


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tions may contribute importantly to accurate decoding.
2 rating a previously unknown aspect of Bicoid decoding.
3 tions can have distinguishable influences on decoding.
4 mingled and each set can support orientation decoding.
5 cate pleiotropic mechanisms of action beyond decoding.
6 ecoding constrains less reliable lower-level decoding.
7 ity does not substantially drive orientation decoding.
8 NAs that elucidate the mechanism of accurate decoding.
9 ghts into the dynamics of high-fidelity tRNA decoding.
10 sed to explain the observed features of UAGN decoding.
11 on genetic code expansion through quadruplet decoding.
12 ase modulates rapid and accurate information decoding.
13  to the stimulus edges underlies orientation decoding.
14 vity is likely not necessary for orientation decoding.
15  University (984 cases and 970 controls) and deCODE (1,319 cases and 26,380 controls), and the overal
16  University (984 cases and 970 controls) and deCODE (1,319 cases and 26,380 controls).
17 rotein kinase signaling changed how synapses decode a pattern of stimuli, a disease-related Ras allel
18 mbinant hybrid ribosomes carrying eukaryotic decoding A site cassettes.
19         Finally, the saccade target could be decoded above chance even when it had been removed durin
20 t computational work, in which responses are decoded according to the vestibular preferences of multi
21  Furthermore, we detected slightly different decoding accuracies, depending on the task's visual cond
22 d not find any image features that predicted decoding accuracy differences between both interventions
23 ha oscillations (8-10 Hz), while the highest decoding accuracy for the apparent motion task (ISI = 12
24                                  The highest decoding accuracy for the two-flash fusion task (ISI = 4
25 tes can be decoded from activity in OFC, and decoding accuracy is related to task performance and the
26 l cortex, but there was no difference in the decoding accuracy of task-related information between sw
27 of high-density fiber electrical activity to decode accurate alpha-motor neuron discharges across fiv
28 stimulus discriminability and ensures robust decoding across membrane states in a regime of highly co
29 le-shot error correction to develop a simple decoding algorithm for the gauge color code, and we nume
30                                              Decoding analyses indicate that cortical odor representa
31                       Moreover, multivariate decoding analyses revealed that amisulpride changed the
32                                   Source and decoding analyses revealed that perceptual maintenance r
33                                     CaM/CMLs decode and relay information encrypted by the second mes
34 y, our studies clarify how CENP-N and CENP-C decode and stabilize the non-canonical CENP-A nucleosome
35                    Here, we use multivariate decoding and analyses of spontaneous correlations to sho
36  ensure that the mRNA is held tightly during decoding and essential for the helicase activity at the
37 expected relationship between aminoacyl-tRNA decoding and translocation suggests that miscoding antib
38  protein synthesis including aminoacylation, decoding and translocation.
39 modification in yeast tRNA(Lys) affects mRNA decoding and tRNA-mRNA translocation.
40  an assumption-free, whole-brain searchlight decoding approach, we identified for the first time regi
41    While the networks underlying this signal decoding are diverse, many are built around a common mot
42 processes of sensory encoding and perceptual decoding are matched and optimized based on identical as
43 derately miscoding, respectively, and it was decoded as an adenosine in both systems.
44 genomic features and their dominant roles in decoding AS patterns, highlighting the necessity of incl
45 anged during the saccade, the new target was decoded at a later time-point, 151 ms after saccade offs
46 te unnatural anticodons, and their efficient decoding at the ribosome to direct the site-specific inc
47  participation of the unnatural base pair in decoding at the ribosome.
48       Animal and tool TPWs were successfully decoded based on fMRI activity in spatially distinct sub
49 -analysis was then analyzed using functional decoding based on ~7500 fMRI experiments in the BrainMap
50                Consistently, the accuracy of decoding behavior from SPN ensemble patterns was directl
51 sion of three genes taking part in the fully decoded betalain biosynthetic pathway.
