


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tudy examines the additional prerequisite of deduction.
2 chemical experiments supported some of these deductions.
3 ich explain what is computed in carrying out deductions.
4 ) using analogies; 4) juggling induction and deduction; 5) changing your point of view; 6) broadening
5 ine betaine on protein stability, as well as deductions about strengths of amide NH--amide O and amid
6  after an extended recovery period permitted deductions about the extent of the initial insult.
7                                              Deductions about the mechanism of catalysis were made by
8 ng organ donation, fifteen states passed tax deductions and one a tax credit to help defray potential
9 wn how information that leads to inferential deductions are encoded and manipulated at the neuronal l
10 f peaks in a spectrum are useful for peptide deduction as most of the peaks are either noise or not u
11                     This result supports the deduction, based on earlier biochemical analysis, that t
12 l as peaks that do not contribute to peptide deduction before any peptide deduction is attempted.
13  inference alone recruited "core" regions of deduction [Brodmann area (BA) 10p and 8m], whereas lingu
14  not correspond to direct payments or payoff deductions, but they arise from the repercussions punish
15                                              Deductions concerning a role for antigen selection may r
16      Convinced by these logical but untested deductions, conservation biologists and wildlife manager
17                   Despite such a theoretical deduction, evaluating and establishing the osteoinductiv
18  K186 in the desired protonation state: rate deduction factors are 1100 (redox) and 70 (elimination/a
19 d the enzyme is consistent with experimental deductions for type II CYP17 inhibitors where a sixth li
20 of protein expression and reveal that simple deduction from mRNA transcript analysis is insufficient.
21                                              Deductions from the NMR studies are in excellent agreeme
22 ie the abductions of informal algorithms and deductions from these algorithms.
23  controllability robustness by extending the deduction in core percolation.
24 t human activities played a dominant role in deduction in the streamflow in TRB with contribution of
25 bute to peptide deduction before any peptide deduction is attempted.
26 nderstanding how higher cognition, including deduction, is implemented in the brain.
27     plcB candidates were identified based on deductions made from bioinformatics data and extant DNA
28 gen atoms of the compound add support to the deductions made from the carbon isotope analysis.
29 often needed to confirm gene function, after deductions made through comparative genomics, expression
30  our findings are: the cash value of the tax deduction may be too low to defray costs faced by donors
31  diversity, with the most effective serotype deduction method being one that used broth enrichment pr
32  the three N-terminal fingers, this leads to deduction of a compact polypeptide structure with conser
33 ons of oxygen interstitials, and allowed the deduction of a dual-path conduction mechanism that is a
34    Quantitative kinetic modeling enabled the deduction of a mechanism that accounts for all experimen
35 n of the quantitative profile of CDF enables deduction of a realistic biophysical model for this proc
36               The experimental design allows deduction of both reaction orders and rate constants in
37 ally occurring gene regulatory networks, the deduction of cellular processes such as differentiation,
38 own diffusive layer properties should enable deduction of concentrations of available ZnO NPs in the
39 combination with sequence alignments allowed deduction of consensus sequences for binding of both pro
40 tion of mass, and other constraints; and (4) deduction of cross-linking chemistry and site.
41                                     However, deduction of EGF-activated pathways from TGFalpha-activa
42 ately 21%) of leaderless mRNAs; this enables deduction of genome-wide promoter architecture.
43      Our technique will facilitate the rapid deduction of identity, length, and number of repeats for
44                                          The deduction of phenotypic cellular responses from the stru
45 hibian, and human TFIIIA zinc fingers allows deduction of possible finger recognition helix alignment
46 ed purification in large amount, followed by deduction of subunit composition and stoichiometry and d
47 alternating residues in the TonB-box allowed deduction of the conformation and parallel orientation o
48 yl-branched hydrocarbons not involved in the deduction of the correction equation from the main data
49                     This formulation enables deduction of the fundamental parameters of the model-e.g
50  ligands participating in each center allows deduction of the geometric configuration of the ligand f
51 asurements represents a key milestone in the deduction of the interfacial structure and potential wit
52 nd high catalytic activities has allowed the deduction of the likely identity of the catalytic active
53 ons of these three related sequences allowed deduction of the likely sequence of the D39 progenitor a
54 radually to altered protein function, making deduction of the molecular basis for activity from a seq
55 of the urochordates, therefore, should allow deduction of the neural organization and neuronal patter
56  engineering approach through the successful deduction of the topology of a linear in numero gene net
57 tection and humoral immune responses for the deduction of vaccine antigens.
58 arent anomalies and relate to any inaccurate deductions of inhibitor function.
59 niversal tumor antigen identified by epitope deduction rather than from patient immune responses-is i
60 ive thought are then addressed: abstraction, deduction, reasoning in well-structured and ill-structur
61 ses to concentration jumps confirmed earlier deductions regarding biphasic excitation.
62           The strength of these evolutionary deductions rests largely on the extensive knowledge that
63 by automatic annotation transfer, functional deduction should be made from proteins with experimental
64                       Our previous discovery/deduction that a six-membered arogenate dehydratase (ADT
65 r epistasis analyses are consistent with the deduction that Ash1 acts separately from the mitogen-act
66                 Despite the strength of this deduction, the existence of heightened polyamine flux ha
67                              Supporting this deduction, the peroxodiiron(III) complex that accumulate
68 of the molecules and often lead to ambiguous deductions, the negative ion spectra contain ions that d
69 e performance, which explain how people make deductions: They rely on factual knowledge, formal rules
70 stinal adaptations but may be attributed, by deduction, to difficulties with patient adherence or, to
71                                        These deductions were based on 2D NMR analysis of a 2:1 heptam
72                              We tested these deductions with in vitro assays of kinase activation and

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