


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd by reducing the ability of the cuticle to deform.
2 es remarkably at 7 GPa as the carbon cage is deformed.
3 t strong fluorescent signals if sufficiently deformed.
4  deformation and the Element the most easily deformed.
5 m flagella and the dentate gyrus is slightly deformed.
6  that are reacting or dissolving while being deformed.
7 arger area of membrane to participate and be deformed.
8  can only be satisfied when the interface is deformed.
9 iving in the harbor area were reported to be deformed.
10 that can be squeezed out when the nucleus is deformed.
11 that certain non-Hermitian perturbations can deform a Dirac cone and spawn a ring of exceptional poin
12 e curved surface of a convex lens is used to deform a flexible coverslip above a substrate containing
13 ions, we develop a mesh generation method to deform a meshed generic ellipse to each individual embry
14 opological transitions that either refine or deform a tissue.
15 ments at high pressures and temperatures, we deformed a mixture of bridgmanite and magnesiowustite un
16 f granular solid-liquid mixtures is key when deforming a wide range of materials from cornstarch slur
17 1 mm, the collagen fiber network in the MVAL deforms according to an affine kinematics model.
18 ility and spermatogenesis defects, including deformed acrosomal formation, degenerative elongating sp
19 it an unexplained wide diversity of membrane-deforming activities in vitro and functions in vivo.
20 pha-proteobacteria display the same membrane deforming activity and are able to partially overcome th
21      Our results define a new F-BAR membrane-deforming activity and illustrate a molecular mechanism
22  a novel higher-order structure and membrane-deforming activity that distinguishes it from previously
23                                              Deforming along a single mode leads to most successful p
24 ther plastically anisotropic/layered solids, deform and accommodate strain.
25 nents: the entry time required for a cell to deform and enter a constriction, which is dominated by t
26 ole in transmitting force to the membrane to deform and reorganize lipid bilayer structure.
27                           Rolling leukocytes deform and show a large area of contact with endothelium
28 ess and viscosity indices and were easier to deform and to break.
29 mmodate the additional base pair, the DNA is deformed and partially disordered around the spacer regi
30                 Homozygous cbr1-2 seeds were deformed and required Suc for successful germination and
31 severe defects in all skeletal elements with deformed and shortened (50%) limb elements.
32 rienced by mechanoreceptors when the skin is deformed and then simulates the spiking response that wo
33 iPC), it started to tilt and became slightly deformed, and finally it became aggregated in convention
34  to distinguish between normal, mechanically deformed, and pathological skin tissues.
35  contrast, overexpression of MoGSK1 produced deformed appressoria in M. oryzae.
36 ferative glomerulonephritis, liver fibrosis, deforming arthropathy and increased anti-DNA antibodies.
37 the collagen fibrils are tightly bounded and deform as a single fiber-level unit.
38 a) of the reactants that become increasingly deformed as the reaction proceeds, plus the interaction
39  to delivery in which cells are mechanically deformed as they pass through a constriction 30-80% smal
40 e an origami lithium-ion battery that can be deformed at an unprecedented high level, including foldi
41 ture spatial distribution for undeformed and deformed axons.
42     These collective findings point toward a deformed B cell repertoire as a fundamental component of
43 monstrates a continuously accreting, shallow-deforming, bed and invariant basal conditions.
44                                         When deformed beyond the linear regime, the aggregation flows
45                                         When deformed beyond their elastic limits, crystalline solids
46 ains (TMDs) might be mere anchoring devices, deforming bilayers by mechanical force.
47  its undistorted counterpart, a mechanically deformed blue phase exhibits a Pockels electro-optic eff
48 one remodeling, which result in enlarged and deformed bones in one or more regions of the skeleton.
49              Many areas of the Earth's crust deform by distributed extensional faulting and complex f
50                             Shells naturally deform by simultaneously bending and stretching, and whi
51       When the shape of the liquid domain is deformed by an external field, the surface area increase
52 butions, and continues to hold for fractures deformed by applied stress and by chemical erosion as we
53 ics simulation model of a biopolymeric shell deformed by axial forces exerted at opposing poles.
