


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 scale snapshots of transcriptional activity (decoding).
2 ecoding constrains less reliable lower-level decoding.
3 ity does not substantially drive orientation decoding.
4 NAs that elucidate the mechanism of accurate decoding.
5 ghts into the dynamics of high-fidelity tRNA decoding.
6 sed to explain the observed features of UAGN decoding.
7 on genetic code expansion through quadruplet decoding.
8 required for a detectable efficiency in UAGN decoding.
9  a default state interrupted by encoding and decoding.
10 ase modulates rapid and accurate information decoding.
11  to the stimulus edges underlies orientation decoding.
12 vity is likely not necessary for orientation decoding.
13 tions may contribute importantly to accurate decoding.
14 rating a previously unknown aspect of Bicoid decoding.
15 tions can have distinguishable influences on decoding.
16 mingled and each set can support orientation decoding.
17 cate pleiotropic mechanisms of action beyond decoding.
18 wledge of correlational structure matter for decoding?
19 mbinant hybrid ribosomes carrying eukaryotic decoding A site cassettes.
20 uated for selective binding to the ribosomal decoding A-Site sequence.
21 n and leishmanial ribosome structures at the decoding A-site sheds light on how the bacterial ribosom
22 parietal cortex (PPC) exhibited chance-level decoding according to both.
23 ls, motor brain areas exhibited above-chance decoding according to the original movement direction an
24 nd visual brain areas exhibited above-chance decoding according to the rotated visual target location
25  Furthermore, we detected slightly different decoding accuracies, depending on the task's visual cond
26 d not find any image features that predicted decoding accuracy differences between both interventions
27 ha oscillations (8-10 Hz), while the highest decoding accuracy for the apparent motion task (ISI = 12
28                                  The highest decoding accuracy for the two-flash fusion task (ISI = 4
29 tes can be decoded from activity in OFC, and decoding accuracy is related to task performance and the
30 l cortex, but there was no difference in the decoding accuracy of task-related information between sw
31 stimulus discriminability and ensures robust decoding across membrane states in a regime of highly co
32 he hypothesis of a functional role of MNs in decoding actions and understanding motor intentions.
33 le-shot error correction to develop a simple decoding algorithm for the gauge color code, and we nume
34 's control scheme ("encoding model") and the decoding algorithm's parameters.
35                                              Decoding analyses indicate that cortical odor representa
36                                 Multivariate decoding analyses indicated that neural markers of error
37                       Moreover, multivariate decoding analyses revealed that amisulpride changed the
38                                   Source and decoding analyses revealed that perceptual maintenance r
39                      Finally, a multivariate decoding analysis showed that activity patterns in the a
40                    Here, we use multivariate decoding and analyses of spontaneous correlations to sho
41 an be devoted to other functions like visual decoding and endogenous attention.
42  ensure that the mRNA is held tightly during decoding and essential for the helicase activity at the
43 r a broad range of research efforts aimed at decoding and eventually manipulating YAP1 biology in can
44 outline various modes of alternative genetic decoding and expand existing terminology to accommodate
45 locational states, but also eEF1A-containing decoding and termination/recycling complexes.
46 expected relationship between aminoacyl-tRNA decoding and translocation suggests that miscoding antib
47  protein synthesis including aminoacylation, decoding and translocation.
48 modification in yeast tRNA(Lys) affects mRNA decoding and tRNA-mRNA translocation.
49              Using a whole-brain searchlight decoding approach we show that D2-receptor blockade enha
50  an assumption-free, whole-brain searchlight decoding approach, we identified for the first time regi
51                             However, typical decoding approaches provide little insight into the natu
52    While the networks underlying this signal decoding are diverse, many are built around a common mot
53 processes of sensory encoding and perceptual decoding are matched and optimized based on identical as
54 genomic features and their dominant roles in decoding AS patterns, highlighting the necessity of incl
55 opography could provide a starting point for decoding at a very early stage in development, it may be
56 ribonucleases that cleave RNAs essential for decoding at the ribosomal A-site.
