


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 egative slope resistance in the steady-state current-voltage relationship.
2 ion, and an inwardly rectifying steady-state current-voltage relationship.
3 ents) and voltage, but did not affect the Ca current-voltage relationship.
4 ) caused membrane currents or changes in the current-voltage relationship.
5  at -80 mV in whole cell mode, with a linear current-voltage relationship.
6 a fundamental change in rectification of the current-voltage relationship.
7 l cation current with an inwardly rectifying current-voltage relationship.
8 es, which causes inward rectification of the current-voltage relationship.
9 d sublinear-to-superlinear transition in the current-voltage relationship.
10  enhanced Cs+-sensitive rectification of the current-voltage relationship.
11 +/-1 pA/pF without altering the shape of the current-voltage relationship.
12 in reduced rectification of the steady-state current-voltage relationship.
13 3(M)beta3gamma2L receptors had a more linear current/voltage relationship.
14 lutions, the P2X7R current followed a linear current/voltage relationship.
15 h no change in action potential waveforms or current-voltage relationships.
16 Ca) over the range of potentials in standard current-voltage relationships.
17 rimarily contribute to preMN/MN subthreshold current-voltage relationships.
18 0.1 nA at -160 mV) or in inwardly rectifying current-voltage relationships.
19  polyamine block, and have relatively linear current-voltage relationships.
20 tern of discharge to depolarizing pulses and current-voltage relationships.
21 oM GABA were used to construct instantaneous current-voltage relationships.
22        A second type of channel had a linear current-voltage relationship, a slope conductance of 17.
23 reversal potential data, obtained from these current-voltage relationships, all corresponded to a 2 H
24 ation of some K+ channels, did not alter IKr current-voltage relationships, although it did decrease
25 maximal) displayed (i) a linear steady-state current-voltage relationship and (ii) time and voltage d
26 nel with little voltage dependence, a linear current-voltage relationship and a single-channel conduc
27 ator, caused a 3-14 mV leftward shift in the current-voltage relationship and also led to a hyperpola
28 e conductance was Cl- dependent and that the current-voltage relationship and anion permeation proper
29 isy' inward current at -50 mV with a similar current-voltage relationship and reversal potential to t
30 dent, Cl-selective channel with a rectifying current-voltage relationship and single channel conducta
31 CaV1.3 activity, causing a left shift in the current-voltage relationship and strongly potentiating p
32 tration of 1 mM produced effects on both the current-voltage relationship and the steady-state inacti
33                                     Both the current-voltage relationship and the time course of inac
34                                          The current-voltage relationship and the variance of current
35 hannel that exhibited an inwardly rectifying current-voltage relationship and was inhibited by extern
36                                          The current-voltage relationships and the reversal potential
37 ould quantitatively account for the observed current-voltage relationships and the transinhibition by
38 he two variants were similar with respect to current-voltage relationships and the voltage dependence
39 he NMDG+ current by P2X7Rs followed a linear current/voltage relationship and did not change with tim
40 e model to exhibit superlinear and sublinear current-voltage relationships, and show why alignment fi
41 of the dilution potentials, the linearity of current-voltage relationships, and the lack of influence
42 K1/2 (the dose causing 50% left shift in the current-voltage relationship) are additive in their abil
43 upancy, developed on the basis of single ion current-voltage relationships, are in agreement with the
44                                              Current-voltage relationships at different luminal pH va
45 e to calcium and display inwardly rectifying current-voltage relationships, because of blocking of ou
46  mean conductance of 56 +/- 1.8 pS, a linear current-voltage relationship between -80 and +60 mV with
47 6, as evidenced by their inwardly rectifying current-voltage relationship, blockade of AMPA receptor-
