


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ion (20 Hz) activated PGNs up to 8 spikes/s (current-clamp).
2 bit only slow graded voltage responses under current clamp.
3 affeine-induced DADs (cDADs) with whole-cell current clamp.
4 bited regular spontaneous depolarisations in current clamp.
5  not show spontaneous electrical activity in current clamp.
6 pinal neurons using voltage or discontinuous current clamp.
7  in eight neurons by using several levels of current clamp.
8  algorithms and were assessed by voltage and current clamp.
9 neous transient depolarizations (STDs) under current clamp.
10       We next evoked action potentials under current clamp.
11                                           In current clamp, 5-HT (20 microM) elicited a depolarizatio
12                                           In current clamp, a 10 pulse, 100 Hz stimulus train gave ri
13                                        Under current clamp, action potentials were elicited by depola
14 s: direct action potential phenotyping under current-clamp, activation of the aforementioned genetic
15                                        Under current clamp, ADP caused the membrane potential to fluc
16 onal electric coupling was established under current clamping after impaling two adjacent glomus cell
17                                        Under current clamp, all cells continued firing spontaneously
18                                              Current clamp analysis demonstrated that hyperpolarizing
19                                              Current-clamp analysis in hippocampal neurons transfecte
20        Here, we report the voltage-clamp and current-clamp analysis of a new Na(v)1.7 mutation, Q10R,
21                                              Current-clamp analysis of dorsal root ganglion neurons t
22 s in human embryonic kidney 293 cells and by current-clamp analysis to determine the effects of A863P
23 udied in hippocampal slices using whole-cell current clamp and biocytin staining.
24 vitro slice preparation were performed using current clamp and conventional sharp-electrode intracell
25                Intracellular sharp electrode current clamp and discontinuous single electrode voltage
26 tochemistry, were spontaneously active under current clamp and generated transient inward (pacemaker)
27  correlated with lower firing probability in current clamp and smaller synchronous EPSCs in voltage c
28   We examined this effect of EtOH under both current clamp and voltage clamp conditions in the basola
29                     We used a combination of current clamp and voltage clamp recordings in an in vitr
30                       In vitro intracellular current clamp and voltage clamp recordings were performe
31                              On simultaneous current-clamp and Ca(2+) imaging, early and delayed afte
32                                   Whole-cell current-clamp and cell-attached recordings from labeled
33 are demonstrated in simulations and in vitro current-clamp and dynamic-clamp experiments.
34 ared simulation results under voltage-clamp, current-clamp and high [K(+)] membrane depolarized condi
35                      We conducted whole-cell current-clamp and single-unit recordings in NG neurons f
36 nic basis of this activity using interleaved current-clamp and voltage-clamp experiments.
37                                              Current-clamp and voltage-clamp measurements were made b
38                               Using combined current-clamp and voltage-clamp recordings from neurons
39                  By using in vivo whole-cell current-clamp and voltage-clamp recordings, we found tha
40  sustained inward current (depolarization in current clamp) and increased the amplitude and frequency
41 ted with transient depolarizations of ICC in current clamp, and these events were blocked by niflumic
42 e, using structural modeling, voltage-clamp, current-clamp, and multielectrode array recordings, we h
43                              Using a dynamic current-clamp approach, we now show that the fear-induce
44 a-cells or hamster insulinoma tumor cells in current clamp at 30-35 degrees C, using standard K+-rich
45                                        Under current clamp, beta-adrenergic stimulation (isoprenaline
46                                        Under current clamp, block of BKCa current increased depolariz
47                                           In current clamp, blocking L-type Ca channels with the spec
48   Oxytocin neurones were characterized under current clamp by the expression of a depolarization-acti
49                                           In current-clamped CA1 pyramidal cells hypoxia induced a ra
50 , we demonstrate that induction of an ADP in current clamp causes release of cannabinoids, and subseq
51                                           In current-clamped cells the slow inverted current response
52 rev, equivalent to the membrane potential in current-clamped cells) consistent with activation of Na+
53                                           In current-clamped cells, membrane potentials were more neg
54                                        Under current clamp, cerebellar nuclear neurons fired spontane
55                                        Under current clamp conditions rotenone and CN(-) caused a rap
56                                   Under zero current clamp conditions this hormone induced amiloride-
57                                        Under current clamp conditions we measured changes in membrane
58 , and membrane time constant) measured under current clamp conditions were virtually identical.
