


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nel has been proposed to carry the essential countercurrent.
2 nal modalities of the technique: co-current, countercurrent, and co-counter CEC.
3                                          The countercurrent arrangement of capillary blood flow in th
4                        Our results show that countercurrent carried by SR K(+) (TRIC) channels is not
5                We utilized leukapheresis and countercurrent centrifugal elutriation to obtain myeloid
6              Traditionally, chromatograms in countercurrent chromatography (CCC) have been plotted wi
7                                              Countercurrent chromatography (CCC) is a separation tech
8                                              Countercurrent chromatography (CCC) using solely immisci
9                                           In countercurrent chromatography (CCC), an addition of a li
10 eptachlorinated OH-CTTs and simplified it by countercurrent chromatography (CCC).
11 been developed under use of high performance countercurrent chromatography (HPCCC).
12 hniques consisting of preparative high-speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC), and off-line LC-E
13 ercurrent chromatography, such as high-speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC), low-speed rotary
14 ent chromatography (HSCCC), low-speed rotary countercurrent chromatography (LSRCCC) and spiral-coil L
15 obroma cacao L.) using various techniques of countercurrent chromatography, such as high-speed counte
16 (+)-catechin as nucleophile and separated by countercurrent chromatography.
17  to pentameric procyanidins from T. cacao by countercurrent chromatography.
18                         The initiator of the countercurrent concentrating mechanism, the sodium-potas
19 ater transport plays a key role in the renal countercurrent concentrating mechanism.
20                                              Countercurrent distribution of rat uterine cytosolic ER
21 lts of Michel et al., which were obtained by countercurrent distribution of tritium-labeled products
22 d be strongly sharpened by the complementary countercurrent distributions of the i-SNAREs.
23 (RyR) itself also carries a substantial K(+) countercurrent during release.
24                                              Countercurrent elutriation and magnetic bead selection w
25 dicate independent roles of AQP1 and AQP3 in countercurrent exchange and collecting duct osmotic equi
26 hyperosmolarity is protected from washout by countercurrent exchange and efficient removal of interst
27 for the formation of a concentrated urine by countercurrent exchange in the kidney.
28  evidence of the critical role of AVR in the countercurrent exchange mechanism and the structural int
29 ting ability by decreasing the efficiency of countercurrent exchange, as occurs in Jk null individual
30 ess renal perfusion are often complicated by countercurrent exchange, tubular transport or glomerular
31 se components include ocular and swimbladder countercurrent exchangers, the Bohr and Root effects, th
32                                              Countercurrent flow and random capillary blockage (e.g.
33                                    It uses a countercurrent flow design and a highly CO2-permeable me
34 rough a hollow cellulose fiber with external countercurrent flow of 2.5 mM ammonium acetate.
35 ucing oxygen transport heterogeneity, as was countercurrent flow.
36 -Golgi SNAREs themselves could provide for a countercurrent fusion pattern in the Golgi stack, the gr
37             For the first time, we show that countercurrent heat exchange is associated to thermoregu
38  characteristics, support the existence of a countercurrent heat exchanger in the head of R. prolixus
39                          Numerous individual countercurrent heat exchangers are found throughout the
40 esults show that jellyfish can actively swim countercurrent in response to current drift, leading to
41  here to show that the vast majority of this countercurrent is conducted by the RyR itself.
42 es of which are ideally suited to serve as a countercurrent mechanism during calcium release from the
43  a high molecular weight compound with large countercurrent mobility, zero critical micelle concentra
44 llary osmotic gradient secondary to impaired countercurrent multiplication and downregulation of aqua
45 ranscellular transport processes involved in countercurrent multiplication and urine concentration.
46  a medullary osmotic gradient generated by a countercurrent multiplication mechanism.
47 nted in GD rats in association with impaired countercurrent multiplication, diminished osmotic equili
48 for the formation of a concentrated urine by countercurrent multiplication.
49 reate a hypertonic medullary interstitium by countercurrent multiplication.
50 ypotonic medullary interstitium and impaired countercurrent multiplication.
51   To have such long-lasting Ca(2+) efflux, a countercurrent of other ions is necessary to prevent the
52                                              Countercurrent separation (CCS) utilizes the differentia
53 fugal partition chromatography (CPC) and all countercurrent separation apparatus provide chemists wit
54 s/min, inspiratory/expiratory ratio 1:2, and countercurrent sweep gas of 100% oxygen.
55    Lymphatic vessels constitute a ubiquitous countercurrent system to the blood vasculature that retu
56    This influx is essential because, with no countercurrent, the SR membrane potential (Vm) would qui
57 tides are driven by a potential difference a countercurrent to a flow of heated nitrogen bath gas.
58 er solution, electroosmotic flow (preferably countercurrent to the direction of cell electrophoresis)

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