コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
5 n is presented, and its ramifications on the debate over accuracy in person perception are discussed.
6 ysis patients, and examine the data sparking debate over appropriate methods for diagnosing and treat
9 ings have implications for the long-standing debate over convergent and divergent models of protein s
17 cular Cell provide new insights and reignite debate over how histone H2B ubiquitination promotes meth
18 most biodiverse rainforest on Earth, and the debate over how many tree species grow there remains con
19 findings are highly relevant to the current debate over how personality disorders should be handled
20 eous conformational ensemble, there is still debate over how this ensemble changes with environmental
21 e (Gzm) A is controversial, with significant debate over its ability to induce death in target cells.
26 la synapses sheds new light on a 35-year-old debate over mechanisms of synaptic-vesicle endocytosis:
27 biology continues to be hindered by abstract debates over methodology and the relative importance of
33 cause of the implications for current policy debates over quality-of-care measures and Medicare presc
34 real impact in addressing the long-standing debates over receptor subtype heterogeneity and function
35 causally related to high blood pressure, but debate over recommendations to reduce dietary sodium in
36 It is in this patient population where the debate over revascularization with stents versus surgery
37 In view of the centrality of evidence to debates over SP and TTCs' history of denying harms and m
39 neutron therapy became intertwined with the debate over standards of informed consent in radiation e
42 such precision contributes to a fundamental debate over the basis of the neural code and, specifical
48 with considerable relevance for the ongoing debate over the evolutionary origins of human language [
54 sk for breast cancer, particularly given the debate over the genetic testing of children for cancer s
55 more than two decades there has been intense debate over the hypothesis that most morphological evolu
57 , unique over the past century, has prompted debate over the influence of increasing atmospheric conc
67 uss the implications of our findings for the debate over the meaning of sustainability, and the role
71 eural signal that has been central to recent debate over the nature of recognition memory processes.
72 biological questions and frames the current debate over the optimization of tools and methodological
74 structure films, there has been considerable debate over the origin of the conductivity enhancement,
76 ent interactions (GxE) has promoted a heated debate over the past decade, with controversial results
81 inin species diversity has been a subject of debate over the past two decades, particularly after the
84 to considerable scientific concern and media debate over the possibility of early-onset age-related d
87 ly related species should help to settle the debate over the prevalence of the allopatric mode of spe
88 and plant-animal interactions, have sparked debate over the purported value of corridors in conserva
90 non-dietary purposes, and contributes to the debate over the recognition of bone working as a much ol
91 uisition of euconodont characters, resolving debate over the relationship between these two groups.
92 used by focal lesions, there is considerable debate over the relative importance of focal versus syst
95 ation despite considerable expenditure, amid debate over the relative roles of badgers and cattle in
98 rent experimental conditions contribute to a debate over the role of enteric alpha-defensins in mucos
99 hoice remains contested, reflecting a larger debate over the role of sensorimotor networks in specify
102 millions of particles, leading to intensive debate over the size-dependent microscopic reaction mech
105 ion in adipocyte cell biology but often with debate over the tissue specificity and the efficacy of i
110 ered many substantial and poignant issues of debate over the years, such as classification schemes, m
114 Further developments have emerged in the debates over the efficacy of axillary dissection and sen
118 includes the evolution of miasma theory and debates over the role of governments confronted by epide
120 eat, but neuroscientists must participate in debates over the social, forensic and therapeutic implic
122 g ideas, there is significant discussion and debate over these emerging ideas, and this fuels additio
131 mistakes of the past, and inform the growing debate over whether and potentially how medicine should
134 omere sequences between species has led to a debate over whether centromere activity is sequence-depe
135 This study aimed to shed light on the long debate over whether conformational selection (CS) or ind
136 hose misconceptions are captured well in the debate over whether Congress should recreate an Office o
138 d to tremor, whisking, and licking, fueled a debate over whether IO STOs were relevant for primates w
140 nitive tasks could contribute to the ongoing debate over whether metacognition has domain-general or
141 Our findings shed light on the long-standing debate over whether NIK is a constitutively active kinas
144 a-ray repeater, SGR 1806-20, reopened an old debate over whether some short GRBs could be similar eve
145 observations have contributed to the ongoing debate over whether T-DNA integration is random or occur
146 vertebrate character, resolving a century of debate over whether the ancestral vertebrate bore gills.
147 ities have been identified, there is intense debate over whether the genes that contribute to ecologi
149 espite their simple structure, there is some debate over whether they fold in a two-state or multi-st
150 temperature change and has led to a vigorous debate over whether this slowdown is the result of natur
151 mpleteness, sensitivity and specificity fuel debate over which is best for high-throughput 'interacto
153 ween adult and pediatric surgeons has led to debate over which type of facility should best care for
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