コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 vant chemotherapy alone or chemotherapy with cranial irradiation.
2 All underwent prophylactic cranial irradiation.
3 in metastases, and 8% underwent prophylactic cranial irradiation.
4 gnitive decline in cancer patients receiving cranial irradiation.
5 t of patients with brain tumors had received cranial irradiation.
6 sk-adapted chemotherapy without prophylactic cranial irradiation.
7 l learning and memory impairments induced by cranial irradiation.
8 at may potentially benefit from prophylactic cranial irradiation.
9 Complete responders received prophylactic cranial irradiation.
10 S relapse after a short initial remission or cranial irradiation.
11 f deleterious neurocognitive consequences of cranial irradiation.
12 or adaptive deficits if they do not undergo cranial irradiation.
13 of adding RT to chemotherapy or prophylactic cranial irradiation.
14 inflammation and augments neurogenesis after cranial irradiation.
15 d cyclophosphamide, 58 of whom also received cranial irradiation.
16 chemotherapy drugs, intrathecal therapy, and cranial irradiation.
17 justify future trials including prophylactic cranial irradiation.
18 s associated with intensive chemotherapy and cranial irradiation.
19 y when treated with 23.4 Gy instead of 36 Gy cranial irradiation.
20 r irradiation, we investigated the impact of cranial irradiation (1 and 10 Gy) on a range of micromor
21 T-cell patients who received chemotherapy or cranial irradiation (12 Gy) to prevent overt leukemia in
23 toposide/cisplatin, followed by prophylactic cranial irradiation (30 Gy/15 fractions) if they had a c
29 hemotherapy will, in all likelihood, replace cranial irradiation as subclinical central nervous syste
30 ession of adult hippocampal neurogenesis via cranial irradiation before drug-taking significantly inc
31 atients who have previously received maximal cranial irradiation but suffer an intracranial recurrenc
32 ive risk-adjusted chemotherapy, prophylactic cranial irradiation can be safely omitted from the treat
35 n female sex and cognitive dysfunction after cranial irradiation, cardiovascular outcomes, obesity, r
37 vel procedure for administering fractionated cranial irradiation (CI) and investigated the incidence
38 clinical trial to test whether prophylactic cranial irradiation could be omitted from treatment in a
43 esulting in shortened survival, prophylactic cranial irradiation has been proposed in both small-cell
44 ) who undergo chemotherapy, and prophylactic cranial irradiation, have persistent intrathoracic disea
46 that reason, T-ALL patients usually receive cranial irradiation in addition to intensified intrathec
48 ) have been described as a delayed effect of cranial irradiation in children with brain tumors, or a
50 ied the use of combination chemotherapy plus cranial irradiation in newly diagnosed patients with PCN
51 andomised controlled studies of prophylactic cranial irradiation in oncology patients as well as stud
52 t chemotherapy with and without prophylactic cranial irradiation in patients who undergo complete res
53 al designs of ongoing trials of prophylactic cranial irradiation in stage III NSCLC have taken this i
55 ing from hippocampal cytotoxicity induced by cranial irradiation (IR) present a challenge in the trea
60 frequent result of cancer therapy involving cranial irradiation, leaving patients with marked memory
61 ons were similar in OE and KO mice following cranial irradiation, molecular analyses suggested that t
63 a meta-analysis have shown that prophylactic cranial irradiation not only reduces the incidence of br
64 t-derived microglia engraftment, rather than cranial irradiation or BMT alone, was responsible for th
67 e considered for treatment with prophylactic cranial irradiation, owing to the high frequency of brai
69 y was conducted to determine if prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) improves survival in locally a
71 latin and etoposide (PE), early prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI), and high-dose twice-daily tho
74 al hypothyroidism including ischemic injury, cranial irradiation, psychiatric conditions, or medical
75 t chemotherapy, with or without prophylactic cranial irradiation, relative to no adjuvant therapy for
77 tive cancer treatment regimens often require cranial irradiation, resulting in lifelong neurocognitiv
79 cic radiotherapy in addition to prophylactic cranial irradiation should be considered for all patient
80 agnosis and those who received standard-dose cranial irradiation (SRT) of 36 Gy would have a lower pe
81 st decade, standard therapy has evolved from cranial irradiation to high dose methotrexate-based regi
84 previously would have received prophylactic cranial irradiation was compared with that of 56 histori
88 ature neurons was strongly reduced following cranial irradiation with (137)Cs, this treatment did not
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