


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e innocuous prodrug metronidazole (MTZ) to a cytotoxin.
2 ruginosa ExoU phospholipase A (PLA) secreted cytotoxin.
3  converting a nontoxic prodrug into a potent cytotoxin.
4 ases the effectiveness of a hypoxia-specific cytotoxin.
5 xicity, establishing ChA3 as a HIF-dependent cytotoxin.
6 ing of an FAP peptide substrate coupled to a cytotoxin.
7  Z were not damaged by H. pylori vacuolating cytotoxin.
8 ng or producing the virulence-enhancing ExoU cytotoxin.
9 exotoxin termed IL4(38-37)-PE38KDEL, or IL-4 cytotoxin.
10 less interesting as a selective hypoxic-cell cytotoxin.
11 osa ExoS is a bifunctional type III-secreted cytotoxin.
12 oduction of NO, a key signaling molecule and cytotoxin.
13 s aeruginosa ExoS is a bifunctional type III cytotoxin.
14 otransporter that acts as an enterotoxin and cytotoxin.
15 onary Th17 response to the secretion of this cytotoxin.
16 ear to be unique among the large clostridial cytotoxins.
17 diterpenoids that were reported to be potent cytotoxins.
18 tes two-component-mediated expression of GBS cytotoxins.
19  antifungals, antihypercholesterolemics, and cytotoxins.
20 he type III secretion system with associated cytotoxins.
21 ent targeting of mammalian cells by type III cytotoxins.
22  mucosa with elaboration of enterotoxins and cytotoxins.
23 l distending toxin (CDT) family of bacterial cytotoxins.
24  strategy in the design of hypoxia-selective cytotoxins.
25  were assessed in vitro as hypoxia-selective cytotoxins.
26 s of ATR and Chk1 represent new hypoxic cell cytotoxins.
27  fragments in microseconds, forming reactive cytotoxins.
28 irulence factors are two large glucosylating cytotoxins.
29 the approach was also used to compare native cytotoxin 3 (CTX III) and its scrambled isomer, another
30 uce two main cytotoxic proteins: Vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA) and Cytotoxin-Associated gene A (CagA
31                              The vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA) is both essential and sufficient for
32 n-vitro experiments showing that vacuolating cytotoxin A affect the regulation of T or B lymphocytes,
33 . pylori infection, and identify vacuolating cytotoxin A and cag pathogenicity island as the bacteria
34 rough many mechanisms, including vacuolating cytotoxin A and CagA activities, and may be predicted ba
35                        H. pylori vacuolating cytotoxin A and cytotoxin-associated gene A protein inte
36  investigated the interaction of vacuolating cytotoxin A or cytotoxin-associated gene A with cells an
37 previously unknown mechanism of pore-forming cytotoxin action in which pathologic insults are not sol
38                                   Spores and cytotoxin activity were detected by 24 h postchallenge,
39 ), neutral red uptake (to detect vacuolating cytotoxin activity), and adhesion assays.
40 igomeric structures and retained vacuolating cytotoxin activity.
41 ions are the key determinants of vacuolating cytotoxin activity.
42     We found that BPSL1549 acted as a potent cytotoxin against eukaryotic cells and was lethal when a
43 bodies raised against the M. bovis hemolysin-cytotoxin also recognized a protein of approximately 98
44 tivated HSCs involved in NASH and that IL-13 cytotoxin ameliorates pathological features of NASH in r
45 liferation assays followed by CTL-associated cytotoxin analysis.
46  potential as a hypoxia-selective tumor-cell cytotoxin and is unlikely to cause major toxicity to wel
47 ells precluded additional evaluation of this cytotoxin and its role in ITx rejection.
48                  Pneumolysin, a pore-forming cytotoxin and major virulence determinant, was both nece
49  pylori infection, including the vacuolating cytotoxin and the cag pathogenicity island.
50  which leads to accumulation of unconjugated cytotoxins and carcinogens in the bladder.