59                  When applied together under current clamp conditions, 5-HT reversed anaesthetic-indu
60                                        Under current clamp conditions, application of the broad-spect
61 ing sag in negative voltage deviations under current clamp conditions, or a large inward current with
62                                        Under current clamp conditions, voltage-current (V-I) relation
63 ing and hyperpolarizing current pulses under current clamp conditions.
64  induced significant hyperpolarization under current clamp conditions.
65                             Recordings under current-clamp conditions revealed similar intrinsic elec
66                                        Under current-clamp conditions, action potential durations wer
67                                        Under current-clamp conditions, exposure to 4-AP or flecainide
68                          Under intracellular current-clamp conditions, the preferential block of the
69 gically realistic currents into a cell under current-clamp conditions, was used either to block I(Ade
70 ability and Ca(2+) influx under voltage- and current-clamp conditions.
71 corded from L5 neurons by using a whole-cell current clamp configuration.
72 ne potential were recorded in the whole cell current-clamp configuration of the patch-clamp technique
73 and perforated-patch recording techniques in current-clamp configuration.
74  events were identified both in voltage- and current-clamp configurations.
75 width, and latency to first spike similar to current clamp data from mouse dorsal striatum MSPN.
76                                 Voltage- and current-clamp data showed that Rho-kinase inhibition red
77                                           In current clamp, depolarizing current injections from the
78                                           In current clamp doses of 10 and 100 nM neuromedin C (NMC)
79  subgroups based on the visual inspection of current clamp electrophysiological properties and morpho
80    Field potential recordings and whole-cell current clamp electrophysiology were used to monitor the
81 ent mitral cell excitability as evaluated by current-clamp electrophysiology.
82  sAHP conductance by spike-triggered dynamic-current clamp enhanced the gain increase.
83                                           In current clamp, estrogen enhanced the diazoxide-induced h
84                                              Current clamp experiments at body temperature show that
85                                              Current clamp experiments revealed that blood depressing
86                                              Current clamp experiments show that, physiologically, th
87                                              Current clamp experiments showed that in IHCs the SK cur
88                                  Voltage and current clamp experiments showed that the delayed HCO(3)
89 erve stimulations, pharmacological block and current clamp experiments suggest that this is due to a
90                                           In current clamp experiments, AA was without effect on the
91                                           In current clamp experiments, NS309 enhanced the medium aft
92                                           In current-clamp experiments alpha-DTX, used to eliminate t
93                                              Current-clamp experiments demonstrate that serotonergic
94                                              Current-clamp experiments indicated that these processes
95                                              Current-clamp experiments reveal that low concentrations
96                                              Current-clamp experiments show that Nav1.9 flows at subt
97                                              Current-clamp experiments showed that the specific Kv7/M
98                                           In current-clamp experiments small neurons had more depolar
99 ly isolated neurons, mixed voltage-clamp and current-clamp experiments were done at 37 degrees C to s
100                                              Current-clamp experiments were used to assess the functi
101                                           In current-clamp experiments, APD and CaT alternans strongl
102                                           In current-clamp experiments, non-inactivated VGSCs were su
103                                           In current-clamp experiments,XE 991 per se caused membrane
104  -55 mV and did not induce depolarization in current-clamp experiments.
105 cellular recordings under multiple levels of current clamp from midbrain neurons in the mormyrid weak
106                                        Under current clamp, GIRK activation increased the cell membra
107                                           In current clamp, GTx (i) had almost no effect on the first
108                                           In current clamp, GTx had multiple effects: (i) increasing
109                                           In current clamp, halothane caused a membrane hyperpolariza
110                                           In current clamped horizontal cells, BKCa channels subdue d
111  results for sodium channels using a dynamic current clamp in neocortical fast spiking interneurons.
112 activating these receptors on the LTS, using current-clamp intracellular recording in an in vitro sli
113 mpal slices of young and aging rabbits using current-clamp, intracellular recording techniques.
114                                              Current-clamped isolated neurons fired regularly ( appro
115            This unprecedented combination of current-clamp, macroscopic-current, and single-channel r
116                      Whole cell voltage- and current clamp measurements were made from primary neuron
117                                 By combining current-clamp measurements of electrophysiological prope
118 rom the DHC and the VHC using the whole-cell current-clamp method.
119                                     By using current clamp methods, it was found that the fAHP is red
120 dl-PAG neurons was recorded using whole cell current-clamp methods.
