


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  tens of thousands of individual components (crude oil).
2 pacts due to large use of solvents made from crude oil.
3 to depend on the phospholipid content of the crude oil.
4 found even in waters minimally polluted with crude oil.
5 nt in the ultimate transformation of spilled crude oil.
6 ty of these ecosystems and the complexity of crude oil.
7 GMO content at the first stage of processing crude oil.
8 L) and monitored for measures of exposure to crude oil.
9 y decreased with increasing viscosity of the crude oil.
10  a drive to reduce the world's dependence on crude oil.
11 ly extract water-soluble constituents of the crude oil.
12 eter to analyze the asphaltene fraction of a crude oil.
13 ith emissions in literature for conventional crude oil.
14 rmed in the laboratory from evaporated light crude oil.
15 ble of oxidizing reduced sulfur compounds in crude oil.
16 vapors of diesel fuel and Southern Louisiana crude oil.
17 te as an alternative biorenewable source for crude oil.
18 ction and analysis of two types of North Sea crude oil.
19 eriments, as shown here for a South American crude oil.
20 g of the heaviest and most polar fraction of crude oil.
21 atural organic mixtures, including petroleum crude oil.
22 0 organic constituents of coal and petroleum crude oil.
23 l composition) in a sample of South American crude oil.
24 ahigh-resolution mass spectra of a petroleum crude oil.
25 able energy alternative to fossil fuel based crude oil.
26 itan marine diatom, Skeletonema costatum, to crude oil.
27 atly in chemical composition to conventional crude oil.
28 ucts that cannot be produced on the basis of crude oil.
29 tacyclic triterpanes) naturally occurring in crude oil.
30 ex materials or mixtures, such as biomass or crude oil.
31 ies for more efficient pipeline transport of crude oil.
32 responding to each step of the processed and crude oil.
33 duction-weighted CI of groups ("baskets") of crude oils.
34 ques and the inherent chemical complexity of crude oils.
35  to as coverage time) was determined for the crude oils.
36  in proceeding from light to medium to heavy crude oils.
37 ned aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons from crude oils.
38 nabling the reduction of free fatty acids in crude oils.
39      Using lower concentrations of dispersed crude oil (0.7-7 mug/L summation operatorPAH), here we e
40            Using a recalcitrant biomarker of crude oil, 17alpha(H),21beta(H)-hopane (hopane), we have
41 demonstrate a cardiotoxic mechanism by which crude oil affects the regulation of cellular excitabilit
42 ozoans are likely to interact with dispersed crude oil after a spill, protozoan-mediated processes af
43 orbed organic layer on surfaces contacted by crude oil after primary drainage was observed with Scann
44 dered a suitable and effective way to digest crude oil allowing further determination of low concentr
45  online LC-FTICR MS coupling in the field of crude oil analysis.
46 f the scheme to the Alaska North Slope (ANS) crude oil and analysis of fractions by comprehensive two
47 le and complex liquids (water, hydrocarbons, crude oil and blood), maintain low contact angle hystere
48 position to known volumes of different oils; crude oil and diesel samples were equilibrated with seaw
49 HG) emissions for three scenarios (synthetic crude oil and dilbit with and without diluent return) in
50 nitor the microbial community changes to the crude oil and dispersant in on-ship microcosms set up im
51 rometry, GC/APCI-MS/MS) for fingerprinting a crude oil and environmental samples from the largest acc
52 ation water with geochemical analyses of the crude oil and formation water.
53 fuel, only surrogate signatures derived from crude oil and fuel were used for training the ANN.
54 a promising diagnostic probe to characterize crude oil and its products.
55 ith the analysis of black shale, asphaltene, crude oil and kerogen samples.
56  digested solution (black shale, asphaltene, crude oil and kerogen) by extraction in isooctane, and t
57 through 2050, varying assumptions related to crude oil and natural gas prices, a CO2 policy, a federa
58 ng matrices in oil and gas industry, such as crude oil and oil-brine emulsions.
59 <2000 Da) such as those present in petroleum crude oil and petroleum deposits.
60 f factors including increase in the price of crude oil and public awareness of the environmental issu
61 sfully illustrated the extreme complexity of crude oil and related solubility or polarity based fract
62 porated, photooxidized) samples of North Sea crude oil and residual heavy fuel oil is presented.
