating substrate/Na(+) cotransport.
25                                        GlyT2 cotransports 3Na+/Cl-/glycine generating large rises of
26 omain transporters; PepT1 has proton/peptide cotransport activity and is selectively expressed in int
27 ately 3-4-fold greater than the H(+)/peptide cotransport activity as determined by measurements of H(
28 les exhibit apparently normal Na(+) /HCO3(-) cotransport activity but that Q913R is associated with a
29 could be associated with the decreased Na/Pi cotransport activity in potassium deficiency.
30 Intracellular Ca(2+) activates Na(+),HCO3(-) cotransport activity in VSMCs in a calcineurin-dependent
31           FK506 did not affect Na(+),HCO3(-) cotransport activity in VSMCs when cytosolic [Ca(2+)] wa
32  close-to-normal per molecule Na(+) /HCO3(-) cotransport activity in Xenopus oocytes, suggesting that
33                                      Na-K-Cl cotransport activity of glaucomatous TM cells was found
34  raise intracellular [Ca(2+)], Na(+),HCO3(-) cotransport activity was inhibited 20-30% by calcineurin
35                                Na(+),HCO3(-) cotransport activity was investigated in VSMCs of mesent
36 anide (10(-5) M) was used to inhibit Na-K-Cl cotransport activity, and vasopressin (10(-7) M, 10(-8)
37 k cell monolayers were evaluated for Na-K-Cl cotransport activity, assessed as ouabain-insensitive, b
38 ls and was due to a local decrease in K+-Cl- cotransport activity, effectively reducing the strength
39                  Despite this electroneutral cotransport activity, the transporter mediated a steady-
40  monophosphate was found to diminish Na-K-Cl cotransport activity, whereas these agents were without
41 n (10(-7) M, 10(-8) M) was used to stimulate cotransport activity.
42  tail of NKCC1, phosphorylate, and stimulate cotransport activity.
43            After initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport, Akt is activated with kinetics that paralle
44 ose transport showed an uncoupling of proton cotransport and a drastic reduction in Na(+)-coupled tra
45 asolateral membrane is achieved by Na+-HCO3- cotransport and also by a H+-ATPase and Na+/H+ exchanger
46 ves coordinate upregulation of PE-side NaKCl cotransport and an NPE-side DIDS-inhibitable mechanism(s
47 riety of mechanisms, including chloride/H(+) cotransport and chloride/nitrate, chloride/bicarbonate,
48 of bath bumetanide, an inhibitor of Na-K-2Cl cotransport and Cl(-) secretion, resulted in a significa
49 er content, particularly associated with KCl cotransport and Gardos channel activation, have revealed
50 ansport is comparable to that of Na+-glucose cotransport and indicates that the process is dependent
51 n the coordinate regulation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport and Na(+)-H(+) exchange.
52  cAMP-mediated stimulation of hepatic Na+/TC cotransport and Ntcp translocation requires activation o
53 P and cell swelling stimulate hepatic Na+/TC cotransport and Ntcp translocation via the phosphoinosit
54 es HCO3-dependent HOE694-insensitive Na-HCO3 cotransport and plays a critical role in pHi regulation
55                    The voltage dependence of cotransport and presteady-state charge displacements (in
56 t review we summarize the evidence for water cotransport and propose how this occurs during the enzym
57                    Here, we investigated the cotransport and retention of HANPs and GNPs in water-sat
58 ry coupling of water transport to Na-glucose cotransport and the mechanism of action of a number of p
59 ow that SV and AZ proteins exhibit extensive cotransport and undergo frequent pauses.
60 in (SN1) involves H+ exchange as well as Na+ cotransport and, under physiological conditions, mediate
61 ke, 2) an increase in the V(max) of Na(+)/TC cotransport, and 3) wortmannin-sensitive increases in TC
62                In axons, APP and BACE-1 were cotransported, and they also interacted during transit.
63                  Variations in rates of drug cotransport are predicted to be due to differences in af
64  of otherwise cell-impermeable discotics via cotransport as a function of supramolecular coassembly.
65 everal studies suggest that SCb proteins are cotransported as one or more macromolecular complexes, b
66 localizing with extranuclear Wld(S), and was cotransported at least partially with mitochondria.
