


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d expansion arms are reported (May 15, 2015, cutoff).
2 ntile of the bacterium's total scores as the cutoff.
3 rthdates close to the DACA age qualification cutoff.
4 s; 15 patients remained on treatment at data cutoff.
5 11.0 (IQR 4.5-20.5) treatment cycles at data cutoff.
6 ts who just missed the CD4-count eligibility cutoff.
7 re also consistent with the extension of the cutoff.
8 te a continuous IMiD-14 score and an optimal cutoff.
9 r distribution function near the hard-sphere cutoff.
10 ; two patients remained on treatment at data cutoff.
11 all; all responders were still alive at data cutoff.
12 utoff of 10 but differed by 5%-15% for other cutoffs.
13 thors more often reported results for higher cutoffs.
14 ization, common reference ranges, and common cutoffs.
15  determine optimal discriminatory viral load cutoffs.
16 ent offending at 1 year using specified risk cutoffs.
17  accuracy of CT was measured at different CT cutoffs.
18 f cutoff points around data-driven "optimal" cutoffs.
19 as increased based on percentile (75th/90th) cutoffs.
20     Overweight or obesity was defined by WHO cutoffs.
21 index hospitalization by using pre-specified cutoffs (0 to 1 month [i.e., "recently diagnosed"], >1 t
22                          At the time of data cutoff, 104 patients (22%; 54 azithromycin vs 50 placebo
23 ), and the WHO fasting glucose concentration cutoff (1213 [11%] of 10 844 people; 10.6-11.8) were mor
24                                     RDW with cutoff 14.5 and NLR with cutoff 5.25 had independent pro
25 dence interval [CI], 99.2%-100%), the single cutoff 1516 patients (54%) with a sensitivity of 97.1% (
26                              At time of data cutoff, 18 patients (median age 30 years; median 3 prior
27 inical outcomes, whereas using the ADA HbA1c cutoff (2027 [19%] of 10 884 people; 18.0-19.4) and IEC
28                                Based on this cutoff, 36.2% of patients with IBD in mucosal healing ha
29                          At the time of data cutoff, 447 patients (88%) had experienced a progression
30                                      Using a cutoff 5% allele fraction for junctional reads, 7 differ
31            RDW with cutoff 14.5 and NLR with cutoff 5.25 had independent prognostic significance for
32 ctive response, and as of Sept 1, 2016 (data cutoff), 74 (83%) of 89 responses were ongoing.
33                                      At data cutoff, 92 patients (87.6%) had CR, with median follow-u
34 ] of 10 884 people; 18.0-19.4) and IEC HbA1c cutoff (970 [9%] of 10 844 people; 8.4-9.5), and the WHO
35 ation until death from any cause before data cutoff); a significant difference was defined as p<0.025
36 ced RV ejection fraction based on predefined cutoffs accounting for age and sex.
37 d SULmax The use of TLG (PERCIST) with a 25% cutoff after 1-2 wk of treatment allows us to safely ide
38 of <15 mug/L is a specific but not sensitive cutoff, although evidence is limited.
39 ecular mass and size are far below the renal cutoff and hence, CyG qualifies as imaging material for
40 in 87% of patients (ie, antibody titer above cutoff and twofold increase between pre and postvaccinat
41 c analyses were conducted to address further cutoffs and endpoints.
42 eta (PiB-) groups on standardized global PiB cutoffs and examined group differences.
43 ed to 0.1%, except one, showed signals above cutoff, and a number of samples were reactive at even hi
44 ms both with and without distance and energy cutoffs, and compared their energies, conformations, and
45 p was 15.9 months (IQR 7.8-22.0) at the data cutoff (April 28, 2017).
46 is critical because many of the disease risk cutoffs are close to or beyond the short sequence read l
47  but their prognostic importance and optimal cutoffs are still needed be elucidated.
48 nce of specific VCTE-defined liver stiffness cutoffs as a test replacement strategy (to replace liver
49 nce of specific VCTE-defined liver stiffness cutoffs as a triage test to identify patients with low l
50 ch order of magnitude size increase, up to a cutoff at large accumulations that limits the largest ev
51 e PHQ-9 was poorly sensitive at the standard cutoff, authors tended to report results for lower cutof
52                                            A cutoff-based score using the panel of nine proteins prov
53 ty (94.2%, interaction P=0.03) of the single cutoff, but not the other strategies.
54  analyses and predictive models identified a cutoff CMV DNA level of 500 IU/mL to differentiate betwe
55 lly improve functional outcomes at the mRS 3 cutoff compared with irrigation with saline.
