


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nced GFP (EGFP) spectral variants yellow and cyan.
2 ed, suggesting that these cells might be red-cyan.
3 bunit was tagged with yellow (alpha1-YFP) or cyan (alpha1-CFP) fluorescent protein.
4  coral Montipora capitata consistently emits cyan and red fluorescence across a depth gradient in ree
5 e been responsible for the generation of new cyan and red phenotypes from the ancestral green were fi
6 nce resonance energy transfer (FRET) between cyan and yellow fluorescent (CFP/YFP) fusion proteins of
7                     HSP-FRET consists of the cyan and yellow fluorescent protein fluorophores linked
8                                        Using cyan and yellow fluorescent protein fusion constructs, w
9  of mutant and wild-type (WT) M2 regions, of cyan and yellow fluorescent protein, and of fluorescent
10  at either the N or C termini, and a pair of cyan and yellow fluorescent protein-tagged tau were co-t
11 one another, we have constructed a tandem of cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins (CFP and YFP, respe
12 ce energy transfer (FRET) between the linked cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins (CFP and YFP, respe
13 ance energy transfer (FRET) between enhanced cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins (ECFP, EYFP) in liv
14                               While pairs of cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins (FPs) are most comm
15 ains, each of which coexpresses the enhanced cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins as fusions to disti
16 luorescent resonance energy transfer between cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins conjugated at its N
17 e sensor, termed CAY, is a fusion protein of cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins flanking the peptid
18 ive variant of recombinant WNV NS2B-NS3, and cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins fused by a dodecame
19                                          The cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins were attached to fu
20 orescent proteins (IFPs), such as the green, cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins, have revolutionize
21 r (FRET) glutamine sensors based on improved cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins, monomeric Teal Flu
22 nce resonance energy transfer (FRET) between cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins.
23 ) between alpha- and beta- subunits fused to cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins.
24 ntaining acidic amino acid residues, between cyan and yellow mutants of GFP.
25 by sandwiching the full-length Epac1 between cyan and yellow mutants of GFP.
26  kinase (cGPK), minus residues 1-77, between cyan and yellow mutants of green fluorescent protein.
27 e resonance energy transfer (FRET) between a cyan and yellow variant of GFP fused to the termini of t
28                              Next, we create cyan and yellow variants, achieving activity-dependent,
29 sfer between those two proteins labeled with cyan and yellow-green variants of green fluorescent prot
30 ities of coexpressed CFP-C-beta1CFP-N-gamma (cyan) and CFP-C-beta1YFP-N-gamma2 (yellow) complexes wer
31 orescent proteins to generate green, yellow, cyan, and red reporters, paving the way for multiplex pr
32                                              Cyan- and blue-elicited fluorescence have different sens
33 let], [green/yellow], [blue], [orange], and [cyan], appearing in this order, is recovered, featuring
34                In summary, red-green (or red-cyan) cells, along with blue-yellow and black-white cell
35 orter, NKCC1, we tagged the transporter with cyan (CFP) and yellow (YFP) fluorescent proteins and mea
36 ion of NKCC1, we tagged the transporter with cyan (CFP) and yellow (YFP) fluorescent proteins at two
37                                              Cyan (CFP) and yellow (YFP) fluorescent proteins were us
38 iving cells, these proteins were tagged with cyan (CFP) and yellow (YFP) mutants of the green fluores
39                             Yellow (YFP) and cyan (CFP) fluorescent proteins were linked to the NH(2)
40              This protein is a member of the cyan class of Anthozoa FPs and exhibits broad, double-hu
41 rise to green fluorescence as opposed to the cyan color of emission that is characteristic for the ne
42 transfer (FRET) acceptor protein, emitting a cyan-colored fluorescence with an unusually long excited
43 s expressing 5-HT(2C) receptors labeled with cyan (donor) and yellow (acceptor) fluorescent proteins.
44  of spectrally distinct GFPs such as blue or cyan donors in combination with green or yellow acceptor
45 e transcription and the indirect coupling of Cyan dyes.
46 s with a 15 to 30% increase in the yellow-to-cyan emission ratio because of a phosphorylation-depende
47 e fluorescent proteins, increasing yellow to cyan emission ratios by 10-30%.