52 sent by an organism (sender) is detected and decoded by a receiver, who then must respond in such a w
53 ults demonstrate that the Ras/Erk pathway is decoded by both dynamic filters and logic gates to shape
54  our approach to dissect how Erk activity is decoded by immediate early genes (IEGs).
55 ndocytic pioneers Eps15/R are differentially decoded by other endocytic pioneers Fcho1/2 and AP-2.
56 tream of a 20-bp barcode is constructed, and decoded by paired-end sequencing.
57 odel was that the slow translation of codons decoded by rare tRNAs reduces efficiency.
58 nd topogenic signals that are recognized and decoded by the protein insertion and translocation machi
59 rsible conformations of a DNA nanoswitch and decoding by gel electrophoresis.
60 n B-like interacting protein kinases (CIPKs) decode calcium signals upon interaction with the calcium
61              CaMKII plays a critical role in decoding calcium (Ca(2+)) signals to initiate long-lasti
62                   However, the mechanism for decoding calcium signatures is unknown.
63                            The mechanism for decoding calcium signatures to control expression of pla
64 ally that finite temperature maximum entropy decoding can give slightly better bit-error-rates than t
65 ork of metabolism can serve as a platform to decode cancer metabolic plasticity and design cancer the
66 w protein densities were discovered near the decoding center and the peptidyl transferase center, res
67 the 30S subunit and aids the assembly of the decoding center but also binds the mature 30S subunit wi
68 tor exploits the plasticity of the ribosomal decoding center to differentially remodel ribosomal prot
69 inding to the canonical eukaryotic ribosomal decoding center.
70  from the RNAP active center to the ribosome decoding center.
71 915 (Psi1915), which lies near the ribosomal decoding center.
72 like pseudoknot I (PKI) of the IRES from the decoding center.
73 states of tRNA engagement with the ribosomal decoding center.
74                                              Decoding-center rearrangements are coupled with the step
75 uces conformational changes in the ribosomal decoding centre that are similar to those seen in other
76 elix, initiating step-wise 'latching' of the decoding centre.
77                  A transient conformation of decoding-centre nucleotide G530 stabilizes the cognate c
78  RACIPE to be a powerful tool to predict and decode circuit design principles in an unbiased manner,
79 edictive encoding model of word semantics to decode conceptual information from neural activity in he
80  memory, and that more reliable higher-level decoding constrains less reliable lower-level decoding.
81 nucleobases, and the mechanisms of ribosomal decoding contributed to the position-dependent effects.
82  an artificial neural bypass technology that decodes cortical activity and emulates spinal cord CPG f
83          Here, we have demonstrated that MCs decode different activation stimuli into spatially and t
84 lished the spacing effect and led neurons to decode distinct stimulation patterns as massed stimulati
85 iquitin attachment to a substrate protein is decoded during mitosis.
86 ficiency is largely thought of as the sum of decoding efficiencies for individual codons.
87 RNA mutants with significantly improved UAGN decoding efficiency, which will augment the current effo
88                                     Previous decoding efforts have focused on classifying brain activ
89 ination was semi-automatically quantified by decoding electroencephalography responses to frequently
90 of the myoelectric prosthesis is enabled via decoded electromyography activity from reinnervated musc
91               We find that IEG transcription decodes Erk dynamics through a shared band-pass filterin
92 n analysis of electroencephalography data to decode face versus house processing directly after the s
93          Using this code, we could precisely decode faces from neural population responses and predic
94        Comparative analyses reveal that each decoding factor exploits the plasticity of the ribosomal
95 re selectively recognized by the appropriate decoding factorGTPase complex to ensure translational fi
96 tures of the mammalian ribosome engaged with decoding factorGTPase complexes representing intermediat
97 ry cortex of ferrets and found that: (1) the decoding filters of auditory neurons resemble the filter
98 n is less clear, and most models assume that decoding follows the same low- to high-level hierarchy o
99  encoding techniques, synthesis methods, and decoding for applications including bio-detection, imagi
100 ologies have shown the feasibility of neural decoding for both users' gait intent and continuous kine
101 his objective by introducing a probabilistic decoding framework based on a novel topic model-Generali
102                 To attain maximal utility, a decoding framework must be open-ended, systematic, and c
103 We show that unobservable task states can be decoded from activity in OFC, and decoding accuracy is r
104              For example, orientation can be decoded from BOLD activation patterns in human V1, even
105 variability, odor identity can accurately be decoded from ensembles of co-active neurons that are dis
106   The orientation of a visual grating can be decoded from human primary visual cortex (V1) using func
107          Second, global information could be decoded from magneto-encephalographic data during early
108 sence of these categories within a scene was decoded from MEG sensor patterns by training linear clas
109 tion suppression," but expected stimuli were decoded from multivariate population signals with greate
110 esenting grip configurations can be reliably decoded from neural data acquired from area V6A of the m
111 ometry, and thus how well any feature can be decoded from population activity.