56 imary or secondary biomarkers above an upper cutoff concentration limit for presumptive screen-positi
57 bove 1000 Da and it appears likely that this cutoff constitutes an upper size limit also for more dru
58 lex MBIA and Liaison CIA had signal strength cutoffs correlating with >/=99% and 100% TP-PA reactivit
59 l automated immunoassays had signal strength cutoffs correlating with at least 95% FTA-ABS reactivity
60 ur CIA and Trep-Sure EIA had signal strength cutoffs correlating with at least 95% TP-PA reactivity.
61 l automated immunoassays had signal strength cutoffs corresponding to >/=4/7 reactive treponemal test
62                                LCA inventory cutoff criteria evaluation showed the potential for cost
63 cases were identified using well-established cutoffs; daily PM2.5 estimates were obtained using spati
64     BMI was classified according to clinical cutoffs.Data from 403,199 participants were included in
65                                  At the data cutoff date (Jan 18, 2016), 204 patients had received ru
66                                  At the data cutoff date (Jan 24, 2016), 307 (80%) of 382 patients ha
67                                     The data cutoff date for analysis was June 7, 2016.
68 tient was enrolled on June 28, 2012, and the cutoff date for the analysis was Aug 13, 2015; mean foll
69                                  At the data-cutoff date for the primary analysis, the estimated rate
70    The study began on April 1, 2015, and the cutoff date for the week 48 primary analysis was Feb 24,
71                                         Data cutoff date for this analysis was Dec 3, 2015.
72                              Up to the study cutoff date of Feb 1, 2017, no dose-limiting toxic effec
73 er 4, 2014, and followed for outcomes with a cutoff date of November 1, 2015, for data analysis.
74  2 are reported on the basis of the clinical cutoff date of the last patient completing the maintenan
75 ntified after randomisation, before the data cutoff date, March 28, 2016).
76                                      At data cutoff (Dec 12, 2016), three (10%) patients in the dose-
77    A minimal clinically important difference cutoff determined percentages of impairment over time.
78 ur sessions over 10 days) with either a high-cutoff dialyzer (46 patients) or a conventional high-flu
79 pathy treated with hemodialysis using a high-cutoff dialyzer (with very large membrane pores and high
80                                      At data cutoff, eight patients remained in the study, with 13 pa
81                       With 30%, 50%, and 65% cutoffs, ETB response was seen in 60.8%, 39.2%, and 21.6
82                                      For all cutoffs examined, specificity estimates in conventional
83                                      At data cutoff (Feb 13, 2015), 93 (47%) of 198 patients in the p
84                                      We used Cutoff Finder to determine a cutoff point and stratified
85               We implemented an MFQ clinical cutoff following the results of receiver operating chara
86 meter of 7.2 mm was identified as an optimal cutoff for a prognostic factor for malignant disease in
87                                  The optimal cutoff for AR-positive lesions was an SUVmax of 1.94 for
88                                          The cutoff for final analysis was 450 patients with 346 deat
89 eaths had occurred, meeting the prespecified cutoff for final analysis.
90                                     The data cutoff for follow-up was May 26, 2015.
91                A 5.9 log10 copies/mL density cutoff for H. influenzae yielded 86% sensitivity and 77%
92             In this study population, an age cutoff for ICD implantation at </=70 years yielded the h
93                               An optimal age cutoff for ICD implantation was present at </=70 years.
94 .75; sensitivity, 60%; specificity, 79%) and cutoff for identification of abnormal epicardial electro
95 dial BV >1.50 mV, the optimal endocardial UV cutoff for identification of epicardial BV <1.50 mV was
96 erating-characteristic analysis, the optimal cutoff for IMD(0) discrimination of normal FA from impai
97 luding cases prior to the current diagnostic cutoff for late-stage infection, providing evidence for
98                     Adding SR to the minimum cutoff for minimum diet diversity improved the ability t
99  and to propose a standard, appropriate time cutoff for reporting of reintubation events.
100 s the validity of the previous symptom-based cutoff for starting ICS by establishing whether there wa
101 r changed to overall survival after the data cutoff for this analysis.
102 ates the capability of signal strength ratio cutoffs for automated treponemal immunoassays to predict
103 broadly applicable quantitative BKV DNA load cutoffs for clinical practice.
104 nces and motivates the use of distance-based cutoffs for data inclusion and problem sparsification.
