


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 8-oxoG position dependent, importantly, OGG1 counteracting 8-oxoG outside consensus motif had a profo
2 uce infection in Bombus populations, thereby counteracting a possible contributor to pollinator decli
3 iverse primates underscore the importance of counteracting A3G in lentiviral evolution.
4 ype F Vif variants being highly effective in counteracting A3H hapII.
5 RPS23RG1 regulates synaptic plasticity, thus counteracting Abeta oligomer (oAbeta)-induced cognitive
6 insoluble nontoxic amyloid fibrils, there by counteracting Abeta-mediated cytotoxicity.
7                 These results argue that the counteracting activities of distinct neuronal circuits d
8 exes is regulated by the balance between the counteracting activities of Wee1/Myt1 kinases and Cdc25
9 n resulted in NP mutants that lacked the IFN-counteracting activity but retained their functions in v
10 chromatin plasticity that is mediated by the counteracting activity of histone-methyltransferases and
11 to 386 as playing a critical role in the IFN-counteracting activity of NP.
12  hypothesis: developmental constraints and a counteracting adaptive growth plasticity work in opposit
13  we examined the efficacy of resveratrol for counteracting age-related memory and mood impairments an
14 s the lifespan of flies, worms, and yeast by counteracting age-related oxidation of H2O2-scavenging p
15  eradication of intracellular pathogens, and counteracting aging through clearance of senescent prote
16 lar target and cellular mechanism of DHM for counteracting alcohol intoxication and dependence.
17 r, suggesting inherent cellular capacity for counteracting amyloid formation in early life.
18 ohesin rings around the sister chromatids by counteracting an activity associated with one of cohesin
19 o facilitate replication fork progression by counteracting an as yet ill-defined cohesion "antiestabl
20 ining hippocampal neurogenesis as well as of counteracting an hostile brain microenvironment so to pr
21     We now show that these mutations work by counteracting an increase in the cellular levels of reac
22 h Vpu and HIV-2 Env enhance virus release by counteracting an innate host-cell block within human cel
23 ection of macrophages and dendritic cells by counteracting an unidentified host restriction factor.
24 onform to the expected model of two marks as counteracting and competing forces.
25 ork is emerging as an important strategy for counteracting and repurposing the posttranslational modi
26 orebrain structures, but the potential for a counteracting, anti-dipsogenic pressor response to hindb
27 e leukemia virus (MLV) has a unique means of counteracting APOBEC3 and other cytosolic sensors of vir
28  WT and not APOBEC3 KO mice, indicating that counteracting APOBEC3 is the major function of glyco-Gag
29  spatially restricted negative feedback loop counteracting Aurora B in anaphase.
30 was prevented in endothelial HMEC-1 cells by counteracting beta2-adrenoreceptor (beta2ADR) activity u
31 appropriate controls from other sources, and counteracting bias associated with living controls.
32 y, treatment of ACAD9 patients should aim at counteracting both CI and fatty acid oxidation dysfuncti
33 em cells, demonstrating the role of BRAVO in counteracting Brassinosteroid (BR)-mediated cell divisio
34 by which HIF-1alpha suppresses DNA repair by counteracting c-Myc transcriptional activity that mainta
35  may help to more precisely assign therapies counteracting cancer cell proliferation and metastatic s
36 cular permeability and inflammation, thereby counteracting cardiac wall edema during sepsis.
37 gest that IL-6 serves as an extrinsic factor counteracting CD4(+) T-cell-mediated immunity against tu
38 ase, Cdc14, which is in part responsible for counteracting Cdk activity.
39 eptum formation in F. graminearum, likely by counteracting Cdk phosphorylation, and is required for p
40 gnancies particularly acquired resistance by counteracting cell death, an effect that can be minimize
41  targeting the GPCR/G protein interfaces and counteracting cellular dysfunctions via focused tuning o
42 ropose that FANCJ plays an essential role in counteracting chromatin compaction associated with unsch
43 atients suggests that it might contribute to counteracting chronic inflammatory processes during HIV
44 eostasis by regulating the expression of key counteracting components of the DNA methylation machiner
45              Unlike silicon nitride pores, a counteracting contribution from electro-osmotic flow alo
46 or inflammasome activation, thus exclusively counteracting damage inflicted by immune responses.
47 entified nucleophosmin (NPM) as a key factor counteracting death stimuli in human hepatocellular carc
48  dysfunctional or damaged mitochondria, thus counteracting degeneration, dampening inflammation, and
49 o be a short-term compensatory mechanism for counteracting deleterious mutations.