112 tegration vs. segregation) could be reliably decoded from the phase of prestimulus oscillations in ri
113  face morphs between two identities could be decoded from the prefrontal cortex and the ventral tempo
114 ion transmission across cortical states i.e. decoding from different states is less state dependent i
115 d controversy over the source of orientation decoding from fMRI responses in human V1.
116 that noise correlations enhance multivariate decoding from heterogeneous neural populations.
117 edge-related activity" underlies orientation decoding from patterns of BOLD response in human V1.
118                                              Decoding from unselected populations enables a read-out
119                                     However, decoding functional RNA-regulatory features remains a li
120 S) has become a widely accepted strategy for decoding genotype-phenotype associations in many species
121 asal ganglia control signal for force and to decode gripping force based on local field potential (LF
122 nly important in monitoring, estimating, and decoding H2O2 relevant physiological pathways but also v
123                                    We probed decoding hierarchy by comparing absolute judgments of si
124 der how working-memory properties may affect decoding hierarchy.
125 ity of every neuron in a behaving animal and decode how it relates to behavior.
126 central goal of cognitive neuroscience is to decode human brain activity-that is, to infer mental pro
127 rchlight multivariate pattern analysis could decode humans and nonhumans across pedalism in the left
128 arity information and face identity could be decoded in an overlapping set of areas in the core and e
129  found that global motion direction could be decoded in human V2 and, particularly, in V3.
130                     The sounds also could be decoded in primary visual and primary auditory cortex, b
131 ations for understanding neural encoding and decoding in a broad class of fundamental sensory-percept
132 ned, we examined shape-based object category decoding in occipitotemporal and parietal regions.
133        We addressed the dynamics of auditory decoding in speech comprehension by challenging syllable
134 s, but produces a representation that can be decoded independently, without the need for a reference.
135                                              Decoding individual trials of adaptation-affected activi
136 rior parietal cortex are valid for correctly decoding information relevant for grasping.
137  and without the need for complex time-gated decoding instrumentation.Luminescent materials that are
138 in human resting-state brain activity can be decoded into categories of experience delineating unique
139  is encoded into spectral phase jumps may be decoded into measurable spectral intensity spikes.
140 tion efficiency and codon use is that slower decoding is coupled to reduced mRNA stability.
141 ndent in the adaptive threshold case, if the decoding is performed in reference to the timing of the
142 from a theory combining optimal encoding and decoding, is well supported by a wide range of reported
143 emporal patterning of the calcium signal and decoding it by multiple, tunable, and often strategicall
144                                     We could decode low- and high-level rules from local patterns of
145 a, we derived and validated a characteristic decoding map that relates morphogen input to the positio
146 nsor, and FHSS pattern analysis based sensor decoding may help establishing cost-effective, energy-ef
147  of the underlying dynamics, and instead the decoding mechanism acts as a simple low-pass filter.
148 s approach can be applied to identifying the decoding mechanisms of other plant calcium signalling pa
149 ngstanding puzzle about extracellular signal decoding mechanisms.
