


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 male mice vocally interact with males during courtship.
2 male sexual receptivity, in response to male courtship.
3  that are distinct from those governing male courtship.
4 luence sleep, circadian rhythms, memory, and courtship.
5 -specific behaviors in Drosophila, including courtship.
6  the potential for such experience-dependent courtship.
7  male foreleg, which contacts females during courtship.
8 f neurons involved in locomotion, vision and courtship.
9 fected and uninfected D. citri adults during courtship.
10 ase in aggression without altering male-male courtship.
11 looked and important component of Drosophila courtship.
12 ve neurons on the legs and are essential for courtship.
13 tory-specific knockdown of nope impairs male courtship.
14 declining until they no longer suppress male courtship.
15 rons restores fertility or reduces male-male courtship.
16  neurons to favor aggression over inter-male courtship.
17 sm showing reduced ability at most stages of courtship.
18        Male fruit flies touch females during courtship.
19 tions, is required for robust male-to-female courtship.
20 , whereas engineered females showed enhanced courtship.
21 s compound as a long-lived inhibitor of male courtship.
22 antifeedants, and inhibition of male-to-male courtship.
23 ich is necessary for inhibiting male-to-male courtship.
24 ng behaviors exhibited during aggression and courtship.
25 ling by structurally-coloured animals during courtship.
26 60 Hz "fast trill" song used by males during courtship.
27 argets is fruitless, the master regulator of courtship.
28 ession of IPS activity decreased male-female courtship.
29  a variety of social behaviors, particularly courtship.
30 that enhanced both inter-male aggression and courtship.
31 , male-specific command neurons that trigger courtship.
32 (dati) is required for proper locomotion and courtship acceptance in adult Drosophila females.
33 s caused a significant increase in male-male courtship activity and significant reduction in size of
34  Loss of TyrR led to a striking elevation in courtship activity between males.
35  either by engaging the flies with prolonged courtship activity or merely by exposing them to female
36 uggest that it serves to curb high levels of courtship activity through functioning as an inhibitory
37 e of a female, males exhibit long periods of courtship activity with a pronounced rest phase at dusk,
38 uvenile hormone that permits coordination of courtship activity with reproductive maturity to maximiz
39  behaviors, with a special focus on feeding, courtship, aggression, and postmating behaviors.
40 ed to sensory processing, locomotor control, courtship, aggression, and sleep.
41 re we show that lineages with bioluminescent courtship, almost certainly a sexually selected trait, h
42 d circadian motor patterns and abnormal male courtship, although surprisingly, general locomotor coor
43 y thought to be charged with emotion such as courtship and aggression.
44 ns for genes and neural circuits controlling courtship and aggression.
45 females are completely unable to decode male courtship and almost invariably reject males.
46                                          The courtship and dominance behavior of brown-headed cowbird
47 ansmitted from male to female insects during courtship and established evidence that bacteria persist
48                            In contrast, male courtship and fertility can be rescued by expressing DVM
49 fic dsx(+) neurons critical for driving male courtship and identified pheromones that trigger such be
50 ciation between the origin of bioluminescent courtship and increased accumulation of species, support
51 hibit interspecies and conspecific male-male courtship and indicate that the genetically hard-wired n
52  were more aggressive and less interested in courtship and mating, and exposed females displayed less
53 to help holding the female during underwater courtship and mating.
54  and essential to dispersal, territoriality, courtship and oviposition.
55 4 mutant males exhibited increased male-male courtship and reduced reproductive success with females.
56 addition, we find that FRU(M) regulates male courtship and sleep through distinct neural substrates.
57                       Animals modulate their courtship and territorial behaviors in response to olfac
58                                              Courtship and territorial interactions in plainfin midsh
59 es just after eclosion rescued both the male courtship and the mating delay.
60 ternal state that facilitates aggression and courtship, and controls the overt expression of these so
61 vel form of vocal communication during mouse courtship, and lay the groundwork for a mechanistic diss
62 romones that promote aggression and suppress courtship, and whose influences are dominant to olfactor
63 the effects of both cVA and dominant LUSH on courtship are reversed by genetically removing Or67d.
64 A) and female-specific 7,11-dienes influence courtship behavior and can function as cues for short-te
65 al mates, which facilitate the expression of courtship behavior and increase the probability of occur
66 mone 11-cis-vaccenyl acetate (cVA) modulates courtship behavior and is detected by T1 neurons, locate
67 oice behavior with no polarization-dependent courtship behavior by males.
