


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  curve (PAP/AUC) is the gold standard but is cumbersome.
2 enic viruses or bacteria tend to be slow and cumbersome.
3 modifications in living cells is complex and cumbersome.
4 ous agent and its use in plasmapheris is too cumbersome.
5 asurement of plasma C2 glucose enrichment is cumbersome.
6 s in a given enzyme preparation are slow and cumbersome.
7 detecting accelerated muscle proteolysis are cumbersome.
8  reassortment by more traditional methods is cumbersome.
9  assessing kidney function, is expensive and cumbersome.
10 luating this function are either invasive or cumbersome.
11 ids is well established, it is laborious and cumbersome.
12 lele states by allele sequencing is slow and cumbersome.
13 specificity and low sensitivity and are also cumbersome.
14 that sometimes are excessively intrusive and cumbersome.
15 nteractions, where genetic analysis is often cumbersome.
16 d genetic manipulations become difficult and cumbersome.
17 e to the allergen, but is time-consuming and cumbersome.
18 ll fusion mechanistic studies are especially cumbersome.
19 tion in the histopathology laboratories more cumbersome.
20 ion of the common and efficient reagents are cumbersome.
21 eedingly rare and methods to purify them are cumbersome.
22 -cell fusion mechanistic studies are notably cumbersome.
23  a new natural or synthetic inhibitor can be cumbersome.
24 ng those data in downstream analyses remains cumbersome.
25 parate databases makes information discovery cumbersome.
26 ic, requires many washing steps, making it a cumbersome addition to a high throughput workflow.
27  biomedical applicability is hindered by its cumbersome administration, since NO is unstable especial
28 rdous chemicals were hindered by complex and cumbersome administrative burdens, data limitations, vul
29 ide a more rapid and possibly less toxic and cumbersome alternative to traditional G-CSF-based mobili
30 rrent methods used to titer many viruses are cumbersome and are not amenable to handling large number
31               External air connectors can be cumbersome and are real-estate intensive.
32                   Human clinical studies are cumbersome and are thwarted by the extent of investigati
33 s evolved into an expensive, time consuming, cumbersome and bureaucratic process involving multiple i
34 teractions since labeling small molecules is cumbersome and can affect binding.
35 otoresponsive, which makes their preparation cumbersome and can markedly hamper their performance.
36  to identify DNaseI hypersensitive sites are cumbersome and can only be applied to short stretches of
37 teraction (GxE) meta-analysis studies can be cumbersome and challenging.
38 sequences to depict the fistula in detail is cumbersome and confusing for the clinicians to interpret
39 rrelated with the angle measured on the more cumbersome and costly full-limb radiograph.
40 irus vaccine could abolish the need for this cumbersome and costly process and would also enhance our
41 l function has traditionally been limited by cumbersome and costly techniques and the involvement of
42                      In vitro mutagenesis is cumbersome and costly: probing all residues in a protein
43 from radiolabeled inositol, making the assay cumbersome and difficult to automate.
44 gs; however, in vitro manipulation of DCs is cumbersome and difficult to control, resulting in vaccin
45 eas calculations of hot carrier dynamics are cumbersome and dominated by empirical approaches.
46  in a case-by-case fashion, but this becomes cumbersome and error prone if genes show a huge abundanc
47 cardiography), beacuse current platforms are cumbersome and expensive for individual physician use.
48 lly, the preoperative workup is logistically cumbersome and expensive given the need for separate car
49          Cancer vaccines typically depend on cumbersome and expensive manipulation of cells in the la
50 t femtomoles of target DNA without employing cumbersome and expensive optics, light sources, or photo
51 mobility models today depend on detailed but cumbersome and expensive travel surveys for their calibr
52 e not only time consuming, but they are also cumbersome and expensive.
53              Execution of such advice can be cumbersome and expensive.
54 ics of pair-wise screening has resulted in a cumbersome and incomplete application of this method to
55  and by autoradiography using film, which is cumbersome and increases the cost of generating the radi
56                               Unfortunately, cumbersome and inefficient radioiodination procedures ha
57 (GM) counter, although this procedure can be cumbersome and inexact.