150 ordinal judgment was used to retrospectively decode memory representations of absolute orientations,
151            Notably, the receptive-field-free decoding method was found to be well-tuned for hippocamp
152                                 Multivariate decoding methods, such as multivoxel pattern analysis (M
153 ing model of similar complexity; and (3) the decoding model accounts for the accuracy with which the
154  poorly reflects selectivity of neurons, the decoding model can account for the strong nonlinearities
155 rom the statistics of speech sounds; (2) the decoding model captures the dynamics of responses better
156 l networks, we then assess how easy it is to decode more general information about stimulus shape fro
157            Neural interfaces are designed to decode motor intent and evoke sensory precepts in ampute
158 deep brain LFPs could potentially be used to decode movement parameters related to force and movement
159 ex have led to the development of methods of decoding movement information to restore coordinated arm
160 neuroprosthetics, allowing a single array to decode movements of a large extent of the body.
161                                    Ribosomes decode mRNA codons by selecting cognate aminoacyl-tRNAs
162                          Transfer RNA (tRNA) decodes mRNA codons when aminoacylated (charged) with an
163 shes the life-sustaining tasks of faithfully decoding mRNA and catalyzing peptide bond formation at t
164 complex, 2.5 MDa nanomachine responsible for decoding mRNA and synthesizing proteins.
165 ge affects the efficiency/stringency of mRNA decoding, mRNA biogenesis/stability, and protein secreti
166  predicted remembering from forgetting, then decoded neural activity in later sessions in which we ap
167 r interfaces function via an algorithm which decodes neural activity of the user into movements of an
168 tion to people with neurological deficits by decoding neural activity into control signals for guidin
169 functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) decoded neurofeedback (DecNef) method, we found that dif
170 rrors and response variability as results of decoding noisy neural activity, and can account for the
171 cleosome interaction module enables KDM2A to decode nucleosomal H3K9me3 modification in addition to C
172 ain and validate a Bayes classifier used for decoding objects and grip types.
173 We show that this problem can be resolved by decoding odor identity from a subpopulation of concentra
174 res that compromise ribosome fidelity during decoding of a heptanucleotide 'slippery' sequence.
175 can be estimated reasonably well by a linear decoding of a population of MT neurons with response gai
176           We discuss an example in which the decoding of a turbo code, which has been demonstrated to
177                                              Decoding of calcium signatures occurs via nonlinear inte
178      Our results suggest that optimal linear decoding of early sensory information is not a general d
179                         We used multivariate decoding of electroencephalography (EEG) data to investi
180 r and nonlinear components contribute to the decoding of EMG of major muscles used in the task.
181        We propose that the brain prioritizes decoding of higher-level features because they are more
182                                          Our decoding of histone methylarginine at key genes supports
183 after stimulus onset, 100 ms later than peak decoding of intact objects.
184 ing, decisions about integrated percepts and decoding of integrated percepts are impaired in tandem,
185   In the present study, we used multivariate decoding of magneto-encephalography (MEG) data to track
186 terns in this visuomotor network enabled the decoding of manipulable versus non-manipulable object pi
187 dditional products occurs prominently in the decoding of mobile chromosomal element and viral genomes
188         Gene translation depends on accurate decoding of mRNA, the structural mechanism of which rema
189 t achieves interaction strength analysis and decoding of networks with nonlinear interactions by incl
190 ding may pave the way for further structural decoding of other 2D vdW superstructure systems with mor
191 ing with genetically encoded sensors enables decoding of regional activity and connectivity in anesth
192            This suggests that optimal linear decoding of sensory signals is not generally a good pred
193 bi and Viterbi A* are used for inference and decoding of sequences.
194       A major such program involves enhanced decoding of specific mRNAs that are depleted in terminal
195 represent a proof of concept study for basic decoding of speech imagery, and delineate a number of ke
196              In contrast, maximum likelihood decoding of stimulus location based on the statistics of
197  onset, multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) decoding of task in occipital-parietal sources remained
198  synchronization and supported more accurate decoding of temporal sound features in the inferior coll
199                         Further, AIS allowed decoding of the cued category on a trial-by-trial basis.
200                           To determine this, decoding of the salicylic acid (SA)-mediated plant immun
201     Here, we describe results of IgG-epitome decoding of three proteins from high-risk (HR-) oncogeni
202 Similarly, superior IPS exhibited consistent decoding of VSTM content across all distractor manipulat
203 ly-circumscribed topics that enable flexible decoding of whole-brain images.