67 arizing GABA responses is caused by Na-K-2Cl cotransport because reduction of external Cl(-) or appli
68                               Specific anion cotransport blockers, such as SITS, DIDS, furosemide, or
69 n nature, and they are not reversed by anion cotransport blockers.
70 r amiloride nor the inhibitor of Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransport bumetanide by itself was effective.
71  recovery from an acid load is not Na+-HCO3- cotransport, but amiloride-sensitive Na+-H+ exchange via
72 f ferret erythrocytes stimulates Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransport by 111% (s.d., 46) compared to controls in a
73 1 and SGLT1, Cl(-) modulates the kinetics of cotransport by altering Na(+) affinity, but does not con
74                                Na(+)/glucose cotransport by SGLT1 is a tightly coupled process that i
75 anthraquinone unit, followed by either H+/e- cotransport by transmembrane diffusion of SP-AQH* or, fo
76 a positively charged amino acid replaces the cotransported cation.
77 lity in monolayers with active Na(+)-glucose cotransport, confirming a functional role for MLCK1.
78 activation after initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport, confirming the functional role of Akt2.
79 uggest that both the water channel and water cotransport could contribute to isotonic fluid transport
80                      Simulated Na(+)-glucose cotransport demonstrates that active glucose accumulatio
81 s closely with development of Na(+)-nutrient cotransport-dependent tight junction regulation.
82 that early tubular growth and sodium-glucose cotransport enhance proximal tubule reabsorption and mak
83                               Cation/glucose cotransport exhibits a coupling ratio of 2 Na+ (or 2 H+)
84                   Because Na(+) currents and cotransport fluxes depend on the Na(+) concentration in
85  form increasingly organized clusters during cotransport from basolateral to perinuclear endosomes.
86 ulfonic acid, an inhibitor of sucrose-proton cotransport from the apoplast.
87         These findings indicate that Na-K-Cl cotransport function and regulation are altered in glauc
88 ytoplasmic domains of mouse KCC1 to its K-Cl cotransport function expressed in Xenopus oocytes.
89  to investigate the possibility that Na-K-Cl cotransport function may be altered in glaucomatous TM c
90 BC1-mediated electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransport function were transfected with either pNBC1
91 deficient in electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransport function, was transfected with kNBC1.
92 ical changes in oxygen tension can influence cotransport function.
93  acts as a proton donor for the anion/proton cotransport function.
94 m frog kidney, on stimulation of Na+-alanine cotransport GVD is activated, while GVI is unaffected.
95 ermease is an integral membrane protein that cotransports H(+) and lactose into the bacterial cytopla
96                 Inhibition of erythroid K-Cl cotransport has emerged as an important adjunct strategy
97 f florfenicol to colloids and indicated that cotransport has little contribution.
98 ugh sequential extraction of a peat soil) to cotransport hexavalent uranium (U) within water-saturate
99 of wild-type and mutant human sodium glucose cotransport (hSGLT1) proteins to identify the Na(+) bind
100  explained without proposing Cl(-)/SO(4)(2-) cotransport if the rate-limiting event for (35)SO(4)(2-)
101                      The V(max) for Na(+)/TC cotransport in basolateral liver plasma membrane was inc
102 tent with multiple novel roles for Na/HCO(3) cotransport in CNS physiology.
103                                  Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransport in ferret erythrocytes was measured as the b
104 e contention that HbS and HbC stimulate K-Cl cotransport in human red cells.
105                  Initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport in intestinal absorptive epithelia causes NH
106                  Initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport in intestinal epithelial cells leads to acti
107 quantitative and qualitative effects on K-Cl cotransport in mouse red cells and activate mouse K-Cl.
108 ulate the activity and/or regulation of K-Cl cotransport in mouse red cells.
109  of isotonic and swelling-induced K(+)-Cl(-) cotransport in neurons.
110                            Elevation of K-Cl cotransport in patients with homozygous hemoglobin (Hb)
111    In contrast, OsHKT2;2 mediated Na(+)-K(+) cotransport in plant cells such that extracellular K(+)
112  electrogenic, amiloride-insensitive Na-HCO3 cotransport in proximal colon.
