


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ce of IFN-gamma within early human pregnancy decidua.
2 peripheral blood and in the pregnant uterine decidua.
3 nd IL-1beta enhance MCP-1 in first trimester decidua.
4 al role in anchoring the embryo/fetus to the decidua.
5 mulate cytotrophoblast migration through the decidua.
6 stitial and is restricted to the mesometrial decidua.
7 t the chorioallantoic placenta and enter the decidua.
8 ts, the fetal cells that invade the maternal decidua.
9 alpha-OHase expression in human placenta and decidua.
10 ls of expression occurred in first trimester decidua.
11 of a highly specialized maternal tissue, the decidua.
12 monstrate the production of prolactin by the decidua.
13 gh the use of an alternative promoter in rat decidua.
14 dization; this induction is localized to the decidua.
15 ctivated during colonization of the maternal decidua.
16 arrier to initial colonization of the murine decidua.
17 r regulatory events might occur in the human decidua.
18 nism promoting trophoblast invasion into the decidua.
19  decrease in uNK cells in cKO versus control decidua.
20 iltration of fetal-specific T cells into the decidua.
21 gulated in cKO decidua compared with control decidua.
22 ere with normal stepwise EVT invasion of the decidua.
23 th a physiological, angiogenic role in human decidua.
24 vasive extravillous trophoblasts that invade decidua.
25 was upregulated in preeclamptic placenta and decidua.
26 lack of iTreg cell overrepresentation in the decidua.
27 g and are likely to be the major APCs in the decidua.
28 ing factor expression levels in preeclamptic decidua.
29 f chorioamnionitis, neutrophils dominate the decidua.
30 ial epithelial cells, and in first-trimester decidua.
31 s and its predominant expression in maternal decidua.
32 low extravillous trophoblast invasion of the decidua.
33 ne, which is abundantly expressed in uterine decidua.
34 ntly increased DAG and total PKC activity in decidua (1.5- and 1.4-fold, respectively) and embryos (1
35  apoptosis and proliferation in the maternal decidua, a decrease in proliferation and increase in apo
36 Embryo implantation induces formation of the decidua, a stromal cell-derived structure that encases t
37 nd spiral artery development in the maternal decidua, accompanied by significantly attenuated niT cel
38 ey are also abundant in the pregnant uterine decidua, although their role there is unknown.
39 c1)) is shown to be a product of the uterine decidua and a regulator of postimplantation intrauterine
40  in developing embryos but is present in the decidua and chorion early in development.
41  T cells obtained from human third trimester decidua and demonstrated that decidual CD4(+) and CD8(+)
42 ein was noted at the border between maternal decidua and fetal trophoblasts.
43  in excessive trophoblast migration into the decidua and increased TUNEL-positive signal.
44 ravillous trophoblast cell (EVT) invasion of decidua and inner third of the myometrium is critical fo
45 rative contributions of two sites of action (decidua and ovary) toward preterm birth.
46               Viruses can gain access to the decidua and placenta by ascending from the lower reprodu
47                        Viral tropism for the decidua and placenta is then dependent on viral entry re
48 VT) cells were isolated from early pregnancy decidua and placenta.
49 regnancy, fetal trophoblast cells invade the decidua and remodel maternal spiral arteries to establis
50  a laminar array at the boundary between the decidua and the nondecidualized endometrium.
51 st with fetal cytotrophoblasts occupying the decidua and uterine blood vessels.
52 wer in DC nuclei in abruption versus control decidua and was absent from ITs; GR was higher in IT tha
53      Trophoblast cells penetrate through the decidua and well into the metrial gland, where they form
54  express TF potentiating inflammation in the deciduas and leading to miscarriages.
55 , how their function is regulated within the decidua, and how they variously contribute to pregnancy
56 infection in lungs, salivary glands, uterine decidua, and injured chorionic villi of the placenta, de
57  into the surrounding tissues, i.e., embryo, decidua, and maternal circulation.
58 plicates in invasive cytotrophoblasts in the decidua, and maternal immunoglobulin G (IgG)-CMV virion
59 ferentiated stroma toward the outside of the decidua, and TIMP-3 mRNA was expressed in primary and so
60 was necessary to infect both human and mouse deciduas, and the data support the existence of a barrie
61                                     In human decidua, angiotensinogen is expressed only in spiral art
62                 Colonization of the maternal decidua appears to be an initial step in the maternal co
63 t the predominant immune interactions in the decidua are between the placental trophoblast and matern
64                   NK cells that populate the decidua are important regulators of normal placentation.
65 mplement and recruitment of neutrophils into decidua are required for fetal loss, and emphasize the i
66 phoblast invasion and vascular conversion in decidua are thought to be the primary defect of common p
67 a, are elevated, prompting evaluation of the decidua as a potential source of this excess, circulatin
68 olony-stimulating factor expression in human decidua as well as in a mouse model of preeclampsia.
