


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  in the long C-terminal region of yeast Dcp2 decapping enzyme.
2  all substrates tested, Dcp2 was the primary decapping enzyme.
3 ication of a previously uncharacterized mRNA decapping enzyme.
4 rus family shown to encode a Nudix hydrolase-decapping enzyme.
5    Here, we report that TDT encodes the mRNA-decapping enzyme.
6 ne expression and is carried out by the Dcp2 decapping enzyme.
7 er suppressor of a conditional allele in the decapping enzyme.
8  compensate for decreases in activity of the decapping enzyme.
9 ing in vivo and for the production of active decapping enzyme.
10 d for the production of enzymatically active decapping enzyme.
11 capping differ in their requirements for the decapping enzyme.
12 apping, thereby indicating that Dcp1p is the decapping enzyme.
13 rotects the 5' cap from attack by Dcp1p, the decapping enzyme.
14  cytoplasmic granules that co-localized with decapping enzyme 1 (DCP1), a marker of P-bodies; sites o
15 e processing body (PB) markers, such as mRNA-decapping enzyme 1A (DCP1a), and thus may not represent
16              The eukaryotic "scavenger" type decapping enzyme, an m(7)GpppX pyrophosphatase, is activ
17 eneral mRNA decapping requires the Dcp1/Dcp2 decapping enzyme and a set of decapping activators, incl
18 ta define a new role for the Dcs1p scavenger decapping enzyme and demonstrate a novel mechanism where
19 his review, we discuss the properties of the decapping enzyme and how its activity is regulated to gi
20 This observation confirmed that Dcp1p is the decapping enzyme and indicated that Dcp2p functions to a
21 cp2p also coimmunoprecipitates with the DCP1 decapping enzyme and is required for the production of e
22                        Vaccinia virus (VACV) decapping enzymes and cellular exoribonuclease Xrn1 cata
23                               Here two human decapping enzymes are identified, hDcp1a and hDcp2, as w
24                                    Two major decapping enzymes are involved in the decay of eukaryoti
25 hich enhances the coimmunoprecipitation of a decapping enzyme complex (Dcp1p and Dcp2p) with the mRNA
26 sic ligases, is highly effective as a DNA 3' decapping enzyme, converting DNAppG to DNA3'p and GMP.
27                        We show that poxvirus decapping enzymes D9 and D10, which remove caps from mRN
28            Vaccinia virus (VacV) encodes two decapping enzymes (D9, D10) that remove protective 5' ca
29 le to stimulate the activity of the purified decapping enzyme Dcp1 in an in vitro decapping assay.
30 y distinct from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae decapping enzyme Dcp1.
31  proteins co-immunoprecipitate with the mRNA decapping enzyme (Dcp1), a decapping activator (Pat1/Mrt
32 he Upf1-like group of helicases, but not the decapping enzymes DCP1a and DCP2, leads to potent inhibi
33 on of nonsense-containing mRNAs requires the decapping enzyme Dcp1p, the 5'-to-3' exoribonuclease Xrn
34 ich promotes translation initiation, and the decapping enzyme, Dcp1p.
35 6p, that regulates the activity of the yeast decapping enzyme, Dcp1p.
36 ex responsible for decapping consists of the decapping enzyme Dcp2 in association with decapping enha
37                             Knockdown of the decapping enzyme DCP2 in mammalian cells also increases
38                   Here, we study the bilobed decapping enzyme Dcp2 that removes the 5' cap structure
39              One such enzyme, the eukaryotic decapping enzyme Dcp2, controls the half-life of mRNA by
40 pf1, Upf2, and Upf3X coimmunopurify with the decapping enzyme Dcp2, the putative 5'-->3' exonuclease
41 e is principally removed by the Nudix family decapping enzyme Dcp2, yielding a 5'-monophosphorylated
42 transcripts is due to resistance to the mRNA-decapping enzyme DCP2.
43  evolutionary relationship to the eukaryotic decapping enzyme Dcp2.
44 re of mRNAs and inhibits the activity of the decapping enzyme Dcp2.
45 , conferred stability against major cellular decapping enzyme (Dcp2) to transcripts.