105 sed indexes of ID are population statistical cutoffs for either hematologic or iron status but are no
106                              Reevaluation of cutoffs for hemoglobin concentrations and indicators of
107 e at this time in the absence of established cutoffs for iron repletion based on TBI.
108                           Using the proposed cutoffs for M65, two thirds of TJLB can be avoided, whic
109 miannually from 2006 to 2014 using validated cutoffs for moderate fibrosis (8.0-12.3 kPa) and severe
110 84.6% and 80.3%, respectively.The respective cutoffs for MUAC to better capture the vulnerability and
111 cutoffs for MUAC were used.We determined the cutoffs for MUAC to detect wasting in Bangladeshi childr
112 sted children were not identified when these cutoffs for MUAC were used.We determined the cutoffs for
113                                              Cutoffs for neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platel
114                                          ALT cutoffs for screening were based on local reference valu
115                                              Cutoffs for significant change in each parameter were es
116 ng the original SOFA score with age-adjusted cutoffs for the cardiovascular and renal systems and by
117               Setting strict body mass index cutoffs for transplant candidacy remains controversial,
118 = 1551) identified statistically appropriate cutoffs for tumor size (<2.2 cm, >/=4.8 cm,) and nodal s
119  electron energy distribution, or low-energy cutoffs, for radio emission in galaxy clusters and radio
120 r (HEMT) devices is evaluated, demonstrating cutoff frequencies and maximum oscillation frequencies g
121                  The demonstrated modulation cutoff frequency exceeds 14 GHz indicating potential for
122                                      Optimal cutoff from receiver operating characteristics (2.39 mmo
123 , sensitivity 72.2%, specificity 81.1% using cutoff &gt;/=3 points).
124                           For M65, the above cutoffs had a diagnostic accuracy of 81%.
125                                          Tau cutoffs had low false-positive rates (FPRs) for good out
126 e at 3 months was 41.3% (n = 19) in the high-cutoff hemodialysis group vs 33.3% (n = 16) in the conve
127 s-related adverse events was 43% in the high-cutoff hemodialysis group vs 39% in the conventional hem
128 t of detection (LOD, hs-cTnI<2 ng/L), single cutoff (hs-cTnI<5 ng/L), 1-hour algorithm (hs-cTnI<5 ng/
129 nd a lack of confirmed case data limited the cutoff identification for P. jirovecii.
130                  To determine an appropriate cutoff (ie, one with high sensitivity and negative predi
131 velocity (Vmax) remains unclear with a 5-m/s cutoff in US guidelines and 5.5 m/s in European guidelin
132 al results also show that skin lesion abrupt cutoff is a reliable indicator of malignancy.
133                                          The cutoff is determined by the interlayer spacing (d) of ap
134 ibit increases in the warmer climate as this cutoff is extended.
135 stering progressively larger molecules until cutoff is observed where little to no tumor accumulation
136              We did a primary analysis (data cutoff Jan 15, 2015) and an updated analysis (data cutof
137 cation of DoA at their recommended screening cutoff levels in human urine while allowing for systemat
138         ULN values were calculated using the cutoff levels suggested by the test kit manufacturers.
139 ies, methods of and times of MRD assessment, cutoff levels, and disease subtypes.
140 the midupper arm circumference (MUAC) with a cutoff &lt;115 mm for severe wasting and <115-125 mm for mo
141 edly across age and sex such that the single cutoff (&lt;11.5 or 12.5 cm) for field screening of acute m
142 areness of NAFLD prevalence and stricter ALT cutoffs may ameliorate this problem.
143                                  At the data cutoff, median follow-up duration was 11.0 months (range
144                                      At data cutoff, median follow-up was 17.5 months (IQR 12.1-23.0)
145 berculin skin-test surveys using traditional cutoff methods.
146 ameter of 1.0-1.3 nm with a molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) of 1000-2000 Da but also have a high pure
147                                  At the data cutoff (Nov 28, 2016) after a median follow-up of 8.5 mo
148                   At a higher vCDR asymmetry cutoff of >/=0.30, the PPV increases to 37.7%.
149                             A CSF-TPPA titer cutoff of >/=1:640 may be useful in identifying patients
150 vailable suggest the commonly recommended SF cutoff of <15 mug/L is a specific but not sensitive cuto
151                                            A cutoff of -44.9 HU provided a sensitivity of 93.3% (70 o
152                                         At a cutoff of 0.182, the model was 89.3% sensitive (95% CI,
153 ue of 0.92 (95% 0.88-0.95) at the predefined cutoff of 0.196.
