


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 Strawn gas is significantly more enriched in crustal (4)He*, (21)Ne*, and (40)Ar* than Barnett gas.
2 oncentrations are positively correlated with crustal (4)He, (21)Ne, and (40)Ar and suggest that noble
3       This interpretation is consistent with crustal abundances of redox-sensitive trace elements in
4               Mid-ocean ridge morphology and crustal accretion are known to depend on the spreading r
5  finding suggests that two distinct modes of crustal accretion occur along slow-spreading ridges.
6 ected for shallow atmosphere/groundwater and crustal additions.
7 ion is broadly representative of the average crustal and "bulk Earth" (238)U/(235)U composition.
8 ws that Barnett and Strawn gas have distinct crustal and atmospheric noble gas signatures, allowing c
9 ling of upper crustal deformation from lower crustal and mantle deformation by progressive weakening
10 ry thin crust (< 10 km) by exhumation of mid-crustal and mantle material.
11                                      Iron in crustal and mantle minerals adopts several possible oxid
12                         Interactions between crustal and mantle reservoirs dominate the surface inven
13                          Here we present the crustal and upper mantle structures along two receiver f
14 ical evidence reveals highly symmetric lower-crustal and upper-mantle lithosphere extensional deforma
15 ic core complexes are massifs in which lower-crustal and upper-mantle rocks are exposed at the sea fl
16 t different temporal and spatial patterns of crustal and upper-mantle structure.
17                       Teragram quantities of crustal and volcanic aerosol are released into the atmos
18                    Upwind PM was enriched in crustal and wood combustion sources while downwind PM wa
19 d organic matter during subsurface mixing in crustal aquifers.
20  present the first comprehensive view of the crustal architecture and uplift mechanisms for the Gambu
21  up to 2 orders of magnitude over the normal crustal As abundances.
22 sitions, we propose 'progressively inhibited crustal assimilation' (PICA) as a major cause of bimodal
23 stematics offer insight into some aspects of crustal assimilation.
24 eexisting crust making up the prebatholithic crustal basement, but the accompanying O and Mg isotope
25 ow that in the early Earth, relatively small crustal blocks, analogous to modern microplates, progres
26 port and rotation of large buoyant water-ice crustal blocks, and pitting, the latter likely caused by
27                             We conclude that crustal, but not mantle, thickening models, combined wit
28 he impact model, in addition to excavating a crustal cavity of the correct size, explains two other o
29  exhumation, supports the concept of a lower crustal channel flow beneath Eastern Tibet.
30 ward flow of the deep crust, probably within crustal channels imaged seismically beneath eastern Tibe
31                 It also influences ocean and crustal chemistry, provides a basis for chemosynthetic e
32 sser spectral slope may represent a distinct crustal component enriched in opaque minerals, possibly
33 f the samples reflected the dominance of the crustal component of sand from the Sahara desert, althou
34  however, of the return of subducted oceanic crustal components from the lower mantle.
35 imple crystallization models using this bulk crustal composition as the parental melt accurately pred
36 volved from an approximately average martian crustal composition to one influenced by alkaline basalt
37 s tectonics and evidence for a heterogeneous crustal composition; its north pole displays puzzling da
38 neous Province, and the ubiquity of suitable crustal compositions, we propose 'progressively inhibite
39 and the rock uplift that led to it, invoking crustal compression or extension.
40  show that folded crystalline rocks in upper crustal conditions exhibit dramatic strength heterogenei
41 eaffirm that tin belt magmas contain greater crustal contributions than copper arc rocks.
42 esent a significant mode of off-axis oceanic crustal cooling not previously recognized or accounted f
43    Deep hydrothermal circulation accelerated crustal cooling, preserved variations in crustal thickne
44 nisotropy would improve our understanding of crustal deformation and flow patterns resulting from tec
45 nificant but unexplored potential impacts on crustal deformation and seismicity.