48 o gain insight into the structural basis for cyan emission, the crystal structure of amFP486 (lambda(
49 es 20-35% changes in the ratios of yellow to cyan emissions because of phosphorylation-induced change
50 se 25-50% changes in the ratios of yellow to cyan emissions in live cells caused by phosphorylation-i
51  G-protein subunit beta 1 (YFP-beta 1) and a cyan-emitting GFP mutant fused to the N-terminus of the
52 eon' (Ycam2) - comprising a fusion between a cyan-emitting mutant of the green fluorescent protein (G
53 They consist of tandem fusions of a blue- or cyan-emitting mutant of the green fluorescent protein (G
54 izes a newly developed FRET donor, monomeric cyan-excitable red fluorescent protein (mCyRFP1), which
55 in locus control region driving the enhanced cyan fluorescence protein (ECFP) gene.
56 three positive control constructs in which a cyan fluorescence protein and a yellow fluorescence prot
57 cence protein-tagged RGS7.Gbeta5 complex and cyan fluorescence protein-tagged Galphaq, indicating a d
58 inetics of one representative of this class (cyan fluorescence protein/yellow fluorescent protein-flu
59  energy transfer suggests that GAT1-YFP8 and cyan fluorescent (CFP) tagged ezrin (ezrin-CFP) exist wi
60                           These mice exhibit cyan fluorescent cells specifically in the erythroid com
61               Finally, C-terminal yellow and cyan fluorescent fusion proteins, AT1R-YFP and BK-CFP, d
62 ts of yellow fluorescent protein (Venus) and cyan fluorescent protein (Cerulean) flank either the ent
63  reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) were fused to cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and coexpressed with PLB
64 maging to detect the proximity between CXCR1-cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and fluorescence probes t
65 n a pixel-by-pixel basis using EGFR fused to cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and Grb2 fused to yellow
66                   To study this interaction, cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and yellow fluorescent pr
67 FP-APP-YFP [containing the fluorescent tags, cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and yellow fluorescent pr
68              The MetN was sandwiched between cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and yellow fluorescent pr
69 r resonance energy transfer (FRET) pair, the cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and yellow fluorescent pr
70 sfer (FRET) pairs with distinct spectra: (a) cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and yellow FP (YFP), and
71 nsfer (FRET) of beta1a subunits labeled with cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and/or yellow fluorescent
72                     The methodology uses the cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) as a biomass indicator an
73      When tPA was imaged simultaneously with cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) as a cytosolic marker, th
74 odel cell system and the standard FRET pair, cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) as the donor and yellow f
75 length Kir6.2 subunits were linked to YFP or cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) at N or C termini, and al
76 nalysis of the subcellular localization of a cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) fusion and a protein-prot
77 ellow fluorescent protein (YFP) and enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) genes in which recombinat
78             Co-expression of Wld protein and cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) in axons and neuromuscula
79                             alphas-CFP, with cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) inserted into an internal
80 epithelial (LLCPK) cells expressing stathmin-cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) or injected with stathmin
81 ignalling (RGS4) proteins were each fused to cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) or yellow fluorescent pro
82 by two nonfluorescent fragments (N and C) of cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) or yellow fluorescent pro
83 of Grb2, Shc, H-Ras, and K-Ras with enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) or yellow fluorescent pro
84 -length and truncated forms of VacA fused to cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) or yellow fluorescent pro
85                          Mice that expressed cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) or yellow fluorescent pro
86  with various vector combinations to express cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) or YFP fused to either bi
87                                   Fusions of cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) to MldA, MldB, and MldC r
88 otein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25), were used to link cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) to yellow fluorescent pro
89 nal ribosome entry sequence (IRES)-dependent cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) translation were monitore
90                              Mice expressing cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) under control of the Thy-
91 strain was used, containing a construct with cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) under Thy-1 promoter cont
92 otein (YFP) was fused to the N terminus, and cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) was fused to the C termin
93 xtended with a transmembrane (TM) domain and cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) were immobilized in the p
94          The reporters consist of fusions of cyan fluorescent protein (CFP), a phosphotyrosine bindin
95 variants of green fluorescent protein (GFP), cyan fluorescent protein (CFP), and yellow fluorescent p
96 ROSA(tdTom), tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (Tph1)-cyan fluorescent protein (CFP), c-Kit(wsh/wsh), and Neur
97 ensor is composed of an end-to-end fusion of cyan fluorescent protein (CFP), chicken metallothionein
98 lly confirmed by measurements on mixtures of cyan fluorescent protein (CFP), citrine ((Cit) a yellow
99 icroscopic measurements of fluorescence from cyan fluorescent protein (CFP), citrine, and linked CFP-
100                       Upon excitation of the cyan fluorescent protein (CFP), emission intensities of
101 ter resonance energy transfer (FRET) between cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)- and yellow fluorescent p
102 nance energy transmission (FRET) analysis of cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-arm-CTD-yellow fluorescen
103 raction between MacMARCKS and dynamitin with cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-conjugated dynamitin as t
104       RBPMS immunoreactivity is localized to cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-fluorescent RGCs in the B
105 3)-AChR-yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) and cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-Ggamma(2).