154 and negative predictive values for ABMR at a cutoff of 1.0% dd-cfDNA were 44% and 96%, respectively.
155   Sensitivity estimates were similar for the cutoff of 10 but differed by 5%-15% for other cutoffs.
156                           A PD-L1-expression cutoff of 10% was associated with a higher frequency of
157                     For the "standard" PHQ-9 cutoff of 10, accuracy results had been published by 11
158 fter stratification by HALT-HCC score with a cutoff of 17; conversely, among the 963 patients who did
159                               Furthermore, a cutoff of 2.42-2.72 for the relative contrast enhancemen
160 r the relative contrast enhancement ratio, a cutoff of 2.59-2.74 for the aorta-based corrected relati
161 ed relative contrast enhancement ratio and a cutoff of 2.63-2.76 for the renal parenchyma-based atten
162                                   For M65, a cutoff of 2000 IU/L had a positive predictive value of 9
163                    The Asian body mass index cutoff of 25 kg/m(2) was used to define nonobese NAFLD.
164                    Furthermore, the use of a cutoff of 25% change in TLG (PERCIST) for both partial m
165    Using RMEIA as the reference method, a CT cutoff of 26.35 detected toxin-positive samples with a s
166 ive protein was elevated beyond the clinical cutoff of 3.0 mg/dL in 360 (51%) Tsimane participants.
167  alone was 0.45, corresponding to an optimal cutoff of 4000 pg/mL and providing 81% (95% CI, 74%-89%)
168 e-nucleotide polymorphism (Hamming distance) cutoff of 60 core genome single-nucleotide polymorphisms
169  positive predictive value of 91%, whereas a cutoff of 641 IU/L had a negative predictive value of 88
170 ant neoplasms was highest at an MPD diameter cutoff of 7.2 mm (area under the receiver operating char
171                            We propose a time cutoff of 96 hours for reintubation definitions and benc
172 ctive way of quantitatively measuring abrupt cutoff of a lesion.
173          In current clinical setting, abrupt cutoff of a skin lesion determined by an examination of
174 d-cellulose membrane with a molecular-weight cutoff of approximately 3500 Da.
175 tion technologies is limited by a permeation cutoff of approximately 9 A, which is larger than the di
176 rom October 2011 to August 2016, with a data cutoff of August 26, 2016.
177                                      Optimal cutoff of CAP for detecting steatosis was 249 dB/m.
178 udative AMD patients, the optimum diagnostic cutoff of DKK-1 was 583.1 pg/mL with the area under curv
179 5.2% and 80% for a retention index of SUVmax cutoff of greater than 0.
180 d and delayed (18)F-FDG PET/CT for an SUVmax cutoff of greater than 1.32 and 1.88, respectively, and
181                                            A cutoff of RAI-C of at least 21 classified 18.3% patients
182 : the latter depend also on upper wavevector cutoff of the roughness; hence, (ii) Persson's theory do
183 ence for diagnostic confirmation on variable cutoffs of gait response to bedside fluid-drainage testi
184                               As of the data cutoff on August 7, 2017, all 15 patients were alive and
185 d antitumour activity were evaluated at data cutoff on June 9, 2016.
186  18 years, and had scores above the clinical cutoff on the FCR Inventory (FCRI) severity subscale at
187 due position is likely to be within an error cutoff or not.
188         We used Cutoff Finder to determine a cutoff point and stratified patients into two groups and
189 posite outcome was linear; thus, no reliable cutoff point could be identified.
190 epletion experiments demonstrated a critical cutoff point for depletion efficacy, with low-level resi
191 OC curve analysis indicated that the optimal cutoff point for discriminating between CAD (presence of
192 od serum, which is well below the diagnostic cutoff point of 80 nM.
193 cteristic analysis was used to determine the cutoff point of each parameter.
194               The ROC curve decided that the cutoff point of FENO was 37.8ppb (AUC=0.647, sensitivity
195 lable temporal approach also gives a similar cutoff point to our method.
196 sometimes report results only for a range of cutoff points around data-driven "optimal" cutoffs.
197                                          All cutoff points for the VC were greater than 80% of normal
198                                    Different cutoff points of CACS for discriminating between differe
199 rtical vein score and different dichotomized cutoff points was estimated with ordinal logistic regres
200 ta meta-analysis of results derived from all cutoff points, using data from 13 of 16 studies publishe
201 voltage value (with a newly proposed </=4-mV cutoff) predicted the presence and extent of epicardial
202  using the ADA fasting glucose concentration cutoff (prevalence 4112 [38%] of 10 844 people; 95% CI 3
203                                      The 50% cutoff provided the best survival model (hazard ratio [H
204 cutoff severity increased across part of the cutoff range-an impossibility if all data are analyzed.