204                                     Encoding/decoding off-axis points with discrete orbital angular m
205 ction, transfer RNA (tRNA) charging and mRNA decoding on the ribosome.
206 of the categorization behavior were reliably decoded only in right LPFC.
207  that this information is needed to properly decode optimized information sent in parallel through te
208    In particular, a stimulus feature that is decoded (or explained away) by one neuron is not explain
209 e to incorporate these encoding changes, the decoding, or perception, of subsequent stimuli is biased
210 tion channel operating with coded inputs and decoded outputs.
211 ed above chance for almost 1 s, and the task-decoding pattern interacted with task outcome.
212 ) are main effectors of messenger RNA (mRNA) decoding, peptide-bond formation, and ribosome dynamics
213 put) allowed for comparable levels of object-decoding performance and that removing a large fraction
214 eptive fields in V1 and evaluate orientation decoding performance as a function of stimulus location
215  did not observe the expected second peak in decoding performance at the outer stimulus edge as predi
216 ion procedure demonstrated that near-maximum decoding performance could be achieved using a relativel
217 utcome prediction was based on the change of decoding performance from hypothermia to normothermia.
218                                Specifically, decoding performance is enhanced when voxels with high v
219 decodable across the stimulus; however, peak decoding performance occurred for voxels with receptive
220 ew proteins, and expand our knowledge of the decoding potential of the ribosome.
221  a programmable annealer for the information decoding problem which we simulate as a random Ising mod
222                                  Whether the decoding process is bounded by the capacity of theta rhy
223                      The numerical nonlinear decoding process of CS shares strong connections with po
224 adapt to syllabic rate, but by an endogenous decoding process.
225 ilar to those seen in other protein-involved decoding processes.
226                          Notably, the neural decoding properties, including its autocorrelation struc
227 input range for which the network is able to decode pulsatile dynamics.
228                          Low-abundance tRNAs decode rare codons slowly, but it is unclear which genes
229            Together with previous studies on decoding reach trajectories from the medial posterior pa
230 e global-areal-map account, fMRI orientation decoding relies exclusively on fMRI voxels in V1 exhibit
231 erall perception, suggesting that perceptual decoding requires working memory, yet few models conside
232 nfection in the 21st century: new hints from decoding resolution mediators and mechanisms.
233                                          MEG decoding results revealed that scene-based facilitation
234 eveloped simple predictions to differentiate decoding schemes without needing measures of noise corre
235 eveloped simple predictions to differentiate decoding schemes, and found support for optimal linear r
236  of multisensory neurons may be exploited to decode self-motion and object motion from the population
237                                           To decode semantic representations of these TPWs, we used m
238 n particular, whether they are necessary for decoding sensory stimuli is unknown.
239 this "topography" of wiring is essential for decoding sensory stimuli.
240                                         fMRI decoding showed that the multivariate representation of
241 canning model of translation initiation, the decoding site and latch of the 40S subunit must open to
242 factors regulate mRNA accommodation into the decoding site have not yet been elucidated.
243 ncorporated into the bacterial ribosomal RNA decoding site, fluorescently reports antibiotic binding
244 state of full accommodation of mRNA into the decoding site.
245 isition of letter-sound relationships (i.e., decoding skills) and the ability to visually recognize w
246 e better used to estimate the uncertainty of decoded stimulus properties.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT It is
247 e bacterial class I release factors (RFs) in decoding stop codons has evolved beyond a simple tripept
248 f early sensory information is not a general decoding strategy used by the brain.