63 The derailment of an unmanned train carrying crude oil and subsequent fire in the town of Lac-Meganti
64 iesel could potentially reduce dependence on crude oil and the greenhouse gas intensity of transporta
65 ter drew global attention to the toxicity of crude oil and the potential for adverse health effects a
66 tures of carboxylic acids found in weathered crude oils and oil sands, and are toxic, corrosive and p
67 sults of this study clearly demonstrate that crude oils and refined petroleum products contain numero
68 in addition to narcosis certain chemicals in crude oils and refined petroleum products may induce spe
69 trometry (GC-MS), although many compounds in crude oil (and its transformation products) are not chro
70 fuels: heavy fuel oil, light fuel oil, and a crude oil, and different lignocellulosic biomass, namely
71 l mixtures (extracellular metabolites, light crude oil, and plant extracts) follow a log-normal (LN)
72 ults reveal that the source of the TBs is BH crude oils, and the model results confirm that the sourc
73 tances Society standard, as well as Siberian crude oil; and lignosulfonate.
74 ining, transport, and combustion of produced crude oil are included.
75 different standard substances and with heavy crude oil as a complex real life sample.
76 nergy water accommodated fraction (WAF) of a crude oil as a function of the exposure to light.
77 cts that can be manufactured on the basis of crude oil, as well as such products that cannot be produ
78 lies critically on the miscibility of CO2 in crude oils at reservoir conditions.
79 nalysis of aliphatic and naphthenic acids in crude oils, based on their isolation using nonaqueous io
80 inant role of CO(2) -reducing methanogens in crude oil biodegradation.
81 adecane) and alkane mixtures (mineral oil or crude oil), but not monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (MA
82                    Profiling of coal tar and crude oil by automated sequential GC-GC/MS provided the
83 ence Material (NIST SRM) 2779 Gulf of Mexico crude oil by GC coupled to vacuum ultraviolet photoioniz
84        Egestion of faecal pellets containing crude oil by heterotrophic dinoflagellates could contrib
85 ra of SOA formed from gas-phase oxidation of crude oil by OH radicals in a smog chamber and a flow tu
86                    Toxicity from exposure to crude oil can affect populations of fish that live or br
87  train laden with almost 8 million liters of crude oil careened off the rails downtown Lac-Megantic (
88 d analysis of PM emissions from a very large crude oil carrier (VLCC) using a distillate ECA fuel (MG
89 able to the oiling of spawning habitats, and crude oil causes severe abnormalities in embryos and lar
90                                      Another crude oil collected from the Marlin platform (35 km nort
91 lations that controlled degradation rates of crude oil components are poorly understood.
92 cterization providing better coverage of the crude oil composition as compared to electrospray ioniza
93                                         At a crude oil concentration commonly found after an oil spil
94                     The chemical refining of crude oil consisted of degumming, neutralization, washin
95 ch for efficient ionization of water-soluble crude oil constituents.
96 nol offers the possibility of a reduction in crude oil consumption by as much as 96%.
97                                      Because crude oils contain larger amounts of C(1)-C(4)-substitut
98  deisotoped high-resolution mass spectrum of crude oil containing nearly 13,000 peaks.
99 epwater Horizon oil rig disaster resulted in crude oil contamination along the Gulf coast in sensitiv
100                                              Crude oil contamination in marine systems remains a conc
101 gest that the production of the more viscous crude oils could be a large source of secondary organic
102 Z-:E-butene mixture, which is a byproduct of crude oil cracking.
103                                              Crude oil currently provides much of the world's energy,
104 cal dispersants aimed to stimulate microbial crude oil degradation by increasing the bioavailability
105 re successfully employed to absorb simulated crude oil, demonstrating their possible use as absorbent
106 on are more sensitive to proximal effects of crude oil-derived chemicals on the developing heart, and
107  depletion of intracellular calcium pools by crude oil-derived PAHs disrupts several pathways critica
108  large predators were potentially exposed to crude oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs
109 2O2) were evaluated for heavy and extraheavy crude oil digestion (API density of 11.1-19.0).
110            A method for heavy and extraheavy crude oil digestion based on microwave-assisted wet dige
111 acid digestion is not feasible for efficient crude oil digestion, especially for heavy and extraheavy
112 omarkers as induced by natural weathering of crude oil discharged from the Macondo Well (MW).
113                                   Effects of crude oil/dispersant mixture and dispersant components o
114  the contribution of chemical dispersants on crude oil dispersion toxicity have been published.
115                                              Crude oil disrupts cardiac function and has been associa
116 s of the EC coupling machinery suggests that crude oil disrupts excitation-transcription coupling or
117 e-ion mass spectra of C(60) and a midboiling crude oil distillate.
