


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  CMV epitopes, either conserved, variant, or cross-reactive.
2 are recognized by patient IgE and are highly cross-reactive.
3 n for the ability to be 'moderately' peptide cross-reactive.
4 ide binding, the ILA1 T-cell clone was still cross-reactive.
5 nigmatic: TCRs are at once specific but also cross-reactive.
6 bor intensive, and the resulting TCRs may be cross-reactive.
7 rtoire before vaccination revealed an Env-IM cross-reactive Ab that was clonally related to a subsequ
8  that neither the 2F5 bnAb nor HIV MPER-KYNU cross-reactive Abs elicited by immunization with an MPER
9 PV and three PV patients identified specific cross-reactive Abs in one PV patient, but notably all si
10                                         Such cross-reactive Abs may enhance disease during subsequent
11 o study the effects of these NS1-induced Plg cross-reactive Abs on fibrinolysis, we isolated several
12 results suggest that DENV NS1 can induce Plg cross-reactive Abs through molecular mimicry, which can
13       In previous studies, plasminogen (Plg) cross-reactive Abs, which can recognize DENV nonstructur
14 hila to determine whether NS1 can induce Plg cross-reactive Abs.
15                        Six of these VHHs are cross-reactive against both EF and LF and recognize the
16                      Anti-HA antibodies were cross-reactive against multiple subtypes, and some showe
17 ing the pIP501 plasmid and also proved to be cross-reactive against other clinically relevant enteroc
18 the first consumption of a food containing a cross-reactive allergen.
19 small number of amino acid differences among cross-reactive allergens can reduce the affinity of bind
20 ed to be termed 'fish-chicken syndrome' with cross-reactive allergens involved being parvalbumins, en
21 ry T cells can have high or low affinity for cross-reactive allogeneic peptide-MHC, the role of TCR a
22                    Our data suggest that the cross-reactive anamnestic antibody response has a protec
23                          The MAb footprints, cross reactive and strain specific, coincide with region
24 ization regimens for their ability to induce cross-reactive and biologically active V2 Abs in rabbits
25                The responses were robust and cross-reactive and contained antibodies specific to mult
26                       In this study, we used cross-reactive and ferret-specific antibodies to study t
27        Anti-Flavivirus antibodies are highly cross-reactive and may facilitate Zika virus (ZIKV) infe
28 This work provides detailed insight into the cross-reactive and specific allergen-Ab interactions in
29 les to estimate the contribution of serotype-cross-reactive and type-specific antibodies to neutraliz
30  against E protein domain I/II (EDI/II) were cross-reactive and, although poorly neutralizing, potent
31 lated flaviviruses has long been known to be cross-reactive, and antibody detection of ZIKV is nonspe
32           We selected a high-affinity monkey cross-reactive anti-CLL-1 arm and tested several anti-CD
33 duction of polyreactive mutated IgA Abs with cross-reactive anti-commensal reactivity.
34 llenge in dengue vaccine development is that cross-reactive anti-DENV Abs can be protective or potent
35                                              Cross-reactive anti-MMR sdAbs were generated after immun
36 Abs on fibrinolysis, we isolated several Plg cross-reactive anti-NS1 mAbs from these mice and found t
37 t regimen, resulting in a high proportion of cross-reactive antibodies (25%).
38 into dengue virus (DENV) endemic regions and cross-reactive antibodies (Abs) could potentially affect
39 er was based on a virus that elicits broadly cross-reactive antibodies against a wide range of H5 vir
40  1 glycoconjugate resulted in high titers of cross-reactive antibodies against CR-Kp CPS in mice and
41 er present novel concepts for combination of cross-reactive antibodies against multiple epitopes that
42 ccination with related viruses and thus have cross-reactive antibodies against the vaccines.
43 etting the concern of ZIKV vaccines inducing cross-reactive antibodies and sensitizing people to subs
44 dinally within donors, suggesting that these cross-reactive antibodies are unstable.