249      Although topography is a useful initial decoding strategy, we suggest it may be replaced by bett
250 ne target position from EEG, we were able to decode target positions on the vertical midline, which c
251                                          The decoding techniques for each encoding technique are diff
252 coding techniques, synthesis strategies, and decoding techniques need to be considered.
253 gnetoencephalography (MEG) with multivariate decoding techniques to probe the representational conten
254                           Using multivariate decoding techniques, we delineated three distinct proces
255 table giving task together with multivariate decoding techniques, we identified three distinct psycho
256 n mechanism in a neural circuit functions to decode temporally organized spiking.
257 troduced an integrative method, LogicTRN, to decode TF-TF interactions that form TF logics in regulat
258        However, the rules by which promoters decode the amount of active TF into target gene expressi
259 iginal DNA sample and were able to perfectly decode the data.
260 P-N uses charge and space complementarity to decode the L1 loop that is unique to CENP-A.
261                                 Our findings decode the major genetic mechanisms by which T. pallidum
262 urons, a machine-learning algorithm reliably decode the motion direction and determine whether it is
263    We applied machine-learning algorithms to decode the neuronal activity and control activation of t
264 scious access being impaired, the ability to decode the presence of integrated percepts remains intac
265 that sustained EEG activity could be used to decode the remembered orientation of a stimulus, even wh
266 e production of dozens of records per probe, decode the spatial arrangements of 7 unique probes in a
267 e same across the saccade, we could reliably decode the target 123 ms after saccade offset.
268 se STN LFP features as inputs can be used to decode the temporal profile of gripping force.
269 e perceptual mechanisms used to transmit and decode the visual information from emotional signals dif
270 r the fate of mATG8s and will be valuable in decoding the biological functions of the individual LC3/
271 de in identifying CD1-restricted T cells and decoding the diverse immunological functions of distinct
272 t study provides key insights for eventually decoding the earliest fossil record.
273                                              Decoding the effect of the electrical signals on the cel
274                                     However, decoding the functions of the millions of putative regul
275 periods in brain development is essential to decoding the long-term impact of widespread, poorly defi
276 roscience initiatives are making progress in decoding the neural nature of such feelings in animal br
277 support of an alternative approach, based on decoding the stimulus from the neural response.
278 y, how synapses integrate spaced stimuli and decode them into specific plastic changes remains elusiv
279 but rather by the time given to the brain to decode them.
280  the thousands of known protein structures, "decoding" them is challenging because of the complexity
281               New strategies are emerging to decode these combinatorial genetic interactions across a
282                              Comprehensively decoding these regulatory mechanisms holds promise in ge
283        A complementary acidic surface on B55 decodes this signal, supporting a cooperative electrosta
284 ese genetic fluctuations, however, cannot be decoded through conventional label-free methods (e.g., p
285 ignal is picked up by a sniffer receiver and decoded through pattern analysis of the high dimensional
286  significant trial-by-trial relation between decoded times and the timing behavior of the monkeys.
287 that intracortically recorded signals can be decoded to extract information related to motion, allowi
288                       How these features are decoded to produce perception is less clear, and most mo
289      Cross-linked reads originating from AAA-decoding tRNA(Lys)(UUU) were 10-fold enriched over its c
290               Body-machine interfaces (BMIs) decode upper-body motion for operating devices, such as
291  absence of noise, the spectrum can be fully decoded using a single acquisition of the output interfe
292  by challenging syllable tracking and speech decoding using comprehensible and incomprehensible time-
293 olution) and are further confirmed by direct decoding using phase model analysis.
294      All individual tumor growth curves were decoded via separate measurements of cell death and othe
295                           Using single-trial decoding, we quantified the relation between prestimulus
296 oximate marginalization by linear population decoding, we tested the hypothesis that vestibular signa
297 ttention and working memory, we attempted to decode which of 16 orientations was being held in workin
298  discriminated better by humans and could be decoded with higher accuracy from brain activity pattern
299 but also off-axis points, can be encoded and decoded with OAM of light.
300 s olfactory-specific information that can be decoded within 110-518 ms of a sniff, and maximally with

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