


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 perceived midpoint of the two glasses (order counterbalanced).
2 r burnt or un-burnt) without accelerants (S+ counterbalanced).
3 IL-21/ROR/IL-17 pathway and to the Th17/Treg counterbalance.
4                Scan order was randomized and counterbalanced.
5 he pro-apoptotic properties of c-MYC must be counterbalanced.
6 n (control) they remained in dim room light, counterbalanced.
7 n each module, and the order of training was counterbalanced.
8 ot under which the switch was positioned was counterbalanced.
9 sthma development, most, if not all, will be counterbalanced.
10  placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover counterbalanced, 2 (intravenous ketamine or placebo) x 2
11  individuals when they were rested (during a counterbalanced 3-week period of 8 hours time in bed per
12 of hepatic glucose metabolism to effectively counterbalance a decline of the blood glucose level beco
13   The order of TFD and placebo treatment was counterbalanced across patients.
14  binding sites support repression and act to counterbalance activation through Dl and the ubiquitous
15                            Here, we define a counterbalanced adhesion/contraction model for cell shap
16 cent (G0) state, suggesting that elafin is a counterbalance against the mitogenic effects of NE in G0
17                             The Mas axis may counterbalance angiotensin-II-mediated proinflammatory e
18 erens junctions where a betaPIX-PAK2 complex counterbalances apoptotic stimuli transduced by Scrib an
19  evaluated the hypothesis that CUEa and CUEh counterbalance at a large scale, stabilizing microbial g
20 stabilization of DHFR proteins in E. coli is counterbalanced at 42 degrees C by their soluble oligome
21 regulates cardiac L-type currents, likely by counterbalancing basal and stimulated phosphorylation th
22 itivity is mainly determined by a functional counterbalance between cold-activated TRPM8 channels and
23              These studies indicate that the counterbalance between HTLV-I/Tax and PDLIM2 may determi
24          Our recent studies suggest that the counterbalance between HTLV-I/Tax and PDZ-LIM domain-con
25 f the knowledge on reciprocal regulation and counterbalance between subsets of T(H)1, T(H)2, T(H)9, T
26 of primary lens fiber cells are regulated by counterbalancing BMP and FGF signals.
27             The results suggest that dynamic counterbalance by reversible covalent modification may b
28 st that the inducing effect of rifampicin is counterbalanced by a concentration-dependant inhibitory
29 Hsc70 during cotranslational CFTR folding is counterbalanced by a dominant and essential role in post
30 rformed by increasing the EDC concentration, counterbalanced by a high dilution of sample and, thus,
31 n-dependent proteasome degradation system is counterbalanced by a large group of deubiquitin protease
32 ants and a higher conformational entropy are counterbalanced by a larger enthalpy loss and result in
33                   However, these results are counterbalanced by a near doubling of the prevalence of
34                   The positive BCR signal is counterbalanced by a number of membrane-localized inhibi
35 improvements in survival and quality of life counterbalanced by a range of common complications.
36   The benefit of dexamethasone was partially counterbalanced by a significantly higher induction-rela
37 rs and those with normal or lean BMI and was counterbalanced by a small increase in the more serious
38 s-specific conventional T cell responses are counterbalanced by a strong Treg response, suggesting th
39 ease in single spike efficiency is, however, counterbalanced by a temperature-dependent decrease in t
40      An increase in aqueous flow at night is counterbalanced by an increase in uveoscleral outflow.
41 tion and pro-inflammatory markers, which was counterbalanced by an increased production capacity for
42  formation of the dative N(alpha)-Pt bond is counterbalanced by an increased shielding from spin-orbi
43  these pathways is their duality--an agonist counterbalanced by an inhibitor.
44 d/or monocytic cells during atherogenesis is counterbalanced by an opposite effect resulting from imp
45 ood due to reduced intrathoracic pressure is counterbalanced by an upward movement of CSF.
46 e compensatory effects of removing gtl-2 are counterbalanced by another TRPM channel, GTL-1, and can
47 trophoresis of biomolecules in this field is counterbalanced by back-diffusion within seconds.
48 cell-mediated susceptibility to infection is counterbalanced by CD71(+) cell-mediated protection agai
49 itional costs from ambulatory monitoring are counterbalanced by cost savings from better targeted tre
50      In NREM sleep, sensory activations were counterbalanced by evoked down states, which, when prese
51                           Emissions are then counterbalanced by forest regrowth.
52 identically rated scholarship; profiles were counterbalanced by gender across faculty to enable betwe
53 romised synthesis of lipids, which cannot be counterbalanced by glutamine but can be restored by acet
54 ty of carotenes thus appeared to be somewhat counterbalanced by higher cellular uptake.