57 te unnatural anticodons, and their efficient decoding at the ribosome to direct the site-specific inc
58  participation of the unnatural base pair in decoding at the ribosome.
59  produced intermingled tectal responses, and decoding based on map topography yielded an accuracy of
60 -analysis was then analyzed using functional decoding based on ~7500 fMRI experiments in the BrainMap
61                Consistently, the accuracy of decoding behavior from SPN ensemble patterns was directl
62 rietal sulcus (IPS), but robust multivariate decoding being reported in occipital cortex.
63 rsible conformations of a DNA nanoswitch and decoding by gel electrophoresis.
64 top codon in bacteria results from increased decoding by near-cognate tRNAs (miscoding) rather than f
65              CaMKII plays a critical role in decoding calcium (Ca(2+)) signals to initiate long-lasti
66                   However, the mechanism for decoding calcium signatures is unknown.
67                            The mechanism for decoding calcium signatures to control expression of pla
68 ally that finite temperature maximum entropy decoding can give slightly better bit-error-rates than t
69 w protein densities were discovered near the decoding center and the peptidyl transferase center, res
70 the 30S subunit and aids the assembly of the decoding center but also binds the mature 30S subunit wi
71 to interact simultaneously with EF-4 and the decoding center of the ribosome.
72 tor exploits the plasticity of the ribosomal decoding center to differentially remodel ribosomal prot
73 nisms for communicating information from the decoding center to each GTPase.
74 e movement together of critical bases at the decoding center, and movements of the peptide tunnel lin
75 915 (Psi1915), which lies near the ribosomal decoding center.
76 like pseudoknot I (PKI) of the IRES from the decoding center.
77 states of tRNA engagement with the ribosomal decoding center.
78 inding to the canonical eukaryotic ribosomal decoding center.
79  from the RNAP active center to the ribosome decoding center.
80                                              Decoding-center rearrangements are coupled with the step
81 uces conformational changes in the ribosomal decoding centre that are similar to those seen in other
82 elix, initiating step-wise 'latching' of the decoding centre.
83                  A transient conformation of decoding-centre nucleotide G530 stabilizes the cognate c
84  memory, and that more reliable higher-level decoding constrains less reliable lower-level decoding.
85 nucleobases, and the mechanisms of ribosomal decoding contributed to the position-dependent effects.
86 Only activity of neurons reflecting encoding/decoding correlated with changes in gamma burst rate.
87                   Despite recent advances in decoding cortical activity for motor control, the develo
88 om 2 to 8; in the same parameter regime, the decoding delay decreased 2-5.2 times.
89                                   Population decoding demonstrated a high-accuracy progress code.
90 ficiency is largely thought of as the sum of decoding efficiencies for individual codons.
91 anisotropy/homogeneity improved encoding and decoding efficiency by reducing the number of neurons ne
92 RNA mutants with significantly improved UAGN decoding efficiency, which will augment the current effo
93                                     Previous decoding efforts have focused on classifying brain activ
94 ination was semi-automatically quantified by decoding electroencephalography responses to frequently
95 , subunit association, correlated evolution, decoding, energy-driven translocation, and surface prote
96 ncoding and show how they predict population decoding errors consistent with perceptual biases.
97  is essential for developmental progression, decoding extracellular cAMP pulses during early developm
98        Comparative analyses reveal that each decoding factor exploits the plasticity of the ribosomal
99 re selectively recognized by the appropriate decoding factorGTPase complex to ensure translational fi
100 tures of the mammalian ribosome engaged with decoding factorGTPase complexes representing intermediat
101 hanges that choreograph the accommodation of decoding factors into the peptidyl transferase center.
102 ranslational GTPases that pair with specific decoding factors to decipher the mRNA code on ribosomes.