54 osition Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 (at.%) was severely deformed by FSP and evaluated for its microstructure-mec
55 iron-molybdenum alloy powder was extensively deformed by high energy milling, so to refine the bcc ir
56 ons of the integrin-binding loop, which were deformed by large lattice contacts.
57 the surface of mDia1-coated latex beads, and deformed by manipulating both ends through attached bead
58 l structure in an electrolytic background is deformed by micro- and nanoscopic polarizable objects.
59 ongation, where the membrane is then further deformed by polymerizing actin filaments; and 3) pinch-o
60               We suggest that the nucleus is deformed by the elastic forces developed within a cylind
61  across these devices confirm our ability to deform carpet cloaks, bent waveguides, and potentially o
62                 Although mild osmotic stress deforms caveolae and alters interactions between the cav
63 e show that optical trapping can efficiently deform cell-cell interfaces and measure tension at cell
64 resulted in disordered arrangement of cells, deformed cell shapes, altered cell structure, and a shor
65  and the transit time required for the fully deformed cell to travel inside the constriction, which m
66                                          The deformed cells always recover their shape.
67               The deformation is reversible: deformed cells can recover back to rod-like shapes in se
68      In addition, undeformed cells and fully deformed cells were simultaneously characterized via ele
69                           In motile, rapidly deforming cells such as human neutrophils, bulk cytoplas
70 iments demonstrate that stabilization of the deformed conformation of the P-site tRNA by BlaS strongl
71 leting cells of Vps4 create uniform membrane-deforming conical spirals which are assemblies of specif
72                       Red blood cells (RBCs) deform considerably while flowing through small capillar
73  the 3D network of dislocation boundaries in deformed crystalline materials is unknown and critical f
74                             Mechanically pre-deformed crystals taken over the thermal phase transitio
75  and female Erk5 (fl/fl) mice had a severely deformed curved thoracic spine, with an associated loss
76                                              Deformed, dead foraminifera occurred in all heavily oile
77 gammaS-DNA structure reveals that the partly deformed DNA runs symmetrically across central groove be
78                         The shapes of highly deformed droplets and their stability must be calculated
79 polyhedra in crystalline compounds are often deformed due to structural complexity or electronic inst
80                            The cell membrane deforms during endocytosis to surround extracellular mat
81 ntle is linked to tectonic plate motions and deforms Earth's surface across wide areas.
82 nitiated sites, while the rest of the region deforms elastically.
83 inated AP axis reorientation in mechanically deformed embryos; it also resulted in cellular disorgani
84 dex 2 - alpha ensures the extensivity of the deformed entropy.
85 hresholds may not always limit fluid flow in deforming environments.
86 usly identified a transcriptional regulator, deformed epidermal autoregulatory factor 1 (Deaf1), that
87 ino1 interacts with the transcription factor Deformed Epidermal Autoregulatory Factor 1 (DEAF1).
88 lar connectivity and geometry information of deforming epithelial tissues, and computational tools to
89 rrent artificial microrobots cannot actively deform, exhibiting at best passive bending under externa
90                              Dynamic F-actin deforms exocytosed membrane into microvilli.
91                              The same lavas, deformed experimentally at volcanic conduit temperature
92                       It contains a membrane-deforming F-BAR domain as well as a Src homology 3 (SH3)
93        Interestingly, cells were observed to deform fibers locally or globally through forces applied
94 vated and assembled together into a membrane-deforming filament remains unknown.
95    For comparison to this case, a set of non-deforming, flat-plate wing (FPW) models of wing motion a
96 acterization of a rice epigenetic repressor, DEFORMED FLORAL ORGAN1 (DFO1) gene, which causes abnorma
97 ons as well as flower and pod abnormalities (deformed flower and pod).
98 l physical model of particle dispersion in a deforming fluid domain to show that transport of organel
99 d mitochondrial degeneration, mitophagy, and deformed foot processes in podocytes.
100 -host junction tends to persist and a severe deforming force may result in graft dehiscence.