58           Traditional serotyping methods are cumbersome and insufficient for detecting multiple serot
59 e the older DNA hydrolysis protocol which is cumbersome and labor intensive, this new protocol is ide
60 dentification of pairing antibodies is often cumbersome and labor-intensive even with the use of desi
61 imulations, these models are computationally cumbersome and limit analytical insight into the mechani
62 nt bioassay used to measure BioA activity is cumbersome and low throughput.
63 ng sites of transcription factors tend to be cumbersome and not adaptable to high throughput.
64                    Because pulsed Doppler is cumbersome and often inappropriate for color flow comput
65 sis to be performed without the need for the cumbersome and problematic enhanced sensitivity cell.
66 ases, but the standard method is protracted, cumbersome and prone to error.
67 rrent system of GME financing is complex and cumbersome and relies almost exclusively on government s
68 Conventional methods for determining HMF are cumbersome and require expensive equipment or hazardous
69                             Both methods are cumbersome and require the use of expensive reagents.
70 ence of genomic DNA of analogous sequence is cumbersome and requires implementation of critical contr
71 aria model system Plasmodium yoelii has been cumbersome and requires terminal procedures.
72 on in high dimensions is often very complex, cumbersome and slow.
73  high performance liquid chromatography, are cumbersome and slow.
74 serum samples that were required by the more cumbersome and subjective IFA testing to <20%.
75 thesis of specific bioactive HS structures a cumbersome and tedious undertaking that requires laborio
76 hnical aspects of this procedure become less cumbersome and the patient population increases, it is v
77              Currently available indexes are cumbersome and therefore seldom used.
78  photoreceptor activity in living humans was cumbersome and time consuming.
79 in structures, these tools are generally too cumbersome and time-consuming for examining multiple sup
80 'shopping around' using different methods: a cumbersome and time-consuming practice.
81  the quantitative analysis of IAA has been a cumbersome and time-consuming process that does not lend
82          However, these existing methods are cumbersome and time-consuming, and none measures all of
83  completing the required design steps can be cumbersome and time-consuming.
84 ough conventional microbiological methods is cumbersome and time-consuming.
85 ever, literature syntheses of the ligand are cumbersome and typically lead to low yields.
86  to completion we are left with inefficient, cumbersome, and costly macroscale processes and supporti
87 ore sensitive than culture, more rapid, less cumbersome, and more cost-effective than the available P
88 intravenous chemotherapy regimens are toxic, cumbersome, and negatively affect patients' quality of l
89 basophil histamine release, but the assay is cumbersome, and no one has studied the effects of immuno
90 id chromatography, which are time-consuming, cumbersome, and sometimes inaccurate due to the incomple
91 for identifying these organisms are slow and cumbersome, and there is increasing need for more rapid
92 assays are immunologically based and require cumbersome antibody immobilization chemistries, thereby
93 alues equal to those of the more technically cumbersome antigenemia assay.
94 e ESwab method is a more accessible and less cumbersome approach to corneal culturing for ophthalmolo
95 sequences to tag an endogenous gene is still cumbersome as it requires the synthesis or cloning of ho
96 mation is highly condensed, these views grow cumbersome as larger numbers of genomes are added.
97 uction, without the need for the common, but cumbersome, azeotropic drying of (18)F, can now be accom
98 oteins enrichment from biological samples is cumbersome because of their low abundance.
99  for in vivo evaluation of antiandrogens are cumbersome because they rely on physiologic end points,
100  delivering this combination of molecules is cumbersome, because of the opposing supramolecular host
101 ication of this preexisting variation may be cumbersome, because potentially beneficial alleles are t
102                  Ex vivo techniques are more cumbersome but safer, because all genetic manipulations
103 ression of the construct without the need of cumbersome chemical labeling.