103 ry cortex of ferrets and found that: (1) the decoding filters of auditory neurons resemble the filter
104 n is less clear, and most models assume that decoding follows the same low- to high-level hierarchy o
105  encoding techniques, synthesis methods, and decoding for applications including bio-detection, imagi
106 ologies have shown the feasibility of neural decoding for both users' gait intent and continuous kine
107  is of specific interest for applications in decoding for communication.
108 his objective by introducing a probabilistic decoding framework based on a novel topic model-Generali
109                 To attain maximal utility, a decoding framework must be open-ended, systematic, and c
110                                         When decoding from AIP, F5, and M1 combined, the mean accurac
111 ion transmission across cortical states i.e. decoding from different states is less state dependent i
112 d controversy over the source of orientation decoding from fMRI responses in human V1.
113 that noise correlations enhance multivariate decoding from heterogeneous neural populations.
114 is study shows for the first time hand-shape decoding from human PPC.
115                                         When decoding from individual arrays, objects and grip types
116 edge-related activity" underlies orientation decoding from patterns of BOLD response in human V1.
117                                              Decoding from unselected populations enables a read-out
118                                     However, decoding functional RNA-regulatory features remains a li
119 S) has become a widely accepted strategy for decoding genotype-phenotype associations in many species
120 nly important in monitoring, estimating, and decoding H2O2 relevant physiological pathways but also v
121 uring columns, need to be accounted for when decoding haemodynamic signals.
122               Traditionally, cross-validated decoding has been used as a reliability measure, but it
123                                    We probed decoding hierarchy by comparing absolute judgments of si
124 der how working-memory properties may affect decoding hierarchy.
125 ations for understanding neural encoding and decoding in a broad class of fundamental sensory-percept
126 ned, we examined shape-based object category decoding in occipitotemporal and parietal regions.
127        We addressed the dynamics of auditory decoding in speech comprehension by challenging syllable
128  the serine 33 and serine 70 residues in UGA decoding in vivo.
129                                              Decoding individual trials of adaptation-affected activi
130 rior parietal cortex are valid for correctly decoding information relevant for grasping.
131  and without the need for complex time-gated decoding instrumentation.Luminescent materials that are
132 tion efficiency and codon use is that slower decoding is coupled to reduced mRNA stability.
133                       Maintenance of triplet decoding is crucial for the expression of functional pro
134                                      Genetic decoding is not 'frozen' as was earlier thought, but dyn
135 ndent in the adaptive threshold case, if the decoding is performed in reference to the timing of the
136 from a theory combining optimal encoding and decoding, is well supported by a wide range of reported
137 emporal patterning of the calcium signal and decoding it by multiple, tunable, and often strategicall
138 a, we derived and validated a characteristic decoding map that relates morphogen input to the positio
139                                   Functional decoding mapped the left putamen to cognitive aspects of
140 nsor, and FHSS pattern analysis based sensor decoding may help establishing cost-effective, energy-ef
141  of the underlying dynamics, and instead the decoding mechanism acts as a simple low-pass filter.
142 s approach can be applied to identifying the decoding mechanisms of other plant calcium signalling pa
143 -to-trial variability and explored potential decoding mechanisms that can mimic mouse performance whe
144 ngstanding puzzle about extracellular signal decoding mechanisms.
145             Here, we introduce an analytical decoding method based on Biot's incremental stress model
146            Notably, the receptive-field-free decoding method was found to be well-tuned for hippocamp
147           Based upon two Bayesian population-decoding methods (one receptive field-based, and the oth
148 ough activation space, as measured using MEG decoding methods, correlates with reaction times for vis
149                                 Multivariate decoding methods, such as multivoxel pattern analysis (M
150 ing model of similar complexity; and (3) the decoding model accounts for the accuracy with which the
151  poorly reflects selectivity of neurons, the decoding model can account for the strong nonlinearities
152 rom the statistics of speech sounds; (2) the decoding model captures the dynamics of responses better
153     We demonstrated that this novel Bayesian decoding model is better at capturing the dynamic respon
154 ex have led to the development of methods of decoding movement information to restore coordinated arm
155 shes the life-sustaining tasks of faithfully decoding mRNA and catalyzing peptide bond formation at t
156 complex, 2.5 MDa nanomachine responsible for decoding mRNA and synthesizing proteins.