46 plift are key to understanding the impact of crustal deformation and topographic growth on atmospheri
47         After a large subduction earthquake, crustal deformation continues to occur, with a complex p
48                  Initial decoupling of upper crustal deformation from lower crustal and mantle deform
49      Great earthquakes cause large coseismic crustal deformation in areas hundreds of kilometres away
50 , partially due to the challenging nature of crustal deformation measurements at offshore plate bound
51  upper mantle leads to prolonged postseismic crustal deformation that may last several decades and ca
52 tly focus on the different styles of Tibetan crustal deformation, yet these do not readily explain th
53 end that correlates with the rates of active crustal deformation.
54    Igneous differentiation followed by lower crustal delamination and chemical weathering followed by
55 thick, mafic lower crust and consequent deep crustal delamination and melting--leading to abundant to
56 heral subsidence may result from a large mid-crustal diapir fed by partial melt from the Altiplano-Pu
57                       This suggests that the crustal dichotomy formed early in the geologic evolution
58 We suggest that the elliptical nature of the crustal dichotomy is most simply explained by a giant im
59                      This evidence for early crustal differentiation implies that the Martian crust,
60 ms of crust formation differed from those of crustal differentiation in ancient orogenic belts.
61 Granitic plutonism is the principal agent of crustal differentiation, but linking granite emplacement
62  the role of mafic cumulates as a residue of crustal differentiation.
63   The GRACE observations provide evidence of crustal dilatation resulting from an undersea earthquake
64                                              Crustal dismemberment with or without the development of
65                                              Crustal displacement is largely accounted for by an annu
66                                       First, crustal disruption at the impact antipode is probably re
67                                              Crustal dust in the atmosphere impacts Earth's radiative
68  mantle relaxation after a sequence of large crustal earthquakes from 1915 to 1954.
69 mogeneous linear-elastic setting that mimics crustal earthquakes; reveals how different rupture modes
70  upgraders (vanadium, nickel, and zinc), and crustal elements (aluminum, iron, and lanthanum), which
71  other chemical parameters (e.g., marine and crustal elements, delta(13)C, delta(15)N, organic carbon
72 ile episodic crust formation with the smooth crustal evolution curves inferred from neodymium isotope
73 ling the sedimentary and igneous records for crustal evolution indicates that it may take up to one b
74 -rich layer with the help of a parameterized crustal evolution model; we find that the primordial cla
75 rucial to understanding the first 500 Myr of crustal evolution of Earth.
76 lating only mantle dynamics and they neglect crustal evolution, whereas exogenic multiple impact even
77 overriding plate is subjected to episodes of crustal extension and back-arc basin development, often
78 ults in the central Italian Apennines, where crustal extension and devastating earthquakes occur in r
79 volution as it signifies the localization of crustal extension and rift-related volcanism.
80 tonic and volcanic processes associated with crustal extension become confined to narrow magmatic rif
81                                  If so, such crustal extraction should have left a chemical fingerpri
82 y of the sliver, although a system of active crustal faults has been described in central Costa Rica.
83 hed by sequential, oceanward-younging, upper crustal faults, and is balanced through lower crustal fl
84                              It also reveals crustal features at depth that aid in the tectonic recon
85        Furthermore, the inferred present-day crustal fields can account for the lack of solar wind io
86 anism to inhibit localization, such as lower-crustal flow in high heat-flow settings.
87  in triggering crustal weakening and outward crustal flow in the expansion of the Tibetan Plateau.
88 ted in the lithosphere cause uplift, and (2) crustal flow, in which low-viscosity material in the low
89 rustal faults, and is balanced through lower crustal flow.
90 hat ancient pockets of water can survive the crustal fracturing process and remain in the crust for b
91 ermochronology on volcanically exhumed lower crustal fragments.
92 ifornia, such as subduction-captured oceanic crustal fragments.
93   Nineteen uranium-lead zircon ages of lower crustal gabbros from Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Rid
94                   The presence of such lower crustal gabbros is well constrained for the Alpine Tethy
95 ctivity 2.7, 1.9 and 1.2 Gyr ago imply rapid crustal generation in response to the emplacement of man
96 to form an important source rock for Archean crustal genesis.
97 ly terrestrial impacts, and their effects on crustal growth and evolution, are unknown.