50 he possibility of biological significance of counteracting demethylases.
51 s anti-inflammatory PPAR-alpha activities in counteracting dietary-induced liver fibrosis, we used a
52 not only for anabolic functions but also for counteracting different types of environmental stress, s
53 tions in 20% (vs 60%) Incongruent blocks for counteracting distraction and conflict, including in the
54 is DSB-induced transcriptional inhibition by counteracting DSB resection.
55                                           By counteracting ectopic microtubule assembly and disorgani
56  capture of atmospheric CO(2) are known, the counteracting effect from the potential emission of othe
57 is restricted by its poor context, despite a counteracting effect of downstream secondary structure.
58                      This also abolished the counteracting effect of sulforaphane, suggesting mediati
59                                              Counteracting effects of number of helpers on different
60 although some studies suggest that they have counteracting effects on CFTR stability.
61 ecting codons 62 and 63 implies balancing of counteracting effects operating on the allosteric contro
62 erged as an ultrahigh affinity binder, these counteracting effects result in a maximum energy gain th
63        We tested the hypothesis that similar counteracting effects would occur for quantitative, mult
64        We tested the hypothesis that similar counteracting effects would occur when we take account o
65 ha and Stx2a by increasing production of the counteracting eicosanoids prostaglandin I2, E1, E2, and
66 ecent atmospheric Hg levels in Central Asia, counteracting emission reductions due to control measure
67                  To identify small molecules counteracting EphA2 canonical signaling, we developed a
68 e, we summarize mechanisms for detecting and counteracting ER stress, the role of the UPR in normal s
69  homologous recombination repair (HR), while counteracting error-prone non-homologous end joining of
70   In this work, we identified Hos2 as a KDAC counteracting ESA1 in the damage response.
71 one activates PR-A, inducing invasiveness by counteracting estrogen's effects, particularly when cell
72 - to 11-y-old boys but not in girls, thereby counteracting existing sex differences.
73 (MTS) regulates dephosphorylation of INAD by counteracting eye-PKC [INAC (inactivation no afterpotent
74 scribe a previously unknown role for CD44 in counteracting Fas-mediated apoptosis of Th1 effector cel
75  that local ROCK inhibition is promising for counteracting fibrosis as an add-on therapy for CD.
76 gi network and post-Golgi compartments, thus counteracting fluctuations in the sphingolipid biosynthe
77 s that nutrients and herbivores can serve as counteracting forces to control local plant diversity th
78 us recombination serve as the most important counteracting forces to plant genomic obesity.
79 etraction occurs at a constant speed against counteracting forces up to 50 pN.
80  battle to form a new vesicle in the face of counteracting forces, such as membrane tension.
81   This dynamic stability relies on balancing counteracting forces: an apically directed force exerted
82 elicase promotes DNA replication in trans by counteracting fork stalling on replication barriers, suc
83 sign merges intrinsic potency and resistance-counteracting functions in one molecule, and represents
84 while IpaH9.8 helps bacterial propagation by counteracting GBP-dependent cell-autonomous immunity.
85 heir dynamic instability and are dictated by counteracting gene-regulatory networks.
86 ion (IR) is proposed to be the major process counteracting genome expansion, which is caused primaril
87 ntegrin and metalloproteinase, is capable of counteracting genotoxic stress-induced apoptosis by the
88 ng refers to a range of proposed methods for counteracting global warming by artificially reducing su
89 lycolysis in leukemia cells, as a target for counteracting glucose-dependent survival induced by BCR-
90  protein kinases, cells express members of a counteracting group of proteins called phosphatases.
91  however, it is unclear which of the several counteracting H2A deubiquitinases functions along with P
92  indirectly maintain active transcription by counteracting H3K9 dimethylation and gene silencing.
93 ctions to maintain euchromatic domains while counteracting heterochromatization and gene silencing.
94 e JIL-1 tandem kinase has been implicated in counteracting heterochromatization and gene silencing.
95 and phosphorylates histone H3 at interphase, counteracting histone H3 lysine 9 dimethylation and gene
96                                 However, the counteracting histone methyltransferase required for the
97    This cell type produces glucagon, a major counteracting hormone to insulin in regulating glucose h
98 luenza NS1 protein is the main viral protein counteracting host innate immune responses, allowing the
99 anisms to establish productive infections by counteracting host innate immune responses.