55 GTP-loading rate of Ras, which is constantly counterbalanced by hydrolysis of RasGTP.
56 receptor due to a point mutation is normally counterbalanced by increased posttranslational receptor
57  either formula feeding or early weaning are counterbalanced by increases in uninfected child mortali
58 rowth persist in adulthood, but that this is counterbalanced by increasing rates of synaptic eliminat
59 excitation is immediately and proportionally counterbalanced by inhibition.
60      These oncogenic functions of GRHL2 were counterbalanced by its ability to suppress epithelial-me
61                 Moreover, these benefits are counterbalanced by large increases in MDR.
62 while subserving memory maintenance, must be counterbalanced by modifications that prevent overspread
63 ric Hg emissions although they may be partly counterbalanced by other factors, including increasing l
64 eoantigen loads and number of TILs, which is counterbalanced by overexpression of PD-1 and PD-L1.
65 otal and LDL cholesterol which are more than counterbalanced by pathways leading to decreases in tota
66 ulated, and Src-catalyzed phosphorylation is counterbalanced by phosphotyrosine phosphatases.
67 pid evolutionary responses, though it may be counterbalanced by potential for detrimental disruption
68 ater than that after standard resections but counterbalanced by preservation of pancreatic endocrine/
69 ocated DBT docking site on PER and partially counterbalanced by protein phosphatase activity.
70 4(+) T cells and that it is not sufficiently counterbalanced by regulatory T cells indicate that flar
71  divergence in B. distachyon, although it is counterbalanced by repeated introgression between previo
72 ed increases in free water reabsorption were counterbalanced by rhythmical glucocorticoid release, wi
73 e benefits of autophagy up-regulation may be counterbalanced by ROS toxicity.
74 r, when one-way conversion is insufficiently counterbalanced by selection, the original cell type wil
75 erence and colonization in a fashion that is counterbalanced by SpeB.
76 tic increase of firing during wakefulness is counterbalanced by staying asleep.
77                       Synaptic excitation is counterbalanced by synaptic inhibition but also by atten
78 of genes next to TEs Whether TE silencing is counterbalanced by the activity of antisilencing factors
79 phoblastic leukaemia, their outcome is often counterbalanced by the burden of toxic effects.
80 gradient energy from the vortex structure is counterbalanced by the corresponding large reduction in
81 hance when the difference in one feature was counterbalanced by the difference in the other feature:
82                        This pulling force is counterbalanced by the dorsal fibers' attachment to foca
83      However, SOC losses in humid sites were counterbalanced by the effect of plantation age, as plan
84 maintain immune protection, this loss can be counterbalanced by the elevated response of an alternati
85 f, in clinical practice, this issue could be counterbalanced by the good tolerability profile of SOF
86 ased proliferation of basal keratinocytes is counterbalanced by the growth arrest of suprabasal kerat
87 of the rate of wall deposition was no longer counterbalanced by the increase of its duration.
88 conditions increasing fuel dryness) could be counterbalanced by the indirect effects on fuel structur
89 ed ecological permissiveness in PID skin was counterbalanced by the maintenance of a phylum barrier i
90               This positive factor is partly counterbalanced by the necessity, resulting from the sam
91  histone acetyltransferase whose activity is counterbalanced by the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
92 e inverse of the square of the distance r is counterbalanced by the number of contributing lobules co
93  this dependence on eccentricity is normally counterbalanced by the occurrence of precisely directed
94 able achievements in equity and coverage are counterbalanced by the persistence of child and maternal
95 impart negative effects on the replisome are counterbalanced by the positive effects of SSB and addit
96 ermeable solutes inside the cell, and can be counterbalanced by the presence of a pore-impermeable so
97             This limitation is thought to be counterbalanced by the rapid evolution of NB-LRR protein
98 ogenic effects of B cells are not detectably counterbalanced by their IL-10-dependent regulatory func
99 ferentiation of RTE-derived memory cells are counterbalanced by their increased proliferative capacit
100        The effector potential of NK cells is counterbalanced by their sensitivity to inhibition by "s
101               Intriguingly, this process was counterbalanced by Trx denitrosylation, mediated by Trx-
102                             This gradient is counterbalanced by two Wnt inhibitors, Sfrp1a and Frzb.
103 t the increased activation of mutant Rab7 is counterbalanced by unregulated, GTP hydrolysis-independe
104 nje cell dendrites during movement, which is counterbalanced by variable levels of feedforward inhibi
105                             Akt's ability to counterbalance c-myc's proapoptotic effects has primaril
106 jor Ca(2+) efflux pathway on the sarcolemma, counterbalancing Ca(2+) influx via L-type Ca(2+) current
107 iated cytotoxicity, whereas TIGIT reportedly counterbalances CD226.