101 ne phase into the tilted gel phase, vesicles deform from smooth spheres to disordered, highly crumple
102 ds were determined, showing how dislocations deform graphene by elongation and compression of C-C bon
103 omic positions and the strain map within the deformed graphene layer, and demonstrate the tip-induced
104 chemoreceptors in live cells by artificially deforming growing cells of Escherichia coli in curved ag
105 range of temperatures and strain-rates, HEAs deform in a jerky way, with sudden slips that make it di
106 15 biophysical parameters from cells as they deform in a microfluidic stretching flow field via high-
107 ituent fibers are largely noninteracting and deform in accordance with the bulk tissue.
108 is connected to their outstanding ability to deform in passing through narrow capillaries.
109  feature of biomaterials is their ability to deform in response to certain external bio-stimuli.
110 mellae reorient towards the tensile axis and deform in tension through stretching/sliding mechanisms,
111    The model indicates that the substrate is deformed in the ground state (GS) of the reaction and pa
112 e, for three disparate eukaryotic cell types deformed in the suspended state via optical stretching,
113 y, that if a crystal's unit cell elastically deforms in an inhomogeneous manner, the yield stress is
114 ps of Na3Bi and Cd3As2 Generically, the arcs deform into a Fermi pocket, similar to the surface state
115 cell contractility, model epithelia smoothly deform into invaginated or evaginated shapes similar to
116      We track changes in cell shape as cells deform into microfluidic constrictions, and we calibrate
117 we show that RBCs successively tumble, roll, deform into rolling stomatocytes, and, finally, adopt hi
118 ion requires that nearly flat lipid bilayers deform into shapes with very high curvature.
119 olecules, since all the components twist and deform into the same chiral configuration when compresse
120 a ridge: the initially flat solid surface is deformed into a sharp ridge whose orientation angle depe
121 as the complex eigenvalues of the system are deformed into a two-dimensional flat band enclosed by an
122 ee degrees of freedom, which can be actively deformed into numerous specific shapes through embedded
123 domain to plasma membrane sections that were deformed inward by acto-myosin mediated contractile forc
124 quitous in nature and understanding how they deform is crucial in geology, nuclear engineering, micro
125 e substrate and the elastic energy needed to deform it, allowing to use bubbles to study elastic prop
126 ts exerting active forces on the membrane to deform it, and 2) the large-scale membrane deformation i
127  Mobius strip soap film rendered unstable by deforming its frame changes topology to that of a disk t
128 ultiple inflorescence stems, twisted leaves, deformed leaf epidermis pavement cells, and differential
129 ence of heat and gas pressure resulting in a deformed lid, in material expelled through that deformat
130 oscopy, we find that Ag nanoparticles can be deformed like a liquid droplet but remain highly crystal
131 aterial is impacted by a sphere, its surface deforms like a liquid yet it preserves a circular crater
132 rnia, and identify seismicity in an actively deforming localized zone penetrating the lithospheric ma
133 of a sample of cold rolled aluminum, further deformed locally by a hardness indentation.
134 eorganizations are stable in a homogeneously deformed material.
135 effect of melt on the physical properties of deformed materials at upper-mantle conditions remains po
136 teins form regular lattices on cylindrically deformed membrane surfaces.
137 92A and -92B in cooperation with Cby1 induce deformed membrane-like structures containing the small G
138 irections of the principal curvatures of the deformed membrane.
139 density was continuously associated with the deforming membrane.
140                           pUL31 can inwardly deform membranes by oligomerizing on their inner surface
141 ort that the Cdc15 F-BAR binds, but does not deform, membranes in vivo or in vitro, and six human F-B
142 to nucleation of new perfect crystals within deformed metals during annealing, in particular how and
143 r 1, 10, and 100 deformation cycles and in a deformed, metastable shape memory transition state, chan
144 hree terms: the elastic energy stored in the deformed micro-cylinder, the interfacial energy within t
145 ividual 1.2 mum ZIF-8 microcrystals, and the deformed microcrystals partially recovered after pressur
146 stead we suggest that the subdivision of the deformed microstructure ahead of the boundary plays the
147                                              Deforming miniature semiconductor-based sensors with hig
148 ochemically relevant degrees of freedom in a deformed molecule, and spotlight selected applications o
149 ry suggests that nanocrystals can be made to deform more controllably than previously thought.
