


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 stranded components and two sizes of a novel cruciform.
2 supercoiled DNA by extruding the repeat as a cruciform.
3 requires a stem-loop to extrude as part of a cruciform.
4  hairpins or the stem-stem interactions of a cruciform.
5 es not bind to the four-arm junctions of the cruciform.
6 alternative DNA structural transitions, like cruciforms.
7 NA secondary structures such as hairpins and cruciforms.
8 spectroscopic properties of the investigated cruciforms.
9 anipulation of the HOMO and the LUMO of such cruciforms.
10 mation of alternative DNA structures such as cruciforms.
11 quences by binding to the promoter-localized cruciforms.
12 ation of five novel phenothiazine-containing cruciforms (5-9).
13 nched plectonemic molecules with an extruded cruciform and A tract localized in the terminal loops.
14 erred sites are adjacent to the loops in the cruciform and are strand-specific.
15 d strongly to bent DNA structures, including cruciform and cisplatin-modified duplexes.
16                The region can switch between cruciform and linear duplex.
17 ur-stranded G-quadruplex, left-handed Z-DNA, cruciform and others.
18 an topo IIalpha, causes reintegration of the cruciform and quenching of fluorescence.
19 escent signal caused by the extrusion of the cruciform and separation of the labels as gyrase progres
20     The high affinity of topoisomerase I for cruciform and specificity of topoisomerase I-cruciform s
21 ole of Rep proteins in the formation of this cruciform and the implication for its nicking and religa
22 ortant roles in the function of DNA, forming cruciforms and affecting processes such as replication a
23 ly applicable for related structures such as cruciforms and quadruplexes.
24 g DNA arms is limited compared with that for cruciforms and three-way junctions.
25 te consequence of slipped-strand structures, cruciforms, and intramolecular triplexes, by inactivatio
26                                DNA hairpins, cruciforms, and stably unpaired regions are all effectiv
27 ient and versatile synthetic strategy toward cruciform anthanthrene compounds using Sonogashira coupl
28 sion of this methodology to the synthesis of cruciform architectures and the functionalization of thi
29                                              Cruciforms are also the models for Holliday junctions, t
30  frontier molecular orbitals (FMOs) of these cruciforms are either congruent, i.e., HOMO and LUMO occ
31                                              Cruciforms are not thermodynamically stable in linear DN
32                                              Cruciforms are resolved unidirectionally and with high e
33                                              Cruciforms are seen as clear-cut extrusions on the DNA f
34 work demonstrates that fluorescently labeled cruciforms are useful as general real-time indicators of
35  We found that DNA hairpins, rather than DNA cruciforms, are responsible for the replication stalling
36 ize DNA in the flip orientation, copying one cruciform arm and creating a heterocruciform intermediat
37 drome are sequentially incorporated into the cruciform arms as hairpin loops, single unpaired bases,
38 -conformation was highly mobile allowing the cruciform arms to adopt a parallel orientation.
39 n successfully compete with extension of the cruciform arms.
40                 Using a supercoil-stabilized cruciform as a substrate, we have analyzed the kinetics
41  that the six o'clock construct extrudes the cruciform at a lower superhelical density than a control
42 opensity to form branched molecules with the cruciform at the end of one branch.
43              Thus, PARP-1 differs from other cruciform-binding proteins by binding to hairpin tips ra
44                              Cleavage of the cruciform by the junction resolvase T4 endonuclease VII
45 ant denaturation at the base of an imperfect cruciform can successfully compete with extension of the
46 ation and hairpin formation, as opposed to a cruciform cleavage pathway.
47                  Analysis of the kinetics of cruciform cleavage shows that cleavage of the second str
48 e that could potentially assume an alternate cruciform configuration and hence directly bind HMG1, th
49 rchange converted SP-A from a "bouquet" to a cruciform configuration.
50 trate that the structural transition between cruciform conformations can act as a molecular switch to
51 ossibly, interconversions between linear and cruciform conformations of the palindromes may affect pr
52  contained in a superhelical plasmid, into a cruciform containing bulged bases.
53                       Using a self-limiting, cruciform-containing substrate, we demonstrate that bila
54           The time-dependent dynamics of the cruciform correlates with the structural changes reveale
55                             Formation of the cruciform creates an alternative binding site for mediat
56 ator-induced extrusion of this sequence as a cruciform, creating a single-stranded region for nicking
57 (Deltamgt1), which codes for a mitochondrial cruciform-cutting endonuclease.
58 Escherichia coli and the mitochondrial CCE1 (cruciform-cuttingenzyme 1) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
59 olecules with the different conformations of cruciforms depends on ionic conditions.