113 arathyroid hormone inhibits sodium-phosphate cotransport in proximal renal tubule cells through activ
114   Elucidation of the origin of elevated K-Cl cotransport in red cells with mutant hemoglobins has bee
115                                    Most K-Cl cotransport in the erythrocyte is attributed to potassiu
116  can account simultaneously for hydrodynamic cotransport in the presence of changes in fluorescence q
117                  Activation of Na(+),HCO3(-) cotransport in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) cont
118  SCb proteins that we previously showed were cotransported in our system: alpha-synuclein, synapsin-I
119 remainder being sensitive to the Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransport inhibitor bumetanide.
120 asin B, but not the sodium-dependent glucose cotransport inhibitor phloridzin, prevented overload-ind
121                         The sodium/phosphate cotransport inhibitor phosphonoformic acid blocked IL-8-
122 fter administration of the Na(+)/K(+)/2Cl(-) cotransport inhibitor, bumetanide.
123           A number of virulence proteins are cotransported into host cells concomitantly with the T-D
124 sly, we suggested that the mechanism of H(+) cotransport involves protonation of the conserved glutam
125                 Alterations in glutamate and cotransported ion concentrations or in the membrane volt
126  contrast to the classical model of Cl- as a cotransported ion.
127 bitor, DL-TBOA in the presence of Na(+), the cotransported ion.
128  to a regulatory role rather than a coupled, cotransported-ion role.
129 dicted to result from stoichiometric flux of cotransported ions.
130 of the translocation pore for substrates and cotransported ions.
131 ch as the presence of GABA together with the cotransported ions.
132                                Na(+)/glucose cotransport is abolished in the TMR6M-labeled mutant, bu
133                Swelling-activated K(+)-Cl(-) cotransport is abrogated by calyculin A, whereas isotoni
134           Airway epithelial Na-K-2Cl (NKCC1) cotransport is activated through hormonal stimulation an
135                       Carrier-mediated water cotransport is currently a favored explanation for water
136                                         K-Cl cotransport is elevated in sickle erythrocytes, and the
137                      The prevailing model of cotransport is the alternating access model, which sugge
138 omolecular complexes, but the basis for this cotransport is unknown.
139 med the ISO domain), is required for KCC2 to cotransport K(+) and Cl(-) out of the neuron under isoto
140                                          KCl cotransport (KCC) activation by cell swelling and pH was
141                                          KCl cotransport (KCC) activity contributes to pathologic deh
142 bservations suggest that O2 activates K+-Cl- cotransport (KCC) and deactivates Na+-K+-2Cl- cotranspor
143 potassium absorption is non-conductive, K-Cl cotransport (KCC) at the basolateral membrane may also b
144                                         K-Cl cotransport (KCC) is activated by nitric oxide donors an
145                 Activation of Na(+)-nutrient cotransport leads to increased tight junction permeabili
146  treatment and suggest that blocking Na-K-Cl cotransport may reduce cerebral cell swelling.
147                               An alternative cotransport mechanism is proposed where His-322 imidazol
148 ced conformational changes that underlie the cotransport mechanism.
149 e negative charge in the coordination of the cotransport mechanism.
150 (-) treatment, suggesting a Zn(2+)-HCO(3)(-) cotransport mechanism.
151 ecretory glands is fueled by Na(+)/HCO(3)(-) cotransport mediated by basolateral solute carrier famil
152 activated transport, constitutive K(+)-Cl(-) cotransport mediated by KCC2 is completely independent o
153 te dissociating first, followed by the three cotransported Na(+) ions.
154                     NBCe1-A electrogenically cotransports Na(+) and HCO(3)(-) across the basolateral
155 ements of Na(+)-dependent OH(-) and/or HCO3- cotransport (NBC) activities in SMG acinar and duct cell
156 e native acid-extruding proteins, Na+ -HCO3- cotransport (NBC) and Na+ / H+ exchange (NHE), expressed
157 kedly reduced by inhibition of Na(+)/HCO3(-) cotransport (NBC) or Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange (NCX), and ab
158                                      Na-HCO3 cotransport (NBC) regulates intracellular pH (pHi) and H
159 rried on Na+-H+ exchange (NHE) and Na+-HCO3- cotransport (NBC), and acid influxes carried on Cl--HCO3
160 (+) exchanger (NHE3) and the Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) cotransport (NBC3).
