


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 exes with each other and the axolemma at the cut end.
2 lusion of fluorescent hydrophilic dye at the cut end.
3    Bilaterality and tumor in the optic nerve cut end after neoadjuvant chemotherapy were associated w
4 ffect the uptake into the tissue through the cut end, although it is possible that a small subset of
5 iological saline, vesicles accumulate at the cut end and form a barrier (seal) to ion and dye diffusi
6                        The morphology of the cut end, and the location and morphological configuratio
7 is short-lived pulse of unusually rapid down-cutting ended by 13,000 to 14,000 years ago.
8 tached from the muscle it innervates and the cut end implanted caudally into the lumbar gray matter w
9 y epineurial suturing or by insertion of the cut ends into a perforated silicon tube.
10 erotonin axons and followed by regrowth from cut ends into and across the stab rift zone.
11 measuring the decay of injury current at the cut end; its location at the cut end was determined by t
12  auditory nerve input, because shocks to the cut end of the auditory nerve excited Golgi cells with e
13 en chest pigs, stimulation of the peripheral cut end of the left cervical vagus nerve induced a signi
14 d placement of the tracer HRP/WGA-HRP on the cut end of the nerve root.
15                     Presence of tumor in the cut end of the optic nerve significantly correlated with
16            A barrier (seal) must form at the cut ends of a severed axon if a neuron is to survive and
17 ked by electrical stimulation of the central cut ends of an RLN.
18 xly by electrical stimulation of the central cut ends of both superior laryngeal nerves and lung stre
19 cytosis of the axolemma; (4) we examined the cut ends of GAs and MGAs with electron microscopy and sh
20        We describe structural changes at the cut ends of invertebrate myelinated earthworm giant axon
21 contractions were induced by stimulating the cut ends of L4 and L5 spinal ventral roots in Sprague-Da
22 to expose the spinal cord and the peripheral cut ends of L7 and S1 ventral roots were stimulated elec
23 e are reported and widely used to locate the cut ends of lacerated canaliculus.
24 ber optic light pipe is used to identify the cut ends of the canaliculus allowing silicone tube intub
25            To locate the proximal and distal cut ends of the canaliculus following trauma is the most
26 from initiation of the identification of the cut ends of the canaliculus to insertion of the silicone
27         By contrast, stimulating the rostral cut ends of the cervical vagus nerves also evoked a symp
28 gs were made adjacent to either oral or anal cut ends of the colon, the inhibitory or excitatory phas
29                       Continuity between the cut ends of the cord was obviously gross when the animal
30 ateral cuff electrodes stimulated the distal cut ends of the following nerves: medial and lateral hyp
31 f electrodes stimulated the bilateral distal cut ends of the following nerves: medial hypoglossus (MH
32 essure palsies (HNPP), were grafted into the cut ends of the sciatic nerve of nude mice.
33 etrograde fluorescent tracers applied to the cut ends of the tibial and common fibular nerves after t
34 uble-strand break (DSB) at MATa, leaving one cut end perfectly homologous to the HMLalpha donor, whil
35 n [Na+]i was due mainly to Na+ entry via the cut end, rather than via depolarization-activated Na+ ch
36 ter axonal severance, a barrier forms at the cut ends to rapidly restrict bulk inflow and outflow.
37 promoting pathway, extending from the axonal cut ends to the site of innervation in the distal spinal
38  current at the cut end; its location at the cut end was determined by the exclusion of fluorescent h
39                                          The cut end was inserted either into an intact spinal cord,
40                           In this study, the cut ends were successfully identified by using this nove
41 be accounted for by movement of Na+ from the cut end with an apparent diffusion coefficient of 1.3 x

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