69 gnant endometrial cells of uterus nor in the decidua at 12.5 day p.c.
70  localized CYP2J2 in trophoblastic villi and deciduas at 12 weeks and term.
71 but instead is found in stromal cells of the decidua basalis and metrial gland and following infectio
72  metrial glands at g.d. 8, 10, and 12 and in decidua basalis at g.d. 12 (p < 0.05).
73                              Analysis of the decidua basalis from early pregnancy demonstrated expres
74                             Freshly isolated decidua basalis macrophages expressed lower levels of IL
75                                              Decidua basalis samples (8 to 12 weeks gestation) were e
76 ls to the site of listerial infection in the decidua basalis, and infection by Listeria remained unre
77 ls with luminal narrowing and a hypocellular decidua basalis.
78 at has a predilection for replication in the decidua basalis.
79  murine samples were spatially restricted to decidua basalis.
80                   With the regression of the decidua beginning on day 9.5, a coordinated upregulation
81 interface, fetal cytotrophoblasts invade the decidua, breach maternal blood vessels, and form heterot
82 a, betaII, delta, and zeta were increased in decidua by 1.25- to 2.8-fold.
83 ated cytotoxicity were down-regulated in cKO decidua compared with control decidua.
84 ro assays showed that second-trimester human decidua conditioned medium stimulated transendothelial P
85    Absence of BMPR2 signaling in the uterine decidua consequently suppressed IL-15, VEGF, angiopoieti
86 opment and uterine decidualization, and that decidua contributes to their control by a coordinated ex
87  epithelium and lymphatic endothelium in the decidua, cytotrophoblasts, and smooth muscle cells in bl
88                       Tissue NK cells in the decidua (dNK) express inhibitory NK receptors (iNKR) tha
89 the major lymphocyte population of the human decidua (dNKs), express genes with immunomodulatory pote
90        In humans, FST is up-regulated in the decidua during early pregnancy, and women with recurrent
91 dometrium during the luteal phase and in the decidua during early pregnancy.
92  in placental cells that invade the maternal decidua during pregnancy.
93 lasts, the fetal cells invading the maternal decidua during pregnancy.
94 ravillous trophoblast invasion into maternal decidua during the first trimester, optimizing hemochori
95            Host-pathogen interactions in the decidua during this early stage of infection remain poor
96            Because abruptions elicit intense decidua-enhanced thrombin production, we examined the re
97 results reveal that cells of early pregnancy decidua express strong FasL immunoreactivity, and decidu
98 opulation located in the rat antimesometrial decidua expresses prolactin mRNA, as well as synthesizes
99 ensured uterine quiescence by preventing the decidua from expressing parturition-inducing hormone rec
100 nfiltration that peaked after PPROM, whereas decidua from gestational age-matched controls were virtu
101 we used laser microdissection to isolate the decidua from tissue sections of the maternal-fetal inter
102 ls) are either enriched or excluded from the decidua, how their function is regulated within the deci
103 hage functions are required for the maternal decidua immune responses against L. monocytogenes infect
104 ich recruitment of excess macrophages to the decidua impairs endovascular trophoblast invasion, the p
105 itute 50-90% of lymphocytes in human uterine decidua in early pregnancy.
106 an decidual organ cultures and in the murine decidua in vivo A high inoculum was necessary to infect
107 ti-PDGF-A neutralizing antibodies into mouse deciduas in utero at Embryonic Days (E) 8.5, 9.5, and 10
108                                       In the decidua, invasive cytotrophoblasts expressing coreceptor
109                      Virus replicates in the decidua, invasive cytotrophoblasts that breach the uteri
110                        First trimester human decidua is composed of decidual cells, CD56(bright)CD16(
111  results suggest that the infectivity of the decidua is not the result of an enhanced recruitment of
112                 During pregnancy the uterine decidua is populated by large numbers of natural killer
113 mpsia is shallow trophoblast invasion of the decidua leading to incomplete vascular transformation an
114 low extravillous trophoblast invasion of the decidua, leading to uteroplacental blood flow that is in
115 trachomatis (Ct) can infect the placenta and decidua, little is known about its effects on trophoblas
116            Immunostaining of first trimester decidua localized IP-10, I-TAC, IFN-gammaR1, and -R2 to
117 rformed microarray screening of placenta and decidua (maternal placenta) from 25 preeclamptic women a
118 othesis that expression of CTLA-2beta in the decidua may regulate implantation of the embryo by neutr
119 esults suggest that DC entrapment within the decidua minimizes immunogenic T cell exposure to fetal/p
120 rine model of preeclampsia revealed that the decidua of affected animals displayed higher levels of i
121 ine stromal cells and vasculature within the decidua of gestation day 8.5 implantation sites.