161 otransport (KCC) and deactivates Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransport (NKCC) in these cells via separate O2 sensor
162                            Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransport (NKCC) mediates the movement of two Cl(-) io
163 rmational changes underlying Na(+)/galactose cotransport occur at or near the extracellular domain be
164 ple if those transporters were driven by the cotransport of 2 Na+ (rather than of 3 Na+ as for GLT-1)
165 was found to be driven, as for GLT-1, by the cotransport of 3 Na+ and 1 H+ and the counter-transport
166 ino acid transporters (EAATs), involving the cotransport of a proton and three Na(+) ions and the cou
167 ons, supporting the role of XRCC1 in nuclear cotransport of APLF.
168 uring cotransport of HANPs and GNPs, and the cotransport of both NPs is highly sensitive to solution
169  dendrite delivery, and live imaging reveals cotransport of both proteins.
170                       The diuretic-sensitive cotransport of cations with chloride is mediated by the
171 ich at least two Na+ ions are coupled to the cotransport of each aspartate molecule by GltPh, and whe
172            Their transport cycle consists of cotransport of glutamate with three sodium ions and one
173 diated QO-SG transport that does not involve cotransport of glutathione.
174 elution of smaller particles occurred during cotransport of HANPs and GNPs, and the cotransport of bo
175                      Our observations of the cotransport of multiple SCb proteins in single axons sug
176 terpretation that MX efflux by MRP1 involves cotransport of MX and glutathione.
177 nd Na(+) binding sites, and the mechanism of cotransport of Na(+) ions, using molecular dynamics simu
178 ent with the hypothesis that the macroscopic cotransport of Na+ plus two HCO3- occurs as NBC transpor
179 , couples the transport of amino acid to the cotransport of one Na(+) ion into the cell.
180 es the thermodynamic and kinetic controls of cotransport of Pantoea agglomerans cells and Zn in quart
181 transport protein (PTP) catalyzes the proton cotransport of phosphate into the mitochondrial matrix.
182 ne 282 to a glutamate not only uncouples the cotransport of protons and peptides of the wild-type Pep
183                                 Furthermore, cotransport of these three SCb proteins continued in act
184 tor complex either for separate transport or cotransport of these two cargos.
185 amino acid carrier (EAAC1) is coupled to the cotransport of three Na(+) ions and one proton.
186 tamate transporter (GlT) is catalyzed by the cotransport of three Na(+) ions.
187 rs couple the uptake of one glutamate to the cotransport of three sodium ions and one proton and the
188 ne glutamate transporter EAAC1 is coupled to cotransport of three sodium ions.
189  diffusion maps that reveal interactions and cotransport of two distinct molecular species labeled wi
190 phobic organic matter in the association and cotransport of U by HAs.
191                                      Dynamic cotransport of vesicles and synapsin particles is also s
192 , glucose and water transport, i.e. there is cotransport of water along with Na+ and sugar, that will
193 tilized to examine the effect of Na+-alanine cotransport on two previously identified volume- and Gd3
194 le to the modulation of either substrate/ion cotransport or the ligand-gated chloride current, the ma
195 s phosphate ligands or as part of the proton cotransport path.
196 UDC uptake by way of the Na(+) /taurocholate cotransporting peptide.
197  pertinent aspects of ion channel theory and cotransport physiology to provide background for the cha
198        Recent evidence suggests that Na-K-Cl cotransport plays a major role in blood-to-aqueous anion
199  may be important in controlling the fate of cotransported pollutants.
200                         The Na+-taurocholate cotransport polypeptide (ntcp) is the primary transporte
201 itis delta virus use the sodium/taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (a bile acid transporter) as
202 BV entry receptor, human sodium-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (hNTCP), on macaque primary h
203  like the receptor human sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (hNTCP).