104 SAL stereoisomers on a chiral column without cumbersome chiral derivatization to unstable SAL diaster
105 olographic rendering can be achieved without cumbersome circuitry and with only a single transducer,
106 rge fragments of DNA and numerous, and often cumbersome, cloning steps.
107 tem nucleus defined by genetic lineage and a cumbersome combination of markers.
108 le user orientation and its prerequisite and cumbersome combination of mouse and keyboard for navigat
109 eby reducing the need for time-consuming and cumbersome confirmatory plaque-reduction neutralization
110 First-generation devices consisted of large, cumbersome consoles requiring patient immobilization and
111                               However, it is cumbersome, costly, and associated with considerable tox
112 ed for organizing and interpreting otherwise cumbersome data sets when extremely large numbers of ful
113 usually tackled by implementing unattractive cumbersome designs.
114 method for determining the activity has been cumbersome due to the use of a site-specifically (3)H-la
115 es for electrochemical detection without any cumbersome electrode surface functionalization procedure
116 atomic absorption spectrometry but with less cumbersome equipment and freedom from calibration.
117                                              Cumbersome, expensive and time consuming detection techn
118 sor is fully electronic and requires neither cumbersome, expensive optics nor high voltage power supp
119  fucosylation, such strategies are often too cumbersome, expensive, and time-consuming for routine N-
120 rface receptors and their ligands is often a cumbersome, expensive, and time-consuming process that l
121 cted great attention by mitigating otherwise cumbersome experimental implementation constraints.
122 ge part to the requirement for prohibitively cumbersome experimental procedures and daunting analytic
123 s to provide a ready alternative to the more cumbersome femtomolar electrochemical assays described t
124 PA) to replace the more costly, wasteful and cumbersome filter binding assay and demonstrate its util
125                     However, LC-MS/MS proved cumbersome for analyzing multiple samples because it req
126 logy remains insufficiently accurate and too cumbersome for continuous ICP monitoring.
127 arations has been well characterized, but is cumbersome for drug discovery.
128 A is impractical, variably reproducible, and cumbersome for large epidemiologic studies and for clini
129       However, the determination of log P is cumbersome for non-UV-active compounds.
130                      Wired technology can be cumbersome for patient monitoring and can restrict the b
131 rologously express membrane proteins, can be cumbersome for screening and expression of multiple cons
132 based assay is useful, but this technique is cumbersome for TDP2 inhibitor screening.
133 ion, fluorescence labeling and mutations are cumbersome for the whole ribosome but readily applicable
134 eing comparable to a well-optimized but more cumbersome gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
135 ient cell factories has been impaired by the cumbersome genetic tools that are currently available fo
136 e to DNA sequencing or other, more costly or cumbersome genotyping approaches.
137 A) because of significantly lower cost, less cumbersome handling, smaller delivery catheters, and sup
138 plotypes have not been determined because of cumbersome haplotyping workflows that require fractions
139 Standard traditional techniques are slow and cumbersome, highlighting the pressing need for evoking a
140  wide temperature range without the need for cumbersome humidification and pressurization.
141  are inoperable above 100 degrees C, require cumbersome humidification systems, and suffer from fuel
142 nalyzing associated loci and variants can be cumbersome if data is not given in a form amenable to pa
143 urface of microtiter wells that replaces the cumbersome immunoprecipitation method, (iii) a 96-well p
144 cro-fabrication techniques have proven to be cumbersome in building cost-effective micro-devices, thu
145 ers, because achievement of hyperemia can be cumbersome in daily clinical practice.
146 studying regulatory interactions, but remain cumbersome in most model organisms.
147 complex genetic interaction analysis remains cumbersome in this diploid pathogen.
148 imited numbers of animals; alternative, less cumbersome in vivo models are desirable.
149 rent methods of monitoring breathing require cumbersome, inconvenient, and often expensive devices; t
150 ethods used to detect mitophagy in vivo were cumbersome, insensitive and difficult to quantify.
151 brary bead processors eliminates potentially cumbersome instrumentation engineering challenges and is
152 is process has been hampered by the need for cumbersome isolation of intact genomes before transfer.