60  sequences of target probes for capture, the cruciform design of target probes for amplification, and
61 observe the conformational transition of the cruciform directly.
62 a-helical region of CRII to be important for cruciform DNA binding and identified critical residues.
63                  SbcCD cuts off the top of a cruciform DNA by making incisions on both strands and co
64           Further analysis demonstrated that cruciform DNA has two populations of binding sites for t
65 on intermediates, followed by an increase in cruciform DNA molecules, as well as in bidirectional rep
66 e the hydroxyl radical cleavage pattern in a cruciform DNA structure formed by a 60 bp inverted repea
67 aising the possibility of the formation of a cruciform DNA structure.
68                                   CRII binds cruciform DNA with high selectivity and micromolar affin
69  a high affinity for structured DNAs such as cruciform DNA.
70 tprinting of supercoiled plasmid showed that cruciformed DSE1 is targeted by nuclear proteins more ef
71                 In this report, we propose a cruciform-dumbbell model to explain the inverted dimer f
72 i.e. the reciprocal-strand-switching and the cruciform-dumbbell models) in which intermediates contai
73 gest that FS2 forms a hairpin, rather than a cruciform, during replication in cells with low levels o
74 e replication and the topoisomerase-like and cruciform-enhancing activities of the native protein.
75        We find that short IRs do not extrude cruciforms, even in the absence of competition.
76                            Benzobisimidazole cruciforms exhibit a pronounced response to deprotonatio
77                                          The cruciform exists in two different conformations, an exte
78 fication assays have identified an imperfect cruciform extruded by the DSE1.
79 e major effects on the overall energetics of cruciform extrusion and on the course of this transition
80 extend this approach to include superhelical cruciform extrusion at both perfect and imperfect invert
81 l gel electrophoresis was used to detect the cruciform extrusion both in the absence and in the prese
82                               Propensity for cruciform extrusion in duplex DNA correlated with stimul
83 ok a broader study of the effect of Mg2+on a cruciform extrusion in supercoiled DNA.
84         Our results show that Mg2+shifts the cruciform extrusion in the d(CCC(AT)16GGG) palindrome to
85  the short palindromes for which the unusual cruciform extrusion in the presence Mg2+was reported, we
86                      These data suggest that cruciform extrusion in the short palindromes at low supe
87 it was reported that Mg2+greatly facilitates cruciform extrusion in the short palindromes of supercoi
88    Our results show that Mg2+also shifts the cruciform extrusion in this palindrome to a higher level
89 h the level of supercoiling required for the cruciform extrusion is not reduced by Mg2+, the ions red
90 gest that long palindromic sequences undergo cruciform extrusion more readily than short ones.
91                                              Cruciform extrusion was confirmed, and its extent was qu
92  we also find that RepC/C is able to enhance cruciform extrusion while RepC/C* cannot.
93 d origin, the modified protein cannot induce cruciform extrusion, and it is proposed that this inabil
94  includes complete coupling between DeltaLk, cruciform extrusion, formation of extrahelical bases, an
95 ermodynamic analysis of the effect of Mg2+on cruciform extrusion.
96 rrangement has been proposed to be driven by cruciform extrusion.
97 es algorithms to analyze B-Z transitions and cruciform extrusion.
98         The syntheses of three water-soluble cruciform fluorophores (XF) carrying aniline- N, N-bisac
99      We developed a series of new conjugated cruciform fluorophores (XF) featuring imine groups.
100              A series of 11 cross-conjugated cruciform fluorophores based on a benzobisimidazole nucl
101 small array was obtained from three reactive cruciform fluorophores in six different solvents.
102 oromethyl)benzene) to give the corresponding cruciform fluororphores (XF).
103 ption of intrastrand base-pairing preventing cruciform formation and protein binding to DSE1 is respo
104  to an apical position increases the rate of cruciform formation and reduces the superhelical energy
105 ow that the susceptibilities of these IRs to cruciform formation correspond closely with their observ
106  for self-catalyzed depurination mediated by cruciform formation in plasmid DNA in vitro.
107                                      Hairpin/cruciform formation is not observed in free solution, pr
108 tion start sites in eukaryotes suggests that cruciform formation is rarely involved in mechanisms of
109 li cells was assessed from the efficiency of cruciform formation upstream of a regulated promoter.
110  supercoiling upon promoter induction led to cruciform formation, which was quantitatively measured b
111 solution mapping that PARP-1 may bind to the cruciform-forming regions of its own promoter.
112                                 By placing a cruciform-forming sequence at varying distances from the
113 d atomic force microscopy (AFM) to visualize cruciform geometry in plasmid DNA with different superhe
114 that PARP-1 binds to stem/loop boundaries of cruciform hairpins.
