


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1      The results of this study indicate that creeping attachment (i.e., soft tissue recovery) might o
2 o additional root coverage was gained due to creeping attachment between 2 and 12 months.
3 o additional root coverage was gained due to creeping attachment between 2 and 6 months for either gr
4 inized tissue; and 4) evaluate the amount of creeping attachment obtained.
5                              Two variants of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera cv palustris),
6 e-specific expression of both genes in rice, creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) and Arabido
7 ocuments gene flow on a landscape level from creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.), one of the
8 za sativa) miR528 (Osa-miR528) in transgenic creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) alters plant d
9 wn patch (Rhizoctonia solani) and stem rust; creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) for resistance
10  response to abiotic stress using transgenic creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) overexpressing
11 from heterozygous populations of the species creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera).
12                              Most individual creeping bentgrass plants examined are lacking Crs-1.
13                           The Crs-1 locus in creeping bentgrass provides a rare example of the evolut
14 the three parental lines used to develop the creeping bentgrass variants.
15 ntified as two putative targets of miR528 in creeping bentgrass.
16 ent land plant lineage and have a flattened, creeping body (the thallus), which grows from apical cel
17 cipients with deteriorating renal function ("creeping creatinine") secondary to chronic allograft nep
18  chromatin compaction by step-like and slow "creeping" dynamics consistent with a loop-extrusion mech
19                                  In areas of creeping fat, which characterizes inflammation-affected
20 d ultramafic rocks have been associated with creeping faults in central and northern California, and
21 Whitehead paradox need be encountered in the creeping flow regime and (ii) the flux of the factor wil
22 ated streamers in a microfluidic device in a creeping flow regime using both experimental observation
23 anding the evolution of biofilm streamers in creeping flows.
24                                         This creeping fluid flow has been shown to affect the morphol
25                                              Creeping grains beneath the bed-load layer give rise to
26 deal, linearly polarizable sphere undergoing creeping motion in viscous medium, we have shown that bo
27 dditionally, we found no correlation between creeping or locked faults and tremor, contrary to predic
28 that deformation of the mechanically unusual creeping portions of the San Andreas fault system is con
29 y development was the only factor related to creeping proteinuria (hazard ratio, 2.946; 95% confidenc
30                                              Creeping proteinuria during the first year was associate
31 ths, variation <50%, and increase >/=50% or "creeping proteinuria") (n = 283).
32                                              Creeping proteinuria, which was present in 35 patients (
33 cue grass Festuca rubra subsp. rubra (strong creeping red fescue) infected with E. festucae.
34 resistance seen in endophyte-infected strong creeping red fescue.
35 rancisco' and 'Los Angeles' repeaters on the creeping section of the San Andreas Fault.
36 equences to constrain friction properties of creeping segments.
37  identification of a gene, designated Crs-1 (creeping specific-1), that appears to be in the process
38 nset is instead a continuous transition from creeping to granular flow.
39 ces an instantaneous deformation followed by creeping to the asymptotic response.
40 nstantaneous deformation followed by gradual creeping to the long-term response.
41 K is not a direct (two-state) process, but a creeping transition that takes place through at least on
42                                       In the creeping vole, Microtus oregoni, females are X0 and male
43 ld, California, near the southern end of the creeping zone.
44 historical times, separated by a 150-km-long creeping zone.
45  the region of coseismic slip and the up-dip creeping zone.

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