68 rtship behavior in male mice, whereas robust courtship behavior can be induced when the two cues are
69         Adult lov(47) males perform aberrant courtship behavior distinguished by courtship displays t
70 ing the role of different stimuli in driving courtship behavior has been limited by the inability to
71             In Drosophila melanogaster, male courtship behavior has been well described and consists
72                               The display of courtship behavior has evolved in response to sexual sel
73 ruM) act to establish the potential for male courtship behavior in Drosophila melanogaster and are ex
74 ion of specific female pheromones stimulates courtship behavior in Drosophila melanogaster males, but
75 nformation alone is not sufficient to induce courtship behavior in Drosophila melanogaster males, whe
76 cues nor SEs alone are sufficient to promote courtship behavior in male mice, whereas robust courtshi
77 ensory pathway that promotes Drosophila male courtship behavior in response to food.
78                  The strongest impairment in courtship behavior is observed in fru(C) mutants, which
79                          In Drosophila, male courtship behavior is regulated in large part by the gen
80                                          The courtship behavior of Drosophilid flies has served as a
81 as gustatory expression of ppk25 rescues the courtship behavior of ppk25 mutant males.
82 viraptorosaurs used tail-feather displays in courtship behavior previously predicted that oviraptoros
83                               In drosophila, courtship behavior provides a tractable model for studyi
84           These data map specific aspects of courtship behavior to the level of single fru isoforms a
85                                         Male courtship behavior was comparable across the three flock
86                                   While male courtship behavior was thought to arise from male-specif
87 eral taste neurons involved in activation of courtship behavior, an unexpected function for this type
88 S isoforms have been shown to influence male courtship behavior, but the underlying mechanisms are un
89  of gustatory neurons for activation of male courtship behavior, likely through detection of female p
90 with an essential role in activation of male courtship behavior, most likely in response to female ph
91  as habitat preference, reproductive timing, courtship behavior, or pollinator attraction may prevent
92 ale aggression without affecting male-female courtship behavior.
93 lfactory neurons implicated in modulation of courtship behavior.
94 minantly expressed in males and affects male courtship behavior.
95 sary and sufficient for many aspects of male courtship behavior.
96  to 2000 hertz, consistent with our observed courtship behavior.
97 d calls for a full-fledged explicit model of courtship behavior.
98 lation of FruM(+) neurons that promotes male courtship behavior.
99 ve been implicated in the regulation of male courtship behavior.
100 hip motor centers that initiate and maintain courtship behavior.
101 g, and exposed females displayed less female courtship behavior.
102 coordinate the behavioral network underlying courtship behavior.
103 bonucleoprotein complex (snRNP) control male courtship behavior.
104 cholinergic neurons recapitulates the female courtship behavioral phenotype but not the locomotor def
105 ors (FRU(M); encoded by fru P1) required for courtship behaviors (reviewed in).
106 fru P1-expressing neurons for wild-type male courtship behaviors and the establishment of male-specif
107 ter perform innate, yet socially modifiable, courtship behaviors that are sex specific and require ra
108 the breeding tile and displayed male-typical courtship behaviors toward the other female.
109 nditions, jointly sufficient to elicit early courtship behaviors, and provide insights into how court
110 uced ability of hybrids to perform necessary courtship behaviors, occurs in hybrids between two speci
111  in sleep loss and lasting deficits in adult courtship behaviors.
112 and sufficient to mediate sexually dimorphic courtship behaviors.
113  behave like males by promoting male-typical courtship behaviors.
114 iated with the absence of bright coloration, courtship behaviour and exaggerated ornamental display t
115 ngs provide suggestive evidence of damselfly courtship behaviour as far back as the mid-Cretaceous.
116                                              Courtship behaviour of treated couples was also impeded
117                                              Courtship behaviours, frequent among modern insects, hav
118 isease transmission between conspecifics and courtship behaviours.
119 cuitry underlying complex innate behaviors - courtship being a classic paradigm.
120 mone that a male delivers to a female during courtship, boosting her receptivity.
121 sophila melanogaster females respond to male courtship by either rejecting the male or allowing copul
122                   Furthermore, the increased courtship caused by depletion of male cuticular hydrocar
123 tic activation of either vPN1 or pC1 induced courtship chaining, mimicking the behavioral response to
124 hat the female brain is equipped with latent courtship circuitry capable of inducing this male-specif
125 more species in lineages with bioluminescent courtship compared to their sister groups.
