


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nables imaging of GluN1/GluN2B NMDA receptor cross talk.
2 n facilitates ion channel-solute transporter cross talk.
3 s evolutionary advantages of defense hormone cross talk.
4 gnals do not show significant correlation or cross talk.
5 al nervous system (CNS) to orchestrate organ cross talk.
6 cesses and maintain cell homeostasis through cross talk.
7 candidate pathways involved in SC-macrophage cross-talk.
8 tins and reveal their novel role in receptor cross-talk.
9 echanism of signal transduction and receptor cross-talk.
10  emitter's detection channel, referred to as cross-talk.
11 tion of false signals through reagent-driven cross-talk.
12 basement membrane and mesenchymal-epithelial cross-talk.
13 merization and the concomitant potential for cross-talk.
14 be adequately spaced apart to prevent signal cross-talk.
15 fector T cell activation in cancer via novel cross-talk.
16 tors with different affinities, resulting in cross-talk.
17  was developed to investigate plant-pathogen cross-talk.
18 ddressing beam imperfections and have little cross-talk, allowing for a dramatic scaling up of qubit
19  network of lateral connections that mediate cross talk among glomeruli, releasing GABA and DA onto s
20 icum) seedlings are mediated by an intricate cross talk among phytochromes, nitric oxide (NO), ethyle
21  dendrites, possibly reflecting autoapses or cross talk among transplanted neurons.
22 ant role in the regulation of ADCC, and that cross-talk among antibodies of varying specificities det
23               These results demonstrate that cross-talk among neighbouring genes is a prevalent pheno
24                                              Cross-talk among oncogenic signaling and metabolic pathw
25 provide novel evidence for the presence of a cross-talk among Smad, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt
26         Moreover, emerging findings reveal a cross-talk among the external milieu, signal transductio
27 eath induced by phycocyanin is the result of cross-talk among the MAPK, Akt/mTOR/p70S6K and NF-kappaB
28                          We further touch on cross-talk among these systems and comment on the utilit
29  leads to a loss of adaptive-innate immunity cross talk and accelerated disease progression.
30       We highlight conserved hubs in hormone cross talk and discuss evolutionary advantages of defens
31 ding a unique paradigm of receptor signaling cross talk and function.
32 ties used to estimate the intensity of ceRNA cross talk and provide, to our knowledge, new keys to an
33                                          The cross-talk and (99m)Tc dose required was evaluated in 2
34  classes that are likely to diminish pathway cross-talk and display synergistic antitumor effects.
35  tumour model and a 2D endothelium model for cross-talk and drug delivery studies.
36 tributing to understanding the mechanisms of cross-talk and feedback among the joint tissues could be
37 n them is essential for optimal intra-domain cross-talk and for efficient electron transfer to the re
38 atic cancer cells correlated with functional cross-talk and increased metastatic potential of cells.
39 es can be simultaneously imaged with minimal cross-talk and light loss.
40 us, critical events in thymic lympho-stromal cross-talk and T cell selection are indispensably choreo
41 entified the genes involved in host-pathogen cross-talks and markers that can be used in breeding res
42     Cell-specific expression levels, pathway cross-talk, and distinct interactions are the key, but c
43                                    A dynamic cross talk appears to occur between the HSV-1 latency-as
44  review, the exact nature and extent of such cross talk are only partially understood at present.
45 rescence expression patterns and RFRP-3/GnRH cross-talk are largely conserved in the NMR brain, with
46      These findings identify neuroepithelial cross-talk as a potential novel target in PDAC treatment
47 n-chip model to study pancreatic islet-liver cross-talk based on insulin and glucose regulation.
48  database analyses, we developed a paracrine cross-talk-based biological mechanism of DCIS progressin
49                                 In this cell cross-talk, BECs are also suspected to play a pivotal im
50         The complexity of pathways and their cross-talk benefits from holistic computational approach
51               These results identify a novel cross talk between a key family of miRNAs and proapoptot
52 c Lrp4 controls osteoclastogenesis, reveal a cross talk between A2AR and RANK signaling in osteoclast
53  and show that Pro biosynthesis is target of cross talk between ABA signaling and regulation of phosp
54 autoimmunity in this model by repressing the cross talk between adaptive and innate immune systems.
55                  We also identify functional cross talk between adipocyte MR and arteries and describ
56 PAR-induced astrocytic activation mediates a cross talk between astrocytes and injured neurons that p
57 lates autoimmune responses by supporting the cross talk between autoreactive T and B cells.