98             A marked decrease in the rate of crustal growth at ~3 billion years ago may be linked to
99    Volcanism is a substantial process during crustal growth on planetary bodies and well documented t
100 essing the rates and processes of subsequent crustal growth requires linking the apparently contradic
101 lion years--a span that includes continental crustal growth, atmospheric evolution, and the initiatio
102  largely independent of the strength of deep crustal heating.
103 s demonstrate the extremes in variability of crustal helium efflux on geologic timescales and imply c
104 s with chemistry and isotopic analyses, that crustal helium-4 emission rates from Yellowstone exceed
105 ns potentially affected by mantle processes, crustal heterogeneity and active tectonics.
106                                     However, crustal heterogeneity has prevented a thorough geochemic
107 ts of interconnected fluid from the earliest crustal history.
108 ills into the lower crust they generate deep crustal hot zones.
109  as reactions between melt and mush in lower crustal 'hot zones' produce amphibole-rich assemblages,
110 us and the resulting slow reduction in ocean crustal hydrothermal exchange throughout the early Terti
111 d can improve the resolution and fidelity of crustal images obtained from surface-wave analyses.
112                           We find that lower-crustal intrusions are focused mainly into a narrow zone
113 bove the quartz alpha-beta phase transition, crustal kappa is nearly independent of temperature, and
114             We image the low P-wave velocity crustal layer on the slab top and show that it disappear
115 n the Moho transition zone (MTZ) and the mid-crustal lens, consistent with geophysical studies that s
116 ns originating from magma accumulated in mid-crustal lenses at the spreading axis, but the style of a
117 agnitude above what is considered background crustal levels.
118 nate platforms, indicating that reworking of crustal limestone is an important source of volcanic car
119   We find that the pH of fluids in subducted crustal lithologies is confined to a mildly alkaline ran
120 s Basin), both elements resulting from supra-crustal loading of the Lhasa block by the Zangbo Complex
121 t formation within the martian mantle due to crustal loading.
122 ilibria occurring before melt enters shallow crustal magma bodies also limits differentiation and hea
123                                   This lower-crustal magma body has a volume of 46,000 cubic kilomete
124 smic inversion, we revealed a basaltic lower-crustal magma body that provides a magmatic link between
125 ncident with the top of a seismically imaged crustal magma chamber.
126  three decades, the classical focus on upper crustal magma chambers has expanded to consider magmatic
127 erived magmas transit the crust and recharge crustal magma chambers.
128 bic kilometers, ~4.5 times that of the upper-crustal magma reservoir, and contains a melt fraction of
129 monly occur with a collapse of the roof of a crustal magma reservoir, forming a caldera.
130 mantle plume and the previously imaged upper-crustal magma reservoir.
131 and compatible trace-element ratios preclude crustal-magma differentiation or daughter-isotope degass
132                To better examine the role of crustal magmatic processes and its relationship to erupt
133              Effective mingling within upper crustal magmatic reservoirs obscures a compositional bim
134               Although 70 per cent of global crustal magmatism occurs at mid-ocean ridges-where the h
135                            Variations in the crustal magnetic field appear in association with major
136 heric structures associated with the complex crustal magnetic fields of Mars.
137 eophysical applications including mapping of crustal magnetism and ocean circulation measurements, ye
138  crustal thickness, and modified patterns of crustal magnetization.
139 traints on the length of time that subducted crustal material can survive in the mantle, and on the t
140 th elements in enriched shergottites lies in crustal material incorporated into melts or in mixing be
141  results suggest that subduction of oxidized crustal material may not significantly alter the redox s
142          Factors associated with traffic and crustal material showed consistently positive associatio
143 lumes of older compositionally heterogeneous crustal material to have created the Vestoids and howard
144 e of at least (3.4 +/- 0.2) x 10(6) km(3) of crustal material was removed and redistributed during ba
145 rimarily mechanically generated and includes crustal material, brake and tire wear, and biological pa
146 actors with species associated with traffic, crustal material, residual oil, and coal.
147 to which Martian magmas may have assimilated crustal material, thus altering the geochemical signatur
148 Earth's crust during geological recycling of crustal material.
149 ine isotope ratios of meteoritic, mantle and crustal materials have been used as evidence for distinc
150  9-11 N degrees introduces overlying forearc crustal materials into the Costa Rican subduction zone,
151  dust episode: simple quantification of bulk crustal materials may have misappropriated this elevated
152                                   'Recycled' crustal materials, returned from the Earth's surface to
153                                              Crustal materials, the major component of CPM, demonstra
154 noes are thought to sample ancient subducted crustal materials.