106              Transfection of C8PA cells with cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-HSL, yellow fluorescent p
107   Finally, the level and rate of recovery of cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-M1-5 were lower than thos
108                                 A functional cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-tagged lac repressor-ER c
109                                              Cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-tagged McpA, a stationary
110  performed following transient expression of cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-tagged proteins and incub
111 ells, human DAT was fused to yellow (YFP) or cyan fluorescent protein (CFP).
112 -yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) and calnuc-cyan fluorescent protein (CFP).
113 tabilized by insertion into a loop in a host cyan fluorescent protein (CFP).
114  (FRET) between fusion proteins labeled with cyan fluorescent protein (donor) and yellow fluorescent
115 c mice expressing a synaptotagmin 1-enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP) fusion protein under con
116 llow fluorescent protein (EYFP) and enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP) variants of green fluore
117 id carrying the gene coding for the enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP) was also introduced into
118  protein (EYFP), Ht31 was linked to enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP), and these constructs we
119 rescent protein (GFP), a variant of enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP), has been determined to
120 yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) > enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP), while a GST construct t
121 anced green fluorescent protein- or enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP)-tagged phospholipase Cde
122 ession of keratocan promoter-driven enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP).
123 Blue Fluorescent Protein (EBFP) and Enhanced Cyan Fluorescent Protein (ECFP).
124                 Two PM markers, the enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP-Mem) and 3'-dioctadecylox
125  that contained enhanced yellow and enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (EYFP and ECFP, respectively) l
126 ion of tetanus toxin light chain tagged with cyan fluorescent protein (TNTCFP).
127              A recently engineered mutant of cyan fluorescent protein (WasCFP) that exhibits pH-depen
128 protein-Dictyostelium myosin II motor domain-cyan fluorescent protein (YFP-myosin-CFP) and compared t
129 otransfected with a mitochondrially targeted cyan fluorescent protein and an enhanced yellow fluoresc
130 onstrated by podocyte specific expression of cyan fluorescent protein and by electron microscopy.
131 red the interaction between DDR1 tagged with cyan fluorescent protein and DDR1 tagged with yellow flu
132                Fluorescent proteins enhanced cyan fluorescent protein and enhanced yellow fluorescent
133 ged the TAP1 and TAP2 subunits with enhanced cyan fluorescent protein and enhanced yellow fluorescent
134                                     Enhanced cyan fluorescent protein and enhanced yellow fluorescent
135  our method, we targeted QDs to cell surface cyan fluorescent protein and epidermal growth factor rec
136  human embryonic kidney 293T cells using H1R-cyan fluorescent protein and H2R-yellow fluorescent prot
137       Dual expression of SNAP-25 tagged with cyan fluorescent protein and VAMP-2 tagged with yellow f
138 omain of InsP3 receptors (types 1-3) between cyan fluorescent protein and yellow fluorescent protein
139 ing VP22 and VP13/14 as fusion proteins with cyan fluorescent protein and yellow fluorescent protein,
140 ding the human CrkII1-236 sandwiched between cyan fluorescent protein and yellow fluorescent protein,
141 tes inserted into a linker region separating cyan fluorescent protein and yellow fluorescent protein.
142 ubunits were genetically fused with enhanced cyan fluorescent protein and/or enhanced yellow fluoresc
143 s luciferase, yellow fluorescent protein, or cyan fluorescent protein at the carboxyl terminus of VPA
144 uced intracellular redistribution of an EGFR-cyan fluorescent protein chimera was markedly reduced by
145                              Using ACE-fused cyan fluorescent protein donor and B2-fused yellow fluor
146 c for XOPS-mCFP, a membrane-targeted form of cyan fluorescent protein driven by the Xenopus rhodopsin
147 assays in plants that constitutively express cyan fluorescent protein fused to histone 2B provides en
148 an be rescued by overexpression of the PEX12-cyan fluorescent protein fusion protein, which targets t
149 oxisomes, as demonstrated for endogenous and cyan fluorescent protein fusion proteins by fluorescence
150 idate processing enzymes, which localized as cyan fluorescent protein fusions to mucocysts.
151 The advantage over previous constructs using cyan fluorescent protein is that our construct can be us
152 nally, chimeric proteins containing enhanced cyan fluorescent protein linked to wild-type CREB or CRE
153  fluorescent protein (YFP) and CD44 fused to cyan fluorescent protein on K562 cells.