121 t of ephedrine on dopamine-containing cells, current-clamp microelectrode recordings were made from s
122                                        Under current clamp, ML-133 caused the depolarization of isola
123 tial in individual myocytes generated in the current clamp mode but isometric tissue tension experime
124 assessed by whole-cell recording in the zero-current clamp mode in the absence and presence of Ba(2+)
125                                           In current clamp mode paired-pulse stimulation resulted in
126                                           In current clamp mode with the resting membrane potential s
127 mode) nor a change in membrane potential (in current clamp mode) occurred in response to vitronectin.
128 medium-diameter neurons recorded from in the current clamp mode, 5-HT depolarized the resting membran
129                                           In current clamp mode, in the presence of beta stimulation,
130                                           In current clamp mode, some cells developed spontaneous tra
131 potential was monitored under the whole cell current clamp mode.
132 e perforated patch whole cell patch clamp in current clamp mode.
133         Whole-cell patch clamp records under current-clamp mode also showed a chloroquine-induced dep
134 ross an intact cell-attached patch using the current-clamp mode of a conventional patch-clamp amplifi
135    Whole-cell recordings from SpL neurons in current-clamp mode revealed EPSPs evoked by stimulation
136                                           In current-clamp mode, Ang II (1 mumol/L) produced depolari
137                                           In current-clamp mode, current-induced voltage oscillations
138                                       In the current-clamp mode, extracellular acidosis evoked both a
139                                           In current-clamp mode, fast local application of acetylchol
140                                       In the current-clamp mode, GABA depolarized the cells to approx
141                                           In current-clamp mode, in a model of mutant RyR2 that is ch
142                                           In current-clamp mode, the mutant RyR2 model exhibited incr
143  of the membrane potential were also made in current-clamp mode.
144 d injected transduction current waveforms in current-clamp mode.
145 taset of 150 neurons recorded in whole-cell, current-clamp mode.
146 bbit nodose ganglion cells with slow AHPs in current-clamp mode.
147 ng frequency of L/M interneurons recorded in current-clamp mode.
148 s range could alter cellular repolarization, current-clamped myocytes were dialyzed with 0.5 or 1.0 m
149 When whole-cell responses were recorded from current-clamped neurones using the gramicidin-perforated
150  calcium-activated potassium current, and in current clamp, nimodipine usually depolarized cells and
151 ted by L-type Ca2+ channels using whole-cell current clamp of the SC in an isolated brainstem prepara
152                                           In current-clamp or voltage-clamp recordings, histamine (10
153                                Two-electrode current-clamp or voltage-clamp techniques were used to r
154 M) SON magnocellular neurones (n = 27) under current clamp, or induced an outward current that revers
155  induced either a membrane depolarization in current clamp, or inward current under voltage clamp in
156 sent in VHCs, whole cell, voltage-clamp- and current-clamp-patch recordings were performed on isolate
157                                              Current-clamp pause protocols induced rate-dependent spo
158               In constant 100 mum lidocaine, current-clamped Purkinje cells continued to fire spontan
159                                       During current clamp recording IH caused time-dependent rectifi
160            Using dual whole-cell voltage and current clamp recording techniques, we investigated the
161                                           In current clamp recording, injection of the unclustering p
162                             Using whole-cell current clamp recording, we found that L2/3 pyramidal ne
163  whole-cell tight seal method of voltage and current clamp recording.
164              Simultaneous Ca(2+) imaging and current-clamp recording during apparent-motion stimulati
165                                              Current-clamp recording from the calyx showed that each
166 cretin neurons using whole-cell voltage- and current-clamp recording in mouse whole hypothalamic slic
167                                           In current-clamp recording, CsCl, which inhibits only I(H)
168      In striking contrast, using voltage and current-clamp recording, we found that PYY(3-36) consist
169                             Using whole-cell current-clamp recording, we unexpectedly found that TRH
170 eurones by performing some experiments using current-clamp recording.
171                                   Whole-cell current clamp recordings demonstrated that, following di
172 rent injection were assessed with whole-cell current clamp recordings from cells that were isolated s
173                                              Current clamp recordings from MSO neurones were made whi
174                                              Current clamp recordings from the LGN of ethanol naive m
175 ond to oscillatory inputs we made whole-cell current clamp recordings from three different types of n
176                             Using whole cell current clamp recordings in acute hippocampal slices, we
177 of VMH glucose-sensing neurons in whole-cell current clamp recordings in brain slices.