58        Recent studies indicate a significant cross talk between beta-AR signaling and CaMKII activati
59 desired phenotypic outcome without undesired cross talk between c-di-GMP-dependent systems.
60                                          The cross talk between cytokinin response and light has been
61                                              Cross talk between defense signaling pathways is common
62 ntial role for PIE1 in the regulation of the cross talk between defense signaling pathways.
63 key parameter and is controlled by so-called cross talk between different biosynthetic pathways.
64 and to what extent direct intramitochondrial cross talk between different processes, such as transcri
65 F demarcating super-enhancers and preventing cross talk between distinct regulatory elements.
66 ion between COI1 and JAZ1, suggesting direct cross talk between extracellular ATP and JA in intracell
67 d transcriptional activity of FOXM1, and the cross talk between FOXM1 and HGF/Met signaling promoted
68 y event in DKD progression, and suggest that cross talk between glomerular endothelial injury and pod
69       Thus, our studies reveal an intriguing cross talk between IRF-1 and type I and II IFNs in the i
70                                     Impaired cross talk between keratinocytes (KCs) and immune cells
71 s of metabolic pathways, providing potential cross talk between metabolism and epigenetic regulation
72 r host represent a metaorganism in which the cross talk between microbes and host cells is necessary
73          A key element herein is the complex cross talk between platelets, the coagulation system, le
74 c growth factor (HGF) caused by dysregulated cross talk between pulmonary endothelium and epithelium
75  in the red berries, indicating some form of cross talk between the activation of stilbene biosynthes
76  the ultimate phenotype can be influenced by cross talk between the cell types and the extracellular
77               In this review, we discuss the cross talk between the ER and the PM mediated by direct
78              During pregnancy, immunological cross talk between the mother and her fetus is critical
79             Thus, Ndfip1/Ndfip2 regulate the cross talk between the T-cell receptor and cytokine sign
80 bind microRNAs induces an effective positive cross talk between their targets, which are therefore kn
81 echanisms of microglia aging, and assess the cross talk between these proaging processes.
82                       However, the potential cross talk between these two GTPases is unclear.
83  not only identifies Daple as a platform for cross-talk between Akt and the noncanonical Wnt pathway
84 n absence of the pilin domain, conducted the cross-talk between allosteric sites and the mannoside-bi
85 esults suggest that TGR5 activation mediates cross-talk between alpha and beta cells by switching fro
86 further demonstrated that the conformational cross-talk between alphaL alphaI and beta2 betaI could b
87                  These responses reflect the cross-talk between alveolar epithelial cells (AECs) and
88                              Manipulation of cross-talk between biological processes of different evo
89 ietic regeneration and demonstrate paracrine cross-talk between BM osteolineage cells and endothelial
90           This work is the first to identify cross-talk between Ca(2+)/calcineurin and Cdc42 signalin
91              In this study, we evaluated the cross-talk between CAF and TEC isolated from tumors gene
92 were selected because of their importance in cross-talk between calcium and cyclic nucleotide signali
93 ements in the understanding of the metabolic cross-talk between cancer and its microenvironment are e
94 arify the molecular mechanisms of functional cross-talk between canonical and degenerate ATP sites in
95  homocysteine on CBS and CSE expression, and cross-talk between CBS and CSE are unclear.
96 authors here identify CDPK1 substrates and a cross-talk between CDPK1 and PKA, and show the role of C
97    Such coordination can be achieved through cross-talk between cell-cell and cell-ECM adhesions.
98                    Here, we investigated the cross-talk between cellular geometry and TNFalpha signal
99 nergic cells provide previously unrecognized cross-talk between central and peripheral mechanisms in
100 his study suggests that obesity enhances the cross-talk between chondrocytes and synovial fibroblasts
101 itation spectral bandwidth, reduced emission cross-talk between colocalized emitters with closely ove
102 tween SAG and RBX1, and whether SAG mediates cross-talk between CRL5 and CRL1 are previously unknown.