45    This reduced shedding was associated with cross-reactive antibodies capable of mediating antibody-
46 Ad5 vaccine induced dominant gp41-microbiota cross-reactive antibodies derived from blood memory B ce
47 ease suggests that non-neutralizing serotype cross-reactive antibodies generated during a primary inf
48                        Whether and how these cross-reactive antibodies impact live attenuated vaccina
49 solution allows similar proteins detected by cross-reactive antibodies in a single track.
50 envelope proteins raise the possibility that cross-reactive antibodies induced following Zika virus i
51   Thus, the gp41 commensal bacterial antigen cross-reactive antibodies originate in the intestine, an
52                          Enhancing titres of cross-reactive antibodies prolonged YF vaccine viraemia,
53        Recombinant versions of these H1 + H3 cross-reactive antibodies showed broad binding to hemagg
54                        The identification of cross-reactive antibodies that bind the GPs of all known
55 e and ferrets with H1-SS-np elicited broadly cross-reactive antibodies that completely protected mice
56                                 One group of cross-reactive antibodies that contributes considerably
57 ation with peptide 1 elicited high titers of cross-reactive antibodies to VEGF, with potent neutraliz
58 d sGP in complex with GP-specific and GP/sGP cross-reactive antibodies undergoing human clinical tria
59  findings support a pathogenesis model where cross-reactive antibodies wane from higher-titer, protec
60              Vaccines optimized to stimulate cross-reactive antibodies with ADCC function may provide
61                 The latter, largely serotype-cross-reactive antibodies, demonstrated increased stabil
62 might continue to circulate, and to generate cross-reactive antibodies, particularly towards conserve
63 ine efficacy could be improved by exploiting cross-reactive antibodies.
64 nd DENV3 were mainly neutralized by serotype cross-reactive antibodies.
65 ing it from other structurally characterized cross-reactive antibodies.
66 nfection, HIV-1 can escape from even broadly cross-reactive antibodies.
67 infections and vaccinations may induce these cross-reactive antibodies.
68 Guinea pigs developed high titers of broadly cross-reactive antibodies; mice and ferrets exhibited na
69 immunoassay-like setting by capturing with a cross-reactive antibody (R109) binding to both proteins
70    Here, we examine the structural basis for cross-reactive antibody binding to RSV and HMPV F protei
71 ucture of Marburg virus GP in complex with a cross-reactive antibody from a human survivor, and a low
72                            By evaluating the cross-reactive antibody response to the H10 viruses and
73 a on weight loss, viral replication, and the cross-reactive antibody response, we identified A/mallar
74 Anhui/1/2005 (clade 2.3.4) vaccine to elicit cross-reactive antibody responses to these emerging viru
75    Unexpectedly, Pca1 immunization generated cross-reactive antibody that recognized Pneumocystis jir
76  show that subjects with a specific range of cross-reactive antibody titres from a prior inactivated
77 h both an sGP-specific antibody and a GP/sGP cross-reactive antibody, permits us to unambiguously ass
78 hat older H3N2 influenza viruses confer some cross-reactive antibody.
79 tis surface protein, designated Pneumocystis cross-reactive antigen 1 (Pca1), as a potential vaccine
80 tients were more likely to seroconvert for a cross-reactive antigen if they seroconverted for the spe
81 at is impacted by the presence or absence of cross-reactive antigens in the patient's phenotype.
82 ture and epitopes in common were found using cross-reactive antisera.
83 high discrimination capacity of this type of cross-reactive array are ideal qualities for the develop
84                         Sensitization to the cross-reactive Ascaris and mite tropomyosins partially u
85 xed chimerism can mediate thymic deletion of cross-reactive autoreactive T cells that express more th
86 ss II in mixed chimeras mediates deletion of cross-reactive autoreactive thymocytes.