205   We identified 405 proteins with a 2.0-fold cutoff ratio (log base 2) in SILAC quantification from r
206                        We assessed selective cutoff reporting in studies of the diagnostic accuracy o
207                 The theory predicts that the cutoff scale, controlled by the interplay of moisture co
208  very largest accumulations above a physical cutoff scale, increasing with event size.
209  confidence interval, 0.97-0.99) with a best cutoff score according to Youden index of -1.565 (sensit
210                                          The cutoff scores for the dichotomous GA-specific case defin
211 sk of violent offending at 1 year, with a 5% cutoff, sensitivity was 62% (95% CI 55-68) and specifici
212  Jan 15, 2015) and an updated analysis (data cutoff Sept 1, 2015).
213 onal meta-analysis, sensitivity increased as cutoff severity increased across part of the cutoff rang
214                                   The single cutoff should not be applied in early presenters, wherea
215      Prediabetes defined using the ADA HbA1c cutoff showed a significant overall improvement in the n
216 ied using increasing/decreasing age-at-onset cutoffs; significant single nucleotide polymorphisms wer
217 elation with LVWT, generally without a clear cutoff signifying pathologic transition.
218 rular filtration barrier is known as a 'size cutoff' slit, which retains nanoparticles or proteins la
219         As lower homogeneity indicates sharp cutoffs, suggesting melanoma, we carried out our experim
220  precisely the large accumulations above the cutoff that are currently rare will exhibit increases in
221 ty of these results and define the zone size cutoff that best discriminated between CP-CRE and member
222 y primary study authors of only results from cutoffs that perform well in their study can bias accura
223  to indicate the most appropriate choice for cutoffs that related MUAC with WHZ.The mean +/- SD age f
224 , authors tended to report results for lower cutoffs that yielded optimal results.
225                               At the optimal cutoff, the diagnostic sensitivity for fGADA was lower t
226                                   At optimal cutoff, the score had 77% sensitivity, 84% specificity,
227                          At the time of data cutoff, the study was ongoing, with patients continuing
228              By applying distance and energy cutoffs, the protein system to be designed can thus be r
229                       We find evidence for a cutoff time after which subsequent infections cannot inf
230 aining in 62 tissue samples, showed the best cutoff to be 3.15 (sensitivity, 97%; specificity, 90%; a
231 tween invitations (2.37 years) was used as a cutoff to categorize participants within the FIT interva
232 a total score of ten or higher was used as a cutoff to indicate significant depressive symptoms.
233 ence of at least 3.5% has been proposed as a cutoff to justify prophylaxis.
234                                Moreover, the cutoffs used in different clinical laboratories are hete
235 ntly higher specificity (P<.0001) than sIgE (cutoff value at 0.35 IU/mL) and the specificity was not
236               For asthma and hay fever, SPT (cutoff value at 3 mm) had a significantly higher specifi
237 ponemal signal strength ratio values above a cutoff value can be used in lieu of repeat treponemal te
238  immunohistochemical staining and generate a cutoff value for differentiation between normal prostate
239 6% specificity for SPA incompleteness with a cutoff value of >10 seconds and a 59% sensitivity and 60
240 a 59% sensitivity and 60% specificity with a cutoff value of >5 seconds.
241                                 Using an FFR cutoff value of 0.80, the sensitivity, specificity, and
242 pecificity were 67% and 77% (p=0.003) at the cutoff value of 1.5 for b=600 s/mm(2), and 79% and 62% (
243 00 s/mm(2), and 79% and 62% (p=0.004) at the cutoff value of 1.99 for b=1000 s/mm(2) as regards the d
244 00 s/mm(2), and 86% and 61% (p=0.003) at the cutoff value of 2.9 for b=1000 s/mm(2) as regrads the di
245 ghest agreement (kappa=.44) was found with a cutoff value of 3 and 5 mm for SPT, and 3.5 IU/mL for sI
246 pecificity were 78% and 79% (p=0.001) at the cutoff value of 3.1 for b=600 s/mm(2), and 86% and 61% (
247 al right ventricular scar, an endocardial UV cutoff value of 3.9 mV is more accurate than previously
248                                            A cutoff value of 51.0 kPa at 4 cm proximal to the medial
249                                            A cutoff value of CAP of 249 dB/m rules in liver steatosis
250                                      Using a cutoff value of IP-10 >/=44.2 pg/mL, the model identifie
251                                  The optimal cutoff value of these parameters was defined using a rec
252 d prognosis, regardless of the cutoff value, cutoff value selection, treatment method, country, sampl