157 ge affects the efficiency/stringency of mRNA decoding, mRNA biogenesis/stability, and protein secreti
158 tion to people with neurological deficits by decoding neural activity into control signals for guidin
159 rrors and response variability as results of decoding noisy neural activity, and can account for the
160 ain and validate a Bayes classifier used for decoding objects and grip types.
161 We show that this problem can be resolved by decoding odor identity from a subpopulation of concentra
162 res that compromise ribosome fidelity during decoding of a heptanucleotide 'slippery' sequence.
163 can be estimated reasonably well by a linear decoding of a population of MT neurons with response gai
164  severely restricted, either by near-optimal decoding of a population with information-limiting corre
165           We discuss an example in which the decoding of a turbo code, which has been demonstrated to
166 iments or high-throughput screens enable the decoding of binary interactions, the building of large-s
167                     We observed nearly equal decoding of both histidine codons, CAU and CAC, by an en
168 that the neuronal population allows reliable decoding of both stimulus properties.
169                                              Decoding of calcium signatures occurs via nonlinear inte
170  underlying low-frequency rhythm, permitting decoding of categorical information using the phase at w
171 d the technique has been instrumental in the decoding of cis-regulatory elements and the identificati
172      Our results suggest that optimal linear decoding of early sensory information is not a general d
173                         We used multivariate decoding of electroencephalography (EEG) data to investi
174 r and nonlinear components contribute to the decoding of EMG of major muscles used in the task.
175 ss control systems that linked online neural decoding of extension and flexion motor states with stim
176        We propose that the brain prioritizes decoding of higher-level features because they are more
177                                          Our decoding of histone methylarginine at key genes supports
178 after stimulus onset, 100 ms later than peak decoding of intact objects.
179 ing, decisions about integrated percepts and decoding of integrated percepts are impaired in tandem,
180   In the present study, we used multivariate decoding of magneto-encephalography (MEG) data to track
181                    Here we used multivariate decoding of magnetoencephalogaphy data to characterize t
182 terns in this visuomotor network enabled the decoding of manipulable versus non-manipulable object pi
183                          We investigated the decoding of many grip types using spiking activity from
184 ively stronger security against unauthorized decoding of messages contained in communication transmis
185 dditional products occurs prominently in the decoding of mobile chromosomal element and viral genomes
186         Gene translation depends on accurate decoding of mRNA, the structural mechanism of which rema
187 t achieves interaction strength analysis and decoding of networks with nonlinear interactions by incl
188 ception and are potentially relevant for the decoding of ongoing pain sensitivity and pain management
189 ding may pave the way for further structural decoding of other 2D vdW superstructure systems with mor
190 ing with genetically encoded sensors enables decoding of regional activity and connectivity in anesth
191 h we show that D2-receptor blockade enhances decoding of reward signals in the medial orbitofrontal c
192            This suggests that optimal linear decoding of sensory signals is not generally a good pred
193 bi and Viterbi A* are used for inference and decoding of sequences.
194 -resolution microscopy based on the encoding/decoding of spatial information through manipulation of
195       A major such program involves enhanced decoding of specific mRNAs that are depleted in terminal
196 represent a proof of concept study for basic decoding of speech imagery, and delineate a number of ke
197              In contrast, maximum likelihood decoding of stimulus location based on the statistics of
198  onset, multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) decoding of task in occipital-parietal sources remained
199  synchronization and supported more accurate decoding of temporal sound features in the inferior coll
200                         Further, AIS allowed decoding of the cued category on a trial-by-trial basis.
201  sufficiently reliable to enable brain-based decoding of the participant's memory state at the single
202                           To determine this, decoding of the salicylic acid (SA)-mediated plant immun
203     Here, we describe results of IgG-epitome decoding of three proteins from high-risk (HR-) oncogeni
204 emodulate these signals to recover the known decoding of touch as a function of vibrissa position in
205 Similarly, superior IPS exhibited consistent decoding of VSTM content across all distractor manipulat
206                           However, occipital decoding of VSTM content was substantially modulated by
207 ly-circumscribed topics that enable flexible decoding of whole-brain images.