150 f stress within the film causes the holes to deform more substantially than the pillars.
151  muscle expressing myopathic lamin mutations deformed more under applied strain than controls.
152 physical-transformation into 3D structurally deformed nanostructures.
153 repared by other methods, the cast nanowires deform nearly homogeneously with much lower strength but
154 ypertrophic heart with large cardiomyoctyes, deformed nuclei and disrupted lamina and die of cardiac
155                         The elusive octupole deformed nuclei are of importance for nuclear structure
156  and cancer cells depleted of NPM1 displayed deformed nucleoli and a striking rearrangement of perinu
157 e from mechanical stress on chromatin in the deformed nucleus.
158 origin for interactions between any membrane-deforming objects, from nanometre-sized proteins to micr
159 matically observed for the past 18 years, 54 deformed, of which 25 also erupted.
160 res of about three gigapascals on previously deformed olivine aggregates and sheared partially molten
161 r shredding from the straight pillars to the deformed ones.
162 , and loss-of-function experiments result in deformed or absent forelimbs in all taxa studied to date
163 ynamics of the skeleton when the membrane is deformed or perturbed by parasites, the role lipids play
164  elastic stiffnesses on a spider web without deforming or disrupting the web in a non-invasive, non-c
165                                          The deforming outer accretionary wedge may decouple the stre
166 imine hydroboration with regeneration of the deformed phosphorous triamide 1.
167 idic platforms are used to deterministically deform photosensitive precursor fluid streams.
168  inclination while being fully pinned on the deformed pillar array.
169 s of Pd82Si18 is attributed to an ability to deform plastically in the absence of crack nucleation th
170 rods when subjected to transient forces, but deform plastically when significant cell wall synthesis
171 l3 mutants exhibit dramatically enlarged and deformed plastids in the shoot apical meristem, and deve
172 ations to identifying defects in plastically deformed polycrystals at high temperatures, automating a
173 ing stomatocytes, and, finally, adopt highly deformed polylobed shapes for increasing shear stresses,
174 a given physiological stimulus to delicately deform polymer assemblies is a challenging topic.
175 ibute to the chronic inflammatory and tissue-deforming processes characteristic of CRS.
176  of an oligomeric array formed by a membrane-deforming protein, making possible the dissection of its
177 cases, lipid transfer proteins, and membrane-deforming proteins in virus replication.
178 ullerene reduces the interaction between the deformed reactants along the entire reaction coordinate.
179 he interaction DeltaEint(zeta) between these deformed reactants, i.e., DeltaE(zeta) = DeltaEstrain(ze
180 hile elongated cells in fibrous microdomains deformed readily.
181  to remember the temperature where they were deformed recently, is thus far unavoidably linked to era
182 Drosophila R1-6 photoreceptors, resulting in deformed rhabdomeric structure.
183 e critical field as well as the shape of the deformed rods which we compare with experiments on flexi
184                                The resultant deformed ROIs were compared with manually contoured refe
185  pressure of 1.1 gigapascals, dehydration of deforming samples containing only 5 vol% of antigorite s
186 -based brain extraction algorithm, which can deform serial brain surfaces simultaneously under tempor
187                                          The deformed shape is governed by equilibrium of tensions ex
188  that our analytical model not only predicts deformed shapes inside the channel but also allows for q
189                              The carbon cage deforms significantly above 7 GPa, from spherical to a p
190 actosylation leads to a severe disorder with deformed skull, severe seizures, short limbs, profound p
191 At temperatures above 900 degrees Celsius, a deformed solid matrix with nearly isotropic melt distrib
192 e number of charged defects originating from deformed sp(2) carbons and covalent defects from photo/t
193 freezing (IF) effect also causes droplets to deform, split, and grow tails.
194 ions of ossicles to the middle ear wall, and deformed stapes.
195 auge volume in the bulk of the sample in the deformed state, then anneal the sample and map the exact
196 aphic orientations from those present in the deformed state.
197  transitions to the CD4-bound state from the deformed states of gp120 in certain antibody complexes.
