


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  was more pronounced for the lipase than the cutinase.
2 ed this activity with putative mycobacterial cutinase.
3  bound efficiently and specifically to LFA-1/cutinase.
4 ceptor that presents the nonmammalian enzyme cutinase.
5 y Rhizopus oryzae lipase and Fusarium solani cutinase.
6 imilar tertiary structure is Fusarium solani cutinase.
7 ut2/3 matched with that of the peptides from cutinase 1 and cutinase 2, respectively, isolated from F
8  assemblies can much more effectively retain cutinase 2 activity on a surface after co-incubation and
9 hese hydrophobins and their interaction with cutinase 2 is crucial for the development of novel antif
10 ith that of the peptides from cutinase 1 and cutinase 2, respectively, isolated from F. solani pisi g
11 esion and to direct the action of the enzyme cutinase 2, resulting in penetration of the plant host.
12 ability, and structure of Aspergillus oryzae cutinase and compare it to the well-studied enzyme from
13                      Protein fusions between cutinase and five antibodies of three different types (s
14               Here we used the fungal enzyme cutinase and its suicide substrate p-nitrophenyl phospho
15 sity, using the covalent interaction between cutinase and its suicide substrate.
16                  Conversely, Fusarium solani Cutinase and lipases from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Rv
17 t encounter cutin; we demonstrate that known cutinases and MPLA cleave phospholipids in a PLA-type ma
18  The covalent immobilization is specific for cutinase, and the glycol-terminated monolayer effectivel
19       These structural features of A. oryzae cutinase are proposed to result in an improved hydrolyti
20                                              Cutinases are responsible for hydrolysis of the protecti
21                                              Cutinases are serine esterases whose primary substrate i
22 mon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy showed that cutinase binds irreversibly to a monolayer presenting th
23 rganization with a catalytic triad common to cutinases, but which contains an additional four-helix d
24 ound to be essential for the inducibility of cutinase by hydroxy fatty acids.
25 dies suggest an alternative use for putative cutinases by the M. tuberculosis group that is likely re
26 e used to immobilize proteins of interest, a cutinase-calmodulin fusion protein was constructed and i
27 ionalized with a novel calmodulin construct, cutinase-calmodulin-cutinase (CutCaMCut), reversibly shi
28                                     Yet, the cutinase completely hydrolyzed all PBAT films, including
29 el calmodulin construct, cutinase-calmodulin-cutinase (CutCaMCut), reversibly shifts by 2-3 nm.
30                         The demonstration of cutinase-directed antibody immobilization with insert SA
31             Based on the in-silico search, a cutinase from Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes (PpCutA) and
32 (butylene adipate) films and Fusarium solani cutinase (FsC).
33 c sequence located at -159 base pairs of the cutinase gene in Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi (Nectria he
34 y binding selectively to palindrome 2 of the cutinase gene promoter.
35 n previously to induce the expression of the cutinase gene via a palindromic sequence located at -159
36            We cloned three highly homologous cutinase genes, cut1, cut2, and cut3, from Fusarium sola
37  Asp175-His188-Ser120 of the serine esterase cutinase in the ground state.
38 y the low levels of constitutively expressed cutinase, induce high levels of cutinase that can help p
39 ed here provide insight into engineering new cutinase-inspired biocatalysts with tailor-made properti
40 uronidase gene fused to the promoters of the cutinases integrated into F. solani pisi genome indicate
41                                  We analyzed cutinase motifs in mycobacteria and found the motif very
42                  Action of this cell-surface cutinase on enzyme substrate self-assembled monolayers s
43  SV40 in yeast, it transactivated the native cutinase promoter fused to the chloramphenicol acetyl tr
44  of three microbial lipases: Fusarium solani cutinase, Rv0183, and LipY from Mycobacterium tuberculos
45 ly expressed cutinase, induce high levels of cutinase that can help pathogenic fungi to penetrate int
46 m tuberculosis has maintained seven putative cutinases, though it should not encounter cutin; we demo
47 y is based on binding of the serine esterase cutinase to a self-assembled monolayer presenting a phos
48 cDNA clone encoding a polypeptide designated cutinase transcription factor 1alpha (CTF1alpha) with a
49  flavodoxin family (CheY, apoflavodoxin, and cutinase) using a simple nucleation and growth model tha
50                                              Cutinase was embedded in the extracellular domain of LFA
51                                              Cutinase was highly diastereoselective for the (Sp) conf
52           Further changes in the dynamics of cutinase were determined from quasiharmonic mode analysi
53         Nonlocal effects on the structure of cutinase were observed.

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