


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 se inhibitor, is expressed during PR-induced decidualization.
2 d angiogenesis required for implantation and decidualization.
3  in blastocyst implantation and stromal cell decidualization.
4  Cox-2 expression and only modestly affected decidualization.
5  p38 inhibition also significantly inhibited decidualization.
6 nduced Cox-2 and PPARdelta expression during decidualization.
7 ry PG that is essential for implantation and decidualization.
8 is essential for blastocyst implantation and decidualization.
9  ovulation, fertilization, implantation, and decidualization.
10 etrial stromal cells (hESCs) during in vitro decidualization.
11 ffects 238 genes (154 up and 84 down) during decidualization.
12 ty of bioactive androgens and the process of decidualization.
13 mal cell proliferation and completely failed decidualization.
14  in blastocyst implantation and stromal cell decidualization.
15 gression, which together promotes successful decidualization.
16 ockdown of GPR64 in hESCs remarkably reduced decidualization.
17 ultiple signaling modalities required during decidualization.
18  regulator of cytoskeletal remodeling during decidualization.
19 evelopment, but also embryo implantation and decidualization.
20 ed in mouse uterine stromal cells undergoing decidualization.
21  decidual cells in a unique process known as decidualization.
22  its potential physiological significance on decidualization.
23 ng that it is a key mediator of BMP2-induced decidualization.
24  BMP2 regulation in stromal cells undergoing decidualization.
25  isolated from pregnant mouse uterus undergo decidualization.
26  P action in the mouse uterine stroma during decidualization.
27 he uterine stroma undergoes a process called decidualization.
28  transcriptional programs which lead to full decidualization.
29 ing trafficking of NK precursor cells during decidualization.
30 ld-type and Hoxa-10(-/-) mice after inducing decidualization.
31 ic structures, and for the execution of full decidualization.
32                                      Uterine decidualization, a key event for successful implantation
33                                      Uterine decidualization, a process that occurs in response to em
34 -2) in the uterine epithelium contributes to decidualization, a series of uterine morphological chang
35 ipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in decidualization, acting through its G-protein-coupled re
36 ngolipid metabolism regulates proper uterine decidualization and blood vessel stability.
37 .g., 4h-j) were active orally in the uterine decidualization and component C3 assays in the rats.
38     Overall, we suggest that proper regional decidualization and polyploidy development requires FoxM
39 K119ub1, in conjunction with perturbation of decidualization and polyploidy development, suggesting a
40 fferentiation, all fundamental processes for decidualization and pregnancy.
41 xpression of stromal PR was decreased during decidualization and preimplantation period in Stat3(d/d)
42 Proteinase activity is controlled by stromal decidualization and specific proteinase inhibitors.
43 es multiple signaling mechanisms crucial for decidualization and these studies provide additional per
44 al PPARdelta is critical to implantation and decidualization, and embryonic PPARdelta is vital for pl
45 g increased localized vascular permeability, decidualization, and expression of Bmp2 at the sites of
46 ox transcription factor, is regulated during decidualization, and its conditional deletion in mice re
47 olecular link that coordinates implantation, decidualization, and placentation crucial to pregnancy s
48 naling pathways participate in implantation, decidualization, and placentation, whether there is a co
49 ry for normal embryo development and uterine decidualization, and that decidua contributes to their c
50 o defects in embryo attachment, stromal cell decidualization, and the inability to cease estrogen-ind
51 tiation and endothelial proliferation during decidualization are not fully understood.
52  allow mechanistic analysis of site-specific decidualization are strikingly limited.
53 gulation of Fra-1 expression during in vitro decidualization blocked stromal differentiation and resu
54    Analysis of cell cycle progression during decidualization both in vivo and in vitro demonstrates t
55 ent uterine implantation and induced uterine decidualization but did not develop substantially therea
56 ants undergo implantation and induce uterine decidualization but rapidly degenerate around the time o
57 42-3p plays an important role in endometrial decidualization by regulating the expression of major de
58 1 and HtrA3 expression is up-regulated under decidualization conditions in endometrial stromal and ep
59   Failure of implantation and the subsequent decidualization contribute to more than 75% of pregnancy
60 of top3alpha-/- embryos and the induction of decidualization could occur, but viability of these embr
61 eveals failure of implantation with regional decidualization defects such as a much smaller mesometri
62 ted deletion of Hoxa-10 in mice shows severe decidualization defects, primarily due to reduced stroma
63        Our studies show two major aspects of decidualization downstream of Hoxa-10.
64                                 We show that decidualization (even in vitro) enhances the ability to
65      Of interest, P4 supplementation rescued decidualization failure and supported pregnancy to full
66 din (PG) biosynthesis, show implantation and decidualization failure.
67 unique phenomenon that occurs during uterine decidualization following embryo implantation, although
68 receptor, Tie-2, directs angiogenesis during decidualization following implantation.