198 ny signs of fracture with the application of deforming stress, and this bending is within the elastic
199                      (A) Their ability to be deformed (stretching, bending, rotation) upon exposure t
200 eration and the conformational energy of the deformed structure is minimized via an MC algorithm.
201 rticles, the yield is poor and includes many deformed structures.
202 ending experiments where a suspended film is deformed substantially; however, little is known about t
203 tive VPS26-VPS29-VPS35 trimer and a membrane-deforming subunit of sorting nexin (SNX)-Bin, Amphyphysi
204 cimens, indicating transition from flat to a deformed surface.
205                                  The rate of deformed templating does not depend on the concentration
206  attributed to the stochastic nature of rare deformed templating events.
207 hetic prions, a new mechanism referred to as deformed templating was introduced.
208  heavy, unstable atomic nuclei are 'octupole deformed', that is, distorted into a pear shape.
209 um, and regulation by the normal forces that deform the cross-section of the flagellum.
210             These changes in cell morphology deform the developing epithelial tube to generate and ma
211  protein-DNA symmetry mismatch, MuB does not deform the DNA duplex.
212                           The COPII proteins deform the ER membrane into vesicles at the ER exit site
213              The cardiomyocytes contract and deform the filament to propel the swimmer at 5-10 mum s(
214 ve pathways abrogated the ability of CAFs to deform the matrix and suppressed vascularization.
215  This argues that Bax acts at short range to deform the membrane.
216 estimated the force required to displace and deform the nucleus in adherent living cells with a techn
217 --was required to significantly displace and deform the nucleus.
218            If generating sufficient force to deform the pillars, rounding epithelial (MDCK) cells can
219 ntensity of the electron beam not to melt or deform the quartz nanotip without a metal coating.
220  modes, such as wrinkles and crumples, which deform the shape and also are common in amorphous polyme
221      We show that all resulting growths that deform the skin tissue architecture regress, irrespectiv
222 eometry and changing topography as ice loads deform the solid Earth and produce spatially variable se
223                     The basic approach is to deform the structure collectively along the modes predic
224 rent cells generated contractile forces that deform the substrate.
225       To change conformation, a protein must deform the surrounding bilayer.
226 teins, chemoreceptor trimers are expected to deform the surrounding lipid bilayer, inducing membrane-
227 ves fixation and cryosectioning, which could deform the tissues.
228 rotation because a sphere can rotate without deforming the adjacent elastic cytoplasm.
229 based microphones that respond to stimuli by deforming the device in thickness directions, this hydro
230  of the vacuum Rabi frequency is obtained by deforming the EMNZ region without detuning a bound eigen
231    PS optimally opened the SB ostium without deforming the main vessel (MV) bioresorbable vascular sc
232 than the receptor itself that encounters and deforms the barriers formed by the actin cytoskeleton.
233 anism by which actin filament polymerization deforms the cell membrane is unknown, largely due to lac
234 stallography that this TPP1 disease mutation deforms the conformation of two critical amino acids of
235 toconus (27%), a corneal disease that slowly deforms the cornea in young people; and sequellae of inf
236                 In California, water storage deforms the crust as snow and water accumulates during t
237 el in which MuB-imposed symmetry transiently deforms the DNA at the boundary of the MuB filament and
238                                    Its shape deforms the membrane locally into a dome.
239 polarons, which means that the excess charge deforms the molecular structure of the polymer chain tha
240                          The ablation plasma deforms the topology of the external magnetic field, for
241 th the ability of biocrystals to elastically deform, the inherent crystal structure of the principal
242                             As the substrate deforms, the liquid flows within the pores, causing the
243 ive selected vibrational modes in solids and deform their crystal structures.
244 uclear movement, and the ability of cells to deform their nucleus to invade through confined spaces.
245 es, and to place these in the context of the deforming thoracic mechanism that the muscles actuate.
246  moment of inertia, and how much they can be deformed, through their Love number and quadrupole momen
247 ient the cytoskeleton to produce forces that deform tissues.
248  vessels in the surrounding normal tissue to deform to elliptical shapes.