87  the phenotype of DENV serotype-specific and cross-reactive B cells during and after natural DENV inf
88                   DENV serotype-specific and cross-reactive B cells were identified in PBMCs from all
89 -class sequences were recovered from >40% of cross-reactive B cells.
90 R-HPVs, including finding 3 broadly antibody cross-reactive BCEs of L1 that each covers almost all HR
91 mmunodominant CD8 T cell response apparently cross-reactive between a newly defined putative MCMV epi
92  to other Env epitopes, (ii) displayed broad cross-reactive binding activity with gp120s and the V1V2
93                                        GII.4 cross-reactive blockade Ab titers were more potent than
94 ls of 50 and 100 Envs either to characterize cross-reactive breadth for sera identified as having pot
95 ned to elicit immune responses with improved cross-reactive breadth, to attempt to overcome the chall
96 sort for cells that are recognized by trimer cross-reactive broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) and
97                                     Inducing cross-reactive broadly neutralizing antibody (bNAb) resp
98 nding patches, explaining its role as both a cross-reactive but cytokine-specific receptor.
99 rity during secondary DENV infection is that cross-reactive but non-neutralizing antibodies promote u
100              Anti-FLE antibodies are broadly cross-reactive but poorly neutralizing, displaying a str
101  Several MTB candidate vaccine antigens were cross-reactive, but others were MTB-specific.
102 re excluded from the study because they were cross-reactive carbohydrate determinant reactors.
103  IgE reactivity to 6 HBV allergens devoid of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCD) was analy
104                                              Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCDs) in plant
105 ever, 48% of the African patients had IgE to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCDs) with low
106   As IgE glyco-epitopes, also referred to as cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCDs), can sha
107 f different natural allergens, the so-called cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCDs).
108 zed for IgE against 7 hazelnut allergens and cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants by ImmunoCAP.
109  glycan N-glycolylneuraminic acid or against cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants from plant or v
110 eteen recombinant wheat flour proteins and 2 cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants were tested by
111 epeated annual influenza vaccination on both cross-reactive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells has not been explor
112                           Our data show that cross-reactive CD8 T cells are infrequent during the acu
113                                    Mono- and cross-reactive CD8 T cells use distinct TCRB CDR3 sequen
114                                    ZIKV/DENV cross-reactive CD8(+) T cells in DENV-immune mice expand
115 without compromising the induction of robust cross-reactive CD8+ T cell responses upon exposure to vi
116  homologous H1N1 2009 virus, failed to mount cross-reactive CD8+ T cells and succumbed to the second
117                                            A cross-reactive chemical sensing array was made from CdSe
118 ochondrial autoantigen of PBC and xenobiotic cross reactive chemicals.
119 ay even favor the expansion and dominance of cross-reactive clones, but only when conflicting selecti
120 e Abs in one PV patient, but notably all six cross-reactive clonotypes used VH1-46.
121 rom two PV patients identified no additional cross-reactive clonotypes.
122                                Although some cross-reactive dengue virus (DENV)-specific antibodies c
123 ctionalizing the paper platform with diverse cross-reactive dyes sensitive to NH3 and CO2, their sele
124 higella, as well as ubiquitin/ubiquitin-like cross-reactive enzymes in Chlamydia, Rickettsia, and Xan
125 dominant response to a normally subdominant, cross-reactive epitope (nucleoprotein residues 205 to 21
126 antigenic epitopes on the HBoV1 capsid and a cross-reactive epitope on the HBoV1, HBoV2, and HBoV4 ca
127 ith cockroach allergen, we observed that non-cross-reactive epitope predominantly determined IgE bind
128               For clones that recognized the cross-reactive epitope, T cell clones responded robustly
129 results identify ZIKV-specific and ZIKV/DENV cross-reactive epitopes and demonstrate both an altered
130 rall, we define 13 novel CD4 and CD8 HSV-VZV cross-reactive epitopes and strongly imply additional cr
131  vaccinations for related pathogens and that cross-reactive epitopes and TCRs may be useful for multi
132                                              Cross-reactive epitopes bind with higher affinity to alp
133 ion of mice with ZIKV-specific and ZIKV/DENV cross-reactive epitopes elicited CD8(+) T cell responses
