


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 f bovine insulin was also investigated using cyanogen.
2 cyanide formed after enzymatic hydrolysis of cyanogens.
3 o investigated for maximum recovery of total cyanogens.
4 n used in transgenic cassava to reduce toxic cyanogens.
5             Trace organic species, including cyanogen and ethane, were found in surface measurements.
6                                      Because cyanogens and minor metabolites of cyanide have not indu
7 verted to covalent links by ethanedinitrile (cyanogen) and identified using mass spectrometry.
8 0)), and three were generated against larger cyanogen bromide (A) alpha chain derivatives with each e
9 ed metabolites including the natural product cyanogen bromide (BrCN), which exhibits pronounced allel
10 on of oligodeoxyribonucleotides (ODNs) using cyanogen bromide (BrCN).
11                         Electrophoresis of a cyanogen bromide (CNBr) (CB) digest of sternal cartilage
12                We have previously shown that cyanogen bromide (CNBr) cleavage of cornified envelopes
13 chemokine were identified by MALDI-MS of its cyanogen bromide (CNBr) cleavage products.
14  homogenized in formic acid and subjected to cyanogen bromide (CNBr) cleavage, and the pattern of che
15 is, mass spectral analysis of the C-terminal cyanogen bromide (CNBr) fragment, and comparison of reco
16                                              Cyanogen bromide (CNBr) is a common chemical used to hyd
17 raphy or SDS-PAGE followed by digestion with cyanogen bromide (CNBr) or trypsin.
18  First, ADH was bound to GAMP activated with cyanogen bromide (CNBr) or with 1-cyano-4(dimethylamino)
19 toxified polysaccharides were activated with cyanogen bromide (CNBr) or with 1-cyano-4-dimethylaminop
20 abeled sigma-1 receptor using Endo Lys C and cyanogen bromide (CNBr) revealed that the [ (125)I]-N-IA
21 rypsin fragments and further localized using cyanogen bromide (CNBr), which hydrolyzes proteins on th
22 ligand and L-tyrosine as the spacer arm to a cyanogen bromide (CNBr)-activated-Sepharose 4B matrix.
23 ced/alkylated, delipidated, and cleaved with cyanogen bromide (CNBr).
24 palmitoylated alpha-tubulin was cleaved with cyanogen bromide (CNBr).
25 gradient centrifugation and was cleaved with cyanogen bromide (CNBr).
26 specificity, using peptides derived from the cyanogen bromide 11 (CB11) fragment of CII.
27                                              Cyanogen bromide activation was transient relative to ol
28 ase I was immobilized onto agarose beads via cyanogen bromide activation.
29                                              Cyanogen bromide also gives high cleavage yields and int
30 on of full-length aptamer in the presence of cyanogen bromide and a 5.9- to 7.6-fold enhancement in t
31 iments reported here, we cleaved VV ATI with cyanogen bromide and determined that the myristoyl moiet
32 lenediamines via successive cyclization with cyanogen bromide and diazotization in the presence of an
33  addition, these proteins were digested with cyanogen bromide and peptide mapping by LC-MS was establ
34 Edman degradation sequencing of radiolabeled cyanogen bromide and skatole digestion products that wer
35 eatment of the 60 kDa cleavage fragment with cyanogen bromide and subsequent MALDI-TOF analysis of th
36  Cleavage of 2-BDB-TAMP-modified enzyme with cyanogen bromide and subsequent separation of peptides b
37 ent, NTS1 was digested with a combination of cyanogen bromide and trypsin and/or chymotrypsin.
38                                              Cyanogen bromide cleavage analyses of the altered pp60(c
39                                              Cyanogen bromide cleavage analysis suggests that one or
40 ing region from each tubulin was obtained by cyanogen bromide cleavage and identified by mass spectro
41       Mapping of the site of modification by cyanogen bromide cleavage and peptide sequencing has sho
42 ansmembrane 1 was labeled, as established by cyanogen bromide cleavage and separation by gel and/or h
43                                              Cyanogen bromide cleavage demonstrated its covalent atta
44  peptides of InlA-MH(6)-Cws were obtained by cyanogen bromide cleavage followed by purification on a
45 rometry and tandem mass spectrometry) of the cyanogen bromide cleavage fragments of the C26A and C15A
46 dues by endoproteinase Lys-C cleavage and by cyanogen bromide cleavage of another receptor construct
47                                 In addition, cyanogen bromide cleavage of bovine gamma-glutamyl carbo
48                                              Cyanogen bromide cleavage of the 32P-labeled rat PDE4D3
49                                              Cyanogen bromide cleavage of the [125I]IACoc photolabele
50                                              Cyanogen bromide cleavage of the covalently labeled rece
51                                              Cyanogen bromide cleavage of the phosphorylated beta 1 A
52 or 23-mer triphosphorylated RNA, followed by cyanogen bromide cleavage of the photo-linked enzyme, lo
53 mployed here a novel solid-phase approach to cyanogen bromide cleavage of the photolabeled receptor f
54                                              Cyanogen bromide cleavage of the precursor protein, foll
55                                              Cyanogen bromide cleavage of the receptor yielded a majo
56                                              Cyanogen bromide cleavage of this molecule yielded a sin
57                 To examine the bridging, the cyanogen bromide cleavage products of mutacin II and its
58 ced at fixed positions in Sup(1-61) to allow cyanogen bromide cleavage to facilitate subsequent mass
59                  Amino acid sequencing after cyanogen bromide cleavage yielded two sequences that are
60 s achieved by purification, deglycosylation, cyanogen bromide cleavage, and sequencing of labeled wil
61                                        After cyanogen bromide cleavage, His(119) is predicted to be w
62  of several analytical techniques, including cyanogen bromide cleavage, reversed-phase chromatography
63 2 with Met to generate an additional site of cyanogen bromide cleavage, the labeled fragment was redu
64 n comparison to recombinant Tromp1 following cyanogen bromide cleavage, which further confirmed the i
65 ls, with the labeled domain then released by cyanogen bromide cleavage.