154 s were addressed by tagging tapasin with the cyan fluorescent protein or yellow fluorescent protein (
155 ent colocalization of Akt2 fused with either cyan fluorescent protein or yellow fluorescent protein t
156  E12, E47, E12(NLS), or MyoD(NLS) and either cyan fluorescent protein or yellow fluorescent protein,
157 gion was used to introduce green, yellow and cyan fluorescent protein reporters into B. burgdorferi.
158                    Using RD114-MFGS encoding cyan fluorescent protein to allow similar studies of nor
159 een genetically attached enhanced yellow and cyan fluorescent protein to the N or C terminus of the c
160 gitudinal retinal imaging of mice expressing cyan fluorescent protein under control of the Thy-1 prom
161                The retina of mice expressing cyan fluorescent protein under control of the Thy-1 prom
162 t the Trp66 position in the chromophore of a cyan fluorescent protein variant (CFP6) to investigate t
163 used to either yellow fluorescent protein or cyan fluorescent protein we can observe tau fusion prote
164  cell lines stably coexpressing PML-enhanced cyan fluorescent protein with other individual marker pr
165 f Escherichia coli K12 was flanked with CFP (cyan fluorescent protein) and YFP (yellow fluorescent pr
166 and double label (yellow fluorescent protein/cyan fluorescent protein) fluorescence labeling experime
167 e dynamic range and a 10% increase in donor (cyan fluorescent protein) fluorescence upon bleach of ye
168 almodulin, and the FRET donor ECFP (enhanced cyan fluorescent protein) into eNOS at a site adjacent t
169  a fluorescently tagged P-glycoprotein (MDR1-cyan fluorescent protein) permitted the drug-resistant p
170  in cells expressing the fusion protein CFP (cyan fluorescent protein)-dynamitin or CFP-MB (the MacMA
171 tein kinase A (PKA) consisting of fusions of cyan fluorescent protein, a phosphoamino acid binding do
172 nced yellow fluorescent protein and enhanced cyan fluorescent protein, allowing detection of zinc-ind
173 ore, the septin Cdc12p, fused with yellow or cyan fluorescent protein, also colocalized with Myo1p an
174 on of calmodulin within Citrine or fusion of cyan fluorescent protein, calmodulin, a calmodulin-bindi
175 ed from phagocytic cups earlier than did p85-cyan fluorescent protein, indicating that SHIP-1 inhibit
176 cts were used to express SNAP-25 tagged with cyan fluorescent protein, VAMP-2 tagged with yellow fluo
177 uorescence resonance energy transfer between cyan fluorescent protein- and yellow fluorescent protein
178 nce resonance energy transfer (FRET) between cyan fluorescent protein- and yellow fluorescent protein
179 e resonance energy transfer between enhanced cyan fluorescent protein-CaM and Na(V)1.5(4X) channels t
180  mouse liver sections after co-expression of cyan fluorescent protein-CCRP and yellow fluorescent pro
181                  Selective immobilization of cyan fluorescent protein-D2 receptors (C-D2Rs) in the pl
182 refrontal cortex (PFC) neurons from enhanced cyan fluorescent protein-expressing mice.
183 uorescence resonance energy transfer between cyan fluorescent protein-fused and yellow fluorescent pr
184 tween Gialpha-yellow fluorescent protein and cyan fluorescent protein-Gbeta chimeras in HeLa cells.
185 al microscopy of coexpressed YFP-hGRbeta and cyan fluorescent protein-hGRalpha in COS-1 cells indicat
186 ne the stability of complexes formed between cyan fluorescent protein-labeled alpha(2A)-adrenorecepto
187 fluorescent protein (YFP) move along tubulin-cyan fluorescent protein-labeled microtubules in respons
188              The targeting of these enhanced cyan fluorescent protein-lac repressor-tagged RARalpha-c
189                     We show that an enhanced cyan fluorescent protein-M. tuberculosis CrgA (ECFP-CrgA
190                                     Enhanced cyan fluorescent protein-Munc18-1 and a citrine variant
191                        In addition, enhanced cyan fluorescent protein-Munc18-1 and a citrine variant
192 low fluorescent protein (EYFP)- and enhanced cyan fluorescent protein-NHPX fusions, we show here that
193                                 FRET between cyan fluorescent protein-PLB and yellow fluorescent prot
194 ciation with SERCA, measured by FRET between cyan fluorescent protein-SERCA and yellow fluorescent pr
195 escent protein-tagged (EYFP) GluCl alpha and cyan fluorescent protein-tagged (ECFP) GluCl beta.
196 sonance energy transfer was detected between cyan fluorescent protein-tagged DAT and yellow fluoresce
197                                          The cyan fluorescent protein-tagged Galpha and yellow fluore
198    Co-expression of hemagglutinin-tagged and cyan fluorescent protein-tagged UGT1A proteins, followed
199 escent protein with the chloride-insensitive cyan fluorescent protein.