204  stably transfected with sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (HuH-NTCP cells) and in rat h
205 (OATP) 1B1 and sodium-dependent taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) allelic variants were
206 h the HBV entry receptor sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) and impaired its bile
207 tes translocation of Na(+)-taurocholate (TC) cotransporting polypeptide (Ntcp) and multidrug resistan
208 ma membrane localization of Na+-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) and multidrug resistan
209        Identification of sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) as an HBV receptor ena
210         The discovery of sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) as the hepatitis B vir
211 ded inhibition of Na+ -dependent taurocholic cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) expression and activit
212 ke by translocating sodium-taurocholate (TC) cotransporting polypeptide (Ntcp) from an endosomal comp
213                          Sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (Ntcp) from the respective sp
214                 Although sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) has recently been repo
215 a(+) and the presence of sodium-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) indicate a Na(+) -depe
216                      The sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (Ntcp) is the major bile salt
217                      The Na(+) -taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) mediates uptake of con
218 le salt transporters Na(+)/taurocholate (TC) cotransporting polypeptide (Ntcp), and bile salt export
219  salt export pump (BSEP), Na(+)/taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP), OATP1, OATP2, ABCG5,
220               Moreover, the Na+-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP), responsible for bile
221 cells reconstituted with sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP), the currently accepte
222 rt term regulation of the Na(+)-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (Ntcp), the major bile salt u
223    SLC10A1 codes for the sodium-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP), which is a hepatocell
224 ubsequently binds to the sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP, encoded by SLC10A1), t
225  from portal circulation is Na+-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP, SLC10A1).
226                      The Na(+) -taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP/SLC10A1) is believed to
227 h the human HBV receptor sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide but could not be neutralized
228 2, OATP1A1, OATP1A4, and Na(+) -taurocholate-cotransporting polypeptide only in central hepatocytes o
229                       The Na(+)-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide SLC10A1 (NTCP) plays a key ro
230 ly transfected with human Na(+)-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide, BSEP, MDR3, and ABCG5/G8 and
231 ) 1a1, Oatp1a4, Oatp1b2, sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide, multidrug resistance-associa
232 lateral membrane protein, Na(+)/taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide, with the 14-mer peptide tail
233 ile acid transporter and Na(+) -taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide, within the enterohepatic cir
234 X receptor and sodium-dependent taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide; new insights into the pathog
235 ich functions to facilitate the anion/proton cotransport process (a) by blocking the "redocking" of t
236 anism and biological role of these intricate cotransport processes in fungal models such as Saccharom
237 le acids, mediated by the Na(+)-taurocholate cotransporting protein (NTCP).
238  part of a diverse family of cation-chloride cotransport proteins that share a common predicted membr
239 reveal that EmrE can simultaneously bind and cotransport proton and drug.
240     However, it was also speculated that the cotransported proton is shared in a H(+)-binding network
241 y the results, which includes binding of the cotransported proton to E373 and binding of a modulatory
242                                  The resting cotransport rate was high but could be increased threefo
243                              The Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransport rate was stimulated by treating erythrocytes
244 the functional level, interference with this cotransport reduces the number of spine protrusions and
245                                         K-Cl cotransport regulates cell volume and chloride equilibri
246 onsible for the electroneutral Na(+)/lactate cotransport reported in mammalian and amphibian kidneys.
247 s, ezrin phosphorylation after Na(+)-glucose cotransport requires p38 MAP kinase activity, but p38 MA
248 e data show that initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport resulted in rapid increases in both apical m
249  proximal renal tubule cell sodium-phosphate cotransport, stimulates several signal transduction path
250          In cells stored for 3 days or less, cotransport stimulation by arsenite could be described b
251                        The HCO(3)(-) : Na(+) cotransport stoichiometry of the electrogenic sodium bic
252             Acetazolamide did not affect the cotransport stoichiometry or the ability of 8-Br-cAMP to
253                            Surprisingly, the cotransported substrates Na(+) and aspartate induce oppo
254  proportional to the rate of Na+-glucose-H2O cotransport such that the amount of urea transport was a
255 arrier of Escherichia coli is a sugar-cation cotransport system that utilizes Na(+), Li(+), or H(+).