100 ustrate the enormous flexibility of HIV-1 in counteracting human defense mechanisms.
101 e enhanced droughts in southern Europe while counteracting increased precipitation in northern Europe
102 sent us with group-level selection pressures counteracting individual-level ones, need not produce be
103 d a degree of neuroprotection, presumably by counteracting inducible nitric oxide synthase.
104 atory T cells (Tregs) play a central role in counteracting inflammation and autoimmunity.
105 is provides an important fail-safe mechanism counteracting inflammatory responses when the timely cle
106 n by antagonizing Eph receptor signaling and counteracting inhibitory inputs from the gonadal sheath
107 elease to enhance insulin secretion, thereby counteracting insulin resistance in obesity.
108 aging of neural activity we characterize the counteracting interneurons AVK and DVA that utilize FLP-
109 s capable of inhibiting ISG15 production and counteracting ISG15 conjugation to cellular proteins.
110 hat cooperate with MYC dysregulation, likely counteracting its proapoptotic function.
111 nown about the substrates of hCDC14A and the counteracting kinases.
112           It is a reversible process wherein counteracting ligases and proteases, respectively, media
113 jor component of the cornea, yet its role in counteracting live bacteria in the cornea remains poorly
114 ctivated DCs, we uncover a general mechanism counteracting low MHCI surface expression.
115 trate that NRG-1 mediates its unique role in counteracting LTP via dopamine signaling and opens futur
116 function of the various B cell subsets while counteracting lymphomagenesis.
117 excellent biological activities, effectively counteracting major types (VanABC) of VRE.
118             In this study, we identified the counteracting mechanisms that prevent excessive obesity
119                                           By counteracting MglA near lagging cell poles, PlpA reinfor
120 logy is regulated by the balance between two counteracting mitochondrial processes of fusion and fiss
121 ing strength and dynamics, suggesting a dual counteracting modulatory role of SHOC2 in the control of
122                             Finally, natural counteracting molecules, such as RNase1, will be focused
123 malian cells, maintains cell homoeostasis by counteracting most of the kinase-driven intracellular si
124                        This was prevented by counteracting mTORC1 signaling through p70S6Ks (S6K1/2)
125 e was important for cell-fate regulation, as counteracting MYC repression reduced cell-cycle arrest a
126  revealed Irf8 and Gfi1 as key components of counteracting myeloid-gene-regulatory networks.
127 ecretion system (T3SS) and induces functions counteracting neutrophil-induced ion deprivation, radica
128 ing that cells respond to virus infection by counteracting NF-kappaB-induced proviral effects.
129  protein 1 (Keap1) signaling and its role in counteracting *NO-induced apoptosis of human colon cance
130 rest because of its significant potential in counteracting obesity and type 2 diabetes.
131 g TRIP-Br2 could be a potential approach for counteracting obesity-induced BAT dysfunction.
132 rior to moderate-intensity training (MIT) in counteracting obesity-induced impairment of left ventric
133     Indeed, this compound shows potential in counteracting obesity-related anxiety.
134 d highlight Egr1 as a therapeutic target for counteracting obesity.
135  proper metabolic functions in many tissues, counteracting obesity.
136 cts explicitly on cell fate specification by counteracting olig4 expression in the neighboring intern
137  These coordinated events can include toxins counteracting or amplifying effects of another toxin or
138 ng that in cells EBs prevent catastrophes by counteracting other microtubule regulators.
139 to the glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) in counteracting OVA-induced airway hyperresponsiveness, re
140 iated with procognitive effects in humans by counteracting overactivation of the adenosine A2A recept
141 o[4,3-d]pyrimidin-7-amides were effective in counteracting oxaliplatin-induced apoptosis in rat astro
142                           DNA repair protein counteracting oxidative promoter lesions may modulate ge
143  activation improves endothelial function by counteracting oxidative stress in endothelial cells.
144 is the first evidence of adaptive aneuploidy counteracting oxidative stress.
145         Role of FEN1 S187 phosphorylation in counteracting oxygen-induced stress and regulating postn
146 hat novel pharmacological approaches require counteracting pharmacoresistance to improve therapeutic
147                    We investigated these two counteracting phenomena.
148 nd mechanism, whereby Cdk1:CycB inhibits its counteracting phosphatase (PP2A:B55).
