


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ), and gammaS (52-71)) and their potentially deamidated forms as model peptides.
2 ntified omega- and gamma-gliadins, and their deamidated forms, as immunodominant B-cell epitopes in w
3 tic-tryptic digest of gliadin (in native and deamidated forms) before T-cell collection.
4                    HPLC isolation of various deamidated forms followed by peptide mapping and mass sp
5 n of stem cell factor dimer, a total of five deamidated forms, including two homodimers and three het
6 is indicated that the pI 8.3 protein was the deamidated form of 3C, and it displayed approximately 10
7  identify and quantitate the amidated versus deamidated forms of each tryptic fragment of alpha-A cry
8 ne immunogenicity, we created a "genetically deamidated" form of rPA using site-directed mutagenesis
9 of tryptic fragments containing amidated and deamidated forms using high pressure liquid chromatograp

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