108 hanges in organic carbon burial rate, due to counterbalancing changes in the weathering of isotopical
109 matically active proportion of PSY in clpc1, counterbalancing Clp-mediated proteolysis in maintaining
110 alized in a target-dependent manner, showing counterbalanced compensatory plasticity of two neurotran
111 e interactions (for example, mutualisms) may counterbalance competition, facilitating long-term coexi
112 DBS, subjects were tested in four randomized/counterbalanced conditions (optimal, ventral, dorsal, an
113        Using a double-blind, sham-controlled counterbalanced cross-over design, we applied three tDCS
114 r 2 test days in a double-blind, randomized, counterbalanced, cross-over design.
115    Therefore, this double-blind, randomized, counterbalanced, cross-over study assessed the neural re
116                       Here, in a randomized, counterbalanced crossover design, we subjected participa
117                             In a randomized, counterbalanced, crossover design, we applied anodal tDC
118 andomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, counterbalanced, crossover study.
119       ISG15 modification of CVB3 2A protease counterbalanced CVB3-induced cleavage of the host cell e
120 alling in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells counterbalanced CXCR7-dependent pro-regenerative respons
121 nism of M-phase entry controlled by CDC6 and counterbalancing cyclin B-mediated CDK1 activation.
122 n inhibited rainfall within the Xingu Basin, counterbalancing declines in ET and decreasing discharge
123 ADHD were scanned on and off medication in a counterbalanced design, and comparison subjects were sca
124 ects/groups, except that, in a single-blind, counterbalanced design, CD received intravenous cocaine
125                          Using a randomized, counterbalanced design, smokers completed scanning after
126 n a double-blind, randomized, crossover, and counterbalanced design.
127  g/kg for women) and placebo conditions in a counterbalanced design.
128 t, double-blind, randomized, cross-over, and counterbalanced design.
129 n a double-blind, randomized, crossover, and counterbalanced design.
130 that Dscam1 might promote process spacing by counterbalancing developmental signals that otherwise pr
131 lacebo, d-amphetamine 10 mg, and 20 mg under counterbalanced double-blind conditions and completed th
132 urthermore, despite the standard practice of counterbalancing drug session order (AMPH first vs. plac
133 RC1 subunits, suggesting that Usp16 and PRC1 counterbalance each other to regulate cellular ubH2A lev
134 eurons work as a neural-regulatory system to counterbalance each other via different GCYs to control
135 c analysis revealed that BAG and URX neurons counterbalance each other via different guanylate cyclas
136 n and nocturnal resting periods appear to be counterbalancing each other.
137 -function mutations have an antagonistic and counterbalancing effect on position-effect variegation (
138 sfer to test the counteraction hypothesis of counterbalancing effects between the protecting osmolyte
139                      There were also notable counterbalancing effects on canonical Smad signaling in
140  a TGF-beta receptor II-mediated response to counterbalance elevated focal adhesion kinase-mediated i
141 CF cells represents a cellular adaptation to counterbalance excessive proteasomal degradation.
142                            Strong inhibition counterbalances excitation, enabling sensory features to
143 P11, which functions downstream of RNF4 as a counterbalancing factor.
144 f oral MPH (20 mg) or placebo (lactose) in a counterbalanced fashion.
145  male/4 female) on 4 separate occasions in a counterbalanced fashion.
146                   Here we use a split-brood, counterbalanced, field experiment to investigate the eff
147 andomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, counterbalanced fMRI face processing study.
148 cleavage by ADAMTS13, as well as providing a counterbalance for VWF-mediated platelet aggregation.
149 bal warming scenario, and could be a process counterbalancing global warming.
150  and molecular mechanisms of regression that counterbalance growth to maintain tissue homeostasis.