66                                 Furthermore, cyanogen bromide cleaved a series of wild type and mutan
67                                              Cyanogen bromide cleaved proHNP-1(20-94) at the fortuito
68 y cross-linked to DNA substrates, to partial cyanogen bromide degradation or trypsin proteolysis in o
69 cation, followed by sequencing of an in situ cyanogen bromide digest of membrane bound Hrp12, yielded
70  Microsequencing of peptide fragments from a cyanogen bromide digest of p78 identified this protein a
71                                              Cyanogen bromide digestion analysis of the cross-linked
72           Mixed peptide sequencing following cyanogen bromide digestion identified the 70-kDa membran
73                                              Cyanogen bromide digestion of p66shc produced a phosphor
74                                              Cyanogen bromide digestion of the covalent TnI-TnC compl
75 uding resistance to proteases, resistance to cyanogen bromide digestion, and an ability to form amylo
76 were analyzed by mass spectrometry following cyanogen bromide digestion, and the identity and relativ
77                                              Cyanogen bromide digestion, immunoaffinity chromatograph
78 nteractions that are sensitive to reduction, cyanogen bromide digestion, or limited acid digestion.
79 try of peptides generated by proteolytic and cyanogen bromide digestion.
80  and subjected matrix fibronectin to acid or cyanogen bromide digestion.
81                                         When cyanogen bromide digests of matrix 125I-fibronectin and
82 peptides resulting from complete tryptic and cyanogen bromide digests of the latent protease chain of
83     During the chromatographic separation of cyanogen bromide digests, observation of the absorbance
84 se F, followed by cyanogen bromide; Route B, cyanogen bromide followed by endo-N-glycosydase F.
85  the cytochrome from wild-type bacteria with cyanogen bromide followed by trypsin were analysed by on
86      The tolerogenic epitope is contained in cyanogen bromide fragment 11 (CB11) and is structurally
87       A change in mobility for an N-terminal cyanogen bromide fragment accompanied disulfide cross-li
88 rine phosphorylation is thought to be in the cyanogen bromide fragment containing residues 2-65.
89 III collagen and 9 peptides derived from the cyanogen bromide fragment of bovine type III collagen, a
90            The labeled domain was within the cyanogen bromide fragment of the receptor including the
91 en localized to arginine residues within the cyanogen bromide fragment-(341-380) that contains the pr
92 tein encoded by this sequence, its predicted cyanogen bromide fragmentation, and calculated isoelectr
93 hod that quickly and reliably identifies the cyanogen bromide fragments and posttranslational modific
94 unique peptide determinants contained within cyanogen bromide fragments CB10 and CB11 showing the sig
95 ed within the negatively charged, C-terminal cyanogen bromide fragments of alpha- and beta-tubulin su
96                           Microsequencing of cyanogen bromide fragments of purified icIL-1RaII provid
97 duct of a single probe molecule with the two cyanogen bromide fragments of the CCK receptor represent
98 hat amino acids within the N- and C-terminal cyanogen bromide fragments of the motor domain formed cr
99 ed to 15 synthetic peptides representing all cyanogen bromide fragments.
100 rformance liquid chromatography, tryptic and cyanogen bromide hydrolysis, amino acid analysis, and ma
101 ed wild-type and methionine mutant DATs with cyanogen bromide identified the sequence between residue
102                                Cleavage with cyanogen bromide is beneficial for analysis of membrane
103                             In one approach, cyanogen bromide is used to cleave relatively large pept
104 n of residues flanking this site followed by cyanogen bromide mapping of the [(125)I]RTI 82-labeled m
105            Using [(32)P]Glc-6-P coupled with cyanogen bromide mapping, we demonstrated that the phosp
106  residues from the C-terminal end within the cyanogen bromide peptide CB6.