200 tro assays and cells overexpressing stathmin-cyan fluorescent protein.
201 nsgenic mice in which red, green, yellow, or cyan fluorescent proteins (together termed XFPs) were se
202 his upregulation, we incorporated yellow and cyan fluorescent proteins (YFPs and CFPs) into the alpha
203 icistronic mRNAs encoding enhanced green and cyan fluorescent proteins as the first and second cistro
204 ergy transfer (FRET) acceptor for the newest cyan fluorescent proteins.
205  was generated in transgenic mice carrying a cyan fluorescent reporter protein (CFP) gene linked to t
206                 The crystal structure of the cyan-fluorescent Cerulean green fluorescent protein (GFP
207 thesis, cDNA constructs were created to fuse cyan-fluorescent protein (CFP) to the N terminus of SERC
208 outer membrane protein A (OmpA) fused to the cyan-fluorescent protein AmCyan.
209                           Transplantation of cyan-fluorescent-protein-expressing haematopoietic stem
210 the reversible intermolecular association of cyan-GFP-labelled calmodulin with yellow-GFP-labelled M1
211                                  The blue or cyan GFPs have the disadvantages of less brightness and
212 responsive to excitation light used to image cyan, green, or red fluorescent protein variants, allowi
213 ted by endogenous biomolecules compared with cyan, green, yellow, and orange FPs.
214 ur spectrally distinct fluorescent proteins (cyan, green, yellow, and red) that are fused to a transc
215 grouped into four color classes by emission, cyan, green, yellow, and red.
216  a sharp detection border was present in the cyan/green spectral region.
217 P538-K66M suggest that natural selection for cyan is an exquisitely fine-tuned and highly cooperative
218  are red shifted to 455 and 460 nm, emitting cyan light and green light, respectively.
219 meric protein, pdDronpa, that dissociates in cyan light and reassociates in violet light.
220 gineered, orange-red FP that is excitable by cyan light.
221 lution for automated scoring of affinity and cyan-magenta-yellow-key (CMYK) color-coding for scoring
222 o express and compare six FPs (blue mTagBFP, cyan mCerulean, green CrGFP, yellow Venus, orange tdToma
223                Fluorescence was excited with cyan or blue LEDs on alternating camera frames, thus pro
224 cells as chimeric proteins fused to enhanced cyan or yellow fluorescent protein (CFP or YFP, respecti
225  FtsZ, FtsA, FtsQ, FtsL and FtsI to enhanced cyan or yellow fluorescent protein (ECFP or EYFP respect
226 f functional Ctr1 monomers fused with either cyan or yellow fluorescent protein resulted in fluoresce
227 receptors and G protein subunits tagged with cyan or yellow fluorescent protein showed that receptors
228 uorescence resonance energy transfer between cyan or yellow fluorescent protein-labeled G protein sub
229    Coexpression of receptors tagged with the cyan or yellow fluorescent proteins (CFP or YFP) resulte
230   HEK293 cells coexpressing IL-17RA fused to cyan or yellow fluorescent proteins (CFP or YFP) were us
231  genes corresponding to the N termini of the cyan or yellow fluorescent proteins were fused to the en
232 alpha(1C)- and beta-subunits were fused with cyan or yellow fluorescent proteins, and functionally co
233 eceptor constructs tagged with luciferase or cyan or yellow fluorescent proteins.
234 opsin1 and found that it absorbs in the blue-cyan range of the light spectrum.
235 olouration efficiency at the band edge (blue-cyan region) are 4.8x10(6) m(-1) and 190 cm(2) C(-1), re
236  from the genome and expression of yellow or cyan reporters is enabled.
237 mera of native PKCdelta fused to yellow- and cyan-shifted green fluorescent protein, which can be exp
238 y transfer (FRET) and increased the ratio of cyan to yellow emissions by up to 1.5-fold with apparent
239 f PSmOrange enable its simultaneous use with cyan-to-green photoswitchable proteins to study four int
240 MP decreased FRET and increased the ratio of cyan-to-yellow emissions by 10-30% in living mammalian c
241         The open fractures (vug) are colored cyan whereas the calcite-filled fractures (high density
242 sses between the fluorescent labels, such as cyan, yellow and monomeric red fluorescent proteins.
243  different fluorescent proteins (FP) (green, cyan, yellow or red FPs) in two different binary plasmid
244 es, and arrival at the plasma membrane using cyan/yellow fluorescent protein-tagged glycosylphosphati
245 PRV-263 genome and conditional expression of cyan/yellow reporters.

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