118 cation of physically or chemically dispersed crude oil droplets (1-86 mum in diameter) by heterotroph
119                     The interactions between crude oil droplets and air bubbles were studied by the d
120 ime was measured for air bubbles approaching crude oil droplets in different aqueous phases.
121             Furthermore, the time needed for crude oil droplets to spread over the air bubble surface
122 ntaining aromatic compounds in a deasphalted crude oil due to its unique selectivity toward aromatic
123                              Mahi exposed to crude oil during embryogenesis displayed typical symptom
124 y and ecologically important fish species to crude oil during the sensitive early life stages.
125 l to the formation of highly-stable water-in-crude oil emulsions.
126 se in many products and processes, including crude-oil emulsions and food foams and in flotation, and
127  (13)C benzene, and Colwellia's abundance in crude oil enrichments without natural gas suggests that
128               Recent studies have shown that crude oil exposure affects cardiac development in fish b
129                                              Crude oil exposure also decreased calcium current (I(Ca)
130 nd quantity of Roundup Ready (RR) soybean in crude oil extracted from soybean seed with a different p
131 s: an atmospheric pollutant (p-nitrophenol), crude oil extracts, and groundwater.
132 ous metal poisons (e.g. V, Fe and Ni) in the crude oil feedstocks on the 3-D structure and accessibil
133 ootprints of producing: MD from conventional crude oil; Fischer-Tropsch MD from natural gas and coal;
134       During the Deepwater Horizon incident, crude oil flowed into the Gulf of Mexico from 1522 m und
135                     The change in profile of crude oil following a release into the environment is a
136 bons and offers an alternative to the use of crude oil for chemical feedstocks.
137       The more commonly performed methods of crude oil fractionation are often insufficient in the ex
138 method applications include FTMS analysis of crude oil fractions as well as tandem MS analysis of int
139 e to process either very heavy or very light crude oil fractions as well as to co-process biomass-bas
140 rocess biomass-based oxygenates with regular crude oil fractions, and convert these more complex feed
141 composed of clay and zeolite, converts heavy crude-oil fractions into transportation fuel and petroch
142 can rapidly expand upon localized release of crude oil from natural seepage and human activities.
143 ght crude oil from the North Sea and a heavy crude oil from Orcutt field (Monterey, California, U.S.A
144            As a proof-of-concept, a batch of crude oil from Saudi Arabia was subjected to extraction
145 the SPE method is demonstrated using a light crude oil from the North Sea and a heavy crude oil from
146 ncentrations ranged from 0.24 to 8.46 ppm in crude oil from the riser, oil from slicks on surface wat
147    These data suggest that heavily weathered crude oil from the spill imparts significant biological
148 zontal drilling have been applied to extract crude oil from tight reservoirs, including the Bakken fo
149                                              Crude oils from distinct geological sources worldwide ar
150 data 12 out of 2906 specimens (0.41%) to the crude oil/fuel signature category.
151            Studies of exposure to petroleum (crude oil/fuel) often involve monitoring benzene, toluen
152 d blood level data on individuals exposed to crude oil/fuel, only surrogate signatures derived from c
153 sphaltene radical species typically found in crude oil (g = 2.0035) and a new type of radical resulti
154 rtant for the mass spectrometric analysis of crude oils, given the mainly unpolar character of the sa
155                                              Crude oil has been part of the marine environment for mi
156 he refining reduced the acidity index of the crude oil, however, favored the oil oxidation, as demons
157 al hydrocarbon feedstocks as alternatives to crude oil; however, CO has proven remarkably resistant t
158                                 We find that crude-oil hydrocarbon degradation under methanogenic con
159 rst hours after release of petroleum at sea, crude oil hydrocarbons partition rapidly into air and wa
160  phytoplankton are better tuned to degrading crude oil hydrocarbons than that by the community of pla
161 ng the dissolved hydrocarbons from different crude oils (i.e., types "Barrow", "Goodwyn", and "Saladi
162 onally sensitive and consistent indicator of crude oil impacts.
163                                      Reduced crude oil imports and associated marine vessel emissions
164 diene layers enabled the direct detection of crude oil in a deionized water matrix at the ppm level t
165 ure levels of individual hydrocarbons within crude oil in seawater.
166                            Biodegradation of crude oil in subsurface petroleum reservoirs has adverse
167                            Biodegradation of crude oil in subsurface petroleum reservoirs is an impor
168 ponse of indigenous microbial communities to crude oil in the deep Eastern Mediterranean Sea (E. Med.
