


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1     Planarians famously can regenerate after decapitation.
2 gulated in axillary meristems upon main stem decapitation.
3 d (3) circulating catecholamine levels after decapitation.
4 prolonged culture on cytokinins or following decapitation.
5 d collected either by cardiac puncture or by decapitation.
6 ced every 2 h from 09.00 to 21.00 h by rapid decapitation.
7 the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone or by decapitation.
8  c-fos mRNA expression occurred at 1 h after decapitation.
9 xcises cilia tips in a process we call cilia decapitation.
10 els are not needed for bud release following decapitation.
11                           By contrast, after decapitation AEs were dramatically elevated (anandamide,
12  brains obtained from rats immediately after decapitation and 30 min later were used to determine the
13 r paradormancy release (growth induction) by decapitation and in response to seasonal signals.
14  and CK changes were largely associated with decapitation and/or root removal and auxin response, whe
15 idents were subsequently sacrificed by rapid decapitation, and their brains were removed and processe
16 , and diminished responses to auxin in shoot decapitation assays.
17 ponds to 6-benzylaminopurine application and decapitation by increasing axillary bud length, implicat
18 ed throughout the Arabidopsis hypocotyl, yet decapitation experiments have localized the site of ligh
19                                 Grafting and decapitation experiments indicate that the rn phenotype
20 increase eye progenitor production following decapitation, facilitating regeneration.
21  onset of status epilepticus (SE) by CO2 and decapitation for the assay of COx activity and by head-f
22  of stem cell proliferation occurs following decapitation, forming a blastema at the oral pole within
23 hich auxin and CK are dominant regulators of decapitation-induced branching, whereas SLs are more imp
24               Finally, we propose that cilia decapitation induces mitogenic signaling and constitutes
25                        Our data confirm that decapitation induces the expression of at least one ISOP
26 basal conditions and in brain after one-hour decapitation ischemia, using liquid chromatography with
27 aviors that are exhibited spontaneously upon decapitation, namely, grooming, grasping, righting, and
28                                              Decapitation of o-carborane clusters made these extended
29 leolytic processing, and occasionally robust decapitation of the 5' guanine (G) of mirtron-5p species
30 decapitation reduced the inductive effect of decapitation on bud evagination.
31 Removing the main shoot PATS auxin source by decapitation or chemically inhibiting the PATS strongly
32            New findings indicate that, after decapitation, planarians build an organizing center from
33 ies of growth-induced (2 h, 2, and 4 d after decapitation) plants were used to identify differentiall
34 ow that an acute loss of IFT-B through cilia decapitation precedes resorption.
35        Removal of the PF at the same time as decapitation reduced the inductive effect of decapitatio
36 d more normal head-body proportions prior to decapitation resulted in animals which were capable of r
37                                 TAB-meristem decapitation resulted in the development of increasing n
38  accumulation of reaper transcripts, whereas decapitation results in the accumulation of lower levels
39       Circulating catecholamine levels after decapitation stress generally dropped with increasing ag
40    After testing, all animals were killed by decapitation, their brains were removed for c-fos in sit
41                                        After decapitation, trunk blood was collected and plasma was i
42 lices received dizocilpine immediately after decapitation, TUNEL-positive staining no longer occurred

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