134       First, the T cells elicited by MTB/NTM cross-reactive epitopes in HCs were found mainly in a CC
135                                 Discovery of cross-reactive epitopes is critical to moving vaccine ca
136  C-terminal region of DENV NS1 in which host-cross-reactive epitopes reside.
137 , which were either cashew unique epitope or cross-reactive epitopes.
138 proteins can harbor both CD4 and CD8 HSV/VZV cross-reactive epitopes.
139                   Several T-cell clones were cross-reactive, especially clones that recognized epitop
140                                          The cross-reactive EV71-specific ASC response to genogroup C
141  cells against NS1 or E proteins were poorly cross-reactive, even in donors preexposed to DENV.
142                                      Equally cross-reactive Fc receptor-mediated functional activitie
143 , the present work describes multiple novel, cross-reactive filovirus epitopes and innovative combina
144 et v 1, the major birch pollen allergen, its cross-reactive food allergens, and profilins.
145                    Fish and chicken meat are cross-reactive foods; both fish-allergic and chicken mea
146 inity screening, but only 2 were found to be cross-reactive for human and mouse MMR.
147 neutralizing antibody specificities that are cross-reactive for VACV, CPXV, MPXV, and VARV and that a
148 trates for CB6 click that do not contain any cross-reactive functional groups and by optimizing react
149 ope binding affinities were mapped for human cross-reactive GAS proteins, including M5 and M6.
150 PV and 38.37% (95% CI = 12.68-56.51) against cross-reactive genotypes (HPV 31, 33, 45), respectively.
151 mediate potent secondary responses against a cross-reactive graft challenge.
152 gen Phl p 1 belongs to the group 1 of highly cross-reactive grass pollen allergens with a molecular m
153 imothy grass pollen allergen, belongs to the cross-reactive group 1 grass pollen allergens that are t
154                                The impact of cross-reactive group matching and production of antibodi
155 s directionality in the protective effect of cross-reactive group matching.
156 e avian influenza virus H5N1 induced broadly cross-reactive HA stem-specific antibodies.
157 inct sH1N1 isolates in spite of preexisting, cross-reactive, HA-specific antibody titers.
158                          Importantly, higher cross-reactive haemagglutination-inhibition antibody tit
159  influenza vaccine trials, we assessed their cross-reactive hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) antibod
160  is unknown whether there will be sufficient cross-reactive hemagglutinin (HA)-specific CD4 T-cell me
161 ogous prime-boost vaccination induced modest cross-reactive HI antibody responses to H5Nx viruses.
162 hat breaching peripheral tolerance permits a cross-reactive HIV-1 autoantibody response able to neutr
163 +) T cells from DENV-infected mice, and five cross-reactive HLA-B*0702-binding peptides were identifi
164  of molecular similarity among allergens and cross-reactive homologous helminth proteins in IgE-based
165 cts of clinical reagents, testing of species cross-reactive human agents in large animal GVHD models
166 SA inhibition results showing that, although cross-reactive human IgE epitopes exist, there are uniqu
167 erior to full-length HA antigens at inducing cross-reactive humoral immune responses and that VSV-cHA
168 3A mutations triggered cellular immunity and cross-reactive humoral immune responses.
169 sed by Bet v 1-specific IgE, but presence of cross-reactive IgE to related allergens does not predict
170 munization of mice and rabbits, MBC4 induced cross-reactive IgG antibodies, which were able to block
171 ine may have the added benefit of inducing a cross-reactive immune response to viral strains not foun
172 anasal route in addition to provoking higher cross-reactive immune responses against OMPs isolated fr
173  serotype-specific and strongly neutralizing cross-reactive immune responses against the four DENV se
174 sess the magnitude and functional quality of cross-reactive immune responses between these closely re
175                                          The cross-reactive immune responses frequently align with em
176 se data demonstrate that M type-specific and cross-reactive immune responses occur following skin inf
177 atients, we dissected ZIKV-specific and DENV-cross-reactive immune responses.
