


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion for the peptide in which the residue is deamidated.
2                                          The deamidated 33-mer peptide efficiently exchanges with a p
3       At pH 5.5 and 7.3, dissociation of the deamidated 33-mer peptide from DQ2 is much slower than d
4                             In addition, the deamidated 3C protease was found to be present in vivo,
5 a coli, acts on Rho-GTPases and specifically deamidates a single glutamine residue (Gln-63 in RhoA) r
6 ytic triad, which inactivates Rho GTPases by deamidating a conserved asparagine in the GTPase switch-
7 activates small GTPases of the Rho family by deamidating a single amino acid within these target prot
8 -tTG(553-564)-NH2 sequence cross-linked with deamidated Ac-alpha2-Glia(63-71)-NH2, was able to identi
9                    Human WT-alphaA and human deamidated alphaA (alphaA-N101D, alphaA-N123D, alphaA-N1
10  deletion of the C-terminal extension in the deamidated alphaA mutants, but on N-terminal domain dele
11 xchange rate than heteroaggregate containing deamidated alphaA- and WT-alphaB subunits.
12 alphaA-crystallin, the lenses containing the deamidated alphaA-crystallin also showed an aggregation
13 idence for the first time that expression of deamidated alphaA-crystallin caused disruption of fiber
14 the heteroaggregate containing WT-alphaA and deamidated alphaB subunit showed lower chaperone activit
15                                              Deamidated alphaB-crystallin mutants (N78D, N146D, and N
16                                   The triply deamidated analog also aggregated into amyloid fibrils f
17 ic enzyme activity, recruit cellular PFAS to deamidate and activate RIG-I.
18 o play a role in the repair or metabolism of deamidated and isomerized proteins that are spontaneousl
19  Pup (prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein) is deamidated and isopeptide linked to proteins by a mechan
20 luten-reactive T cells in children recognize deamidated and native gluten epitopes, whereas T cells f
21  laevis oocytes were microinjected with both deamidated and nondeamidated forms of recombinant chicke
22 dic (lower pI) peaks were found to represent deamidated and sialyated species.
23  a highly conserved cysteine proteinase that deamidates and inactivates the anticancer drug bleomycin
24 physiological roles for the two alternative, deamidating and nondeamidating, routes of nicotinamide s
25                                          The deamidated antibody variants were less potent in antigen
26 esidues at positions 79, 141 and 187 and one deamidated Asn residue at position 176, were detected at
27 irmed, by mass spectroscopy, the presence of deamidated (Asp(64)) and native (Asn(64)) COMP epitopes
28                  L-ASP from Escherichia coli deamidates asparagine (Asn) and glutamine, with an ~10(4
29       MM28, MM50, and Mel202 cells failed to deamidate Bcl-x(L) in response to radiation-induced DNA
30    Additionally, we show that degradation of deamidated Bcl-xL is mediated at least in part by calpai
31 71 and Asn94 react; these are more than half deamidated before Asn34 reacts, and its deamidation is e
32  of ubiquitination and degradation of WT and deamidated betaB1 crystallins were rapid and showed litt
33 ive 10-mer peptides were inactive, even when deamidated, but V96F substitution of deamidated TFIIA am
34 aragine residues 246 and 259 were completely deamidated by age 7 years.
35              Second, they are recognized and deamidated by human tissue transglutaminase (tTGase) wit
36 astrointestinal digestion and that have been deamidated by tissue transglutaminase.
37                                          TG2 deamidates certain gluten peptides, increasing their aff
38 d native (Asn(64)) COMP epitopes (mean 0.95% deamidated COMP (D-COMP) relative to native COMP) in car
39                           Wild-type (WT) and deamidated crystallins were expressed and (125)I-radiola
40 d residue Asn55 in vivo and the ratio of the deamidated derivatives, i.e., isoAsp55 and Asp55.
41         In conclusion, both Cp NGR sites can deamidate during aging under oxidative conditions, likel
42 ns are crystallins, and they are extensively deamidated during aging and cataracts.
43 he yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which can deamidate either N-terminal asparagine or glutamine.
44 mportant component of the disease, both as a deamidating enzyme that can enhance the immunostimulator
45                We believe that enrichment of deamidated epitope in hip OA cartilage indicates a lesse
46                                  Recombinant deamidated ErA mutants were also demonstrated to migrate
47    In contrast, the hidden (962)NGR site can deamidate exclusively when aging occurs under oxidative
48 s protein (which is not associated with DNA) deamidated fairly readily in spores (t(1/2), approximate
49 is indicated that the pI 8.3 protein was the deamidated form of 3C, and it displayed approximately 10
50 ne immunogenicity, we created a "genetically deamidated" form of rPA using site-directed mutagenesis
51 ), and gammaS (52-71)) and their potentially deamidated forms as model peptides.