149 r cell cycle regulator Cdk together with its counteracting phosphatase and that it is executed by con
150  might be achieved by modulating Cdk and Cdk-counteracting phosphatase Cdc14 activities in vivo, as w
151 mn) cells, the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk)-counteracting phosphatase Cdc14 was released prematurely
152  activity, together with upregulation of its counteracting phosphatase Cdc14, controls each of the se
153 phosphorylation during mitosis, identify the counteracting phosphatase complex that restores the pote
154 ions are distinct from those of STN7 and the counteracting phosphatase PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE1/THYLAKOID
155 e kinetochore protein KNL1 recruits Aurora B-counteracting phosphatases and the Aurora B-targeting fa
156     Our results support a model in which Cdk-counteracting phosphatases contribute to cell-cycle orde
157 t kinases (CDKs) is well documented, but the counteracting phosphatases have not been identified yet.
158 f a mitotic kinase network and repression of counteracting phosphatases.
159 nt kinase)-antagonising phosphatase Cdc14 by counteracting phosphorylation of the nucleolar protein N
160 increased motivation to eat, a more profound counteracting physiologic stimulus inhibiting increases
161 o retrieve more nutrients from the cell, the counteracting plant defense mechanism against nonhost pa
162 rus proteins either facilitating movement or counteracting plant defense.
163 ing SA2, and the other is myosin phosphatase counteracting PLK1.
164 ugh PPAR-gamma-dependent mechanisms, thereby counteracting podocyte injury and proteinuria.
165 genes to promote transcription elongation by counteracting Pol II pausing.
166 ase PP2A(Cdc55) inhibits cohesin cleavage by counteracting polo-kinase phosphorylation of Scc1.
167 mia) is presumed to activate Hox expression, counteracting polycomb-mediated repression.
168 However, many transcription networks contain counteracting positive and negative feedbacks.
169 caused by MYPT1 reduction could override the counteracting PP2A phosphatase, resulting in precocious
170 on Lys4 (H3K4), as a pRB-interacting protein counteracting pRB's role in promoting differentiation.
171 licit anti-apoptotic effects in cancer cells counteracting pro-apoptotic effects of chemotherapeutics
172                    Interestingly, many genes counteracting pro-inflammatory signaling and inflammator
173 ntly, activity of the right SFG mediates the counteracting processes of inhibitory control and motor
174                                           As counteracting processes, crypt fission and fusion could
175 eriodic activation and inactivation of a CDK-counteracting protein phosphatase 2A with a B55delta sub
176 alance between cellular repressors and virus-counteracting proteins determines whether or not a cell
177  a possible function for Rrp1/2 with Srs2 in counteracting Rad51 activity.
178  results establish a central role for YAP in counteracting radiation-based therapies and driving geno
179  the cell-division plane during cytokinesis, counteracting recycling to the plasma membrane.
180 ly large portion of their coding capacity to counteracting restriction factors by encoding accessory
181 further investigated the role of Tetherin in counteracting retrovirus replication in vivo.
182 (NAcc) have been shown to relate to behavior counteracting reward-desiring.
183 n (F-actin) in pollen tubes is controlled by counteracting RIC4 and RIC3 pathways downstream of the R
184 tant role in the assembly of kinetochores by counteracting RNF41-mediated SGT1 degradation.
185 tion, depending on either the synergistic or counteracting roles of wavefront distortion and birefrin
186 prevent the development of these diseases by counteracting ROS levels.
187  traditional therapeutic approaches based on counteracting selected pathways of the ischemic cascade,
188                             The influence of counteracting shear forces, drag along the walls, and re
189                                              Counteracting signal transduction pathways downstream of
190 ay depend on the relative strengths of these counteracting signaling activities.
191 g drugs is thought to be the upregulation of counteracting signalling cascades as a direct response t
192 ually decreases (as in synaptic depression), counteracting slow increases in excitability.
193                     Thus, CPDT exemplifies a counteracting solution to the dilemma posed by Nrf2.
194 igh-density vesicle cluster, suggesting that counteracting stabilizing mechanisms must operate agains
195 antiangiogenic responses in cells exposed to counteracting stimuli and the potential medical signific
196 istent with the patient's wishes and values, counteracting surrogates' helplessness and ending the un
197 sidered as a possible therapeutic target for counteracting synaptic impairments in the neuronal netwo
198                 In this paper, we identify a counteracting system in which PP2A-B56gamma and -epsilon
199 ize evolution in eukaryotes whereby DNA loss counteracting TE expansion is a major determinant of gen
200 different set of genes than ones involved in counteracting Teff activation.