153                                     Slow and cumbersome laboratory diagnostics for Mycobacterium tube
154  methods for BPA exposure assessment rely on cumbersome laboratory instrumentation with high capital
155 , current assays for DNA-protein adducts are cumbersome, limiting both mechanistic studies and transl
156                                           No cumbersome liquid junction based reference element is ut
157 ng magnetic-device elements without applying cumbersome magnetic fields.
158 ively complex, requiring the user to perform cumbersome maneuvers and time-consuming image manipulati
159 not to be confined to the tedious growth and cumbersome manipulation of molecular crystals-which gene
160 res that can be used to classify tissue is a cumbersome manual process which limits this technology f
161 lyze cytosine-5 methylation patterns require cumbersome manual techniques that employ gel electrophor
162 nt volumes and regurgitant fractions without cumbersome measurements.
163 sum) in pears does not necessarily require a cumbersome method involving cleavage to DMA.
164 etion defects observed previously using more cumbersome methodology.
165 been partially alleviated by the use of more cumbersome methods such as three-dimensional confocal mi
166 ternatives to substitute for the traditional cumbersome methods.
167 les, such as aromatic amines, onto sluggish (cumbersome) Michael acceptors without any promoter or wo
168 ng remains a challenge, primarily due to the cumbersome, multi-step synthesis processes conventionall
169        In current form, however, FIAs can be cumbersome, multistep procedures and often lack versatil
170 programs has been limited by the lengthy and cumbersome nature of current chemotherapeutic regimens.
171 t leprosy are difficult to obtain due to the cumbersome nature of the conventional drug susceptibilit
172 used in paraffin sections, thereby obviating cumbersome oil red O staining of frozen sections.
173 , these techniques are either experimentally cumbersome or applicable to a limited set of experimenta
174   Current GCPII in vitro activity assays are cumbersome or have limited sensitivity.
175 ormatics tools do not scale accordingly, are cumbersome, or require extensive support from bioinforma
176 avirus virion production has been limited to cumbersome organotypic cultures and mouse xenografts.
177 s in men, but until recently it has required cumbersome parenteral administration.
178 he first inhibitors studied were hampered by cumbersome pharmacokinetics and a general lack of potenc
179 luding limited cell sources and the need for cumbersome pre-processing steps (for example, isolation,
180 the decay process in these systems is a very cumbersome problem, either because of very complicated o
181 ed to create mutations, gene targeting, is a cumbersome process.
182 apping as gapped alignment, which results in cumbersome processing times and a biased sampling of STR
183 dendritic cell-based vaccination methods are cumbersome, promising results from clinical trials in pa
184 d disease state, are typically monitored via cumbersome, reagent-intensive assays that require relati
185 requires multiple ligation steps and remains cumbersome relative to more conventional deep-sequencing
186 ve transmission electronic microscopy, often cumbersome, remains as the 'gold standard' for dispersio
187 olicy can lack transparency and is sometimes cumbersome, requiring the intervention of a Senior Ethic
188                                 The need for cumbersome RNA purification is circumvented in our assay
189 e directly detected simultaneously, avoiding cumbersome sample preparation procedures in conventional
190 e substantially context dependent, requiring cumbersome screening to identify the optimal site for st
191 mary procedure, which involves a lengthy and cumbersome second-order (in wave-amplitude) calculation
192        Conventional approaches often rely on cumbersome, semi-quantitative amplification of target DN
193 e performed conveniently at home, and avoids cumbersome shipping and storage procedures.
194  still involve impractical solutions such as cumbersome signal calibration processes and substantial
195 ipotent cells (iPSCs) into neurons are often cumbersome, slow, and variable.