151 ssive chloride conductance that electrically counterbalances H(+) accumulation.
152 s the channels, Kir2.1 currents non-linearly counterbalance hypokalaemia-induced K2P1 leak cation cur
153 s the channels, Kir2.1 currents non-linearly counterbalance hypokalaemia-induced K2P1 leak cation cur
154 y 2 isoform 1 (Kir2.1) currents non-linearly counterbalance hypokalaemia-induced two pore-domain K(+)
155 ffect winning times in endurance events, and counterbalance improvements in race performances that ha
156 resentation of food and nonfood alternatives counterbalanced in 2 separate studies.
157 c paradigm for how proliferative signals are counterbalanced in regenerating tissues.
158 nstitutive STATc tyrosine kinase activity is counterbalanced in vivo by the DIF-1-regulated activity
159 the control of TFL1 is important to flexibly counterbalance incoming FT signals, allowing a pool of u
160  (.41 mg/kg or .71 mg/kg) or lorazepam 2 mg, counterbalanced into three orderings in which ketamine .
161 e hypothesis that Kir2 currents non-linearly counterbalance inward background cation currents, such a
162                  At the ecosystem scale, the counterbalance is effected by modulating soil organic ma
163 ed refractivity, whereas Tgf-beta2 signaling counterbalances it.
164 moving (AR) activity of ATase is required to counterbalance its AT activity during steady-state growt
165 directly silence oncogenes in GC B cells and counterbalance its own tumorigenic potential.
166  spindle pole body (SPB) component Spc110 to counterbalance its phosphorylation by cyclin-dependent k
167 icant oxidation reaction of ACHT1 arises and counterbalances its reduction.
168 electrostatic repulsions and attractions are counterbalanced, leading to the unmasking of preferences
169 s with the activating NKR-P1A/C receptors to counterbalance m12 decoy function.
170                                         In a counterbalanced manner, participants smoked nicotine cig
171 m signaling pathways that are modulated in a counterbalancing manner-both leading to AKT phosphorylat
172 receptor crosstalk to act as a compensatory, counterbalancing mechanism to dampen glutamate-mediated
173 disrupt ORF57 expression is a strategic host counterbalancing mechanism.
174                                Despite these counterbalancing mechanisms, Cyp4f14-null mice fed this
175 on and resulting polycythemia, presumably to counterbalance microvascular losses.
176 rgets for therapeutic interventions aimed at counterbalancing muscle performance decline in hypertens
177 nt of no return by identifying mechanisms to counterbalance necroptosis, sustain plasma membrane inte
178 ely described, yet little is known about the counterbalancing negative regulatory mechanisms.
179         However, the existence of mechanisms counterbalancing neonatal immunosuppression has not been
180 y directly promoting BCL10 degradation, TAK1 counterbalances NF-kappaB and JNK signals essential for
181 temperature measured with the iButton on the counterbalance of a resting rotor, following thermal equ
182   However, it is presently unknown whether a counterbalance of RAP2.12 exists.
183 cisions about reward often involve a complex counterbalance of risk and value.
184 ng the functions, reciprocal regulation, and counterbalance of subsets of immune and inflammatory cel
185 rugs or vehicle alone were administered in a counterbalanced order at 5-day intervals.
186 de (0.5 mg), or placebo were administered in counterbalanced order at each of 3 repeated testing sess
187 orded monocularly on the SLO and the MP-1 in counterbalanced order while participants fixated a red 1
188 went two functional neuroimaging sessions in counterbalanced order, once during rested wakefulness an
189 ceiving 0, 12.5, and 25 mg of meclizine in a counterbalanced order.
190 ue), one per day, consecutively in a random, counterbalanced order.
191 eceived real horizontal and sham oblique, in counterbalanced order.
192 wore the hearing aids in each condition in a counterbalanced order.
193  and off medications on different days, in a counterbalanced order.
194 sed to two replicates of four conditions, in counterbalanced order; control (C); control with noise o
195 , placebo-controlled, randomized, crossover, counterbalanced-order design.
196  mediating the expression of antioxidants to counterbalance oxidative stress.
197  that activating members may have evolved to counterbalance pathogens utilizing the inhibitory pathwa
198  interrelated and weight loss is resisted by counterbalancing physiological processes.
199 work (CN) provides the restraining forces to counterbalance pi(PG).
200 ly, we performed a randomized, double-blind, counterbalanced, placebo-controlled study in which we ad
201  e.g. chloride, as a potential candidate for counterbalancing positive charges.