52                    HPLC isolation of various deamidated forms followed by peptide mapping and mass sp
53  identify and quantitate the amidated versus deamidated forms of each tryptic fragment of alpha-A cry
54 of tryptic fragments containing amidated and deamidated forms using high pressure liquid chromatograp
55 tic-tryptic digest of gliadin (in native and deamidated forms) before T-cell collection.
56 ntified omega- and gamma-gliadins, and their deamidated forms, as immunodominant B-cell epitopes in w
57 n of stem cell factor dimer, a total of five deamidated forms, including two homodimers and three het
58 or the initiation of celiac disease in which deamidated free human peptides with T-cell epitope homol
59 ELISA, all the sera displayed IgE binding to deamidated gamma- and omega2-gliadins and deamidated tot
60 TG and total IgA, or IgA-TTG and IgG against deamidated gliadin (IgG-DGL) could identify patients wit
61 tests against tissue transglutaminase (TG2), deamidated gliadin peptide (DGP) and endomysium (EMA).
62 subset of study participants, mean levels of deamidated gliadin peptide autoantibodies were 7.46 (6.9
63 bodies against tissue transglutaminase-2 and deamidated gliadin peptide), symptom frequencies, and sa
64 tibodies against tissue transglutaminase and deamidated gliadin peptide, greatly facilitate diagnosis
65                 The detection of IgG against deamidated gliadin peptides (DGP) has high specificity a
66 ased on the detection of serum antibodies to deamidated gliadin peptides (DGPs).
67 antibodies against native gliadin (ngli) and deamidated gliadin peptides (dpgli), as well as for IgA
68                                        Novel deamidated gliadin peptides antibodies have better diagn
69 utamic acid residues of the TG2 epitope with deamidated gliadin peptides could be a structural basis.
70 or TGA-IgA, 1 for TGA-IgG, 6 for IgG against deamidated gliadin peptides, and 1 for EMA, from 5 diffe
71 c antigens tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and deamidated gliadin, and the classifier accuracy was inde
72 lmark antigens tissue transglutaminase-2 and deamidated gliadin, exhibiting 71% sensitivity and 99% s
73 mysium, as well as IgA and IgG antibodies to deamidated gliadine peptide and TG6 and performed HLA an
74 mmunofluorescence assay, and antibodies to a deamidated gliadine peptide using an immunofluorometry a
75 ve to IgA antibodies to TG2, endomysium, and deamidated gliadine peptide.
76 It can be evidenced by strong IgE binding to deamidated gliadins or peptides of the type QPEEPFPE.
77                                           By deamidating Gln40 of Nedd8 to glutamate (Q40E), the bact
78 glutamine-50, and glutamine-147 residues, or deamidated glutamic acid residues at the same positions.
79  the consumption of food products containing deamidated gluten (DG) in subjects tolerant to wheat.
80  characterized by CD4(+) T cells recognizing deamidated gluten and by antibodies reactive to gluten o
81 ted from cultures with reactivity to complex deamidated gluten antigen or by sorting with gluten pept
82 , whereas T cells from adults only recognize deamidated gluten peptides.
83 tive and heteroclitic (stronger) response to deamidated gluten peptides.
84    Levels of T-cell responses were higher to deamidated gluten than to native gluten in children and
85 -adenosylhomocysteine, increases the rate of deamidated HA-CaM degradation.
86                The experiments indicate that deamidated HA-CaM is degraded after microinjection, whil
87                     Enzymatic methylation of deamidated HA-CaM with purified PIMT prior to injection
88                    An asparagine known to be deamidated in human cataract is located in a highly orde
89 ase A, and a tryptic peptide from calmodulin deamidated in its native state.
90                Total spore core protein also deamidated in vivo, although the rate was two- to threef
91 phaAN101D-transgene and is considered to be "deamidated" in this study.
92 dation accelerates amyloid formation and the deamidated material is able to seed amyloid formation by
93 se CheD deamidates Q609 in McpC and does not deamidate McpB.
94 owing posttranslationally phosphorylated and deamidated, modified sites in the bovine MBP components
95                                A selectively deamidated multivalent peptide from gluten (LQLQPFPQPELP
96 inantly expressed wild-type betaB1 (WT), the deamidated mutant (Q204E), an N-terminally truncated mut
97 llins, and (iii) WT-alphaA:individual alphaB-deamidated mutant crystallins.