103 nding to different E2s; and shows a negative cross-talk between CRL5 and CRL1 through SAG mediated ub
104 A is a key mediator of cytotoxicity and that cross-talk between DPR proteins likely modifies their pa
105                                          The cross-talk between dynamic microtubules and integrin-bas
106                     Hence, our data indicate cross-talk between EAT expansion and mechanical function
107   However, a scientific understanding of the cross-talk between epigenetic and genomic aberrations re
108                          We elaborate on how cross-talk between epithelial cells, dendritic cells, an
109  add-ons can lead to physiologically harmful cross-talk between essential biosynthetic pathways.
110 onization of bacteria with serum IgA induced cross-talk between FcalphaRI and different TLRs, leading
111 local adaptation has tuned the timing of and cross-talk between fundamental plant processes.
112 DELLAs also play a central role in mediating cross-talk between GA and other signaling pathways via a
113                 Furthermore, we revealed the cross-talk between GluA1 ubiquitination and phosphorylat
114                          Manipulation of the cross-talk between granulocytes and endothelial cells ma
115                                    Recently, cross-talk between GSC and vascular endothelial cells ha
116 tand the symbiotic relationship and cellular cross-talk between H2 S and H2 Sn , it is highly desirab
117 uced after Aurora B inhibition, suggesting a cross-talk between H3S10ph and H3K9me2.
118 fibrotic foci after WTI and is promoted by a cross-talk between HA, CD73/adenosine signaling, and oth
119 dentified proteins that constitute potential cross-talk between HD and the unfolded protein response
120 ng Kras(G12D)-driven ADM that is balanced by cross-talk between Hedgehog/SMO and AKT/GLI2 pathways in
121  represents a new avenue to study pTreg, the cross-talk between humoral and cellular immunity, and re
122  depletion of CD8(+) T cells, highlighting a cross-talk between IgE and T cell-mediated tumor immunos
123                                 Importantly, cross-talk between IL-4, ADMA, and mitochondrial dysfunc
124                 These findings highlight the cross-talk between IL-5 receptor and CD300f as a novel p
125 on and suggests HBCs directly participate in cross-talk between immune response and neurogenesis.
126 nd inducing platelet activation by promoting cross-talk between innate immunity and integrin activati
127               Thus, there exists a molecular cross-talk between LFA-1 and Notch1 through the Akt/ERK-
128                   Our study uncovers a novel cross-talk between LGR5 and TGFbeta signaling in colon c
129  innate immunity that mediates bidirectional cross-talk between lipid homeostasis and inflammation.
130             Although the consequences of the cross-talk between M1 and NK cells are known, the outcom
131 1 and NK cells are known, the outcome of the cross-talk between M2 and NK cells remains ill-defined.
132 ing body of evidence that supports important cross-talk between master growth and immune pathways in
133        We suggest that targeting STAT3-NOTCH cross-talk between MDSC and CSC could offer a unique loc
134 ration by neutrophils, suggesting a role for cross-talk between monocytes and neutrophils in inductio
135             The potential for redox-mediated cross-talk between motor neurons and muscle is also desc
136             Overall, these data suggest that cross-talk between MRP1 glycosylation and phosphorylatio
137 ons in breast cancer are complex and involve cross-talk between multiple signaling pathways.
138 existence of a more extensive and reciprocal cross-talk between muscle tissue compartments, including
139                                         This cross-talk between nerves and endothelial metabolism cou
140                 Moreover, we highlighted the cross-talk between nitric oxide and H2S in several bilog
141 that the DLL4 ICD could represent a point of cross-talk between Notch and receptor tyrosine kinase (R
142              In this study, we evaluated the cross-talk between pancreatic cancer and its TAS in prim
143 r, our results identify a novel mechanism of cross-talk between pathogen- and damage-associated molec
144    Membrane fusion at endomembranes requires cross-talk between Rab GTPases and tethers to drive SNAR
145 icient skin, thus demonstrating an important cross-talk between Ras and PI3K pathways.
146 heir combined effects, promoting synergistic cross-talk between RTKs and integrins.
147 eat shock protein also seems to regulate the cross-talk between Schwann cells and axons, because expe
148 cterized protein export systems, and observe cross-talk between secretion systems in the pathobiology
149 nist tasimelteon and the putative biological cross-talk between serotonergic and melatonergic systems
150                   This suggests an important cross-talk between SHH and WIP1 pathways that accelerate
151 ety of biological processes as a mediator of cross-talk between signal transduction pathways.
152                                    Extensive cross-talk between signaling pathways is required to int
153             These results suggest that while cross-talk between signaling pathways may increase the a
154 arly on both IFNgamma and TNFalpha levels in cross-talk between T cells and monocytes.