48 he inhibitory effect did not affect the peak current-voltage relationship but produced a negative shi
49 ions that would cause a maximal shift in the current-voltage relationship by each agent alone (Vmax),
50                             The shift in the current-voltage relationship caused by 1alpha,25-D3 is r
51  leak cation currents, yielding the N-shaped current-voltage relationships, causing the resting membr
52 ted inward current was observed exhibiting a current-voltage relationship characteristic of high-volt
53 expressed TRPC5 exhibits a doubly rectifying current-voltage relationship characterized by relatively
54 -cell AMPA currents displayed roughly linear current-voltage relationships, consistent with the prese
55                A shift in the single-channel current-voltage relationship derived from antisense-trea
56                                              Current-voltage relationships, determined using depolari
57 out patches showed that in all Kir2 channels current-voltage relationships display a 'crossover' effe
58                               The whole cell current-voltage relationship exhibited rectification abo
59                 First, an expression for the current-voltage relationship for a biological oxygen ele
60 tivation produce inward rectification of the current-voltage relationship for human ether-a'-go-go-re
61                                          The current-voltage relationship for this K+ channel was alm
62  Subtraction currents yielded proctolin-like current-voltage relationships for all six substances, an
63                                              Current-voltage relationships for either ND7/23 cell or
64 removal of inactivation using this approach, current-voltage relationships for IKr ([K+]o, 1 to 20 mm
65                                              Current-voltage relationships for non-NMDA receptor-medi
66                                              Current-voltage relationships for the cotransporter, mea
67 hosphatidylcholine) bilayers, single-channel current-voltage relationships had an ohmic behavior at l
68 cation of single channel mustard oil (I(MO)) current-voltage relationships (I-V) and substantial modu
69 the transmembrane Na(+) gradient altered the current-voltage relationship in a fashion commensurate w
70 pH (pHin) of voltage-clamped oocytes, 2) the current-voltage relationship in solutions of various pH
71 anied by a negative shift in the peak of the current-voltage relationship in TG+ mice.
72                                The nonlinear current-voltage relationship in the presence of spermine
73 ly projecting PVN neurons exhibited a linear current-voltage relationship in Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats.
74 threonine, and l-methionine elicited complex current-voltage relationships in alkaline pH-dependent C
75                              Construction of current-voltage relationships in the absence and presenc
76 or agonist-induced responses, linearized the current-voltage relationship, increased agonist and anta
77    Steady-state dose-response relationships, current-voltage relationships, ionic selectivities, and
78 an ohmic pore, but our results show that the current-voltage relationship is nonlinear with respect t
79 f vertebrate astrocytes, including a passive current-voltage relationship, low membrane resistance, h
80                                     From the current-voltage relationship measured at 1 ms from onset
81 4, 25-D3 inhibits the left shift in the peak current-voltage relationship mediated by either 1alpha,2
82                          First, we study the current-voltage relationship obtained with fixed chemica
83 ated current amplitude, without changing the current- voltage relationship of the ATP-activated curre
84                                          The current-voltage relationship of basolaterally permeabili
85                                          The current-voltage relationship of Icat was not changed by
86 The low Ca(2+) permeability and nonrectified current-voltage relationship of most native AMPA recepto
87                  Here we report the complete current-voltage relationship of NADPH oxidase, the first
88                     After CFA treatment, the current-voltage relationship of NMDA receptor channels w
89                           The effects on the current-voltage relationship of reduced pHin were oppose
90 probability, and inward rectification of the current-voltage relationship of single channels.