256 ponents: one is classical active Na+-glucose cotransport, the other is the diffusive apical GLUT2 pat
257            Although Na and Cl are putatively cotransported, they have opposite effects on the interna
258 ibits proximal renal tubule sodium-phosphate cotransport through a signaling complex dependent upon a
259 he form of NH(3), while the excess proton is cotransported through a highly conserved hydrogen-bonded
260 ecause secretory glycoproteins and Sfhex are cotransported through the same secretory pathway and bec
261 e via AE2 is coupled to basolateral NaHCO(3) cotransport to support CFTR-mediated chloride and bicarb
262 S) within its primary amino acid sequence or cotransport to the nucleus with another karyophilic prot
263  the number of water molecules that might be cotransported to ECF per NAA molecule released is as yet
264                   Because multiple mRNAs are cotransported to the bud, it is likely that this process
265            All active maturation factors are cotransported to the cell surface when coexpressed with
266 y and sufficient for constitutive K(+)-Cl(-) cotransport under isotonic conditions.
267  unique in mediating constitutive K(+)-Cl(-) cotransport under isotonic conditions; the other three K
268                        Inhibition of Na-K-Cl cotransport using Cl-free medium or bumetanide resulted
269 without bumetanide, an inhibitor of Na-K-2Cl cotransport, using ANCOVA with a 2 x 2 factorial study d
270 is that sphingomyelin and cholesterol may be cotransported via a Golgi-dependent pathway and that the
271  diverse levels of organization, while being cotransported via the polarized endocytic pathways.
272 nce of chloride, making it unlikely that KCl cotransport was an important pathway under these conditi
273                        Electroneutral K+/Cl- cotransport was demonstrated in SiHa cells, in which K+
274                         Although Na+-glucose cotransport was normal in the CF jejunum, absence of pas
275 2 cells, co-flux with paxillin; an analogous cotransport was seen for alpha6beta1-integrin and alpha-
276 with decreased bumetanide-sensitive chloride cotransport, whereas KCC2 immunoreactivity was increased
277 ocytes acidification activates Na(+)/HCO3(-) cotransport, which brings Na(+) inside the cell.
278 repancies in the alternating access model of cotransport, which cannot consistently explain substrate
279  a protein phosphatase inhibitor, stimulated cotransport with a lag of about 5 min.
280          We now show that LYAAT1 mediates H+ cotransport with a stoichiometry of 1 H+/1 amino acid, c
281                                Block of NKCC cotransport with bumetanide reduced the EOG in epithelia
282           Inhibition of renal sodium-glucose cotransport with empagliflozin in subjects with IFG and
283 thermore, time-lapse microscopy revealed SMN cotransport with HuD in live motor neurons.
284 phorylated after initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport with kinetics that paralleled activation of
285 ove the neurotransmitter from the synapse by cotransport with three sodium ions into the surrounding
286 se that the cadherin-beta-catenin complex is cotransported with AMPA receptors to synapses and dendri
287 ytic machinery, i.e., PS1 and BACE1, are not cotransported with APP in the sciatic nerves of mice.
288 itions under which salinity is favored to be cotransported with CO(2) into shallow aquifers will be i
289                     Unexpectedly, PrP(Sc) is cotransported with ferritin, a prominent component of th
290  We furthermore show that Na(+) and H(+) are cotransported with glutamate in the forward part of the
291 brane were they recruited into filopodia and cotransported with host motor myosin 10 toward the buddi
292                          Viral particles are cotransported with KIF1A in axons of primary rat superio
293 wed that fluorescently tagged AnkG or Nav1.2 cotransported with KIF5 along axons.
294 d Smo mutants do not colocalize with nor are cotransported with Ptc1.
295 e find that tea3p fused to GFP or mCherry is cotransported with tea1p by microtubules to cell tips, b
296 ith Fe(2+) occurred with Co(2+), known to be cotransported with tetracycline.
297 tly depends on the presence of GSH, which is cotransported with the anthocyanins and is sensitive to
298 , a fraction of the NLS-minus E1 protein was cotransported with the E2 protein into the nucleus and s
299 transported to the rod outer segment without cotransporting with full-length rhodopsin.
300  lower pH (increased release of silver), and cotransported zeolites (reduced silver in solution).

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