155 r results uncover an important aspect of the cross-talk between TGFbeta and Hippo signaling, showing
156  act on their own, and clearly there is much cross-talk between the activated effector molecules by I
157 efensive barrier functions, immunomodulatory cross-talk between the bronchial epithelium and tissue-r
158 -regulation of MCT1 by LiCl, demonstrating a cross-talk between the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin and No
159 ay between all these enzymatic cascades, the cross-talk between the complement and the kinin generati
160 ility, thereby revealing another instance of cross-talk between the complement system and other host
161 pose that this field reflects the mechanical cross-talk between the fibroblasts and the underlying fi
162                                              Cross-talk between the gut microbiota and the host immun
163 n of the molecular mechanisms regulating the cross-talk between the heart and EpAT is expected to enh
164                                              Cross-talk between the Hippo and Wnt pathways has been i
165                  Herein, we demonstrate that cross-talk between the Ig-superfamily receptor CD300f an
166 ighting the complex nature of the interorgan cross-talk between the kidney and the lung.
167 ct insulin resistance to extensive metabolic cross-talk between the liver, adipose tissue, pancreas a
168 extracellular matrix (ECM) to coordinate the cross-talk between the LRP4-MuSK pathway and integrin-fo
169 al-excitation strategy was aimed to minimize cross-talk between the luminescent signals for multiplex
170                            Contact-dependent cross-talk between the main DC subsets, plasmacytoid and
171                     To address the extent of cross-talk between the major metazoan signaling pathways
172 ing changes in BaP metabolism resulting from cross-talk between the molecular clock and aryl hydrocar
173 ng network, which captured the known complex cross-talk between the NFkappaB, ERK, and AKT pathways a
174               Thus, there is a great deal of cross-talk between the p53 protein and epigenetic progra
175                                              Cross-talk between the pathways requires recruitment of
176                    Previous studies report a cross-talk between the polycystic kidney disease (PKD) a
177        This study assessed whether the local cross-talk between the pulmonary microbiota and host cel
178 ons indicated that these effects relied upon cross-talk between the STAT3 and NOTCH pathways in cance
179 bunit with an additional mechanism that uses cross-talk between the two NDK monomers to accelerate ph
180 nge in achieving combinations that can avoid cross-talk between the units, such as excited-state quen
181 ion at enhancers and promoters, suggesting a cross-talk between these chromatin modifications and tra
182 nding crevice, suggesting the possibility of cross-talk between these discrete binding sites.
183  during infection, in some circumstances the cross-talk between these key inflammatory mediators is a
184 flammatory response, indicating considerable cross-talk between these pathways.
185 ng site but not a predicted TonE, suggesting cross-talk between these two members of the Rel family.
186     The discovery of this previously unknown cross-talk between these two pathways could afford novel
187 ated degradation of mitochondria, suggesting cross-talk between these two pathways.
188 inflammation, highlighting the potential for cross-talk between these two signaling pathways.
189 itions, indicating a previously unrecognized cross-talk between these two systems.
190 nabled us to provide direct evidence for the cross-talk between those two marks and the inhibition of
191 nate immune response is also affected by the cross-talk between TLRs and estrogen signalling.
192   Various protein factors participate in the cross-talk between tumor cells and non-malignant cells.
193 ed to allow for inferences to be made on the cross-talk between tumor cells and the immune system.
194                   In this study, we unveiled cross-talk between two important histone epigenetic mark
195 saic biochemical pathways suggest extensive 'cross-talk' between the two organisms, and electron micr
196 es have documented the importance of TLR-TLR cross talk, but few studies have specifically addressed
197                  Importantly, preventing the cross talk by preceding DC depletion decreases MC antige
198 ns between MOR and Gal1R ligands: a negative cross talk, by which galanin counteracted MAPK activatio
199 eir competitors (and hence their tendency to cross talk) can be encoded in quantities as intuitive an
200 esentation machinery, T cell stimulation and cross-talk capacity of natural DC subsets is in vivo tum
201 rone plus PR-A were critical for the PR-A-ER cross-talk causing a gene-regulatory pattern of invasive
202   More and better knowledge of clock-defense cross talk could help to improve disease resistance and
203 domain transcriptional repressors, and SA/JA cross talk did not involve JASMONATE ASSOCIATED MYC2-LIK
204                     The tetrameric Grc3/Las1 cross talk draws unexpected parallels to endoribonucleas
205           Together, the data propose a novel cross talk existing between seeds and rosette leaves alo
206 ilar discretely connected network or whether cross-talk exists between the face- and body-processing
207 examine possibilities of engineering hormone cross talk for improvement of plant fitness and crop pro
208  in human sweat was established with minimal cross-talk for 0-48 hours post-antibody sensor functiona
209                       To reduce fluorescence cross-talk for two photon applications, we present an in
210  Here, we report an improved, user-friendly, cross-talk-free multiplex ELISA method in which dehydrat
211 n against the gamma-probe background signal (cross-talk) from (18)F-FDG.