91                                          The current-voltage relationship of the acid-induced current
92  the prepulse holding potential followed the current-voltage relationship of the Ca2+ current found i
93  mM TEA + 5 mM 4-AP had little effect on the current-voltage relationship of the cells over the same
94 xtracellular divalent cations, as the linear current-voltage relationship of the channel could be res
95 ating that full-length LF and EF convert the current-voltage relationship of the heptameric PA63 ion
96                                          The current-voltage relationship of the RyR channel was N-sh
97                                          The current-voltage relationship of these injured neurons sh
98               In symmetrical 150 mm KCl, the current-voltage relationship of TRESK-2 was slightly inw
99                                 Furthermore, current-voltage relationships of AMPAR-mediated EPSCs sh
100 experiments of VDAC-1 show agreement for the current-voltage relationships of an "open" channel and t
101 l of hyperalgesia, there was a switch in the current-voltage relationships of capsaicin-induced mEPSC
102                        We also show that the current-voltage relationships of glycine-evoked currents
103                       Our data show that the current-voltage relationships of homomeric channels form
104 from the reversal potential by measuring the current-voltage relationships of the cotransporter at di
105 from its reversal potential by measuring the current-voltage relationships of the cotransporter at di
106                                          The current-voltage relationships of the kisspeptin-activate
107                                              Current-voltage relationships of the TRPC4G503S and TRPC
108 + current (ICa) density but no change in the current-voltage relationship or the kinetics of ICa inac
109 rsus PKCP, respectively) without a change in current-voltage relationships or peak I(Na).
110                          The fully activated current-voltage relationship revealed that the drug incr
111                                              Current-voltage relationships revealed that D555E produc
112                              Analysis of the current-voltage relationships revealed that nefiracetam
113  EGTA, Ishear showed an outwardly rectifying current-voltage relationship (reversal at -2 mV).
114 rties, including double rectification of the current-voltage relationship, sensitivity to a polyamine
115                                          The current-voltage relationship showed marked inward rectif
116                                          The current-voltage relationship showed no difference in the
117                                          The current-voltage relationship showed strong inward rectif
118                                          The current-voltage relationship showed that the spontaneous
119 a(1A) channels, alpha(1D) channels exhibited current-voltage relationships similar to those of native
120 ons with various IK1 gradient conditions and current-voltage relationships substantiated its major ro
121 display a permeability to calcium ions and a current-voltage relationship that differ from those of h
122 of TRPC1 and TRPV6 co-expression resemble in current-voltage relationship that of TRPV6.
123 mp, stretch elicited a current with a linear current-voltage relationship that was inward at membrane
124        These cardiomyocytes display N-shaped current-voltage relationships that cross the voltage axi
125 2 ion channel inhibitor, amantadine); b) had current-voltage relationships that shifted to more posit
126 typic pairs and showed a slightly asymmetric current-voltage relationship; the side expressing Cx35 e
127 reased ICa density and caused a shift in the current-voltage relationship to a similar extent to that
128 B2 slows Hslo1 channel gating and shifts the current-voltage relationship to more negative potentials
129 n resulted from a shift in 13 mV of the Ca2+ current-voltage relationship toward more negative potent
130                                          The current-voltage relationship under different ionic condi
131  105 mM internal K(+) (K(+)(1)), the unitary current-voltage relationship was fitted by the constant
132 s, the macroscopic fast rectification of the current-voltage relationship was fully explained at the
133                                          The current-voltage relationship was inwardly rectifying whi
134                           The single channel current-voltage relationship was linear with a conductan
135                                          The current-voltage relationship was not altered by fluid fl
136 n conductance revealed that the open channel current-voltage relationship was outwardly rectifying wi
137                                          The current-voltage relationship was similar for the wild-ty
138                                          The current-voltage relationship was slightly inwardly recti
139 slow time course and a lack of change in the current-voltage relationship were consistent with an all
140                               Single-channel current-voltage relationships were nonlinear in a way si
141                                          The current-voltage relationships were not altered after 3-m
142 d in reduced exchanger activity, and altered current-voltage relationships were observed with mutatio
143 ich identified a 20-mV leftward shift in the current-voltage relationship when palmitoylation at C243
144 eceptors showed outward rectification of the current-voltage relationship, whereas current-voltage re
145 pS), low permeability to calcium ions, and a current-voltage relationship which resembles that of cha
146  Na(+) currents exhibited essentially linear current-voltage relationships which were mildly inhibite

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