169 nts to the reproductive effects of dispersed crude oil in the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus (Gu
170 d biological process influencing the fate of crude oil in the sea after spills.
171  search for alternative feedstocks replacing crude oil in traditional refineries.
172 erial produced during the upgrading of heavy crude oils, including bitumen.
173                     Our study indicates that crude oil ingestion by heterotrophic dinoflagellates is
174  the transcriptional basis for four discrete crude oil injury phenotypes in the early life stages of
175 r is able to extract large hydrocarbons from crude oil into aqueous solution.
176 releasing an estimated 760 million liters of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
177 he accidental release of millions barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
178 disaster released more than 636 million L of crude oil into the northern Gulf of Mexico.
179 eolite and clay crack the heavy fractions in crude oil into transportation fuel and petrochemical fee
180 ere we report a method for the separation of crude oils into discrete compound classes.
181 Also, we observed that compounds of Siberian crude oil ionizing in positive-ESI mode do not have labi
182             Thus, direct chemical sensing of crude oil IR signatures without any sample preparation a
183                                              Crude oil is currently transported primarily by pipeline
184                                              Crude oil is known to disrupt cardiac function in fish e
185 ng after photoionization for the analysis of crude oils is shown.
186  that leverages the inherent fluorescence of crude oils, is faster than conventional technologies, an
187  The detailed compositional analysis of four crude oils (light to heavy, from different geographical
188 e valuable chemicals currently obtained from crude oil, lignocellulosic biomass has become a promisin
189              Nevertheless, the complexity of crude oil makes its thorough analysis a difficult task.
190                       The high complexity of crude oil makes the use of chromatographic separation an
191         Analysis of naphtho[2,3-a]pyrene and crude oil mass spectra reveals that protonated molecules
192                 Microbial desulfurization of crude oil may be an important metabolism for Epsilonprot
193 the craniofacial abnormalities suggests that crude oil may target common craniofacial and cardiac pre
194 ctions (WAFs) of dilbit and two conventional crude oils, medium sour composite and mixed sweet blend,
195           This property is invoked to adsorb crude oil microdroplets from water using polyester polyu
196 ) of BR and proximate compositions (protein, crude oil, moisture, ash and fiber content) of RB.
197  by using acetic acid as a model compound of crude oil molecules.
198 during 15-17 July 2012 as well as samples of crude oils, namely, Cairn, NIKO, MSC Chitra, and two at
199            Application of the method to five crude oils of varying API gravity (12.1-38.3 degrees ) d
200 ng study of the effects of Deepwater Horizon crude oil on fish, Gulf killifish ( Fundulus grandis ) w
201 e water accommodated fraction (WAF) of fresh crude oil on phototactic behavior of the calanoid copepo
202            The ''in situ burning" of trapped crude oil on the surface of Gulf waters during the 2010
203 supplemented in the form of either diesel or crude oil) on PFAS recovery performance was evaluated fo
204 ted with pipeline transport as a function of crude oil parameters, pipeline dimensions, and external
205 el simulations of a blow out of 4500 m(3) of crude oil per day (Statfjord light crude) for 30 days at
206         TransCanada's proposed international crude oil pipeline route over sensitive, relatively pris
207 op a first-principles, fluid mechanics-based crude oil pipeline transportation emissions model (COPTE
208                           Two of the largest crude oil-polluted areas in the world are the semi-enclo
209 pill, protozoan-mediated processes affecting crude oil pollution in the sea are still not well known.
210 tuarine ecosystems are highly susceptible to crude oil pollution.
211 us fronts; a situation that is made worse by crude-oil pollution.
212 ions in the CO2 emissions on a per barrel of crude oil processed) can be achieved in a medium convers
213 HG emissions per MJ (lower heating value) of crude oil produced, an increase of 15% relative to upstr
214           Exposure to high concentrations of crude oil produces a lethal syndrome of heart failure in
215                      The latter occur during crude oil production as well as spills and cause difficu
216                      Recent efforts to model crude oil production GHG emissions are challenged by a l
217 alues of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from crude oil production, or are not available for public re
218 ial and environmental issues associated with crude oil production.
219 y representing a more comprehensive range of crude oil quality and refinery configuration, using publ
220                       Further enhancement of crude oil recovery in the enhanced recovery stage from c
221 ximately 4.4 g CO2e/MJ for U.S. conventional crude oil recovery.