202              This mechanism is postulated to counterbalance profibrogenic mechanisms that follow V(2)
203 cal modeling studies have suggested that the counterbalance provided by intracranial pressure would b
204                         In a double-blinded, counterbalanced, randomized and placebo-controlled desig
205 ingle-blind, code-based, placebo-controlled, counterbalanced, randomized crossover experiment, 14 hea
206 sults suggest that glycine and GHB provide a counterbalancing receptor-based mechanism for controllin
207 ing events with apixaban in the absence of a counterbalancing reduction in recurrent ischemic events.
208 a clinical research center with the use of a counterbalanced repeated-measures design among children
209 y paradoxically aid some coastal wetlands in counterbalancing rising seas.
210 ssor activity, suggesting the existence of a counterbalancing role between extracellular matrix and i
211                                              Counterbalancing roles for Dscam1 may be deployed in div
212 -mediated gastritis, pointing to the complex counterbalancing roles of innate immune and inflammatory
213 tors were identified that have important and counterbalancing roles regulating these processes: peric
214 eceptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) counterbalance RTK signaling; however, the functions of
215 ages were viewed in random order at separate counterbalanced sessions and were rated for visibility (
216                                     In three counterbalanced sessions, 17 SCZ and 17 healthy control
217                                       In two counterbalanced sessions, acoustic PPI and self-reported
218                      Patients were tested in counterbalanced sessions, on and off dopaminergic medica
219 and OFF their dopaminergic medication in two counterbalanced sessions, so that the effect of dopamine
220 ed to three LPFC sites and a control site in counterbalanced sessions.
221 s the gradient of light the body reflects by counterbalancing shadowing due to illumination, and has
222 regulatory sequences within the cPcdh locus, counterbalanced shorter-range facilitative promoter-enha
223 is kept consistent and all other factors are counterbalanced so that any bias at recall can be attrib
224 m whereby the brain drives neural systems to counterbalance stress effects.
225  3-day, double-blind, randomized, crossover, counterbalanced study, the behavioral, subjective, cogni
226 ided by extrinsic neuromodulatory input that counterbalances temperature-induced modifications of cir
227 tural GHG decreased (28%), but did not fully counterbalance the animal contribution of GHG (49% in th
228 icated that the rod-shaped particles largely counterbalance the attractive energies due to higher hyd
229 variation outside the interlocking loops may counterbalance the changes in the loop sequences.
230 hyperpolarization of the nuclear envelope to counterbalance the charge caused by the influx of Ca(2+)
231 on and recruitment of BAT can be a target to counterbalance the current obesity pandemic.
232 increase in receptor expression is likely to counterbalance the decrease in ATP release recorded from
233                These esk1-mediated responses counterbalance the defective PTI and PcBMM susceptibilit
234 ls of S1PR1 produces beneficial effects that counterbalance the deleterious beta1AR overstimulation i
235 s requires a concomitant increase in Chk1 to counterbalance the deleterious effects of origin hyperac
236  recruited early in the disease process that counterbalance the disrupted RyR-calcium dynamics, namel
237 ant driver of vegetation change even able to counterbalance the effect of climate change in Central A
238 r serine/threonine protein phosphatases that counterbalance the effect of the kinases in the IIS path
239        This tetraloop flexibility can act to counterbalance the energetic penalty associated with ass
240             This benefit was large enough to counterbalance the fitness cost when 31% (95% CrI 26%-36
241 -enhancer effect of JIL-1 has the ability to counterbalance the haplo-suppressor effect of both Su(va
242 yeast, intracellular glycerol accumulates to counterbalance the high external osmolarity.
243 ical mechanism for speciation is required to counterbalance the homogenizing effect of gene flow.
244 hrough postsynaptic mGluRs can significantly counterbalance the inhibitory effects of presynaptic GAB
245 anced rate of expansion in mixed waves could counterbalance the loss of genetic diversity due to the
246 roved long-range electrostatic repulsion can counterbalance the magnetically induced attraction and t
247 roRNAs (miRNAs), miR-378 and miR-378*, which counterbalance the metabolic actions of PGC-1beta.
248                             Coattraction can counterbalance the natural tendency of cells to disperse
249              Whether high FV consumption can counterbalance the negative impact of high red meat cons
250 drolysis by ENTPD, acts via A2B receptors to counterbalance the pro-fibrotic response to ATP.