201  a basis for future allergen immunotherapies counteracting Th2 immune responses on a molecular basis.
202  their survival from pneumococcal pneumonia, counteracting the abnormally elevated inflammatory respo
203                                              Counteracting the action of GATA3 at the ERalpha promote
204 e that HDAC3 regulates cyclin A stability by counteracting the action of the acetylases PCAF/GCN5.
205 s synchrony under steady-state conditions by counteracting the actions of GABAA signaling.
206  PP2A(Cdc55) dephosphorylates APC/C, thereby counteracting the activity of the mitotic kinase Cdc28.
207 ng VE-cadherin trans-dimers in mature AJs by counteracting the actomyosin tension.
208 V infection and that nsp2 is a key factor in counteracting the antiviral function of ISG15.
209 eins possess an as-yet-unidentified means of counteracting the antiviral restriction factor tetherin
210 onsensus among the rest of the population by counteracting the benefit of the intermediate state or m
211 iplet than in the singlet, thereby partially counteracting the bonding and dispersion components, whi
212   Viruses have evolved ways of preventing or counteracting the cascade of antiviral responses that do
213 st, it subtly influences centriole length by counteracting the centriole-elongating activity of sever
214                                              Counteracting the changes in p27 expression attenuated t
215 ity of the cellular transcription profile by counteracting the chromatin-condensing activity of linke
216 sidered for development of new therapies for counteracting the consequences of stroke and acute brain
217 If so, complexity could provide an advantage counteracting the costs involved in maintaining larger n
218 ase energy expenditure and may contribute to counteracting the current obesity epidemic.
219 ses of premature mortality and violence, and counteracting the cycle of reoffending should be further
220 ay afford a potential therapeutic target for counteracting the decline in cognitive function and mood
221 tion studies of miR-133 revealed its role in counteracting the deleterious apoptotic effects caused b
222  highlight the roles of ECF sigma factors in counteracting the deleterious effects of autolysins and
223 ffects this process, and approaches aimed at counteracting the deleterious effects of early over- and
224                               Procedures for counteracting the detrimental manifestations of microhet
225 co-regulator is a new therapeutic target for counteracting the development of obesity, insulin resist
226                                           By counteracting the E3 ubiquitin ligase Rsp5, Ubp2 and Ubp
227    Longevity mechanisms increase lifespan by counteracting the effects of aging.
228 et of antidote molecules that are capable of counteracting the effects of an entire class of therapeu
229                                           By counteracting the effects of AT1 receptor stimulation in
230 thus raising the possibility of their use in counteracting the effects of estrogen loss following men
231 arveyi acyl-ACP synthetase, replaced RpfB in counteracting the effects of high level RpfF thioesteras
232      As we found evidence for drug treatment counteracting the effects of IL-13 on the epithelium, we
233 t for therapeutic vasculoprotection aimed at counteracting the effects of VEGF, thus being crucial fo
234 n the presence of solutions containing salt, counteracting the effects, for example, charged lipids,
235 th EGFR/HSP70/HSP90 through the DnaJ domain, counteracting the EGFR regulatory function of HSP90 by c
236 knowledge of the human retina is crucial for counteracting the events that lead to certain degenerati
237 process that may diminish the risk of PML by counteracting the excess of immunosuppression that may o
238 activated translation of IkappaBzeta mRNA by counteracting the function of a translational silencing
239   Nociceptin exerts its antistress effect by counteracting the functions of corticotropin-releasing f
240  deubiquitinates and stabilizes PML, thereby counteracting the functions of PML ubiquitin ligases RNF
241  the efficiency of therapeutic approaches to counteracting the harmful impact of ZIKV(BR) in human ne
242 findings demonstrate for the first time that counteracting the HBMEC receptor and signaling molecule
243      DEP-1 reactivation was also achieved by counteracting the high levels of reactive oxygen species
244 ral protein 1 (NS1) is the main viral factor counteracting the host antiviral response.
245  clearly highlight the importance of PA-X in counteracting the host innate and acquired immune respon
246 essory protein Vpu enhances virus release by counteracting the host restriction factor tetherin.