178 commercial CIV H3N8 IIV but provided limited cross-reactive immunity and heterologous protection agai
179 ld-type C57BL/6 mice infected with ZIKV have cross-reactive immunity to subsequent ZIKV infection and
180 multiple amphibian species, possibly through cross-reactive immunity.
181 al value, these nAbs must be both potent and cross-reactive in order to be capable of preventing the
182  modestly in magnitude and remained serotype cross-reactive in the years between infections, possibly
183                                              Cross-reactive influenza virus-specific antibody-depende
184                          IgE stimulated by a cross-reactive inhalant allergen can result in diverse p
185  were highly variable, numerous instances of cross-reactive killing were observed.
186                                  Serology is cross-reactive, laborious, and frequently difficult to i
187  antileukemia immune responses by converting cross-reactive leukemia-specific T cells into Treg cells
188  Der p 1-specific mAbs 5H8 and 10B9, and the cross-reactive mAb 4C1.
189 e previously reported epitope for mAb 4C1, a cross-reactive mAb that binds Der p 1 and its homolog De
190 multiple ebolaviruses, including SUDV, and a cross-reactive mAb that completely protected guinea pigs
191 in V gene Abs generated according to mutated cross-reactive mAbs preserved their reactivity to both A
192                                              Cross-reactive MBCs were detected before vaccination and
193 uenza vaccine trial, we sorted hemagglutinin cross-reactive memory B cells and identified three antib
194                        In mice with dominant cross-reactive memory responses, during challenge with P
195  both high-quality neoantigens and predicted cross-reactive microbial epitopes, consistent with neoan
196        Anti-MMR 3.49 was denoted as the lead cross-reactive MMR-targeting sdAb.
197  antibodies, specifically the two identified cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies (KL-2E5 and KL-2H7)
198                                 Human myosin cross-reactive N-terminal and B repeat epitopes of GAS M
199         The trimer also consistently induced cross-reactive NAbs against more sensitive (tier 1) viru
200 e demonstrate that the titer of preinfection cross-reactive NAbs correlates with reduced likelihood o
201 d to characterize the potency and breadth of cross-reactive neutralization by monoclonal antibodies,
202 demonstrate that immunized rabbits generated cross-reactive neutralizing activities against >50% of t
203 improve vaccine-induced responses, including cross-reactive neutralizing activities.
204                    Efforts to elicit broadly cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies that will protect
205                                              Cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies to the RSV and HM
206                     The induction of similar cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies using structural
207       In preimmune subjects, CYD-TDV boosted cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies while maintaining
208 nd characterized a panel of vaccine-elicited cross-reactive neutralizing MAbs targeting the Env V3 lo
209  allograft showed a dynamic expansion of the cross-reactive NLV-specific TCR repertoire before CMV re
210  to our knowledge, of the same A2-restricted cross-reactive NLV-specific TCR-alpha/beta signature (TR
211                         Further, the broadly cross-reactive non-neutralizing antibodies generated in
212 pathology was directly associated with these cross-reactive NP205-specific CD8 memory cells.
213 use human-reactive reagents may not be fully cross-reactive or effective in vivo on NHP immune cells,
214 ctive epitopes and strongly imply additional cross-reactive peptide sets.
215                             Here we isolated cross-reactive peptides with limited homology, which all
216 safety risk as they may respond optimally to cross-reactive peptides.
217  in children as well as to aeroallergens and cross-reactive plant allergen components in adults.