251 ; P < .01), this was too small on its own to counterbalance the reduced fitness of affected patients.
252  help explain the persistence of bundles and counterbalance the tendency to branch.
253 cells suggesting there may be processes that counterbalance the transcriptional changes associated wi
254                                           We counterbalanced the effects of race and case by randomly
255  experienced by the system over time has not counterbalanced the increase in incompatibilities betwee
256 responding to enhanced greenhouse conditions counterbalanced the negative effect of lower Tibetan rel
257       We also demonstrate that RPTPbeta/zeta counterbalanced the pleiotrophin-mediated syndecan-3 pat
258 e of the suicide protease inhibitor SERPINB1 counterbalanced the protease activity of PR3 in aging ne
259 ctively acted as a negative leak current and counterbalanced the temperature-induced leak to rescue n
260 ed during megakaryocytic differentiation and counterbalances the activating role of T-cell acute lymp
261 nced retention of the therapeutic metabolite counterbalances the decrease in drug uptake from systemi
262                                  Risedronate counterbalances the effect of anastrozole-induced bone l
263                              This stiffening counterbalances the natural tendency of the DNA template
264           The resulting retinal image motion counterbalances the spectral distribution of natural sce
265 orylates BAF during vaccinia infection, thus counterbalancing the activity of the B1 kinase.
266 he formation of the Rad51/DNA nucleofilament counterbalancing the anti-recombinase activity of the SR
267 x CUEh )/(1 - CUEe )) with respect to MAT by counterbalancing the apparent temperature sensitivities
268                                      Herein, counterbalancing the death signals, we show that GSK3 in
269 ch decreases its permeability to water, thus counterbalancing the increase in the evaporation driving
270 to be collected even with 640-nm excitation, counterbalancing the lower fluorescence quantum yield of
271 e as a compensatory mechanism for secretion, counterbalancing the negative effects of reduced externa
272  sporozoite development across temperatures, counterbalancing the oocyst enhancement at 24 degrees C.
273 ong two helices of opposite handedness, each counterbalancing the other's torque.
274 5, suggesting a critical role of ARHGAP25 in counterbalancing the Rac-activating effect of nucleotide
275 9 is associated with transcriptional changes counterbalancing the regulatory function of Fur, offerin
276 translation eIF4G in cardiomyocytes, thereby counterbalancing the shutoff of host cell translation in
277 shold EPSPs near action potential threshold, counterbalancing the suppression of EPSP peaks by low vo
278 -converting enzyme2, plays a central role in counterbalancing the vasoconstrictive, proliferative, an
279 phenotype induced by LDAH, and both proteins counterbalance their effects on TAG stores.
280                           TB was designed to counterbalance these effects.
281 e resulting from overdiagnosis and treatment counterbalance this benefit is uncertain.
282   It is unclear how AE expression is able to counterbalance this intrinsic apoptotic conditioning by
283                         The host attempts to counterbalance this prolonged immune activation through
284 us, whereas prolactin and placental lactogen counterbalance this resistance and prevent maternal hype
285  evidence that this lack of stability can be counterbalanced through mixtures with other amphiphilic
286 tion to increase excitability, a homeostatic counterbalance to inhibition by alcohol.
287 ndings suggest that HMGN proteins serve as a counterbalance to the action of the many ATP-dependent c
288                                 We provide a counterbalance to the authors' claims to give those less
289 on of an independent social perspective as a counterbalance to the biomedical perspective brought by
290                Such a signal would provide a counterbalance to the positive haem-related signal to fi
291 ng, opposing selfish and purifying selection counterbalanced to give stable transmission of two genom
292 , cross-over design was used with volunteers counterbalanced to receive psilocybin and placebo in two
293 itual differences in food intake or activity counterbalance variations in BMR as a risk factor for we
294    However, how MaxiK channels are linked to counterbalancing vasoconstrictor receptors is unknown.
295                     This effect is partially counterbalanced when hyperglycemia after hypoglycemia is
296  the lobule ceased to expand further and was counterbalanced with a decrease in the number of hepatoc
297 g obligation must be carefully monitored and counterbalanced with an urgent implementation of bycatch
298 tor tolcapone in a randomized, double-blind, counterbalanced, within-subject study of 66 subjects gen
299                                            A counterbalanced-within subjects design was used.
300                 However, the mechanisms that counterbalance Wnt-driven proliferation are poorly under

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