247 ibed C-terminal NP domain involved in either counteracting the host type I interferon response or int
248 cate that alpha-2A agonists are effective at counteracting the hyperdopaminergic state induced by PCP
249 ls of OCT4 and its target gene ZEB1, thereby counteracting the increase of OCT4 induced by pemetrexed
250 n Hemisphere has decreased NPP in that area, counteracting the increased NPP over the Northern Hemisp
251  proper attachment of RCs to the PM, thereby counteracting the increasing membrane tension induced by
252  among children born at term, is relevant in counteracting the increasing use of this procedure, whic
253 ts to a novel upstream therapeutic target by counteracting the inflammatory processes in atrial fibri
254         DeaD facilitates uvrY translation by counteracting the inhibitory effect of long distance bas
255  1 (NS1) is a virulence factor essential for counteracting the innate immune response.
256 de coupling mechanism in CaV1.1a operates by counteracting the limiting effects of exon 29 inclusion
257  and through activation of MC4 receptors, by counteracting the main traumatic brain injury-related me
258 in have been thought to regulate appetite by counteracting the melanocortin signaling pathway.
259 exposure, resulting in a more rigid membrane counteracting the membrane-fluidizing effect of nZVI.
260 ipid ATPase), a P4-type ATPase, in a process counteracting the monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) sh
261 ) and vitamin D3 was found more effective in counteracting the negative consequences of oxidative str
262  (Zostera marina) through a trophic cascade, counteracting the negative effects of agriculturally ind
263 tin ligase, ICP0, plays an important role in counteracting the negative effects of DNA-PK activation.
264 ic effect in rats with cirrhosis and ascites counteracting the negative effects of oxidative stress-
265                     Our results suggest that counteracting the neuronal loss of LCMT-1 and B(alpha) c
266  animals to assess histological damage, thus counteracting the principles of Replacement, Refinement
267 ely transferred ileitis in vivo, most likely counteracting the proinflammatory role of the CD44(high)
268 eas in the forebrain they undergo apoptosis, counteracting the proliferative effect.
269 phosphatase directly targeting PLC-gamma and counteracting the receptor-mediated signal.
270 ssense loss-of-function variant, potentially counteracting the SAMD9L mutation.
271  suggested it could be an effective means of counteracting the spread of MGEs.
272 Thus, SAV1 promotes Hippo activation through counteracting the STRIPAK(SLMAP) PP2A phosphatase comple
273 density wave after near-infrared excitation, counteracting the suppression of order in the non-equili
274 a resolution-associated molecular pattern by counteracting the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines
275 SG-6 exerts an anti-inflammatory function by counteracting the transcription of MMP-1 and MMP-3 and t
276 bined attributes would be functional for (i) counteracting the unique loading patterns acting on the
277  response in the HSC(ethanol) co-cultures by counteracting the up-regulation of TNF-alpha and GSH wit
278 d leads to a reduction in aerobic glycolysis counteracting the Warburg effect of cancer cells.
279 nhibiting their gene-silencing functions and counteracting their role in linking stress sensing with
280 ining the integrity of the genome as well as counteracting therapeutic agents that target DNA.
281  process, yet little is known about proteins counteracting these apoptotic pathways.
282         Therapeutic strategies should aim at counteracting these changes.
283 A/Puerto Rico/08/34 strain, is essential for counteracting these innate immune events in DCs.
284                  The particular phosphatases counteracting these kinases remain elusive.
285         However, tumour cells are capable of counteracting these signals through mechanisms that are
286 ture suggests a role for the cytoskeleton in counteracting these stresses, there has been no systemat
287                                           By counteracting these structural errors, diagnosed using e
288 ects signs of balance loss, then it supplies counteracting torques at the hips to assist balance reco
289 redicted that this response was effective at counteracting transformation independently of competing
290 ious immune cells, T-cell subsets capable of counteracting Tregs have not been demonstrated.
291 cisely fine-tune endosomal F-actin levels by counteracting TRIM27 auto-ubiquitination/degradation and
292 and the discovery of therapeutic targets for counteracting tumor suppressor gene loss is needed.
293  blood clotting and inflammation to directly counteracting tumorigenic cells.
294 hosphorylation following interactions with a counteracting tyrosine phosphatase regulates diverse phy
295    Resistance training was very effective in counteracting ULLS-induced alterations, indicating that
296 rably suppressed HIF1alpha, thus potentially counteracting undesirable effects of elevated tumor hypo
297 5B signaling maintains vascular integrity by counteracting VEGF signaling in endothelial cells, ident
298                        To test for potential counteracting ventral attractive signals, we examined Ne
299  is expected that OHCs are more effective in counteracting viscous drag than providing elastic energy
300 er across the previous year, but in multiple counteracting ways.

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