


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 unction in Xenopus oocytes as a component of cytostatic factor.
2  its substrate MEK and for its stability and cytostatic factor activity in eggs.
3 lmodulin-activated kinase, which inactivates cytostatic factor, allowing the anaphase-promoting facto
4 The c-Mos gene product is a component of the cytostatic factor and, as such, stabilizes the maturatio
5 B1, cyclin B2, and securin upon release from cytostatic factor arrest, whereas excess Xnf7 inhibited
6              Rsk appears to be essential for cytostatic factor arrest.
7  kinase (p42 MAPK) during mitosis induces a "cytostatic factor" arrest, the arrest responsible for pr
8 activation of MAP kinase during release of a cytostatic factor-arrested extract from its arrest state
9                    Addition of antibodies to cytostatic factor-arrested extracts causes a 70% reducti
10                  Immunodepletion of EB1 from cytostatic factor-arrested M-phase Xenopus egg extracts
11                       Since the discovery of cytostatic factor (CSF) 35 years ago, significant progre
12                                              Cytostatic factor (CSF) arrests vertebrate eggs in metap
13  special form of meiotic metaphase arrest by cytostatic factor (CSF) is mediated by MAPK activation o
14  participation of a protein complex known as cytostatic factor (CSF) that stabilizes histone H1 kinas
15  are arrested at second meiotic metaphase by cytostatic factor (CSF) while awaiting fertilization.
16 s are arrested in metaphase of meiosis II by cytostatic factor (CSF), an activity that requires activ
17 osis II due to a cytoplasmic activity termed cytostatic factor (CSF), which appears not to be regulat
18 ertebrate eggs are arrested in meiosis II by cytostatic factor (CSF), which holds the anaphase-promot
19  protein kinase is an essential component of cytostatic factor (CSF), which is required for metaphase
20 tilized eggs are arrested in metaphase II by cytostatic factor (CSF), which is required to maintain m
21 eiotic arrest is achieved by the action of a cytostatic factor (CSF), which reduces cyclin B1 degrada
22 m metaphase is blocked by an activity called cytostatic factor (CSF), which stabilizes cyclin B by in
23 ows direct progression into MII, producing a cytostatic factor (CSF)-arrested egg.
24 roceed through meiosis I before undergoing a cytostatic factor (CSF)-mediated arrest at metaphase of
25 is arrested by a biochemical activity called cytostatic factor (CSF).
26 n are arrested at metaphase of meiosis II by cytostatic factor (CSF).
27 iosis II is mediated by an activity known as cytostatic factor (CSF).
28 e exit is blocked in eggs by the activity of cytostatic factor (CSF).
29 ms, including the spindle checkpoint and the cytostatic factor (CSF).
30 hase II of meiosis prior to fertilization by cytostatic factor (CSF).
31 ically arrested at metaphase II (mII) by the cytostatic factor Emi2 until fertilization.
32 he polymerizing plus ends of microtubules in cytostatic factor extracts and uniformly along the lengt
33                                          The cytostatic factor Mos-MAPK promoted Emi2-dependent metap
34     c-Mos is a key component of an activity, cytostatic factor, required for metaphase II arrest of u

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