222 Os (1.62 +/- 0.15) of commercially available crude oil reference material NIST 8505 (1 S.D., n = 6).
223 ns the chemically uncharacterized remains of crude oil refinement, and one or more of these unidentif
224 gy of these bacteria and how they respond to crude oil remains poorly understood.
225 Alberta oil sands, the world's third-largest crude oil reserve, requires fresh water from the Athabas
226                                 Depletion of crude oil resources and environmental concerns have driv
227 mass split and other common mass splits in a crude oil sample.
228 bazoles, sulfones, and thiophenes from small crude oil samples ( approximately 0.5 g).
229 molecular level between native and weathered crude oil samples and reveal enrichment in polar compoun
230 reening of different classes of compounds in crude oil samples based on their solubility in solvents
231                           Here, we show that crude oil samples collected from the DWH spill prolonged
232 yphaena hippurus) embryos to field-collected crude oil samples from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disast
233 radical species from tar balls and weathered crude oil samples from the Gulf of Mexico (collected aft
234                                  Analyses of crude oil samples show wide variability in delta(34)S an
235 ill enable more frequent characterization of crude oil samples.
236 f the polar constituents of liquid petroleum crude oil samples.
237 easurement results (e.g., ASTM D6560) for 38 crude-oil samples from around the world.
238 for the measurement of asphaltene content in crude-oil samples.
239 re an additional 6-17 g CO(2)eq/MJ synthetic crude oil (SCO) (all results are on a HHV basis).
240 re examined, including bitumen and synthetic crude oil (SCO) from both surface mining and in situ pro
241 il sands bitumen into high quality synthetic crude oil (SCO), a refinery feedstock.
242 urement condition, for ultrahigh-sensitivity crude oil sensing.
243                                    While the crude oil severely impacted the phytoplankton population
244 ) emissions in 2025, for four projected U.S. crude oil slates.
245 dation of DOSS and dispersed South Louisiana crude oil (SLC) in laboratory microcosms.
246                                              Crude oil spills are a worldwide ocean conservation thre
247                                      Aqueous crude oil spills expose fish to varying concentrations o
248 rom coal and higher contributions from heavy crude oils, tar sands bitumen, and petroleum coke.
249 gestion, especially for heavy and extraheavy crude oils that generally present high amounts of asphal
250  chemical complexity, the solid component of crude oil, the asphaltenes, poses an exceptional challen
251                   Driven by the depletion of crude oil, the direct oxidation of methane to methanol h
252 to catalyst poisoning during the refining of crude oil, thus reducing process yields.
253        In addition, the feedstock shift from crude oil to biomass involves new challenges in developi
254 as natural sunlight enhances the toxicity of crude oil to embryonic mahi-mahi.
255 rs corroborate a predominant contribution of crude oil to the sinking hydrocarbons.
256  elemental compositions for the Macondo well crude oil, to provide an archive for future chemical ana
257 ter understanding of molecular mechanisms of crude oil toxicity in fish.
258 igh temperatures, and their vulnerability to crude oil toxicity is unknown.
259 ly accounted for the full variability in the crude oil transport stage, for example, transporting a l
260 nd fluorescence from the organic residues in crude oil under constant external excitation.
261 imately 10% for 100-RON E30) and (ii) reduce crude oil use (e.g., approximately 3% for 98-RON E20, ap
262 ts on refining economics, CO2 emissions, and crude oil use of increasing average octane rating by inc
263 d has also been employed for the analysis of crude oils using IMS-TOF MS.
264 of volatile and semivolatile hydrocarbons in crude oil, using Shushufindi oil from Ecuador as an exam
265 estigated SOA formation from South Louisiana crude oil vapors reacting with OH in a Potential Aerosol
266 field soil samples impacted with Shushufindi crude oil was 83% and 98% for DRO and PAH, respectively.
267                               In this study, crude oil was extracted by heating and filtering of the
268                                          The crude oil was refined by the following steps: degumming
269  of the oxygenated products that result from crude-oil weathering, which are difficult to degrade.
270     To obtain these data, eight coal tar and crude oils were analyzed by automated sequential GC-GC.
271                                        Eight crude oils were investigated, and some aspects of the in
272  exposed to fresh and artificially weathered crude oil, were determined.
273 ethod that enables Os isotope measurement of crude oil with in-line Os separation and purification fr
274 ed asphaltenes from North and South American crude oils with ruthenium ion catalysed oxidation to cha
275 nstrate broadband speciation of a Gulf Coast crude oil, with respect to numerous heteroatomic classes
276 alyses of light, medium, and heavy petroleum crude oils yielded distributions of the heteroatom-conta

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