51  the parental mAb, including the addition of cytotoxins and imaging agents for medical applications.
52 bitory effects, revealing several new potent cytotoxins and leading to postulates regarding the molec
53 eparation, the disulfide linkages of several cytotoxins and PLA2 could be solved, including more than
54 has a dual role in protecting the brain from cytotoxins and suggest that the therapeutic efficacy of
55 rlying neuronal milieu to host and bacterial cytotoxins and this is likely to contribute to the neuro
56 d cytotoxins, the HpmA hemolysin, a secreted cytotoxin, and proteus toxic agglutinin (Pta), a surface
57 retion system (T3SS); the production of T3SS cytotoxins, and particularly ExoU, has been well establi
58                                We named this cytotoxin anthrolysin O (ALO).
59  Lipopolysaccharide, urease, and vacuolating cytotoxin are among the factors that allow H. pylori to
60        Results for several cell types and 10 cytotoxins are presented here.
61                                            A cytotoxin-armed antibody reactive with one of these drug
62  for increasing the effectiveness of hypoxic cytotoxins, as it depends on the activation of HIF1 and
63 atients with discordant test results for the cytotoxin assay (CYT) and PCR assays.
64  of use; the enzyme immunoassay replaced the cytotoxin assay because of speed of results and technica
65 excretor (cytotoxigenic culture positive but cytotoxin assay negative) could be used to characterise
66  group 2, cytotoxigenic culture positive and cytotoxin assay negative; and group 3, both reference me
67  One antigen-negative sample positive by the cytotoxin assay only was deemed a false positive based o
68 gorised by reference method result: group 1, cytotoxin assay positive; group 2, cytotoxigenic culture
69                                       Toxin (cytotoxin assay) positivity correlated with clinical out
70 amycin, the standard diagnostic test was the cytotoxin assay, and standard management was to withdraw
71 e bacterium but no free toxin) than does the cytotoxin assay, which detects preformed toxin in faeces
72 ntre study, we did cytotoxigenic culture and cytotoxin assays on 12,420 faecal samples in four UK lab
73                                          The cytotoxin associated gene (cagA), the cagA-EPIYA and vac
74                                          The Cytotoxin associated gene A (CagA) protein of Helicobact
75 3, as well as Fur-mediated activation of the cytotoxin associated gene A, cagA (HPG27_507).
76 IV secretion system (cag-T4SS) to inject the cytotoxin-associated antigen A (CagA) into host cells ar
77      Recent work has identified genes of the cytotoxin-associated gene (cag) pathogenicity island (PA
78                                The H. pylori cytotoxin-associated gene (cag) pathogenicity island enc
79 onstituent that augments disease risk is the cytotoxin-associated gene (cag) pathogenicity island, wh
80 land, cag, that encodes the effector protein cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) and a type four secre
81      We recently reported that expression of cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) and CagA-signaling mo
82 of H. pylori that carry the virulence factor cytotoxin-associated gene A (cagA) are much more likely
83 tes that the H. pylori virulence determinant cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) has a key oncogenic r
84 ysed for total IgE levels and anti-H. pylori cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) IgG antibody using co
85 horylation of the H. pylori virulence factor cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) in macrophages result
86 nically isolated H. pylori strain HP238, the cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) isogenic mutant strai
87 udy, we investigated the impact of H. pylori cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) on the modulation of
88        In this process, the virulence factor cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) plays a central role
89 pylori status groups: H. pylori-positive and cytotoxin-associated gene A (cagA)-positive (H. pylori+
90                                              Cytotoxin-associated gene A (cagA)-positive H. pylori st
91 by populations endemic versus nonendemic for cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA)-positive Helicobacter
92 has been linked to the microbial oncoprotein cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA).
93 proteins: Vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA) and Cytotoxin-Associated gene A (CagA).
94                                              Cytotoxin-associated gene A has been the subject of eleg
95  were not attributable to differences in the cytotoxin-associated gene A oncoprotein.