115 percoiled DNA through the recognition of DNA cruciforms, helix-helix crossovers and hairpins.
116 organization of pericentric chromatin into a cruciform in mitosis such that centromere-flanking DNA a
117 consistent with the presence of the extruded cruciform in the supercoiled plasmid and not in the line
118  mechanism is initiated by SbcCD cleavage of cruciforms in duplex DNA followed by RecA-independent si
119 ce Microscopy (AFM) was applied to visualize cruciforms in negatively supercoiled plasmid DNA.
120  particular, we found a strong enrichment of cruciforms in the termination region of operons; this en
121 bitals (HOMOs) are localized (24-99%) in all cruciforms, in contrast to the lowest unoccupied molecul
122 markably, the overall integrity of the 5BSL3 cruciform is not an absolute requirement for the kissing
123       In the absence of this, we find that a cruciform junction is no longer subject to bilateral cle
124   In supercoiled TH promoter, DSE1 assumes a cruciform-like conformation i.e., it binds cruciform-spe
125 ed to their ability to fold into hairpin- or cruciform-like DNA structures interfering with DNA repli
126                                              Cruciform-like molecules with two orthogonally placed pi
127  spatial DNA organization, follow the order: cruciform&lt;or=hairpin<<loop.
128 rbitals (FMOs) along different axes of these cruciforms makes them promising as sensing platforms, si
129                                         DSE1 cruciform may act as a target site for activator (BAMC c
130     Therefore, structural transitions of the cruciform may play a key role in these processes.
131 synthetic protocols for a large selection of cruciform molecules based on oligo(phenyleneethynylene)
132 ong edges with aromatic rings forming rigid, cruciform molecules.
133 onships from SAMs of series of OPE3 and OPE5 cruciform molecules; the conductance of the SAM increase
134 genomic instability is believed to be due to cruciform or hairpin formation and subsequent cleavage o
135 es and IRs with short spacers can extrude as cruciforms or fold into hairpins on the lagging strand d
136 lded conformations (i.e. slipped structures, cruciforms, or triplexes) at or near the breakpoints was
137          Unusual DNA conformations including cruciforms play an important role in gene regulation and
138 induces the palindrome to reconfigure into a cruciform prior to fork assembly.
139 UV/vis absorption and emission spectroscopy: cruciforms' protonation results in hypsochromic and bath
140                                 In addition, cruciforms provide a model system for structural studies
141                                              Cruciform resolution produces double-strand breaks (DSBs
142  X-ray diffraction studies of three selected cruciforms revealed the expected ~90 degrees angle betwe
143 d the expected ~90 degrees angle between the cruciform's substituents, and crystal packing patterns d
144   We report the synthesis of nine conjugated cruciform-shaped molecules based on the central benzo[1,
145 sing platforms, since analyte binding to the cruciform should mandate a change in the HOMO-LUMO gap a
146                                   Use of the cruciform site has been shown to correlate with activate
147 th sequence-specific and structure (possibly cruciform)-specific recognition for activity.
148 a cruciform-like conformation i.e., it binds cruciform-specific 2D3 antibody, and S1 nuclease-cleavag
149 te element analysis was used to optimize the cruciform specimen geometry so that stresses within the
150 and suggest that the helical geometry of the cruciform stem differs from that of the normal duplex fo
151  in length and is part of a larger predicted cruciform structure (5BSL3).
152 orm a one-stranded hairpin or a two-stranded cruciform structure and have analyzed recombinants at th
153 ted repeats (IRs) that can form a hairpin or cruciform structure are common in the human genome and m
154  the stem if the strands were to fold into a cruciform structure are required for activity, suggestin
155 cruciform and specificity of topoisomerase I-cruciform structure interaction were confirmed by compet
156 nergy of supercoiling and the free energy of cruciform structure per se.
157 ive analysis of our immobile HJs and a model cruciform structure sheds new light on the issue of the
158 verted DNA sequences at the nick site form a cruciform structure that facilitates DNA cleavage.
159 location, we proposed that the PATRR forms a cruciform structure that induces the genomic instability
160                                         This cruciform structure then acts as a substrate for structu
161  an inverted repeat that is likely to form a cruciform structure, providing convenient tags for creat
162 yme and results in symmetrical cleavage of a cruciform structure, thus, Mus81-Eme1 can ensure coordin
163 ile many Ln-1 molecules assumed the expected cruciform structure, unexpected dynamic movements of the
164 m a double-stranded linear amplicon, or to a cruciform structure, which is then resolved to yield the
165 repeat, which could form an extremely stable cruciform structure.
166 Mg2+, the ions reduce the free energy of the cruciform structure.
167 ate the high affinity of topoisomerase I for cruciform structure.