46 methylated caps in contrast to the canonical decapping enzyme, Dcp2, which targets mRNAs with a methy
47                                The scavenger decapping enzyme DcpS functions to clear the cell of cap
48                          The human scavenger decapping enzyme, DcpS, catalyzes residual cap hydrolysi
49  the recently identified mammalian scavenger decapping enzyme, DcpS.
50                                The scavenger decapping enzyme Dcs1 has been shown to facilitate the a
51 mologue of the yeast Dcp2 protein is an mRNA decapping enzyme demonstrated to contain intrinsic decap
52 e mammalian and fungal noncanonical DXO/Rai1 decapping enzymes efficiently remove NAD(+) caps, and co
53 , and this decay process can be initiated by decapping enzymes, endonucleases, and small RNAs.
54                        However RNAi of these decapping enzymes has no obvious effect on embryogenesis
55 d Mohr (2015) describe how two poxvirus mRNA decapping enzymes hijack a host 5'-to-3'-exoribonuclease
56 enzyme, Nudt16, is an ubiquitous cytoplasmic decapping enzyme in mammalian cells.
57 pm2p interacts with Dcp2p, a subunit of mRNA decapping enzyme in the two-hybrid assay, and is enriche
58 strate mammalian cells possess multiple mRNA decapping enzymes, including Nudt16 to regulate mRNA tur
59      This study points to ASFV-DP as a viral decapping enzyme involved in both the degradation of cel
60  unstable and stable mRNAs in yeast when the decapping enzyme is compromised by temperature-sensitive
61 ot occur in a dcp1 Delta strain, wherein the decapping enzyme is lacking.
62 nized during development, with two different decapping enzymes localized in distinct cytoplasmic doma
63              These data suggest that the D10 decapping enzyme may help restrict antiviral responses b
64  cells infected with a vaccinia virus (VACV) decapping enzyme mutant and by wild-type virus colocaliz
65 mic viral factories in cells infected with a decapping enzyme mutant as well as with wild-type VACV a
66 phorylation earlier and more strongly than a decapping enzyme mutant even though less dsRNA was made,
67              In contrast, replication of the decapping enzyme mutant increased significantly (though
68 t cause by inactivation of Xrn1, whereas the decapping enzyme mutant still exhibited defects in gene
69                         We find that the RNA decapping enzyme NUDT16 selectively degrades 5'-TOP mRNA
70 t, the previously reported Xenopus nucleolar decapping enzyme, Nudt16, is an ubiquitous cytoplasmic d
71                                  However the decapping enzyme of the 3' to 5' transcript decay system
72 subsequent work was demonstrated to encode a decapping enzyme or a necessary component of a decapping
73  a yeast gene, termed DCP1, that encodes the decapping enzyme, or an essential component of a decappi
74 c3p specifically affects the function of the decapping enzyme per se.
75 p2p is required for the production of active decapping enzyme, perhaps in a process requiring the hyd
76 urrently believed to be the only cytoplasmic decapping enzyme responsible for decapping of all mRNAs.
77 hree proteins that exist in complex with the decapping enzyme subunits hDcp2 and hDcp1: hEdc3, Rck/p5
78                                          The decapping enzyme that removes the 5' cap structure is en
79 tely affected mRNA decapping in vivo yielded decapping enzymes that had at least the same specific ac
80 ination of alleles within this group yielded decapping enzymes that showed a strong loss of function
81                  First, two mutants produced decapping enzymes that were defective for decapping in v
82 cay of many yeast mRNAs; the activity of the decapping enzyme therefore plays a significant role in d
83 box protein Dhh1 regulates the access of the decapping enzyme to the m(7)G cap by modulating the stru
84            To understand the function of the decapping enzyme, we used alanine scanning mutagenesis t
85                 Second, independent of known decapping enzymes, we observed low levels of 5' monophos
86       The DCPS protein is the scavenger mRNA decapping enzyme which functions in the last step of the
87 fy proteins that control the activity of the decapping enzyme, which is encoded by the DCP1 gene, we
88 m differences in the interaction of the DCP1 decapping enzyme with individual transcripts.
89      This suggested that interactions of the decapping enzyme with other factors may be required for

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