155 en any K-isotope analyses of altered oceanic crustal materials.
156  from iron/steel manufacturing (36% +/- 9%), crustal matter (33% +/- 11%), and coal combustion (11% +
157  burning, motor vehicles, marine aerosol and crustal matter.
158 Until now, only seismic reflections from mid-crustal melt lenses and sills within the MTZ have been d
159 action in basalts, and in indicators of deep crustal melting and fractionation, such as Na/K, Eu/Eu*
160                          It is inferred that crustal melting played a key role in triggering crustal
161 y high radiogenic heat production to achieve crustal melting temperatures.
162 that fractional crystallization, rather than crustal melting, is predominantly responsible for the pr
163 s geochemical signal is likely to display a 'crustal memory effect' following increases in atmospheri
164 d over the past two million years by intense crustal metamorphism induced by the Yellowstone hotspot.
165  from brake wear (primarily Cu, Pb, Zn), (2) crustal minerals (primarily Al, V, Fe), (3) metals media
166 lattice-preferred orientation of anisotropic crustal minerals caused by extensional deformation.
167 ogenic sources were significantly diluted by crustal minerals coincident with the large-scale Saharan
168 so able to determine that local emissions of crustal minerals dominated the period immediately follow
169                                      The new crustal model reveals strong heterogeneity, including lo
170                        Histories of vertical crustal motions at convergent margins offer fundamental
171 iers, the water cycle, steric expansion, and crustal movement is challenging, especially on regional
172  describe the long-term surface recycling of crustal NMD anomalies, and show that the record of this
173       The similarity of Strawn and stray gas crustal noble gas signatures suggests that the Strawn is
174                                              Crustal pathways connecting deep sources of melt and the
175 s deeper off-axis flow is strongly shaped by crustal permeability, particularly the brittle-ductile t
176  trace element geochemistry as a major lower crustal phase, amphibole is neither abundant nor common
177 r(-1) of right lateral motion of the Pacific crustal plate northwestward past the North American plat
178 ., within 1 My, depending on the size of the crustal plug.
179                            Thick continental crustal plugs can cause rapid necking while smaller plug
180 tically image magma transfer within the deep crustal plumbing of the Soufriere Hills volcano on Monts
181                      Resolving the timing of crustal processes and meteorite impact events is central
182 ges of mantle depletion events and pulses of crustal production implies that the formation of the con
183 at across-strike and along-strike changes in crustal properties at the Eastern Lau spreading centre a
184          We infer that the abrupt changes in crustal properties reflect rapid evolution of the mantle
185           Here we show that the abundance of crustal quartz, the weakest mineral in continental rocks
186  States reveal strong deep (middle to lower)-crustal radial anisotropy that is confined mainly to the
187                           The coincidence of crustal radial anisotropy with the extensional provinces
188                     Although observations of crustal radial anisotropy would improve our understandin
189 the demise of continental ice sheets induced crustal rebound in tectonically stable regions of North
190 dense and hence decreases the probability of crustal recycling by subduction.
191 vicic discontinuity in thickened continental crustal regions.
192       This field most likely originated from crustal remanence produced by an earlier dynamo, suggest
193 ration of reservoir assembly documents rapid crustal remelting and two to three orders of magnitude h
194 mpact angles (30-60 degrees ), the resulting crustal removal boundary is similar in size and elliptic
195 ickly and synchronously from a deflating mid-crustal reservoir (at about 12 kilometers) augmented fro
196 d mantle into a voluminous and compliant mid-crustal reservoir, episodically valved below a shallow r
197 provides a natural laboratory to explore the crustal response to a quantifiable transient force.
198  both the crust and the mantle, facilitating crustal reworking and planetary differentiation.
199 provide age constraints, is a key archive of crustal reworking.
200  emerging from feedbacks between erosion and crustal rheology active well before 2.5 Ma.