253                                      The CLQ cutoff value was 0.16 for men and 0.56 for women.
254 n index, 30 was determined to be the optimal cutoff value with a sensitivity 0.62 and specificity of
255 between CAR and prognosis, regardless of the cutoff value, cutoff value selection, treatment method,
256      For these combinations, epidemiological cutoff values (ECVs) provide a methodology for categoriz
257 revalence, negative predictive values of CLQ cutoff values (men, 0.99 [573 of 582]; women, 0.97 [745
258                         Currently applied UV cutoff values are based on studies that lacked epicardia
259                                     The best cutoff values for circulating BMP-9 to predict MetS was
260 akpoints and, more recently, epidemiological cutoff values for clinically relevant fungal pathogens.
261                                sCD48 optimal cutoff values for differentiating asthma from health wer
262 uction >/=1.4%LV were identified as the best cutoff values for MACE prediction.
263                                           T1 cutoff values for oedematous versus necrotic myocardium
264                                              Cutoff values for patient outcome were determined using
265 rees of unreliability, instead of relying on cutoff values for reliability indices.
266 ETATION: Our findings challenge the proposed cutoff values for spirometry, the order in which the lun
267                                    Optimized cutoff values identified subjects with celiac disease on
268                                 However, new cutoff values might be needed to differentiate subclinic
269                                   Additional cutoff values of 15 and 40 optimized sensitivity (>0.80)
270 n and were dichotomized with 80th percentile cutoff values of 268 and 1703, respectively.
271 teristic curve analysis evidenced predictive cutoff values of bronchial neutrophils and nasal/bronchi
272                                     The best cutoff values of the absolute change in pulse pressure v
273  then determined goodness-of-fit and optimal cutoff values through receiver operator characteristic a
274    This study aimed to define endocardial UV cutoff values using computed tomography-derived fat info
275                               Antibody assay cutoff values were selected to provide 100% diagnostic s
276 ession tree analysis, combined LV EF and LAS cutoff values were used to stratify patients into three
277                                              Cutoff values, guidelines, and clinical recommendations
278 and 60% decrease from baseline at week 10 as cutoff values, we determined that the respective sensiti
279  by Cohen's kappa coefficient with different cutoff values.
280 nes of various material and molecular-weight cutoff values.
281 mV is more accurate than previously reported cutoff values.
282 f 91% and a specificity of 100%; the optimal cutoff was an SUVmax of 1.54 for (18)F-FES PET, resultin
283 ion density >6.9 log10 copies/mL; above this cutoff was associated with alveolar consolidation at che
284 bgroup with an IMiD-14 score higher than the cutoff was deemed to be IMiD-resistant.
285 ion and mortality by age, and an optimal age cutoff was estimated nonparametrically with selection im
286 rithm that incorporated the new MPD diameter cutoff was evaluated.
287                                         Data cutoff was January 2012, and the analysis was performed
288                                     The data cutoff was March 19, 2016.
289  using the ADA fasting glucose concentration cutoff was more sensitive overall.
290 nse or better, the monotypic PCs at the 0.1% cutoff was predictive for progression rate but not for P
291 <5%, and <150 cells/mul subgroups, and at no cutoff was salmeterol/fluticasone superior to indacatero
292 led electron-injection photodetector, with a cutoff-wavelength of 1700 nm.
293   The concordances using the 6 million IU/ml cutoff were high among all four assays (90 to 94%).
294 alyses revealed that, for ages 6-24 mo, MUAC cutoffs were <120 mm for a WHZ <-3 and <125 mm for a WHZ
295 85.3%, respectively; for ages 25-36 mo, MUAC cutoffs were <125 mm for a WHZ <-3 and <135 mm for a WHZ
296 7% respectively; and for ages 37-60 mo, MUAC cutoffs were <135 mm for a WHZ <-3 and <140 mm for a WHZ
297 eak sensitivity and specificity with optimal cutoffs were 92.64% and 93.69% respectively.
298                                      Density cutoffs were determined using receiver operating charact
299                          Informative density cutoffs were not found for S. aureus and M. catarrhalis,
300 een patients younger and older than this age cutoff with the use of chi(2) analysis.

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