122  in macrophages (CD68-positive cells) in the decidua of preeclamptic patients.
123 production and PKC activities in embryos and decidua of streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic or transiently
124 e natural killer (uNK) cells in the maternal decidua of the Hectd1 mutant placenta.
125 nd 2 in biopsy samples from the placenta and decidua of women with healthy pregnancies.
126   HY-specific T cells were detectable in the decidua of women with male pregnancies and were shown to
127 hanges may occur upon NK cell entry into the decidua or other tissues expressing substantial TGFbeta.
128 ostly pioneer species: Betula pendula, Larix decidua, Picea abies, and Pinus sylvestris; and alien sp
129 -fetal interface that comprises the maternal decidua, placenta, and fetal membranes.
130 e maternal leukocytes of the first-trimester decidua play a fundamental role in implantation and earl
131        Using human first trimester placenta, decidua, primary dNK cells, and macrophages, we tested t
132 A ends, we cloned a full-length cDNA for rat decidua prolactin, whose sequence was identical to that
133 d a higher sO2 than the junctional zone plus decidua region (JZ+D) in C57Bl/6 mice.
134 participate in the formation and function of decidua remain poorly understood.
135        Immunohistochemical staining of human decidua revealed the expression of CD1d on both villous
136                Here we provide evidence that decidua-secreted HtrA1 and HtrA3 antagonize HtrA4-mediat
137  is associated with lymphangiogenesis in the decidua since lymphatic vessels were not a prominent fea
138        It is well established that the human decidua synthesizes and releases prolactin.
139 mpared with most bacteria, was higher in the decidua than in the adjacent placenta.
140 d cell proteins were found more often in the decidua than in the placenta, suggesting that the uterus
141 olled by the specialized uterine stroma (the decidua) that surrounds the implanted conceptus.
142 iderable T cell infiltration of the maternal decidua, the functional properties of this T cell respon
143 ffector T cells cannot accumulate within the decidua, the specialized stromal tissue encapsulating th
144 ls derived from three lineages: the maternal decidua, the trophectoderm, and the extra-embryonic meso
145 lpha-OHase was detectable in trophoblast and decidua; the latter being stronger in decidualized strom
146 st that ZIKV spreads from basal and parietal decidua to chorionic villi and amniochorionic membranes
147 xpansion associated with an inability of the decidua to mount appropriate innate cellular immune resp
148 e relevance of uterine DCs (uDCs) within the decidua to the success of implantation has remained uncl
149 zed angiotensinogen transcription in uterine decidua using in situ reverse transcription PCR.
150 metrial epithelial cells and first trimester decidua via a Gq-Ca(2+)-cSrc-mitogen-activated protein k
151 n extravillous trophoblast (EVT) invades the decidua via integrin receptors and subsequently degrades
152                   1alpha-OHase expression in decidua was approximately 1000-fold higher in first (95%
153  amount of dystroglycan mRNA in 8.5 day p.c. decidua was indeed 100-fold higher than that of non-preg
154  in the placenta, and uterine myometrium and decidua, was also attenuated.
155  for nutrient exchange and (ii) the maternal decidua, where mononuclear, extravillous trophoblasts an
156 his expansion is even more pronounced in the decidua, where there is an overrepresentation of iTreg c
157 er in DC nuclei during labor versus prelabor decidua, whereas FKBP51 immunostaining was undetected in
158  of uILC3s is found in human endometrium and decidua, which are mostly NCR(+) and partially overlap w
159 mpaired development or function of the human decidua, which unlike that of the mouse contains lymphat
160 n defects such as a much smaller mesometrial decidua with enlarged SDZ.
161  was higher in DCs in abruption than control decidua, with total ERK 1/2 unchanged.

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