196 ns tested, thus eliminating the need for the cumbersome spheroplast-proteinase K method for topology
197                      With this approach, the cumbersome step of 18C purification has been eliminated.
198                        This would bypass the cumbersome step of having to evolve mutant synthetases a
199 e one-pot synthesis procedure eliminates the cumbersome steps of protecting/deprotecting amino or hyd
200   Most gene expression methods often involve cumbersome steps or use expensive facilities.
201 ect method uses the whole AH suspension, the cumbersome steps used by traditional methods are not req
202 nal methods which involve time-consuming and cumbersome strip comparisons obtained with series of tri
203 ltiplexed Western blots are possible without cumbersome stripping and reprobing steps.
204 ers are complex and often require costly and cumbersome structural components to support system weigh
205                          Based on absence of cumbersome surface immobilization and wash steps for car
206  limited due to their relative insolubility, cumbersome synthesis/purification, toxic side effects, a
207 eliable and fit-for-purpose models remains a cumbersome task due to the inherent complexity of biolog
208 ctrochemical microscopy (SECM) is a slow and cumbersome task that often results in untimely electrode
209 We wanted to determine a more rapid and less cumbersome technique to supplement this method for deter
210   The method is simple and avoids the use of cumbersome techniques associated with enzymatic treatmen
211 rmore, it is a far more rapid assay and less cumbersome than western blotting, lending itself more re
212 ed accurate GFR methodology is expensive and cumbersome; therefore, estimates of GFR based on serum c
213 ugh the last aromatization step proved to be cumbersome, this work unfolds a unique route to access i
214 omise for B-cell malignancies, production is cumbersome; thus, targeting a common antigen on malignan
215                   However, these methods are cumbersome, time consuming and cost-prohibitive.
216 ost methods used to measure BER activity are cumbersome, time consuming and, for the most part, only
217 for recognition of TGs, among them, most are cumbersome, time-consuming, require sample pre-treatment
218  responsive measure of disability, but it is cumbersome to administer and has a limited content valid
219 e contribution to mortality risk but are too cumbersome to be readily applied in clinical practice.
220 reconstructions are powerful, they are still cumbersome to build and, because of the complexity of me
221 ion can act, yet fine-scale linkage maps are cumbersome to construct.
222 ever, with currently available vectors it is cumbersome to create multiple, stable, unmarked chromoso
223 s (NO/nucleophile adducts-NONOates) are less cumbersome to deliver and may offer clinical advantage c
224       Although it is extremely expensive and cumbersome to deploy large-scale radiofrequency phased a
225                               However, it is cumbersome to identify functional motifs within enhancer
226         In the past, these methods have been cumbersome to implement and modify.
227                               However, it is cumbersome to implement clinically given the large numbe
228 ion is central to cellular bioenergetics but cumbersome to measure.
229 d liver diseases in the United States may be cumbersome to obtain because they are scattered in multi
230 -resolution separations, such formats can be cumbersome to parallelize for single-cell analysis.
231              With existing approaches, it is cumbersome to perform multiplexed blots in which several
232 the bromo and fluoro analogues that are more cumbersome to prepare or are not readily available.
233 unreported tetracycline derivatives that are cumbersome to prepare through traditional methods.
234 l tricarbonyl compounds, which are otherwise cumbersome to prepare.
235 o far have employed optical systems that are cumbersome to scale to even a few tens of qubits.
236 ts become increasingly abundant, making them cumbersome to store and analyze on local servers.
237   However, these models remain expensive and cumbersome to use for large-scale preclinical drug testi
238  inadequate display of insertions and can be cumbersome to use on large datasets.
239 ns of predictive rules are more accurate but cumbersome to use, and therefore of limited clinical use
240 s in taking medication in the 1960s but were cumbersome to use.
241 hindered by increased genomic complexity and cumbersome transgenic assays.
242 easuring the degree of lung inflammation and cumbersome treatment protocols.
243  tethered to bulky control systems, and have cumbersome user interfaces, which all render commerciali
244 and adenocarcinoma (ADCA) of the lung can be cumbersome using established methods.
245 tudies of RNA-protein interactions are quite cumbersome using traditional methods.
246 he process of loading high-density gels less cumbersome while the associated time and errors are redu
247 ixture of an asymmetric reduction eliminates cumbersome work-up protocols and minimizes analysis time

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