208                                     Encoding/decoding off-axis points with discrete orbital angular m
209 ction, transfer RNA (tRNA) charging and mRNA decoding on the ribosome.
210 e release of the selenocysteinyl-tRNA during decoding on the ribosome.
211 lds, without invoking suboptimal encoding or decoding or internal sources of variability such as stoc
212 e to incorporate these encoding changes, the decoding, or perception, of subsequent stimuli is biased
213 ed above chance for almost 1 s, and the task-decoding pattern interacted with task outcome.
214 ) are main effectors of messenger RNA (mRNA) decoding, peptide-bond formation, and ribosome dynamics
215 put) allowed for comparable levels of object-decoding performance and that removing a large fraction
216 eptive fields in V1 and evaluate orientation decoding performance as a function of stimulus location
217  did not observe the expected second peak in decoding performance at the outer stimulus edge as predi
218 ion procedure demonstrated that near-maximum decoding performance could be achieved using a relativel
219 utcome prediction was based on the change of decoding performance from hypothermia to normothermia.
220 nals from the different electrodes increased decoding performance in the high frequencies by up to ap
221                                Specifically, decoding performance is enhanced when voxels with high v
222 decodable across the stimulus; however, peak decoding performance occurred for voxels with receptive
223 rrelations by trial shuffling did not impact decoding performance or bias.
224 in the developing zebrafish that topographic decoding performs very poorly compared with methods that
225              Recently discovered examples of decoding plasticity are particularly spectacular.
226 ew proteins, and expand our knowledge of the decoding potential of the ribosome.
227  a programmable annealer for the information decoding problem which we simulate as a random Ising mod
228                                  Whether the decoding process is bounded by the capacity of theta rhy
229                      The numerical nonlinear decoding process of CS shares strong connections with po
230 adapt to syllabic rate, but by an endogenous decoding process.
231 ilar to those seen in other protein-involved decoding processes.
232                          Notably, the neural decoding properties, including its autocorrelation struc
233 on are focused on reassigning termination or decoding quadruplet codons.
234            Together with previous studies on decoding reach trajectories from the medial posterior pa
235 e global-areal-map account, fMRI orientation decoding relies exclusively on fMRI voxels in V1 exhibit
236 erall perception, suggesting that perceptual decoding requires working memory, yet few models conside
237 nfection in the 21st century: new hints from decoding resolution mediators and mechanisms.
238                                          MEG decoding results revealed that scene-based facilitation
239 aining the classifier on baseline trials and decoding rotated trials, motor brain areas exhibited abo
240 ms, and certain genes are known to alter the decoding rules in a site-specific manner.
241 eveloped simple predictions to differentiate decoding schemes without needing measures of noise corre
242 eveloped simple predictions to differentiate decoding schemes, and found support for optimal linear r
243 n particular, whether they are necessary for decoding sensory stimuli is unknown.
244 this "topography" of wiring is essential for decoding sensory stimuli.
245                                         fMRI decoding showed that the multivariate representation of
246 canning model of translation initiation, the decoding site and latch of the 40S subunit must open to
247 factors regulate mRNA accommodation into the decoding site have not yet been elucidated.
248                            By binding to the decoding site of helix44 of the small subunit RNA of the
249 1782) are N(6)-dimethylated by Dim1 near the decoding site, and one guanosine (G1575) is N(7)-methyla
250 ncorporated into the bacterial ribosomal RNA decoding site, fluorescently reports antibiotic binding
251 anticodon/codon interaction in the ribosomal decoding site.