96 m antibodies to H. pylori in general and the cytotoxin-associated gene A protein (CagA) were measured
97        H. pylori vacuolating cytotoxin A and cytotoxin-associated gene A protein interact with multip
98 he interaction of vacuolating cytotoxin A or cytotoxin-associated gene A with cells and cell lines in
99                              Infections with cytotoxin-associated gene pathogenicity island (cag PAI)
100                         Pivi66 occurs in the cytotoxin-associated gene pathogenicity island, a genomi
101                                          The cytotoxin-associated gene pathogenicity island; the oute
102             While PVL is usually viewed as a cytotoxin, at sublytic amounts it activates protective i
103 s for C. difficile toxin B by tissue culture cytotoxin B assay (CBA), while only 60 to 85% sensitive
104 r quantitative cultures for C. difficile and cytotoxin B fecal filtrate concentrations.
105 vestigations are ongoing to identify optimal cytotoxin-based chemoradiotherapy platforms.
106 Stk1 positively regulates transcription of a cytotoxin, beta-haemolysin/cytolysin (beta-H/C) that is
107 on to a brief synthesis of the actin-binding cytotoxin bistramide A.
108  microorganisms and plants, and is used as a cytotoxin by macrophages as part of the innate immune re
109 to unmask colchicine, which acts as a potent cytotoxin by stabilizing microtubules and causing cell d
110 tic infections in humans, delivers bacterial cytotoxins by type III secretion directly into the host
111 sease is linked to the production of a large cytotoxin called the "multifunctional-autoprocessing RTX
112 cytosolic release of an entrapped nano-sized cytotoxin can be achieved with consequent improvement in
113 n enzyme that catalyzes its substrate into a cytotoxin capable of inducing apoptosis, under the Notch
114                             TcdB is a potent cytotoxin capable of inducing enzyme-independent necrosi
115 make ExoT into a highly versatile and potent cytotoxin, capable of inducing multiple forms of apoptos
116 Treatment of these rats with IL-13R-directed cytotoxin caused a substantial decline in fibrosis and l
117  IL-21 cytokines and perforin and granzyme B cytotoxins, CD4(+) NKT cells from mice deficient in thes
118  lysis by pneumococcal cholesterol-dependent cytotoxins (CDCs), including pneumolysin.
119 east cancer cells under the influence of the cytotoxin chloroacetaldehyde.
120             These results indicate that IL-4 cytotoxin combined with gemcitabine may provide effectiv
121                                   A targeted cytotoxin composed of IL-13 and mutated Pseudomonas exot
122  of gemcitabine with an interleukin-4 (IL-4) cytotoxin composed of IL-4 and truncated Pseudomonas exo
123         Based on this finding, a recombinant cytotoxin composed of IL13 ligand and a truncated form o
124  vivo increased their sensitivity to IL-13PE cytotoxin consisting of IL-13 and a truncated form of Ps
125                                     Type III cytotoxins contribute to the ability of bacterial pathog
126 by other methods that are efficient in their cytotoxin delivery to tumor with reduced dose-limiting t
127 ce-attached needle-like complex that injects cytotoxins directly into eukaryotic cells, causing cellu
128 macokinetic properties by conjugating potent cytotoxins directly to an antibody at a 4:1 or less stoi
129 vascular disrupting agent, ICT-2552, and the cytotoxin doxorubicin.
130 n cytotoxicity comparable to the ER-targeted cytotoxin eeyarestatin I, and specifically inhibited pro
131 etone, (FFRck) followed by coupling with the cytotoxin EF24 and subsequently fVIIa to give EF-24-FFRm
132                                Taxotere is a cytotoxin effective in treating breast and prostate canc
133 ite associated with the strain-specific ExoU cytotoxin-encoding gene was interrogated and an 80-kb ge
134 ed information on how ExoS or other type III cytotoxins enter and target intracellular host proteins.