69 he receptors and ligands up-regulated during decidualization have their counterpart expressed in trop
70  C3/AKR1C3), b) establishment of endometrial decidualization (IGFBP1, prolactin) and c) endometrial r
71 y, as their ablation results in a failure of decidualization, impaired implantation, and embryonic re
72 y, as their ablation results in a failure of decidualization, impaired implantation, and embryonic re
73 ition of Notch signaling results in impaired decidualization in both women and a transgenic mouse mod
74 entation rescued implantation and subsequent decidualization in CD1, but not C57BL6/129, null females
75 pite normal ovarian functions and artificial decidualization in conditional knockout (cKO) mice, abse
76  regulation of regional uterine stromal cell decidualization in implantation, at the mesometrial tria
77 IL-11 is essential for embryo attachment and decidualization in mice.
78 ls proliferate, avert apoptosis, and undergo decidualization in preparation for implantation; however
79 n addition, mutant uteri exhibited decreased decidualization in response to artificial stimuli.
80         Surprisingly, experimentally induced decidualization in the absence of blastocysts failed in
81 lphaSMA is associated with the initiation of decidualization in the baboon endometrium.
82 MP2 and Wnt4 that mediates P-induced stromal decidualization in the mouse and the human.
83 rotein beta (C/EBPbeta) critically regulates decidualization in the mouse.
84 d failure of embryo implantation and stromal decidualization in the uterus contribute to significant
85 P2 in human endometrial stromal cells during decidualization in vitro in response to steroids and cAM
86 exaggerated inflammatory response to induced decidualization, including altered immune cell recruitme
87 ation and subsequent defects in stromal cell decidualization, including decreased proliferation, aber
88    All but one miRNA were downregulated upon decidualization, including miR-542-3p.
89 he regulation of stromal cell polyploidy and decidualization induced by HB-EGF depend on cyclin D3 in
90 r of transcription-3 (Stat3) is required for decidualization, interacting with progesterone receptor
91                         Uterine stromal cell decidualization is an essential part of the reproductive
92             These data suggested that failed decidualization is an important contributor to down-regu
93                                     In fact, decidualization is associated with global hyposumoylatio
94                        One hallmark event of decidualization is the acquisition of stromal cell polyp
95 f ovarian progesterone as a key regulator of decidualization is well established, the requirement of
96 asts (ESC) into specialised secretory cells (decidualization) is fundamental to the establishment of
97  ovulation, fertilization, implantation, and decidualization, it is not clear which PGs are involved
98 e strategies for successful implantation and decidualization may lead to approaches to improve the ou
99 biosynthesis of endometrial androgens during decidualization may play a key role in endometrial recep
100                    Using a murine artificial decidualization model, pharmacological inhibition of Not
101 rting implantation, regulating the extent of decidualization, modulating local levels of vascular IGF
102 yps (n = 4), endocervical polyp (n = 1), and decidualization (n = 2).
103 suggest that Gpr64 has a crucial role in the decidualization of endometrial stromal cells.
104                                              Decidualization of ESC resulted in significant time-depe
105 RNAs differentially expressed in response to decidualization of HESCs.
106 mans, SLC5A1 expression was upregulated upon decidualization of primary endometrial stromal cells.
107 ogesterone (P4) signaling is crucial for the decidualization of the endometrial stromal cells for suc
108 , namely the attachment reaction followed by decidualization of the stroma.
109                                          The decidualization of uterine stromal cells is a key event
110 on of C/EBPbeta increased further during the decidualization phase of pregnancy and was localized in
111 of embryonic growth due to interference with decidualization, placental and yolk sac formation, and e
112  reflected in aberrations in embryo spacing, decidualization, placentation and intrauterine embryonic
113 ibitors of activated STAT (PIAS) family upon decidualization pointed toward a role of these E3 ligase
114 h), patched, and noggin become restricted as decidualization proceeds.
115  this transcription factor in regulating the decidualization program.
116                                  Endometrial decidualization represents an essential step for the suc
117 lture of the HtrA4-expressing JAR cells with decidualization stimuli-treated T-HESC or Ishikawa monol
118 addition, inhibition of p38 led to decreased decidualization suggesting that an intracrine prostanoid
119 ity and angiogenesis during implantation and decidualization, suggesting that one cause of the failur
120 progesterone (P4) secretion that compromised decidualization, terminating pregnancy.
121 mice triggered midgestation abnormalities in decidualization that resulted in abnormal vascular devel
122                                              Decidualization, the process by which the uterine endome
123  ovulation, fertilization, implantation, and decidualization; the latter of which can be restored in
124 tioned media from these two cell lines after decidualization treatment suppress HtrA4-expressing JAR
125 verall, Cbx4/Ring1B-containing PRC1 controls decidualization via regulation of extracellular gene rem
126 ng at the embryo-epithelial boundary induces decidualization via the canonical HB-EGF and COX-2 pathw
127 e pharmacological activation of LPA3 induces decidualization via up-regulation of HB-EGF and COX-2.
128 re predominantly utilized in antimesometrial decidualization with polyploidy.
129 ngosine kinase (Sphk) genes causes defective decidualization with severely compromised uterine blood
130 de blastocyst-uterine attachment and stromal decidualization with vascular permeability changes.
131 -cKO mice also responds poorly to artificial decidualization, with lower levels of proliferation and
132 of uterine implantation and induced maternal decidualization yet failed to develop substantially ther

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