178                                           In current clamp recordings obtained from inspiratory neuro
179                                              Current clamp recordings of isolated myocytes showed a 7
180 erentiation of RGC types, we made whole-cell current clamp recordings of RGC responses to injected cu
181                                    Moreover, current clamp recordings show that cannabidiol reduces o
182                                Intracellular current clamp recordings were made from CA1 pyramidal ne
183                                           In current clamp recordings, 100 microM NE produced a hyper
184                                           In current clamp recordings, ATP and UTP (but not CTP) depo
185                                           In current clamp recordings, microinjection of cross-linked
186                              In addition, in current clamp recordings, SCH23390 can depolarize the me
187 tic CA3 pyramidal neurons were studied using current clamp recordings; activation of M1 receptors and
188                                           In current-clamp recordings and Ca(2+)-imaging experiments,
189                                              Current-clamp recordings and Ca2+-imaging experiments de
190  insight into this issue by using whole-cell current-clamp recordings and immunocytochemistry to show
191                                         Dual current-clamp recordings confirm that single motoneuron
192 firmed in acutely isolated STN neurons using current-clamp recordings containing IPSPs as voltage-cla
193                                   Whole-cell current-clamp recordings demonstrate that leptin (0.3-10
194                                   Whole-cell current-clamp recordings demonstrated increased spontane
195                                              Current-clamp recordings during high frequency firing an
196 toring of synaptic activity using whole-cell current-clamp recordings from a local astrocyte.
197 e properties, we compared somatic whole-cell current-clamp recordings from basal and apical neurons o
198 uences synaptic strength, using voltage- and current-clamp recordings from bushy cells in brain slice
199 d with synaptic stimulation using whole-cell current-clamp recordings from CA1 pyramidal cells in hip
200                                           In current-clamp recordings from GFP+ SO cells, linopirdine
201                                   Whole-cell current-clamp recordings from neurones near the TS revea
202           Using whole-cell voltage-clamp and current-clamp recordings in acute hippocampal slices and
203                      Here, we performed both current-clamp recordings in brain slices and voltage-cla
204                       Using a combination of current-clamp recordings in brain slices and whole-cell
205                            Using loose-patch current-clamp recordings in brainstem slices from rat pu
206                                        Using current-clamp recordings in hippocampal slices, we find
207 t were studied using whole-cell voltage- and current-clamp recordings in slices of rat cerebellum.
208                                   Whole-cell current-clamp recordings obtained from MGE-derived cells
209                                              Current-clamp recordings of dopamine neurons showed that
210                                              Current-clamp recordings of electrocyte APs reveal that
211                                   Whole-cell current-clamp recordings of GnRH neurons in brain slices
212                                      On-cell current-clamp recordings of olfactory receptor neurons f
213                                              Current-clamp recordings reveal that the desynchronized
214                            Voltage-clamp and current-clamp recordings revealed that knockdown of Navb
215                                              Current-clamp recordings revealed that the firing rates
216 s apical dendritic tuft and trunk whole-cell current-clamp recordings revealed that the pharmacologic
217                                   Whole-cell current-clamp recordings showed that 4-AP changed the en
218                     Simultaneous [Ca2+]i and current-clamp recordings showed that Ca2+ and Vm oscilla
219                                   Whole-cell current-clamp recordings showed that each burst ended wi
220                                              Current-clamp recordings showed that neurons expressing
221                                              Current-clamp recordings showed that the fast activation
222                                 Voltage- and current-clamp recordings suggested a high level of inact
223                                 Conventional current-clamp recordings using excitatory ramp or square
224 s whole-cell voltage-clamp and cell-attached current-clamp recordings we have defined both mathematic
225                                   Whole-cell current-clamp recordings were made as extracellular gluc
226                                              Current-clamp recordings were made during and following
227                                   Whole-cell current-clamp recordings were made from mouse basal spir
228                                   Whole-cell current-clamp recordings were made from neurons in the r
229                      Whole-cell voltage- and current-clamp recordings were made of GFP-identified GnR
230 ifferential experience, sharp microelectrode current-clamp recordings were obtained in CA1 pyramidal
231                      Whole-cell voltage- and current-clamp recordings were performed in acutely isola
232                                   Whole-cell current-clamp recordings were performed on neurons from
233 -clamp and gramicidin-based perforated-patch current-clamp recordings were then used to study the rel
234                                Intracellular current-clamp recordings with high-resistance micropipet
235                                           In current-clamp recordings, decreasing [Ca2+]o induced sus
236                                           In current-clamp recordings, depolarizing step current inje
237                                           In current-clamp recordings, halothane depressed EPSP ampli
238                                           In current-clamp recordings, LEV reduced the amplitude of t
239                                           In current-clamp recordings, low-frequency stimulation of t
240                                           In current-clamp recordings, noise-reared BCs had greater s
241 solutions that are used in voltage-clamp and current-clamp recordings, only limited information can b
242                We confirmed, with whole-cell current-clamp recordings, our previous finding from shar
243                                           In current-clamp recordings, PDC dramatically increased the
244 k channels increased channel opening and, in current-clamp recordings, produced narrowing of action p
245                                           In current-clamp recordings, regular and irregular trains o
246                                           In current-clamp recordings, SP (100 nM) applied by superfu
247                                           In current-clamp recordings, SST preferentially inhibited b
248           Using whole-cell voltage-clamp and current-clamp recordings, this study shows for the first
249 ing multielectrode array, voltage-clamp, and current-clamp recordings, we assessed a newly identified
250 nglion cell, were measured during whole cell current-clamp recordings.