212  but the mechanisms underlying this MT-actin cross talk have remained poorly understood.
213  the mechanisms underlying this cytoskeletal cross-talk have remained obscure.
214  suggests that their targets include hormone cross talk, hormone-dependent transcription, and PIN-FOR
215                       The mechanism for this cross-talk, however, remains incompletely understood.
216 effect is likely to be partially induced via cross talk.IMPORTANCE Bats serve as reservoirs for multi
217  involved in impaired mesenchymal-epithelial cross talk in COPD pathogenesis, which is amenable to th
218 tions suggest that C. albicans-P. aeruginosa cross talk in vivo can benefit both organisms to the det
219 uman epidermal growth factor receptor ligand cross-talk in breast cancer cells.
220  requirement and mechanism of action for the cross-talk in considerable detail.
221 netic marks and defined the function of this cross-talk in DNA DSB repair.
222 ile revealing the importance of T-B cellular cross-talk in mediating autoimmunity, demonstrating that
223              To interrogate the role of this cross-talk in metastasis, we investigated selective cros
224 d to compartmentalize antibodies and prevent cross-talk in multliplex, plate-based ELISA.
225 aneously analyzes the importance of neuronal cross-talk in pain transmission.
226 t contain HREs, suggesting a role for GC/HIF cross-talk in regulating glucose homeostasis.
227                          We also observed CN cross-talk in sympathetic neurons that may be related to
228  results demonstrate a novel tunable form of cross-talk in which AECs use PGE2 as a signal to request
229 in- and adenosine-dependent pMF interact via cross talk inhibition, we hypothesized that pMF is obscu
230 l network biology approach, based on pathway cross-talk inhibition, to discover new synergistic drug
231             Additionally, this work revealed cross-talk interactions whereby phosphorylation of certa
232 m, at least partially, via a heart-brown fat cross-talk involving FGF21.
233 d TSC-derived embryos-ETS-embryos-depends on cross-talk involving Nodal signaling.
234  in the presence of glucose, carbon/nitrogen cross-talk is likely involved in the response to nitroge
235           Recent evidence suggests that this cross-talk is mediated to a significant extent by exosom
236                                       Such a cross talk likely reflects the adaptive nature of plants
237                                This intimate cross-talk may be driven by metabolite secretion and sig
238 orks to integrate multiple stimuli, too much cross-talk may compromise the ability of the network to
239 uced by Indacaterol, in turn suggesting that cross-talk may not be clinically relevant when using tri
240 s to inactivate CAF and prevent tumor-stroma cross-talk may offer a viable strategy to treat pancreat
241                    Understanding bone-muscle cross-talk may provide a fresh and novel approach to pre
242 en reported, and evidence supports that this cross-talk may rely, at least in part, on the formation
243 bition of CK5+ cell expansion through RAR/PR cross talk, may explain the efficacy of retinoids in pre
244 alk in metastasis, we investigated selective cross-talk mechanisms of PR-A with ER.
245                           Moreover, hormonal cross-talk modulates plant responses to abiotic stresses
246 occur within distinct cell types, suggesting cross-talk occurs at the level of hormone transport betw
247 on as potential sources of alloantigens, the cross talk of innate lymphoid cells with damaged epithel
248           These results demonstrate that the cross talk of LX-2 cells and B. abortus induces autophag
249 anisms of LCR regulation via a complex local cross-talk of Ca pump, release and NCX.