249 al coordination geometries indicate that NCs deform to produce dense BNSLs that would otherwise be lo
250                         Red blood cells must deform to squeeze through these narrow vessels, transien
251 evious schemes, resonators are intentionally deformed to break circular symmetry to enable free-space
252 tically aligned pairs of EM maps (one map is deformed to fit the other map), and results in visualizi
253 the analyzed section by use of an atlas mesh deformed to match the optical image of the section.
254  below 42 HU for ZTACSEC For ATAC, the atlas deformed to MR in-phase was segmented to air, inner air,
255 ncides with a transition from thin, actively deforming to thicker, less tectonically active crust and
256 he resistance to ice flow that arises as ice deforms to negotiate bed topography.
257 stability of lawsonite, while the sample was deforming, to test whether the lawsonite dehydration rea
258 ity over a 7 d culture period and are highly deformed together with the hydrogel.
259 found that overexpression of YAP resulted in deformed tooth morphogenesis with widened dental lamina.
260 ress fatigue resistance compared to severely deformed tungsten.
261                                          MTs deformed under contractile load into sinusoidal buckles,
262 nds of the type observed in metallic glasses deforming under mechanical stress.
263 serve as a model matrix that MSCs can easily deform unless the film is enzymatically cross-linked, wh
264 whole EV population and/or if the EVs become deformed upon binding to the surface.
265 umbing to early embryonic death had markedly deformed vasculature of the yolk sac and the embryo, as
266 olarized flows of medial-apical MyoII pulses deform vertical junctions, MyoII enrichment on these jun
267      We show that the relaxation dynamics of deformed vesicles, both in the presence and absence of p
268                            By simultaneously deforming vesicles with different properties in the same
269 al structure, we discovered that the protein deforms vesicles with no net surface charge (phosphatidy
270 rocks, granular materials, and the earth all deform via intermittent slips or "quakes".
271                       Slowly strained solids deform via intermittent slips that exhibit a material-in
272                                HfN specimens deformed via four-point bend tests at room temperature a
273                          Aluminium typically deforms via full dislocations due to its high stacking f
274 at its absence results in an accumulation of deformed virus particles retaining the scaffold protein
275  eruption potential, this high proportion of deforming volcanoes that also erupted (46%), together wi
276 d (46%), together with the proportion of non-deforming volcanoes that did not erupt (94%), jointly re
277  and morphological properties of cells while deforming were critical for this classification.
278 freely diffusing in solution, is found to be deformed when the protein is adsorbed on gold.
279                                              Deformed wing virus (DWV) and infestation with the ectop
280                                              Deformed wing virus (DWV) and its vector, the mite Varro
281                                              Deformed wing virus (DWV) and the closely related Varroa
282                            The prevalence of deformed wing virus (DWV) and the exotic parasite Nosema
283 ic mite Varroa destructor and the associated deformed wing virus (DWV) apparently playing key roles.
284                                              Deformed wing virus (DWV) from the family Iflaviridae, t
285                        The picornavirus-like deformed wing virus (DWV) has been directly linked to co
286 s transformed the previously inconsequential Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) into the most important honey
287 seases (Nosema sp. and the Varroa-associated Deformed wing virus (DWV)) affect bees' behavioural perf
288 e global epidemic of the single stranded RNA Deformed wing virus (DWV), driven by the spread of Varro
289                               Among these is Deformed wing virus (DWV), which has been frequently lin
290 ure of iflavirids [sacbrood bee virus (SBV), deformed wing virus (DWV)] and dicistrovirids [Israeli a
291                 Recombinants of the honeybee deformed wing virus and the Varroa destructor virus-1 ar
292 defenses and promotes the replication of the deformed wing virus in honey bees bearing covert infecti
293                 Our results demonstrate that deformed wing virus infected drones are competitive to m
294 lation with drones showing comparatively low deformed wing virus infections served as control.
295 d that seven of the 30 queens had high-level deformed wing virus infections, in all tissues, includin
296                                              Deformed wing virus is an important contributor to honey
297 esent, was removed from the mated queens for deformed wing virus quantification, leading to the detec
298    In an environment with high prevalence of deformed wing virus, queens (n = 30) were trapped upon t
299 tic mite Varroa destructor associated to the Deformed Wing Virus.
300 corresponds to the transition from coarse to deformed xenoliths.

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