251 estigated using whole-cell voltage-clamp and current-clamp recordings.
252 itability of GABAergic neurons determined by current-clamp recordings.
253 ones in the hippocampus and dentate gyrus in current-clamp recordings.
254 ) were also observed in dendritic whole-cell current-clamp recordings.
255 s (eEPCs) under voltage-clamp, which, unlike current-clamp records, were independent of the changes i
256                                           In current clamp, repetitive activation of the GABAergic ax
257                          Using a prerecorded current-clamp response to capsaicin as a voltage-clamp c
258                  Comparisons of voltage- and current-clamp responses obtained from the same Purkinje
259                                              Current-clamp responses were recorded from CA1 pyramidal
260 al (AP) in these cells based on voltage- and current-clamp results together with measurements of Ca(2
261                                   Whole-cell current clamping revealed distinct excitability patterns
262                                              Current-clamp revealed GnRH neurons fired more action po
263                                              Current-clamp, sharp electrode and whole-cell voltage-cl
264 ation of action-potential backpropagation in current-clamp simulations of a CA1 pyramidal neuron.
265                                        Under current clamp, single Purkinje cells from RyR2/RyR2(R449
266                                        Under current clamp stimulation SR Ca2+ content increased in l
267                                         When current-clamp stimuli approximated the mean physiologica
268                                              Current clamp studies reveal complex spontaneous firing
269                                           In current clamp studies, these drugs also led to a depolar
270                                     Previous current-clamp studies in rat hippocampal slice CA1 neuro
271                                           In current-clamp studies neither R(+)-WIN nor R(+)-methanan
272                                              Current-clamp studies reveal that mutant channels decrea
273                                              Current-clamp studies reveal that R1279P depolarizes res
274               Consequently, under whole-cell current clamp, synaptically released GABA produced short
275          We have used whole-cell voltage and current clamp techniques to characterize Ih in neurons f
276                      Whole-cell voltage- and current-clamp techniques were used to record L-type Ca2+
277  potentials were recorded using voltage- and current-clamp techniques.
278 transient BK current was also examined using current-clamp techniques.
279 otoreceptors were studied using voltage- and current-clamp techniques.
280  by intracellular recording using whole-cell current-clamp techniques.
281 (tau), were measured with either voltage- or current-clamp techniques.
282 hin dorsal root ganglion neurons and show by current-clamp that R185H renders dorsal root ganglion ne
283 ined when depolarizations were eliminated by current-clamping the membrane potential.
284                                           In current clamp, the activation of I(KA) reduced neuronal
285                                           In current clamp, the prolonged rebound firing rate after h
286 TP and Ca2+ channel conductances to cells in current clamp to assess the role of Ca2+ and KATP channe
287 were recorded from dissociated neurons under current clamp to investigate the role of the resurgent c
288 se predictions physiologically using dynamic current clamping to apply model-derived synaptic conduct
289                      Here, we use whole-cell current-clamp to demonstrate that aged rat (29-32 months
290                                           In current clamp, upregulation of persistent current was as
291                                        Under current clamp, UTP increased action potential (AP) firin
292  addition, the amplitude of APs evoked under current clamp was inhibited by the action of vesicular p
293  a nonlinear leak conductance with a dynamic current clamp, was able to restore wild-type firing prop
294                                        Using current clamp, we show that A1632E renders dorsal root g
295                In addition, using whole-cell current-clamp, we find that deletion of Kcnab2 leads to
296                                        Using current-clamp, we show that the expression of Q10R induc
297     The effects of the enzyme in voltage and current clamp were noted in 0 Mg2+ media but were abolis
298 calcium dependent, we conducted voltage- and current-clamp whole-cell recordings while pharmacologica
299                                        Under current-clamp, whole-cell recordings in single dissociat
300 inspiratory PBC neurons (n = 44) recorded in current clamp within the active network revealed a signi

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