250                          Therefore, hormonal cross-talk of PR-A with ER is probably a fundamental mec
251 echanism-based combinations that exploit the cross-talk of signals activated by cell-cycle arrest, as
252 e of the macrophage phenotypic shift and the cross-talk of the local muscle tissue with the infiltrat
253 lammatory responses initiate from within the cross-talk of the three identified endophenotypic module
254 drites to mediate the transport, fusion, and cross-talk of these organelles, and pathological DISC1 i
255 e, using nematic microfluidics, we study the cross-talk of topological defects in two different mater
256 ll describe and discuss the newly discovered cross-talks of complement with other cell effector syste
257  pathway but also reveals the impact of such cross-talk on tumor cell phenotypes that are critical fo
258 tations, suggesting that there is a level of cross talk or cooperation between these events that has
259 se factor 1 (IRF1) and IRF7, which mediate a cross talk pathway for RIG-I upregulation.
260              By identifying this novel redox cross-talk pathway between chloroplast and cytosol, we a
261 e-analyzing phosphatase and tensin homolog's cross-talk pattern from The Cancer Genome Atlas breast c
262                 Combining these results, the cross-talk plant pathogen related to the early detection
263             In traditional rate models, such cross-talk prevents accurate inference of concentrations
264 ively, our data indicate that host-microbial cross-talk promotes inflammation and could underlie the
265 nase signaling nodes that facilitate AXL-RTK cross-talk, protracted signaling, converging on ERK, and
266                            Whether a similar cross-talk regulates the BM vasculature is not known.
267  physically interact, and exhibit multilevel cross-talk regulating cell fate-determining and fibrogen
268                       This microglia-synapse cross talk requires production of prostaglandin E2 by mi
269 II, which suppresses a mesenchyme-epithelium cross-talk responsible for Wolffian duct maintenance.
270 on initiates a complex mechanism of integrin cross-talk resulting in differential regulation of the b
271                However, a key aspect of this cross-talk, TGFbeta-mediated regulation of TAZ or YAP ex
272 r uPA-uPAR as mediator of a neuron-astrocyte cross talk that promotes synaptic recovery in the ischem
273 leton is a point of integration for receptor cross talk through modulation of protein dynamics and cl
274          The existence of tightly-integrated cross-talk through multiple signaling and effector pathw
275 licated as a regulator of integrin-dependent cross talk to endothelial cells.
276 ociated antigen-1 (LFA-1) is known to induce cross-talk to the alpha4beta1 integrin.
277     Thus, KCNQ2/3-SMIT1/2 coassembly permits cross talk via physical interaction, and may also be req
278           In studies of ASM mechanics, rapid cross-talk was confirmed at the physiologic level, where
279                                              Cross-talk was independent of beta2AR internalization an
280  mediated by chondrocyte-synovial fibroblast cross-talk, was enhanced by the obesity-related adipokin
281 n LAMA and LABA as a consequence of receptor cross-talk, which in turn could modify beta-2 receptor d
282 t promote embryonic-extraembryonic signaling cross-talk, which is essential for the development of th
283 rmediates and to prevent undesired metabolic cross-talk while maintaining metabolic flexibility.
284 ponents mediating phytohormone signaling and cross talk with available genome information of other pl
285  splicing regulators such as SRp55, that may cross talk with candidate genes for diabetes.
286 ield using single detectors while minimizing cross talk with respect to the set of filter masks consi
287            Prolactin signalling depends on a cross-talk with basement membrane extracellular matrix (
288 romal fibroblasts, where it orchestrates the cross-talk with epithelial tumor cells.
289 dotropin gene expression, possibly involving cross-talk with H3K9 acetylation.
290 ce to chewing herbivores due to its negative cross-talk with JA.
291 broad implications for adrenergic signaling, cross-talk with other signaling pathways, and the effect
292             Biologically, the AR pathway has cross-talk with several other key signaling pathways, in
293 5 non-canonical activities appear to involve cross-talk with the angiotensin II type-1 receptor (AT1R
294  multiple receptors that are critical in the cross-talk with the endothelium, mediating cellular accu
295 activation and function in tumorigenesis and cross-talk with the tumor microenvironment.
296 stablishing asymmetric pigmentation and, via cross-talk with thyroid hormones, in modulating eye migr
297 role in promoting the growth of HER2 + BC by cross-talking with the HER2 signaling.
298 alytic activity via intra- and interprotomer cross-talk, with a "sensory motif" and two loops, RL1 an
299 tal mechanism important for exosome-mediated cross-talk within tumor microenvironments.
300 ex microbe-microbe and host-microbe chemical cross-talk would help elucidate the role of our gut micr

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