218                                          The cross-reactive plasmablast response to heterovariant str
219 ains, as indicated by the relative levels of cross-reactive plasmablasts and the cross-reactive PPAb
220  vaccination were evaluated for induction of cross-reactive plasmablasts, memory B cells, and cytokin
221 hl p 7 from timothy grass pollen is a highly cross-reactive pollen pan-allergen that can induce sever
222 ic infections with more severe symptoms, and cross-reactive, poorly neutralizing antibodies have been
223 evels of cross-reactive plasmablasts and the cross-reactive PPAb binding reactivity, was also greater
224 n significantly reduced vaccine-specific and cross-reactive PPAb responses.
225                  Our study demonstrated that cross-reactive primary virus neutralizing B cell lineage
226              T-cells with various degrees of cross-reactive profiles could be detected.
227 n about whether or not antibodies can confer cross-reactive protection against viruses belonging to d
228 avian influenza (H5N1) virus elicits robust, cross-reactive protection from influenza virus infection
229                                While broadly cross-reactive, protective monoclonal antibodies against
230 onents and phylogenetically highly conserved cross-reactive proteins.
231  tested the protective value of the serotype-cross-reactive "recall" or "anamnestic" response.
232 m MCMV-immune mice mount a robust CD8 T cell cross-reactive response between a newly defined putative
233 hould incorporate variant peptides to elicit cross-reactive responses against other specificities, es
234 f fHbp in N. cinerea and N. meningitidis and cross-reactive responses elicited by Bexsero suggest tha
235    Moreover, in the uncommon instances where cross-reactive responses were detected, the variant epit
236 t be, at least in part, set by the number of cross-reactive self peptides encountered by T cells duri
237 road spectrum, which provides a platform for cross-reactive sensitivity and allows detection of CO2 a
238 stitute a potential new source of primary or cross-reactive sensitization to lupin, particularly to L
239 analogous 2D MOFs can be used to construct a cross-reactive sensor array that allows for clear discri
240 e responses to highly penetrant viruses with cross-reactive serotypes.
241 tudy, we demonstrated the use of an array of cross-reactive serum albumins and fluorescent indicators
242 ive at generating HA stalk-specific, broadly cross-reactive serum antibodies by both intramuscular an
243 SV-cHAs generates greater stalk-specific and cross-reactive serum antibodies than does vaccination wi
244 ka virus infection induced detectable Dengue cross-reactive serum IgG responses that significantly am
245  developed significantly enhanced clade 2 H5 cross-reactive T cell responses detectable 6 months afte
246   In the absence of neutralizing antibodies, cross-reactive T cells have been shown to limit disease
247 oof of concept that LAIVs boost preexisting, cross-reactive T cells in children to genetically divers
248 at in the absence of neutralizing antibodies cross-reactive T cells provide protection against pandem
249 unity to related flaviviruses could generate cross-reactive T cells that may affect immune responses
250                We sought to demonstrate that cross-reactive T cells that recognize conserved epitopes
251                                  Preexisting cross-reactive T cells to genetically diverse IAV strain
252 A diverse array of TCRs was expressed by the cross-reactive T cells, with variable functional avidity
253 ory cells in healthy control subjects may be cross-reactive T cells.
254 by giving a competitive advantage to peptide cross-reactive T cells.
255                     We studied the long-term cross-reactive T-cell response in 14 trivalent LAIV-vacc
256 derived from syngeneic sarcomas could induce cross-reactive T-cell responses and cross-protection aga
257                         LAIV boosts durable, cross-reactive T-cell responses in children and may have
258 pratense, as well as their ability to induce cross-reactive T-cell responses.
259 .5 but not NOD.Rag1(-/-).BDC2.5 mice possess cross-reactive TCRs with endogenous TCRalpha-chains; MHC
260  to be more sensitive to activation and more cross-reactive than conventional T cells.
