


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 -oxo-guanine) as an electron donor generates decanoic acid.
2  98 degrees independently of the presence of decanoic acid.
3 1)) was achieved with the addition of 3.6 mM decanoic acid.
4 centrations of ethyl decanoate, octanoic and decanoic acids.
5 ydroxy-dec-2-enoic acid (10-HDA), 10-hydroxy-decanoic acid (10-HDAA), and methyl p-hydroxybenzoate (H
6                             Examination of a decanoic acid (10:0) accumulating line revealed a dispro
7 -TAG synthesis upon addition of 2.1 mM (14)C-decanoic acid (10:0) was approximately four times higher
8 in >90% of medium-chain fatty acids, such as decanoic acid (10:0).
9 a K(d) of 1409 +/- 423 nM, but medium-chain (decanoic acid, 10:0) and short-chain (octanoic acid, 8:0
10 oic acid (4-OOA, 10.4 mug bee(-1)) and 4-oxo-decanoic acid (4-ODA, 13.3 mug bee(-1)) at a 0.78 ratio
11  explored the possibility that aggregates of decanoic acid, a prebiotic amphiphile, interact with the
12                    3,3'-Diindolylmethane and decanoic acid acted as strong positive allosteric modula
13                                              Decanoic acid acts as a non-competitive antagonist at th
14 l as some but not all related bases, bind to decanoic acid aggregates.
15 s were able to block agonist actions of both decanoic acid and 3,3'-diindolylmethane at GPR84.
16 , but produced a decrease in the contents of decanoic acid and all of the major volatiles excepting a
17 w more rapidly than the wild-type strains on decanoic acid and also grow well on octanoic and hexanoi
18 atanionic coacervate droplets in mixtures of decanoic acid and cetylpyridinium chloride or cetyltrime
19 ant epilepsy that increases plasma levels of decanoic acid and ketones.
20 y these fungicides, while diethyl succinate, decanoic acid, beta-ionone, and citronellol concentratio
21 scherichia coli RRF (ecRRF) with and without decanoic acid bound to a hydrophobic pocket between doma
22  contrast, E. coli fadR strains grow well on decanoic acid but grow only exceedingly slowly on octano
23 the 2nd extracellular loop, in the action of decanoic acid but not of 3,3'-diindolylmethane.
24                            Here we show that decanoic acid, but not the ketones beta-hydroxybutryate
25 the bases and ribose inhibit flocculation of decanoic acid by salt.
26 -5-methyl-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene-3-do decanoic acid (C1-BODIPY-C12), have a greatly diminished
27  acid-induced rise in [Ca2+]i in response to decanoic acid (C10), dodecanoic acid (C12) and tetradeca
28                           Here, we show that decanoic acid (DA), a 10-carbon fatty acid and a major c
29 a supramolecular solvent (SUPRAS) made up of decanoic acid (DeA) assemblies was proposed to simplify
30 ically, visible photolysis in a mixture of a decanoic acid ester precursor, hydrogen donor molecules,
31                                    Recently, decanoic acid has been shown to provide seizure control
32 nhibition of excitatory neurotransmission by decanoic acid in the brain contributes to the anti-convu
33         During ester formation, octanoic and decanoic acids increased initially and then decreased gr
34 y incorporating an aliphatic proton carrier, decanoic acid, into the lipid layer of the HBM.
35 ns also show that the presence or absence of decanoic acid leads to changes in ecRRF flexibility.
36 d for by increasing concentrations of either decanoic acid or 3,3'-diindolylmethane and was not affec
37                                        (14)C-Decanoic acid was incorporated equally well in all three
38                               10-(Imidazolyl)decanoic acid was the best inhibitor (Kic = 0.9 microM,
39                The binding of 10-(imidazolyl)decanoic acid was too tight for an absolute Kd to be det
40                 To search for a mechanism of decanoic acid, we show it has a strong inhibitory effect
41 hat wild-type strains of S. enterica grow on decanoic acid, whereas wild-type E. coli strains cannot.

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