126 4 hours after a massed-training protocol for courtship conditioning that is not capable of inducing l
127 re found to be significantly increased after courtship conditioning, and exogenous administration of
128 ts using aversive phototaxic suppression and courtship conditioning.
129 ents that are sung by male birds in intimate courtship contexts for periods lasting up to several min
130 n behaviour that is observed particularly in courtship contexts, and that provides information that c
131 , providing insights into how she integrates courtship cues, assesses her internal state, and directs
132 hip behaviors, and provide insights into how courtship decisions are made via sensory integration.
133 tect female or male pheromones and influence courtship decisions.
134 d Pdp1epsilon levels in the fat body display courtship defects, identifying Pdp1epsilon as an importa
135 P1 neurons in the brain initiates the male's courtship display [3, 4], suggesting that neurons unique
136 rs have now been shown to be components of a courtship display by male Mozambique tilapia that promot
137                        In particular, higher courtship display rates were associated with increased d
138         Fruit fly males exhibit an elaborate courtship display toward a potential mate [1, 2].
139  The neo-X chromosome contains loci for male courtship display traits that contribute to behavioural
140 gesting that changes in a behavioural trait (courtship display) and multiple phenotypically associate
141       We further find that the vigorous male courtship displayed toward oenocyte-less flies is attrib
142 Yule model that lineages with bioluminescent courtship displays have significantly higher rates of sp
143 le lance-tailed manakins perform cooperative courtship displays involving partnerships between unrela
144 podium) and the tendency of males to perform courtship displays or gonopodial thrusts.
145 aberrant courtship behavior distinguished by courtship displays that are not directed at the female.
146 ant passerine birds, which produce different courtship displays.
147 id limb movements as part of their elaborate courtship displays.
148  (inferior posterior slope; IPS) that impact courtship drive and were controlled by tyramine-a biogen
149                                         Male courtship drive is complex and subject to neuromodulator
150 it wherein the P1 neurons encoding increased courtship drive suppressed male sleep by forming mutuall
151                    To attract females during courtship, Drosophila melanogaster males sing songs with
152                                       During courtship, Drosophila melanogaster males sing to females
153  their flight tones to match, resulting in a courtship duet.
154 ugh at dusk followed by a high level of male courtship during the night.
155 trol within the neuronal circuit controlling courtship, even though it is broadly expressed in the fl
156 d describe gene expression changes following courtship experience.
157       In these birds, we were able to elicit courtship (female-directed) song, which young birds norm
158                                       During courtship flights, males of some hummingbird species pro
159                                      Reduced courtship frequency was not a simple function of inactiv
160 ing, and function synergistically to inhibit courtship from other males.
161                        Despite the fact that courtship has been investigated for a long time, the gen
162  These results reveal a critical pathway for courtship hearing in male and female flies, in which bot
163 y, we identified a male-specific pathway for courtship hearing via third-order ventrolateral protocer
164 s known about the central pathways mediating courtship hearing.
165                            In the context of courtship, however, male chemical signals are widespread
166  males also displayed increased male-to-male courtship, implying that it functioned in the detection
167                                              Courtship in Drosophila melanogaster has become an iconi
168                                              Courtship in Drosophila melanogaster offers a powerful e
169 n for automatically measuring aggression and courtship in Drosophila melanogaster.
170 s and stringently regulate the transition to courtship in Drosophila.
171 tion of male song by females during acoustic courtship in grasshoppers.
172 vior--female decision making during acoustic courtship in grasshoppers.
173 tory neurons required for activation of male courtship in response to females, and suggest the hypoth
174 us feminization of arborizations and loss of courtship in the dark.
175 gs and wings, but not in neurons that detect courtship-inhibiting pheromones or food.
176 studies have focused on mate recognition and courtship initiation for decades.
177  early courtship steps of mate selection and courtship initiation.
178 behaviors, we propose a functional model for courtship initiation.
179 ones, which accounts for older males' higher courtship intensity.
180 anges are a specific response to male-female courtship interactions.
181                                              Courtship is a widespread behavior in which one gender c
182                        Conspecific male-male courtship is increased between dMBD-R2-deficient males w
183 e more rapidly to courting males, while male courtship is not affected.
184 vocal contribution of each individual during courtship is unknown.