261 ) responses, as well as weak and/or sporadic cross-reactive tier 2 virus NAb responses with unknown s
262 elineate the specificity of vaccine-elicited cross-reactive tier 2 virus NAb responses, we performed
263 3-specific MAbs, nearly 20% (6/33) displayed cross-reactive tier 2 virus neutralization, which recapi
264 , suggesting that CP8-CRM elicits antibodies cross-reactive to CP5.
265 producing >/=2 cytokines simultaneously, and cross-reactive to NS proteins of the other 3 DENV seroty
266                           These Abs were not cross-reactive to other self-MHC class I alleles display
267                     The M protein was highly cross-reactive to TGEV and PRCV antisera.
268 el bispecific antibodies (Bis-mAbs) that are cross-reactive toward base epitopes on GP from EBOV and
269  antibodies have the potential to be broadly cross-reactive towards different HA subtypes.
270 ed chimerism mediates thymic deletion of the cross-reactive transgenic T cells in NOD.Rag1(+/+).BDC2.
271 , we demonstrate that thymic deletion of the cross-reactive transgenic T cells is dependent on MHC-mi
272 nstrate that NOD.Rag1(+/+).BDC2.5 BM-derived cross-reactive transgenic T cells, but not NOD.Rag1(-/-)
273  but not NOD.Rag1(-/-).BDC2.5 BM-derived non-cross-reactive transgenic T cells, can be positively sel
274 h sensitization to the highly allergenic and cross-reactive tropomyosins Asc l 3, Blo t 10 and Der p1
275 ology were observed between selected macaque cross-reactive V3 NAbs elicited by vaccination and proto
276            Striking similarities between the cross-reactive V3 NAbs elicited by vaccination in macaqu
277 ertheless, functional testing identified two cross-reactive VH1-46 Abs that both disrupt keratinocyte
278                                          The cross-reactive VHHs block binding of EF/LF to the protec
279 cephalitis NS1, a homologous and potentially cross-reactive viral antigen.
280 fic T-cell immunity followed by emergence of cross-reactive virus-specific T-cells.
281  Fish and chicken meat allergens were highly cross-reactive while high inhibition rates with fish or
282 es and found that the synbodies were broadly cross-reactive with affinities that ranged from 0.5 to 8
283 n, we saw that BCR-ABL-specific T cells were cross-reactive with an endogenous peptide derived from A
284                                MSB0010853 is cross-reactive with HER3 and albumin of mouse origin.
285 DENV nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) which are cross-reactive with host Ags and trigger anti-DENV NS1 A
286 ra and that most of the antibody to HRV-C is cross-reactive with HRV-A.
287 ein, we identified a single peptide that was cross-reactive with human sera positive for either virus
288             Reagents from humans are usually cross-reactive with macaques, further facilitating the u
289  group matching and production of antibodies cross-reactive with mismatched antigens were also assess
290 FM15-35 Although NFM15-35 is immunogenic and cross-reactive with MOG at the polyclonal level, it fail
291 e we describe a set of monoclonal antibodies cross-reactive with multiple filovirus species.
292 of that peptide to trigger T cells that were cross-reactive with other non-P pratense pollen extracts
293 manized Fab' Ab fragment against human CD28, cross-reactive with rhesus monkey CD28.
294            The 19 mammalian Wnt proteins are cross-reactive with the 10 FZD receptors, and this has c
295 cities when the patient possessed an antigen cross-reactive with the donor mismatch, but the magnitud
296  gp41 membrane proximal region (MPER) and is cross-reactive with the HIV broadly neutralizing Ab (bnA
297  from SAM(H1-Cal)-immunized animals were not cross-reactive with the PR8 virus, whereas cross-reactiv
298  The vaccine-induced antibodies were broadly cross-reactive with the V1V2 regions of HIV subtypes B,
299 -affinity antibacterial (e.g., Yersinia) Abs cross-reactive with TSHR, eventually leading to TSAbs.
300                  All of the sera tested were cross-reactive with ZIKV, both in binding and in neutral

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