135                     Our results revealed the cytotoxins etoposide and ivermectin as potent inducers,
136 iated with acute infections express a potent cytotoxin, exoenzyme U (ExoU), that is delivered via the
137  including exotoxin A (ETA) and the type III cytotoxins (ExoS, ExoT, ExoU, and ExoY).
138   The Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) is a cytotoxin expressed by many methicillin-resistant Staphy
139 oter by IS256 results in the derepression of cytotoxin expression and increased virulence.
140 ylori containing a cagA gene associated with cytotoxin expression may protect against the development
141 s, A and B, members of the large clostridial cytotoxin family.
142 t can be exploited for the release of potent cytotoxins from inactive prodrugs consisting of an FAP p
143  gene (cagA), the cagA-EPIYA and vacuolating cytotoxin gene (vacA) were typed by PCR and the cagA EPI
144                              The vacuolating cytotoxin gene of Helicobacter pylori, vacA, induces cyt
145  group acquired mutations in the vacuolating cytotoxin gene vacA, resulting in loss of vacuolization
146                                          The cytotoxin gene was interrupted by extensive mutations an
147 e, cagA, and active forms of the vacuolating cytotoxin gene, vacA, are major determinants of pathogen
148          The Helicobacter pylori vacuolating cytotoxin gene, vacA, is naturally polymorphic, the two
149 89, an uncharacterized paralogue of the vacA cytotoxin gene.
150                  Ammonia/ammonium (A/A) is a cytotoxin generated by H pylori that kills gastric epith
151 in encodes Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) cytotoxin genes, belongs to pulsed field gel electrophor
152 ins lacking a TPM were typically vacuolating cytotoxin genotype vacA m2.
153 trains with nonsense mutations in chlamydial cytotoxins, guaBA-add, and a phospholipase D homolog dev
154 he heteromeric dimer of alpha-cobratoxin and cytotoxin has an activity similar to that of alphaCT-alp
155 n-Valentine leukocidin (PVL), a pore-forming cytotoxin, has garnered attention because of its epidemi
156 on of beta-hemolysin/cytolysin, an important cytotoxin implicated in facilitating GBS invasion.
157                     We also showed that IL-4 cytotoxin in combination with gemcitabine exhibited syne
158 resents the previously described granulating cytotoxin in H. hepaticus.
159 The acquired biodata show that 1 is a potent cytotoxin in human tumor cell proliferation assays, dist
160                  i.p. administration of IL-4 cytotoxin in mice with orthotopically implanted ovarian
161 n rat liver, indicating a novel role of this cytotoxin in potential therapy.
162 variety of signaling reactions, as well as a cytotoxin in the innate immune response.
163 es, IL-13 binding, and cytotoxicity of IL-13 cytotoxin in various cancer cell lines.
164 and NKT cell-derived perforin and granzyme B cytotoxins in promoting CD4(+) NKT cell atherogenicity.
165      To target IL-4R, we have developed IL-4 cytotoxin, in which circular-permuted IL-4 is fused to a
166 vestigate the sensitivity of cancer cells to cytotoxins, including anticancer drugs, we compare the p
167                                Moreover, the cytotoxin induced edema in isolated lungs.
168 cells and isolated lungs were protected from cytotoxin-induced death by stimulation of signal transdu
169 considerable molecular knowledge of how this cytotoxin injures the host, the precise host response to
170                                         This cytotoxin is specifically and highly cytotoxic to PA-1,
171 esting that the additive effect of these two cytotoxins is critical during Proteus infection.
172    S. aureus alpha-hemolysin, a pore-forming cytotoxin, is an essential virulence factor in the patho
173 aphylococcal alpha-hemolysin, a pore-forming cytotoxin, is required for full virulence in a murine se
174 HIV-1 Rev/CRM1 export complex induced by the cytotoxin leptomycin B.
175  C. difficile colonization, lower intestinal cytotoxin levels and exhibited less severe clinical sign
176 he host defense, and that V. fischeri uses a cytotoxin-like molecule to induce host development.