185 n circuits are related to those that mediate courtship, is not well understood.
186 y low larval-density individuals showed high courtship levels, and low early reproductive rates, grou
187  communication signals are integrated during courtship likely reflects the costs and benefits associa
188 tship 'song') and copulation are specific to courtship; locomotion and chasing are common to both.
189 tration of 20E either enhanced or suppressed courtship LTM, depending on the timing of its administra
190 served for social preferences, pair bonding, courtship, maintenance behaviors, or anxiety-like behavi
191                                       During courtship, male Drosophila melanogaster sing a multipart
192                                       During courtship, male flies flap their wings to send a complex
193 ly 1000 GAL4 lines, using assays for general courtship, male-male interactions, and male fertility to
194                                       During courtship males attract females with elaborate behaviors
195 "pseudo-mated" trainers, we find that robust courtship memory elicited in the absence of aversive che
196 is-triggering hormone (ETH) is essential for courtship memory through regulation of juvenile hormone
197 ng of ETH signaling genes impairs short-term courtship memory, a phenotype rescuable by the JH analog
198 al role of hormonal state for maintenance of courtship memory.
199 le, a behavioral modification attributed to "courtship memory." Here we show the critical role of hor
200 es significantly with constitutive levels of courtship motivation, and with TH-Fos colocalization, wh
201  perception of females, and which project to courtship motor centers that initiate and maintain court
202 ed at identifying the cellular components of courtship neural circuits, mapping function in these cir
203 nize and distinguish other males from female courtship objects.
204 subunit gene, nope, specifically impair male courtship of females.
205 in which ppk25 function is required for male courtship of females.
206                                              Courtship often influences gene expression, including pa
207            Further, we show that exposure to courtship or aggression song has opposite effects on agg
208  elicited in sexually mature females by male courtship: pausing and vaginal plate opening.
209 er males and is reminiscent of an inter-male courtship phenotype involving the courtship song.
210 ely and tightly coupled to the expression of courtship phenotypes (and appetitive courtship singing),
211                Copulation is the goal of the courtship process, crucial to reproductive success and e
212 xcitatory and inhibitory drives onto central courtship-promoting neurons controls mating decisions.
213  We identify inhibition, even in response to courtship-promoting pheromones, as a key circuit element
214        However, much less is known about how courtship quality is regulated in a temporally dynamic m
215 tive temperature, and then we quantified the courtship rate exhibited by adult males.
216 he critical period for temperature-sensitive courtship rate plasticity in the butterfly Bicyclus anyn
217 ring larval development does not affect male courtship rate.
218 hain acetate, CH503, serves as a mediator of courtship-related chemical communication.
219  suggests that the M peak is associated with courtship-related locomotor activity and the A peak is d
220 e their sensory responses to gate entry into courtship remain unknown.
221                        Further, the impaired courtship response of nope mutant males to females is re
222                                The elaborate courtship ritual of Drosophila males is dictated by neur
223 y possess the ability to perform a multistep courtship ritual to conspecific females.
224  pursue females with a lengthy and elaborate courtship ritual triggered by activation of sexually dim
225  in males of the butterfly Bicyclus anynana, courtship scents are produced de novo via biosynthetic p
226                                              Courtship signals, including pheromones, often differ be
227 elective female behavioral responses to male courtship signals.
228  caudal VTA is significantly correlated with courtship singing and coupled to gonadal state.
229  external social cues supports the idea that courtship singing is a state of motor "performance," in
230 sion of courtship phenotypes (and appetitive courtship singing), both in terms of TH-ir cell number,
231  behavioral actions associated with feeding, courtship, sleep, learning and memory, stress, addiction
232 of Abd-B neurons increased pausing, but male courtship song alone was not sufficient to elicit this b
233 Here, we show that Drosophila males modulate courtship song amplitude with female distance, and we in
234  We investigated the genetic architecture of courtship song and cuticular hydrocarbon traits in two p
235 he male's foreleg allows him to generate the courtship song appealing to female flies.
236 recordings in aPN1 reveal the integration of courtship song as a function of pulse rate and outline a
237 uch of the pattern variability in Drosophila courtship song can be explained by taking into account t
238 ion, we show that the neural control of male courtship song can be separated into (i) probabilistic,
239 vestigated quantitative trait locus for male courtship song carrier frequency (FRE) in Drosophila mon
240 f opioid manipulations on sexually motivated courtship song differed in birds naturally singing at lo
241 itude control and switching between discrete courtship song elements, scale with the degree of dendri
242 ine for the processing and transformation of courtship song in males.
