


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 le in increasing drought stress tolerance of crown galls.
2  hypoxia, a physiological condition found in crown galls.
3 OE or SAD6-OE-RNAi or by RNA interference in crown galls.
4  rhizogenes are related pathogens that cause crown gall and hairy root diseases, which result from in
5 ant pathogens that cause different diseases, crown gall and hairy root.
6 cetic acid by bacterial pathogens that cause crown gall and related diseases.
7 icle, we analyzed the suberin composition of crown galls and found a reduction in the amounts of long
8                            Since Arabidopsis crown galls are covered by a suberin-containing periderm
9 le of the lipid transfer protein AtLTPI-4 in crown gall development.
10  the viral N gene response against bacterial crown gall disease and highlight the importance of achie
11 A) and systemic acquired resistance (SAR) on crown gall disease caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
12 culentum plants that are highly resistant to crown gall disease development.
13 efaciens is a soilborne pathogen that causes crown gall disease in many dicotyledonous plants by tran
14 ens C58, the pathogenic bacteria that causes crown gall disease in plants, harbors one circular and o
15 cterium tumefaciens, the causative agent for crown gall disease of plants has proven a productive mod
16 the primary virulence factor responsible for crown gall disease of plants.
17                                              Crown gall disease, caused by the soil bacterium Agrobac
18             Agrobacterium tumefaciens causes crown gall disease.
19 ve plant pathogen and the causative agent of crown gall disease.
20 ent of its own DNA into host plants to cause Crown Gall disease.
21 ective method to produce plants resistant to crown gall disease.
22 derable variation in their susceptibility to crown gall disease.
23 d in vitro, how whitefly infestation affects crown gall disease.
24  phytopathogenic bacterium that induces the 'crown gall' disease in plants by transfer and integratio
25            Agrobacterium tumefaciens-derived crown galls of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) contai
26 aciens strain C58, highly expressed AtLTPI-4 Crown galls of the atltpI-4 loss-of-function mutant were
27 uishable from chrysopine, a newly discovered crown gall opine.
28 erited and expressed in plant cells, causing crown gall or hairy root disease.
29 tion of SAD6 with fatty acid desaturation in crown galls, the lipid pattern was analyzed of plants wi
30 ired for the synthesis of mannopine (MOP) by crown gall tumor cells, MocC is essential for the utiliz
31 er studies on the temperature sensitivity of crown gall tumor development on plants.
32 hat control the infection process leading to crown gall tumor disease on susceptible plants.
33 e bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens causes crown gall tumor formation in plants.
34                             An early step in crown gall tumor formation involves the attachment of Ag
35            Isolate Rr 2-17, from a grapevine crown gall tumor, is a member of the Novosphingobium gen
36 the osa gene of the plasmid pSa can suppress crown gall tumorigenesis incited by Agrobacterium tumefa
37                        During the process of crown gall tumorigenesis, Agrobacterium tumefaciens tran
38 s efficient, but the ecotype is deficient in crown gall tumorigenesis, transformation to kanamycin re
39 ferred DNA or T-DNA) into plant cells during crown gall tumorigenesis.
40 ing both pJW323 and pTiA6, the initiation of crown gall tumors (i.e., T-DNA transfer) is greatly supp
41 multi-host pathogens, the causative agent of crown gall tumors Agrobacterium tumefaciens and the para
42 ns involved in the biosynthesis of opines in crown gall tumors are always matched by Ti plasmid genes
43                             The formation of crown gall tumors by Agrobacterium tumefaciens requires
44            Agrobacterium tumefaciens induces crown gall tumors by transferring a piece of its tumor-i
45 tumefaciens is a plant pathogen that incites crown gall tumors by transferring to and expressing a po
46 rolled by the conjugative opines produced by crown gall tumors induced on plants by the bacteria.
47 e signal, a subset of the opines produced by crown gall tumors initiated on plants by the pathogen, s
48            Agrobacterium tumefaciens induces crown gall tumors on plants by transferring a nucleoprot
49             Agrobacterium tumefaciens causes crown gall tumors on various plants by delivering transf
50 h are small carbon compounds produced by the crown gall tumors that are induced by the bacteria.
51           Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) crown gall tumors, which develop upon infection with the
52 sponse to octopine, a nutrient released from crown gall tumors.
53 ains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens that cause crown gall tumors.
54 sponse to octopine, a nutrient released from crown gall tumors.
55 at are responsible for opine biosynthesis in crown gall tumors.
56 responsible for biosynthesis of mannopine in crown gall tumors.
57 to the plant genome, ultimately resulting in crown gall tumour formation.
58 bacterium tumefaciens is well known to cause crown gall tumours at plant wound sites and to benefit f
59 response to octopine, an opine released from crown gall tumours, and is also positively autoregulated
60 stem in which opines, substrates produced by crown gall tumours, induce a quorum-sensing system.
61 mpounds called opines that are released from crown gall tumours.
62 ses the levels of unsaturated fatty acids in crown galls under hypoxia and drought stress conditions.
63 id synthesis developed significantly smaller crown galls under normal, but not under high, relative h
64                           The development of crown galls was not affected either in SAD6-OE or SAD6-O
65 cause adequate means do not exist to control crown gall, we created resistant plants by introducing t
66                                           In crown galls, which endogenously express AtLtpI-4, it is

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