177                         An exception was the cytotoxin locus located in the plasticity zone, a region
178  cell lines express receptors for IL-4, IL-4 cytotoxin may be a unique agent for the treatment of Hod
179   These results indicate that IL-4R-targeted cytotoxin may be a useful agent for the management of pa
180 oxic than the wild type, suggesting that the cytotoxins may be functional.
181 monoclonal antibody conjugated to the potent cytotoxin monomethyl auristatin E.
182 lated glycoprotein NMB (gpNMB) to the potent cytotoxin monomethyl auristatin E.
183 toxic agglutinin (Pta), a surface-associated cytotoxin, mutant analysis was used in conjunction with
184                                   Two of the cytotoxin mutants were less cytotoxic than the wild type
185                   However, most PCR-positive/cytotoxin-negative patients did not have clear C. diffic
186  cost of isolating and treating PCR-positive/cytotoxin-negative patients.
187 d pneumolysin (HI-PLY), or antiserum against cytotoxin-negative pneumolysin (psiPLY).
188 tecting toxigenic C. difficile bacteria than cytotoxin neutralization (P = 0.0002).
189 imens were tested simultaneously by the cell cytotoxin neutralization assay (CCNA) and the Xpert C. d
190  test, to a toxigenic bacterial culture/cell cytotoxin neutralization assay (TBC/CCNA) for the detect
191 ested by the C. Diff Chek-60 GDH antigen and cytotoxin neutralization assays, the Tox A/B II ELISA, a
192 lutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) followed by the cytotoxin neutralization test (CYT) with a turnaround ti
193              Diff Chek-60 GDH antigen assay, cytotoxin neutralization, and Simplexa direct PCR.
194 ed by the C. Diff Chek-60 GDH antigen assay, cytotoxin neutralization, and Simplexa direct PCR.
195 ehydrogenase (GDH) antigen assay followed by cytotoxin neutralization.
196 ehydrogenase (GDH) antigen assay followed by cytotoxin neutralization.
197 ehydrogenase (GDH) antigen assay followed by cytotoxin neutralization.
198 roteinaceous receptors for several S. aureus cytotoxins now provides an explanation for the observed
199 xoenzyme T (ExoT) is a bifunctional type III cytotoxin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that possesses both
200              ExoS is a bifunctional Type III cytotoxin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with N-terminal Rho
201 453 amino acids) is a bi-functional type-III cytotoxin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
202        Alpha-hemolysin (Hla), a pore-forming cytotoxin of S. aureus, has been identified through anim
203         YopE (219 amino acids) is a type-III cytotoxin of Yersinia that is also a Rho GAP.
204 acilitate cell binding and delivery of Yops (cytotoxins of Y. pestis), a novel interaction, distinct
205                 The cytotoxic effect of IL-4 cytotoxin on H-RS cell lines was determined to be modera
206 ecting the antiandrogen on the inside to the cytotoxin on the outside.
207  pylori strains that express the vacuolating cytotoxin or the outer membrane protein OipA are similar
208 umab) or CD19 or CD20 and bound to different cytotoxins or immunotoxins are under development.
209        Targeting cell surface receptors with cytotoxins or immunotoxins provides a unique opportunity
210                                    The viral cytotoxin PB1-F2 contributed to the negative outcomes.
211                                   The potent cytotoxins pederin and psymberin have been prepared thro
212 teract with nitric oxide, forming the potent cytotoxin peroxynitrite.
213                     Three potent cancer cell cytotoxins, piperazimycins A-C (1-3), have been isolated
214 occus aureus alpha-hemolysin (Hla), a potent cytotoxin, plays an important role in the pathogenesis o
215 ent of TLR4 and the Streptococcus pneumoniae cytotoxin pneumolysin.