168 otif with the potential to form a hairpin or cruciform structure.
169 wo of the arms across a four-way junction or cruciform structure.
170  CRISPR repeats and at sequences adjacent to cruciform structures abutting AT-rich regions, similar t
171 ication pathway controls the accumulation of cruciform structures at stalled forks.
172 ligands are attached to the PCR primers, the cruciform structures can be detected by standard immunoc
173                                              Cruciform structures exist in vivo and they are critical
174                                              Cruciform structures generated with oligonucleotides wer
175 tential of forming single-stranded stem-loop cruciform structures have been reported to be essential
176 oiled DNA, thereby allowing the formation of cruciform structures in vivo.
177 king palindrome and incapable of forming any cruciform structures invariably yielded progeny viruses
178             The high specificity of Rif1 for cruciform structures is significant given the role of th
179 romosomes 11 and 22, suggesting that hairpin/cruciform structures mediate double-strand breaks leadin
180 rm recognizes single-stranded spacers within cruciform structures that also have a role in chromatin
181   Palindromic sequences can form hairpin and cruciform structures that pose a threat to genome integr
182 uences have the potential to form hairpin or cruciform structures, which are putative substrates for
183 nhibits branch migration and produces stable cruciform structures.
184 omic DNA sample anneal to form four-stranded cruciform structures.
185  AT-rich regions and sequences that can form cruciform structures.
186 1 integrases within the stems of plasmid DNA cruciform structures.
187 ic DNA binding protein with a preference for cruciform structures.
188                                              Cruciforms' substituents were varied pairwise among the
189 y delocalized across the molecule, except in cruciforms substituted with electron-withdrawing groups
190          We have used a supercoil-stabilized cruciform substrate to probe the simultaneity of cleavag
191                 Using a supercoil-stabilised cruciform substrate we demonstrate that an active subuni
192 mer; this has been confirmed by the use of a cruciform substrate.
193 formation of an alternative DNA structure, a cruciform, suggesting that these positions in supercoile
194 ind to mixed base sequences that cannot form cruciforms, suggesting that recognition is a general phe
195                                 Three of the cruciform tetramers assemble into a triangular dodecamer
196 drogen-bonded beta-sheets that assemble into cruciform tetramers consisting of eight beta-strands in
197 fic conditions, the inverted repeat formed a cruciform that was used as a marker for the unambiguous
198  for having the nicking site at the tip of a cruciform: the need to provide the functional initiator
199 orene to produce molecules with well-defined cruciform topologies, extended pi-conjugated aromatic co
200 een folded and unfolded conformations of the cruciform toward the folded one.
201 ently, we showed that the inverted repeat-to-cruciform transition acts as a molecular switch, influen
202 rect repeats and their associated subsets of cruciforms, triplex and slipped structures, respectively
203 ect repeats and their corresponding subsets: cruciforms, triplexes and slipped structures, in several
204 A structures (slipped structures with loops, cruciforms, triplexes and tetraplexes) as well as microh
205  concentrations of ethidium suggest that the cruciforms undergo a transition under torsional stress.
206          The affinity of topoisomerase I for cruciform was found to be an order of magnitude higher a
207                      The photophysics of the cruciforms was investigated upon addition of either an e
208 , 1,4-distyryl-2,5-bis(ethynylaryl)benzenes (cruciforms) was investigated; their fluorescence quantum
209 equence, and thus its ability to fold into a cruciform, was dispensable for origin function, as was t
210 oth folded and unfolded conformations of the cruciform were identified, and the data showed that DNA
211                         When the A tract and cruciform were placed diametrically opposite, this yield
212 cted of a resolvase activity, the artificial cruciforms were degraded.
213 t long inverted repeats can form hairpins or cruciforms when they are located within a region of the
214 erted repeats promote the formation of a DNA cruciform which is processed by an endonuclease into a l
215      One alternative DNA conformation is the cruciform, which has been shown to have a critical role
216 e., the HOMO is located on one branch of the cruciform while the LUMO is located on the second one.
217  synthetic circular DNA molecules containing cruciforms with immobile or tetramobile branched junctio
218 each cleave the phosphodiester backbone of a cruciform within the lifetime of the DNA-protein complex
219 l 1,4-distyryl-2,5-bisphenylethynylbenzenes (cruciforms, XF) have been prepared by a sequential Horne
220  Last, we found that cleavage of an extruded cruciform yielded a product, which after treatment with
221 ONDS); e.g. triplexes, quadruplexes, hairpin/cruciforms, Z-DNA and single-stranded looped-out structu
222 ender sequence-dependent structures, such as cruciforms, Z-DNA, or H-DNA, even though they are not fa

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