コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 fore (typically) returning to the gut in the definitive host.
2 constant until death or transmission to the definitive host.
3 and facilitates transmission to the original definitive host.
4 orms resumes development upon entry into the definitive host.
5 sitic life stages, following invasion of the definitive host.
6 d increase the likelihood of transmission to definitive hosts.
7 host complement, in the bloodstream of their definitive hosts.
8 ility of infected amphibians to predation by definitive hosts.
11 ch from growth to sexual reproduction in the definitive host can be regulated by constant (time-indep
12 he intermediate or paratenic host, and j the definitive host, conditions favouring paratenicity are:
17 cally associated with lifestages involved in definitive host invasion, transcripts restricted to life
22 to assess the relative importance of various definitive host species for S. japonicum transmission in
26 e is by adding a new host above the original definitive host (upward incorporation), or below the ori
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