216 453 amino acids) is a bi-functional type III cytotoxin produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
217 (453 amino acids) is a bifunctional type III cytotoxin produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
218                      Shiga toxins (Stxs) are cytotoxins produced by the enteric pathogens Shigella dy
219            Shiga toxins (Stxs) are bacterial cytotoxins produced by the enteric pathogens Shigella dy
220           Polytheonamides are potent peptide cytotoxins produced by uncultivated bacteria that exist
221 considered to be the main reservoir for Vero cytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) O157, a caus
222 0.0% prevalence) both by PCR for tcdB and by cytotoxin production.
223             Continuous i.p. infusion of IL-4 cytotoxin prolonged survival of tumor-bearing mice even
224                           The new functional cytotoxin quantitation method developed provides a valua
225 brane lipids were initially postulated to be cytotoxin receptor candidates.
226 apeutic delivery include temporal control of cytotoxin release, enzymatic activation of pro-drugs, an
227             In strain PAK, ExoS is the major cytotoxin required for colonization and dissemination du
228  as well as overexpression of SpvB, an actin cytotoxin required for Salmonella systemic survival.
229 onses in addition to inducing CTL-associated cytotoxin responses (perforin, granzyme A, granzyme B).
230 tratumoral treatment of these mice with IL-4 cytotoxin resulted in regression of the primary tumor ma
231              One sample produced nonspecific cytotoxin results.
232                                    The plant cytotoxin ricin enters target mammalian cells by recepto
233 significantly larger amounts of the secreted cytotoxins S. pyogenes NADase (SPN) and streptolysin O (
234                When 25A11 was coupled to the cytotoxin saporin either directly or via a secondary ant
235 ed glioma cells in vitro when coupled to the cytotoxin saporin either directly or via a secondary ant
236 ist-directed cell lesion in the RVM with the cytotoxin, saporin, using either CCK-saporin to target C
237 (RIPs) family (e.g. ricin, abrin) are potent cytotoxins showing a strong lethal activity toward eukar
238 reductase, which converts metronidazole to a cytotoxin, specifically in podocytes under the control o
239        Production of the cholesterol-binding cytotoxin streptolysin O (SLO) prevented internalization
240 r polysaccharide and/or large amounts of the cytotoxin streptolysin O (SLO).
241            Examples include the pore-forming cytotoxin streptolysin O, which oligomerises to form lar
242 rotein EGF-SubA, which combines EGF with the cytotoxin SubA that has been recently shown to selective
243           Cleavage of BiP with the subtilase cytotoxin SubAB results in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) re
244 igenic Escherichia coli (STEC) use subtilase cytotoxin (SubAB) to interfere with adaptive immunity.
245                                    Subtilase cytotoxin (SubAB), produced by non-O157 type Shiga-toxig
246 ty of the ribosome because it is targeted by cytotoxins such as alpha-sarcin and ricin that completel
247               Others invade cells or produce cytotoxins (such as those produced by Shigella, enteroin
248     Until recently, it was unclear how these cytotoxins targeted specific cell types for lysis.
249                                     Tracheal cytotoxin (TCT), a fragment of the bacterial surface mol
250                                     Tracheal cytotoxin (TCT), a monomer of DAP-type peptidoglycan fro
251                                     Tracheal cytotoxin (TCT), a naturally occurring fragment of Gram-
252 egative bacteria through sensing of tracheal cytotoxin (TCT), whereas PGRP-LCy may have a minor role
253     Convergent total syntheses of the potent cytotoxins (+)-tedanolide (1) and (+)-13-deoxytedanolide
254 ds included enzyme immunoassay (EIA), direct cytotoxin testing, and two- and three-step algorithms us
255 njugates are better cross-linking agents and cytotoxins than acyclic conjugates.