243 osterone (T) has multiple effects on learned courtship song in that it regulates both the motivation
244 opulate, lack sine song, and do not generate courtship song in the absence of visual stimuli.
245 ges, and observe severe abnormalities in the courtship song of Foxp2+/- mice.
246             The Drosophila melanogaster male courtship song provides a powerful model to study this p
247 ling of the interval between Drosophila male courtship song pulses.
248 hodology coupled to his use of low-intensity courtship song records.
249  detection and discrimination of conspecific courtship song remain unknown.
250 ly studied the so-called "Kyriacou and Hall" courtship song rhythms of male Drosophila melanogaster,
251  no evidence for the existence of Drosophila courtship song rhythms.
252 tightly control the rate and timing of their courtship song syllables relative to each other.
253 ale Drosophila melanogaster sing a multipart courtship song to female flies.
254                More strikingly, the juvenile courtship song was also acoustically much more similar t
255                   We found that the juvenile courtship song was much less variable than the immature
256 tor, we show that wind and near-field sound (courtship song) activate distinct populations of Johnsto
257 ponses to pulses present in natural stimuli (courtship song) are not.
258 d use computational modeling to link natural courtship song, neuronal codes, and female behavioral re
259 two neuronal cell types previously linked to courtship song.
260 cVA), while pC1 neurons also respond to male courtship song.
261  neural variability when the bird engages in courtship song.
262  the genome control distinct features of the courtship song.
263 se interval (IPI) of Drosophila melanogaster courtship song.
264 ing neurons is sufficient to modify the male courtship song.
265 inter-male courtship phenotype involving the courtship song.
266  in conserving features of stereotyped adult courtship song.
267 generating model neural responses to natural courtship song.
268 fic to aggression; circling, wing extension (courtship 'song') and copulation are specific to courtsh
269               Despite decades of research on courtship songs and behavior in Drosophila, central audi
270 , including Drosophilidae, produce patterned courtship songs to increase their chance of success with
271                                       These "courtship songs" differ in their spectrotemporal composi
272 ith high-frequency pulses of the conspecific courtship songs, and (3) the species-specific tuning rel
273 degraded task-specific movement patterns and courtship songs, respectively, which are learned skills
274 is based on the production and perception of courtship songs, which facilitate mating.
275 in which males, but not females, learn their courtship songs.
276  role of contact chemosensation in the early courtship steps of mate selection and courtship initiati
277 quilibrium behaviours in which time-extended courtship takes place.
278 x comb, a group of modified bristles used in courtship that shows marked morphological diversity amon
279 s key to many diverse flight behaviors, from courtship to predation.
280                    Activated females display courtship toward conspecific males or females, as well o
281 cifically in octopamine (OA) neurons exhibit courtship toward divergent interspecies D. virilis and D
282 o inhibit courtship toward males and promote courtship toward females.
283 rons are necessary and sufficient to inhibit courtship toward males and promote courtship toward fema
284  fruit flies demonstrate aggression and even courtship towards other male flies.
285 e in tests of short- and long-term memory of courtship training.
286 n olfactory neurons is not required for male courtship under our experimental conditions.
287 inhibitory constant light conditions rescues courtship vocal activity as well as the duration of sing
288 a nocturnally breeding teleost fish that (1) courtship vocalization exhibits an endogenous circadian
289             A new study shows that nocturnal courtship vocalization is regulated by a circadian rhyth
290 g sensitivity to acoustic frequencies in its courtship vocalization.
291                       We conclude that mouse courtship vocalizations are not acquired through auditor
292 ddress this question, we compared ultrasonic courtship vocalizations emitted by chronically deaf and
293                                   Ultrasonic courtship vocalizations were previously attributed to th
294                                  Innate male courtship was triggered in male and female flies, and ol
295 at was previously shown to inhibit male-male courtship, was essential for normal levels of aggression
296 -tricosene induced aggression and suppressed courtship were independent, but both required the gustat
297 eviously thought to exclusively control male courtship, were sufficient to promote fighting.
298  fru(M) null males acquire the potential for courtship when grouped with other flies; they apparently
299 ineered male flies have dramatically reduced courtship, whereas engineered females showed enhanced co
300 neurons caused a large increase in male-male courtship, whereas suppression of IPS activity decreased

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