107                                            A cyanogen bromide peptide containing Glu-14 allows the ex
108            This region is located within the cyanogen bromide peptide fragment alpha1(I) CB6 and is a
109                                      A large cyanogen bromide peptide was recovered, and its further
110 -terminal amino acid analysis of KAM and its cyanogen bromide peptides firmly correlated its amino ac
111                    Mass spectral analysis of cyanogen bromide peptides has established that the cysti
112                                  Analysis of cyanogen bromide peptides of each 3D preparation showed
113                                          The cyanogen bromide peptides were isolated and characterize
114 d monomeric receptor bands were cleaved with cyanogen bromide to demonstrate that both of the photola
115 ing ligands also accelerated the addition of cyanogen bromide to these complexes but slowed the addit
116 e of OmpA fragments generated by protease or cyanogen bromide treatment and by competitive inhibition
117 -51, but its fragmentation pattern following cyanogen bromide treatment is incompatible with the line
118 using a metal ion affinity column, and after cyanogen bromide treatment, avidin affinity purification
119            These two forms were cleaved with cyanogen bromide, and both yielded 40-kDa fragments that
120  endoproteinase Glu-C, endoproteinase Lys-C, cyanogen bromide, and hydroxylamine were consistent with
121 te to allow selective chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide, and rHD-5 was used to elicit polyclona
122  isolated from each section and cleaved with cyanogen bromide, and the peptides were separated and an
123 rotein bands were individually digested with cyanogen bromide, and the resulting peptide fragments we
124  beta-tubulin was digested with formic acid, cyanogen bromide, endoproteinase Glu-C, or endoproteinas
125 inea pig sigma-1 receptor with EndoLys-C and cyanogen bromide, the [(125)I]IAF label was identified b
126 ated [(32)P]phosphate-G6Pase intermediate by cyanogen bromide, the [(32)P]phosphate remains bound to
127                       In some experiments, a cyanogen bromide-activated resin column bound with CAT w
128 cid sequence is provided, was crosslinked to cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose 4B and used to immu
129 lumn (containing the GAATTC motif coupled to cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose 4B) binds EcoRI in
130 pressor, and Gal4 were chemically coupled to cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose and the temperature
131                  Incubation of denatured and cyanogen bromide-cleaved type XI collagen with radiolabe
132 consistent with both N-terminal and internal cyanogen bromide-derived amino acid sequence.
133                   Further proteolysis of the cyanogen bromide-generated fragment containing cysteine
134            Amino acid microsequencing of two cyanogen bromide-generated peptide fragments of the 43-k
135 C-18-derivatized silica gel and cleaved with cyanogen bromide.
136 es of gC1(457t),the protein was cleaved with cyanogen bromide.
137 rp leader carrier protein was performed with cyanogen bromide.
138 sequential in-gel digestion with trypsin and cyanogen bromide.
139 ment was generated by chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide.
140 se C, then endo-N-glycosidase F, followed by cyanogen bromide; Route B, cyanogen bromide followed by
141 elty of this approach is the ease with which cyanogen can be administered to a protein sample and the
142 rmation and decomposition of chloramines and cyanogen chloride (CNCl) were measured for a range of ch
143  dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrochloric acid, cyanogen chloride, and hydrogen cyanide in negative pola
144 hylene oxide, sulfur dioxide, acrylonitrile, cyanogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide, acrolein, formaldeh
145 n SH-functional group; CO2, SO2, and perhaps cyanogen [(CN)2] may be present within the surface mater
146                                         When cyanogen concentrations were lower, the resulted cyanide
147                                        Total cyanogen content in plum and almond kernels, as well as
148         A method was developed incorporating cyanogen, enzymatic digestion, one-dimensional gel elect
149 e salt bridge, paired group-specific reagent cyanogen (ethanedinitrile; C(2)N(2)) converts naturally
150        A mild method was developed to remove cyanogens from cassava leaves that involved three consec
151          The traditional method for removing cyanogens from pounded cassava leaves is by boiling in w
152                                            A cyanogen gas production rate of (1.2 +/- 0.3) x10(26) mo
153 6.45 astronomical units showed emission from cyanogen gas.
154 f a phosphorescence-based sensing system for cyanogen halides.
155 ves is by boiling in water which removed all cyanogens in 10 min.
156 uantification of total cyanogenic compounds (cyanogens) in plants was studied using a novel ninhydrin
157 crease root protein levels result in reduced cyanogen levels in roots.
158                                          The cyanogen-linked proteins were isolated by polyacrylamide
159                      Peptides resulting from cyanogen-mediated intermolecular cross-linking of HEW ly
160  Gas-phase reaction between copper vapor and cyanogen (NCCN) clearly gives CuCN (not CuNC).
161 s product, cyanoacetaldehyde), with cyanate, cyanogen, or urea.
162 measuring ROS accumulation in transgenic low-cyanogen plants with and without cyanide complementation
163                          We demonstrate that cyanogens play a central role in cassava nitrogen metabo
164                                              Cyanogen readily permeates cell walls and membranes.
165                  The spatial distribution of cyanogen was considerably more diffuse and extended comp
166 oestrogens, flavonoids, simple phenolics and cyanogens with higher apparent affinities (K(m)) and spe

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