256 9, and 12 were at least 3-5-fold more potent cytotoxins than control compounds 5 and 15, which lack i
257     (-)-Lomaiviticin A (1) is a C2-symmetric cytotoxin that contains two diazofluorene functional gro
258 gen secretes alpha-hemolysin, a pore-forming cytotoxin that contributes to the pathogenesis of pneumo
259    Pseudomonas aeruginosa ExoT is a type III cytotoxin that functions as an anti-internalization fact
260 ,4-dioxide) is a promising hypoxia-selective cytotoxin that has shown significant activity in advance
261                            Tirapazamine is a cytotoxin that selectively targets hypoxic cells.
262                              Stxs are potent cytotoxins that are lethal to animals at low doses.
263                                Many NLPs are cytotoxins that facilitate microbial infection of eudico
264 d to the production of a large repertoire of cytotoxins that target and kill innate immune cells, whi
265  To investigate the roles of two established cytotoxins, the HpmA hemolysin, a secreted cytotoxin, an
266 m of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is an important cytotoxin, though its mechanism of action is unclear.
267 acts the plasma membrane to deliver type III cytotoxins through a channel formed by PopB, PopD, and P
268 latin/paclitaxel with or without the hypoxic cytotoxin tirapazamine in patients with advanced or meta
269 uppressed both C. difficile colonization and cytotoxin titers.
270 de moiety may be capable of delivering other cytotoxins to cancer cells.
271 ococcus aureus employs numerous pore-forming cytotoxins to injure host immune cells and promote infec
272 They are made by the chemical conjugation of cytotoxins to monoclonal antibodies, which can be achiev
273 fically converting a nontoxic prodrug into a cytotoxin, to cancer cells followed by prodrug administr
274  glycosylating Clostridium perfringens large cytotoxin (TpeL toxin) that is devoid of the CROP domain
275      ExoU is a potent Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytotoxin translocated into host cells by the type III s
276                                      ExoU, a cytotoxin translocated into host cells via the type III
277 l, 31 days) when they received systemic IL-4 cytotoxin treatment.
278 orter family of proteins, the putative large cytotoxin, type III secretion effectors, stress response
279 tamyl-transpeptidase GGT and the vacuolating cytotoxin VacA, are required and sufficient for asthma p
280 tamyl transpeptidase GGT and the vacuolating cytotoxin VacA, contribute critically and nonredundantly
281 proliferative epithelial cell signaling; the cytotoxin VacA, which causes epithelial damage; and an a
282 ly through its pro-apoptotic and vacuolating cytotoxin VacA.
283 sland and contained a degenerate vacuolating cytotoxin (vacA) gene.
284    The Helicobacter pylori toxin vacuolating cytotoxin (VacA) promotes gastric colonization, and its
285                    The H. pylori vacuolating cytotoxin (VacA) recently has been shown to inhibit stim
286 bacter pylori secretes an 88-kDa vacuolating cytotoxin (VacA) that may contribute to the pathogenesis
287                              The vacuolating cytotoxin, VacA, is an important virulence factor secret
288 . pylori MV with and without the vacuolating cytotoxin, VacA, which inhibits human T cell activity.
289 The tpeL gene encoding the large clostridial cytotoxin was localized to the cpb plasmids of some cpe-
290                                         This cytotoxin was self-propagating, was neutralized by anti-
291                                         IL-4 cytotoxin was specifically and highly cytotoxic [50% pro
292               This reaction generates potent cytotoxins which exceed the potency of asmarine A (1.2 m
293 g an innocuous cellular protein, Crk, into a cytotoxin, which interferes with integrin survival signa
294 GRP78 was depleted using the SubAB subtilase cytotoxin, which rapidly and specifically cleaves BiP/GR
295 nin (Pta) represents a novel autotransported cytotoxin with no bacterial homologues that works optima
296                             ExoU is a potent cytotoxin with phospholipase A2 activity that causes rap
297 do not require the direct interaction of the cytotoxin with the organelle, and are independent of the
298 to the characterization of the erdasporines, cytotoxins with a novel carboxy-indolocarbazole TD subst
299 es such as contrast agents, radiotracers, or cytotoxins without interfering with the cell binding pro
300 dent synthesis and localization of the actin cytotoxin, YopE, were shown to be relaxed in DamOP cells

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