


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 el and the enclosed reproductive organs, are cyanogenic.
2 d and summer drought may both select against cyanogenics.
3 anagement had no effect on the proportion of cyanogenics.
4 s in nature, with many having a highly toxic cyanogenic activity.
5 ary origin as an allotetraploid derived from cyanogenic and acyanogenic diploid progenitors.
6 r is polymorphic for cyanogenesis, with both cyanogenic and acyanogenic plants occurring in nature.
7 te equalized survival of flies injected with cyanogenic and noncyanogenic strains.
8      Some Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains are cyanogenic, and cyanide may contribute to the bacterium'
9                                The few known cyanogenic animals are exclusively mandibulate arthropod
10 he oribatid mite Oribatula tibialis uses the cyanogenic aromatic ester mandelonitrile hexanoate (MNH)
11 lop bradycardia and that flies injected with cyanogenic bacterial strains die more rapidly than those
12                       Leaves are also highly cyanogenic because they possess (R)-prunasin, PH, and ma
13 m bicolor L. Moench) has two isozymes of the cyanogenic beta-glucosidase dhurrinase: dhurrinase-1 (Dh
14  pointing to the existence of an alternative cyanogenic BGD in flowers.
15 n herbivore defense; however, the individual cyanogenic components may also serve other physiological
16 t was also confirmed that shoots contain the cyanogenic compound prunasin at all investigated vegetat
17             Indirect quantification of total cyanogenic compounds (cyanogens) in plants was studied u
18 acid (10.5 mg g(-1)), besides the absence of cyanogenic compounds.
19  and increased starch metabolism and reduced cyanogenic content of processed roots.
20                               Amygdalin is a cyanogenic diglucoside and constitutes the bitter compon
21 rvation that L. japonicus accessions lacking cyanogenic flowers contain a non-functional BGD3 gene, a
22 ent at birth may determine the proportion of cyanogenics for that cohort, so that this proportion per
23                     This metabolite harbours cyanogenic functionality that is unprecedented in plants
24 flux towards starch accumulation and reduced cyanogenic glucoside accumulation in domesticated cassav
25 OH-ICN pathway reveals a latent capacity for cyanogenic glucoside biosynthesis in Arabidopsis.
26  CYP79D orthologs catalyze the first step in cyanogenic glucoside biosynthesis in other cyanogenic pl
27 etabolon that catalyzes the formation of the cyanogenic glucoside dhurrin, a defense compound produce
28 ynthesis and secondary metabolism, including cyanogenic glucoside formation, have been negatively sel
29 presence/absence of two required components: cyanogenic glucosides and their hydrolyzing enzyme linam
30                                              Cyanogenic glucosides are among the most widespread defe
31            The alpha-HNGs are referred to as cyanogenic glucosides because their hydrolysis upon tiss
32 y evolved from transporters of the ancestral cyanogenic glucosides found across more than 2500 specie
33 ran species can thrive on plants defended by cyanogenic glucosides.
34 enes: Ac/ac controls the presence/absence of cyanogenic glucosides; and Li/li controls the presence/a
35                   These results suggest that cyanogenic glycoside biosynthesis in P. mume is regulate
36 tep in the synthesis of linamarin, the major cyanogenic glycoside in cassava.
37 analyzed phenolics were detected compared to cyanogenic glycosides (apricot liqueur: 38.79 mug CGG pe
38 their phenolic composition and occurrence of cyanogenic glycosides (CGG).
39 olytically liberated endogenous cyanide from cyanogenic glycosides (CNp) reacts with ACCA to form dic
40 sed sensitivity that is shown toward harmful cyanogenic glycosides and conferred by the N172 allele m
41 nds (flavonoids, phenolic acids, terpenoids, cyanogenic glycosides and organic acids) were identified
42                              Lower levels of cyanogenic glycosides and phenolics have been quantified
43                                              Cyanogenic glycosides are a large group of secondary met
44                                              Cyanogenic glycosides are natural plant toxicants.
45                      Amygdalin is one of the cyanogenic glycosides found, for example, in apples, apr
46               The diverse chemical nature of cyanogenic glycosides means that extraction and analysis
47 eae family, produces as defensive agents the cyanogenic glycosides prunasin and amygdalin, which are
48  pits steeping in the alcohol, the phenolics/cyanogenic glycosides ratio increased and at the end of
49                          Phenolic groups and cyanogenic glycosides were analyzed with the aid of high
50 st abundant plant genera are those producing cyanogenic glycosides, coumarins and benzofuranocoumarin
51 ain myriapods and insects) that store HCN as cyanogenic glycosides, lipids, or cyanohydrins.
52 lythienyls, isothiocyanates, glucosinolates, cyanogenic glycosides, polyacetylenes, alkaloids, lipids
53 nevertheless contain considerable amounts of cyanogenic glycosides.
54 vity to salicin, arbutin, and five different cyanogenic glycosides.
55                            The proportion of cyanogenic individuals of white clover amongst 200 indiv
56 hly significant changes in the proportion of cyanogenics over time, suggesting that a significant tur
57 lations subsisting in parts of Africa on the cyanogenic plant cassava.
58 n cyanogenic glucoside biosynthesis in other cyanogenic plant species.
59 hat CYP79D15 occurs as a single-copy gene in cyanogenic plants but is absent from the genomes of ac p
60 ould also distinguish roots with high or low cyanogenic potential (R(2): 0.86).
61  Analyses consisted of detailed phenolic and cyanogenic profiles of cherry and apricot seeds as well
62                            The proportion of cyanogenics showed a striking reduction with increasing
63 s much less toxic to flies than the parental cyanogenic strain or 2 knock-in strains.
64 that Drosophila melanogaster suspended above cyanogenic strains become motionless and develop bradyca
65                             Flies exposed to cyanogenic strains had high cyanide and low adenosine tr
66 nt to cyanide and the increased virulence of cyanogenic strains.
67 low 100 m, north-facing sites contained more cyanogenics than south-facing sites, but aspect did not
68             Comparisons of the proportion of cyanogenics with mean monthly averages for January minim
69 e class cohorts varied for the proportion of cyanogenics within a year, and the same cohort varied be

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