201  numerical models to evaluate the effects of crustal rheology on the formation of the Himalayan-Tibet
202         NWA 7034 is a geochemically enriched crustal rock compositionally similar to basalts and aver
203 this theory, FANs represent the oldest lunar crustal rock type.
204 rom laser-flash analysis for three different crustal rock types, showing that kappa strongly decrease
205 sed as a mechanism for the uplifting of deep crustal rocks ('thick-skinned' deformation) far from pla
206 nic settings, on the mechanical behaviour of crustal rocks are largely unknown.
207 at they were generated by partial melting of crustal rocks at temperatures of 700-1,050 degrees C and
208                                 Although for crustal rocks both kappa and k decrease above ambient te
209          Thus Pliocene-Quaternary melting of crustal rocks occurred at depths of 15-50 km in areas wh
210 es (OCCs) that expose upper mantle and lower crustal rocks on the seafloor.
211 nt zinc isotope and abundance data for lunar crustal rocks to constrain the abundance of volatiles du
212  where cold sea water extracts heat from hot crustal rocks, as well as regions where magmatic and tec
213 en bulk silicate Earth and lunar basalts and crustal rocks, the volatile loss likely occurred in two
214 ulk mechanical behaviour and permeability of crustal rocks.
215 the ferroan anorthosite (FAN) suite of lunar crustal rocks.
216 ean crust and hydrothermally altered shallow-crustal rocks.
217                      Opposite to an expected crustal root beneath the orogen, the Moho beneath Qilian
218 ica surrounding the Gamburtsevs, and a thick crustal root beneath the range.
219 s, the mountain range is underlain by a deep crustal root.
220 ate there has been little corroboration from crustal scale geophysical imaging.
221  the southern Gulf of California and present crustal-scale images across three rift segments.
222 lium efflux on geologic timescales and imply crustal-scale open-system behaviour of helium in tectoni
223                         Both profiles show a crustal-scale outline of the subducting Indian crust.
224                                 The Kohistan crustal section is negatively buoyant with respect to th
225 ese rocks may represent the oldest preserved crustal section on Earth.
226                     We have further analysed crustal sediments from the early Archaean era to the Rec
227                          Here we report deep crustal seismic reflections off the southern Juan de Fuc
228 oor dominated by linear abyssal hills, upper crustal seismic velocities abruptly increase by over 20%
229 ems, we present a continuous high-resolution crustal seismic velocity model for an 800 km section of
230 ds rise from 100 km or more and invade upper crustal seismogenic zones that have exhibited historic g
231 nverged up to 3,600 +/- 35 km, yet the upper crustal shortening documented from the geological record
232                           This suggests that crustal shortening is a primary driver for uplift and to
233 ack and transient episodes of orogenesis and crustal shortening, coincident with accretion of exotic
234 alanced geologic cross-sections to show that crustal shortening, structural relief, and topography ar
235 and fluid phases and are characterized by a "crustal" signature of carbon stable isotopes.
236        Third, no PGE anomalies distinct from crustal signatures are present in the marine record in e
237 ary reduction in the friction coefficient of crustal silicate rocks results from intense "flash" heat
238 occurring phase in areas containing recycled crustal slabs, which are more oxidized and Ca-enriched t
239 nt magnetism might suggest an early phase of crustal spreading.
240 e durations and physical conditions of upper-crustal storage remain highly debated topics in volcanol
241 ta, and a poroelastic model, we computed the crustal strain and pore pressure.
242 nd is traditionally used to infer changes in crustal stress over time.
243 oduce observable surface deformation, induce crustal stresses and modulate seismicity rates.
244 t of melt-induced anisotropy with only minor crustal stretching, supporting the magma-assisted riftin
245   The model is consistent with variations in crustal structure across discontinuities of the East Pac
246 res consistent with the observed dichotomy's crustal structure and persistence.
247                     The determination of the crustal structure is essential in geophysics, as it give
248                                          The crustal structure of Orientale provides constraints on t
249 s, dominate the stratigraphy, tectonics, and crustal structure of the Moon.