98  on deletion of the N-terminal domain in the deamidated mutant proteins, but opposite effects were ob
99               Our results indicated that the deamidated mutant was significantly destabilized relativ
100              These structural changes in the deamidated mutants led to decreased stability during unf
101 ected mutagenesis was used to generate three deamidated mutants of alphaB-crystallin: N78D, N146D, an
102 ompared with the WT-alphaA, the three alphaA-deamidated mutants showed reduced levels of chaperone ac
103 T-alphaB crystallins, (ii) individual alphaA-deamidated mutants:WT-alphaB crystallins, and (iii) WT-a
104   In addition, we present evidence that CheD deamidates other B. subtilis chemoreceptors including Mc
105 -acid peptide corresponding to the partially deamidated peptide of A-gliadin amino acids 57-73 (Q65E)
106 structs containing cross-linked tTG and Glia deamidated peptides have been synthesized.
107  epitopes and many have higher reactivity to deamidated peptides.
108 residues 140-173) deleted alphaA mutants and deamidated plus N-terminal domain or C-terminal extensio
109 w that fibers formed by samples that contain deamidated polypeptide contain reduced amounts of beta-s
110 sensitive signature peptide (IYPTNGYTR), its deamidated products (IYPTDGYTR and IYPTisoDGYTR), and a
111 1D patient could only be generated against a deamidated proinsulin peptide, but cross-reacted with na
112 cable to defining the isomerization state of deamidated proteins.
113 cts even for those peptides showing multiple deamidated proteoforms.
114 e between the chemoreceptors is because CheD deamidates Q609 in McpC and does not deamidate McpB.
115 ponses, tissue transglutaminase specifically deamidated Q65 in the peptide of A-gliadin amino acids 5
116        A gamma-type SASP of B. subtilis also deamidated readily in vitro (t(1/2) for one net deamidat
117                                CheD not only deamidates receptor glutamine residues contained within
118                  The characterization of Asn deamidated residues by LERLIC-MS/MS also uncovered novel
119 oop deletions or wild-type CNF1-C is able to deamidate RhoA containing Asn-63 instead of Gln-63, sugg
120 quired for enzymatic activity of the toxins, deamidates RhoA and Cdc42 better than CNF2.
121 hrome c, a tryptic peptide from unfolded and deamidated ribonuclease A, and a tryptic peptide from ca
122 arboxyl-terminal fragment were sufficient to deamidate RIG-I in vitro.
123      Purified PFAS and viral homolog thereof deamidate RIG-I in vitro.
124 cotinate was depleted and metabolites of the deamidated salvage pathway were reduced but intracellula
125  approximately 1 h at 70 degrees C), and the deamidated SASP no longer bound to DNA effectively.
126 the CheC/CheD/CheYp adaptation system and to deamidate selected residues to activate the chemorecepto
127 ned positions into gluten T-cell epitopes by deamidating specific glutamine residues on the basis of
128 midation, the sequence Asn(45)-Gly(46) being deamidated spontaneously at near-neutral and basic pH an
129 d WT-alphaB, the heteroaggregates containing deamidated subunits of either alphaA- or alphaB-crystall
130 en when deamidated, but V96F substitution of deamidated TFIIA amino acid residues 91-100 stimulated I
131 r was much less efficiently demethylated and deamidated than intact receptor, but essentially was unp
132 iting factors (Cifs) into mammalian cells to deamidate the ubiquitin-like protein NEDD8.
133   Dop (deamidase of Pup; Mtb Rv2112c/MT2172) deamidates the C-terminal glutamine of Pup to glutamate,
134 ues in Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) to deamidate to aspartate remains uncharacterized; its occu
135 a variant form of beta(2)M in which Asn17 is deamidated to Asp (N17D).
136 pectrometry demonstrated that ~23% of N26 is deamidated to aspartate (iso-aspartate was undetectable)
137 ealed that a single asparagine, Asn-164, was deamidated to aspartic acid in the pI 8.3 isoform.
138 thesized with a terminal glutamine, which is deamidated to glutamate by Dop (deamidase of Pup) prior
139 NMN produced by either route 2 or route 3 is deamidated to nicotinic acid mononucleotide and converte
140 ing residues, in that they are enzymatically deamidated to yield secondary destabilizing residues asp
141 to deamidated gamma- and omega2-gliadins and deamidated total gliadins, frequently with high concentr
142 artyl detection in peptides from proteins; a deamidated tryptic peptide of cytochrome c, a tryptic pe
143  observed that the exposed (568)NGR site can deamidate under conditions mimicking accelerated Asn agi
144 in the helicase 2i domain of RIG-I that were deamidated upon UL37 expression or HSV-1 infection.
145 volved in the first step of the two-step non-deamidating utilization of nicotinamide (NMN shunt).
146 trate for the carboxylmethyltransferase, but deamidated variants of calmodulin act as substrates for
147 D4/DQ8 mice also responded well to modified (deamidated) versions of the gliadin peptides, whereas HC
148 that confer loss of function phenotypes when deamidated via site-specific mutation.
149 it is bound to DNA, the alpha/beta-type SASP deamidated with a t(1/2) of 2 to 3 h at 95 degrees C.

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