


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rom skeletal and cardiomyopathy and bouts of cyclic neutropenia.
2 he cause for sporadic and autosomal dominant cyclic neutropenia.
3 term referring to congenital, idiopathic, or cyclic neutropenia.
4 d that the majority of patients with SCN and cyclic neutropenia, a related disorder characterized by
5 ngenital neutropenia and nearly all cases of cyclic neutropenia, a related disorder of granulopoiesis
6                      Four of 4 patients with cyclic neutropenia and 0 of 3 patients with Shwachman-Di
7                                 All cases of cyclic neutropenia and most cases of severe congenital n
8 se gene were identified in all patients with cyclic neutropenia and most of the patients with severe
9  the 2 main forms of hereditary neutropenia, cyclic neutropenia and severe congenital neutropenia (SC
10 dic fevers occur with a regular periodicity: cyclic neutropenia and the periodic fever, aphthous stom
11 otypes (severe congenital neutropenia versus cyclic neutropenia) and the diversity of ELA2 mutations
12 iated with localized juvenile periodontitis, cyclic neutropenia, and congenital neutropenia.
13                   Congenital neutropenia and cyclic neutropenia are disorders of neutrophil productio
14 a, which is characterized by a prolonged non-cyclic neutropenia as the sole abnormality, with no unde
15                                              Cyclic neutropenia (CN) is a congenital hematopoietic di
16 E) are responsible for most cases of SCN and cyclic neutropenia (CN), a related but milder disorder o
17                             A canine form of cyclic neutropenia corresponds to human Hermansky-Pudlak
18 e gene for neutrophil elastase, ELANE, cause cyclic neutropenia (CyN) and severe congenital neutropen
19  None of the 344 patients with idiopathic or cyclic neutropenia developed MDS/AML.
20  Two main forms of inherited neutropenia are cyclic neutropenia, in which neutrophil counts oscillate
21                                              Cyclic neutropenia is a rare disease that occurs both in
22                                       Canine cyclic neutropenia is an autosomal recessive disease in
23                 Human cyclic haematopoiesis (cyclic neutropenia, MIM 162800) is an autosomal dominant
24       The classic periodic fever syndrome is cyclic neutropenia (neutropenia followed by infections a
25        Patients with congenital neutropenia, cyclic neutropenia, or Shwachman-Diamond syndrome were r
26 gs are consistent with theoretical models of cyclic neutropenia proposing that its periodicity can be
27                                           In cyclic neutropenia, the mutations appeared to cluster ne
28    Recently the locus for autosomal dominant cyclic neutropenia was mapped to chromosome 19p13.3, and

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