250 obtained image shows a high-resolution upper crustal structure on a 500 km-long profile that is perpe
251 -ocean ridges-where the heat budget controls crustal structure, hydrothermal activity and a vibrant b
252 arside and suggests a relation between lunar crustal structure, nearside volcanism, and heat-producin
253 y 10 metres when we account for post-glacial crustal subsidence of these sites over the course of the
254 to Archean oceans by oxidative weathering of crustal sulfide minerals.
255 nditions, approaching 0.5 mm(2) s(-1) at mid-crustal temperatures.
256 ravity anomalies (mass deficits) produced by crustal thickening at the base of the ice shell overwhel
257                   In the South Qinling Belt, crustal thickening began at 240 Ma and culminated with
258 re expected to be greatest), indicating that crustal thickening could be an important contributor to
259 ted to the onset of rapid surface uplift and crustal thickening in eastern Tibet.
260 e of eclogite metamorphism during Caledonian crustal thickening, as recorded in the rocks of Holsnoy
261 ember models have been proposed: (1) brittle crustal thickening, in which thrust faults with large am
262 ssumed to reflect progressive shortening and crustal thickening, leading to their gradual rise.
263 erpentinization of mantle peridotite, and/or crustal thickening.
264          Along with an increase in preserved crustal thickness across the Archaean/Proterozoic bounda
265 e velocity gradient, basement topography and crustal thickness all correlate with this spreading-rate
266    The root of this dichotomy is a change in crustal thickness along an apparently irregular boundary
267 essed as a dramatic difference in elevation, crustal thickness and crater density between the souther
268                         However, the farside crustal thickness and the topography it produces may hav
269 geochemistry can be used to track changes of crustal thickness changes in ancient collisional belts.
270 oes and their intrusive equivalents to infer crustal thickness changes over time in ancient orogens.
271                                         Then crustal thickness decreased to 45 km at 200 Ma and rem
272 from subduction-related arcs can provide the crustal thickness evolution of an orogen from oceanic su
273 ween whole-rock values of Sr/Y and La/Yb and crustal thickness for intermediate rocks from modern sub
274 sults, we investigate temporal variations of crustal thickness in the Qinling Orogenic Belt in mainla
275      We show that much of the topography and crustal thickness in this terrain can be described by a
276 elt transport predict temporal variations in crustal thickness of hundreds of meters.
277 ghlands and in agreement with the degree-two crustal thickness profile.
278                     Our results suggest that crustal thickness remained constant in the North Qinling
279 l parameters can be used to track changes of crustal thickness through time in ancient subduction sys
280 a/Yb is a feasible method for reconstructing crustal thickness through time in continental collisiona
281  of the observed changes in geochemistry and crustal thickness with stepwise atmospheric oxidation at
282      From inversion of gravity anomaly data (crustal thickness), analysis of regional magnetic data,
283 ted crustal cooling, preserved variations in crustal thickness, and modified patterns of crustal magn
284  thermal gradient at the time of impact, the crustal thickness, and the extent of volcanic fill.
285 ized by smaller, segment-scale variations in crustal thickness, which reflect more uniform mantle upw
286  whole-rock Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios and modern crustal thickness.
287                                     Inferred crustal thicknesses using our proposed empirical fits ar
288 and relatively uniform strain in response to crustal thinning and extension.
289                            Here we show that crustal thinning can be accomplished in such extensional
290  and gravity anomalies and isostasy indicate crustal thinning of more than 1.9 km.
291 mid-ocean-ridge segments exhibit significant crustal thinning towards transform and non-transform off
292 creasing seafloor depth, forearc retreat and crustal thinning, for initial Hikurangi Plateau-Kermadec
293 f continental rifting and before significant crustal thinning.
294                   Concentrations of sea salt crustal tracer species, oxalate, and malonate were posit
295  demonstrate a surprising correlation of low crustal v(P)/v(S) with both higher lithospheric temperat
296 th America, increase systematically from low crustal values in the east to high mantle values in the
297 t layers investigated are similar to average crustal values, indicating the absence of a significant
298 mation) Cl-bearing volatile additions to the crustal veneer with a unique isotopic composition.
299 stal melting played a key role in triggering crustal weakening and outward crustal flow in the expans
300  with no influence from mantle convection or crustal weakness necessary.

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