252 state of full accommodation of mRNA into the decoding site.
253                                     Although decoding skills are clearly human-unique, given they are
254 isition of letter-sound relationships (i.e., decoding skills) and the ability to visually recognize w
255  task space and establish the feasibility of decoding state representations in humans using non-invas
256 e bacterial class I release factors (RFs) in decoding stop codons has evolved beyond a simple tripept
257 f early sensory information is not a general decoding strategy used by the brain.
258      Although topography is a useful initial decoding strategy, we suggest it may be replaced by bett
259  long been recognized that both the user and decoding system can adapt to increase the accuracy of th
260                                          The decoding techniques for each encoding technique are diff
261 coding techniques, synthesis strategies, and decoding techniques need to be considered.
262 gnetoencephalography (MEG) with multivariate decoding techniques to probe the representational conten
263                           Using multivariate decoding techniques, we delineated three distinct proces
264 table giving task together with multivariate decoding techniques, we identified three distinct psycho
265 mory-related neural patterns and foil memory decoding technology, placing a significant boundary cond
266 ation-limiting correlations or by suboptimal decoding that is blind to correlations.
267 r the fate of mATG8s and will be valuable in decoding the biological functions of the individual LC3/
268 ides an efficiently systematic framework for decoding the co-expression gene modules in multiple tiss
269                                Specifically, decoding the complex behavior of single molecules enable
270 de in identifying CD1-restricted T cells and decoding the diverse immunological functions of distinct
271 t study provides key insights for eventually decoding the earliest fossil record.
272                                              Decoding the effect of the electrical signals on the cel
273 that is, the chromatin codes, is crucial for decoding the epigenetic state of the cell.
274 ectural protein CTCF plays a complex role in decoding the functional output of the genome.
275                                     However, decoding the functions of the millions of putative regul
276 periods in brain development is essential to decoding the long-term impact of widespread, poorly defi
277                                              Decoding the mechanisms that instruct dB1 circuit format
278 by a load-related decline in the accuracy of decoding the memory stimuli (colors) from left superior
279  fungi, and we suggest future directions for decoding the molecular basis of the underground dance be
280                                              Decoding the molecular mechanisms that regulate nucleic
281 roscience initiatives are making progress in decoding the neural nature of such feelings in animal br
282             Although perception depends upon decoding the pattern of activity across a neuronal popul
283 putations that are optimal for combining and decoding the responses into estimates of speed.
284 y requires the development of techniques for decoding the spike times of the recorded neurons from th
285 support of an alternative approach, based on decoding the stimulus from the neural response.
286  the thousands of known protein structures, "decoding" them is challenging because of the complexity
287                              Comprehensively decoding these regulatory mechanisms holds promise in ge
288                  An increase in encoding and decoding time of 30% and 55% represents an additional pe
289                       Here we use population decoding to better characterize three of these face patc
290    This fMRI study used multivariate pattern decoding to characterize the computational principles th
291 genetic variation as a powerful approach for decoding transcription factor combinations that play dom
292                      The proposed method for decoding transport history from particle shape provides
293      Cross-linked reads originating from AAA-decoding tRNA(Lys)(UUU) were 10-fold enriched over its c
294 d the impact of correlations on encoding and decoding, typically denoted by Ishuffle and Idiag respec
295  by challenging syllable tracking and speech decoding using comprehensible and incomprehensible time-
296 olution) and are further confirmed by direct decoding using phase model analysis.
297 , a significant boundary condition on memory decoding validity may be the deployment of "countermeasu
298                           Using single-trial decoding, we quantified the relation between prestimulus
299 nd searchlight-based fMRI multivoxel pattern decoding, we sought brain regions in human cortex that m
300 oximate marginalization by linear population decoding, we tested the hypothesis that vestibular signa

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