


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  potentials are used to estimate the cost of deforming a collection of sequences known to bind or res
2 al strain energy (a measure of work expended deforming a structure) is a robust metric for comparing
3 f granular solid-liquid mixtures is key when deforming a wide range of materials from cornstarch slur
4 it an unexplained wide diversity of membrane-deforming activities in vitro and functions in vivo.
5 pha-proteobacteria display the same membrane deforming activity and are able to partially overcome th
6      Our results define a new F-BAR membrane-deforming activity and illustrate a molecular mechanism
7 brane of HEK293 cells abrogated the membrane deforming activity of EndoA1-BAR and dAmp-BAR.
8  a novel higher-order structure and membrane-deforming activity that distinguishes it from previously
9 binding mechanism and unprecedented membrane deforming activity.
10  obtained by grain-scale numerical models of deforming aggregates with strong crystallographic alignm
11                                              Deforming along a single mode leads to most successful p
12 assessed using an adherent cell, rolling and deforming along the vessel wall under imposed shear flow
13 ferative glomerulonephritis, liver fibrosis, deforming arthropathy and increased anti-DNA antibodies.
14  fever, urticarial rash, aseptic meningitis, deforming arthropathy, hearing loss, and mental retardat
15 , urticarial skin rash, and a characteristic deforming arthropathy.
16 monstrates a continuously accreting, shallow-deforming, bed and invariant basal conditions.
17 ntial binding affinity to the free energy of deforming (bending and minor groove opening) the drug-DN
18 ains (TMDs) might be mere anchoring devices, deforming bilayers by mechanical force.
19 ng zones are sometimes interspersed with non-deforming blocks and why large earthquakes occasionally
20 ibility constraint introduced by presence of deforming boundaries, we introduce a nontrivial splittin
21                       In rare instances, the deforming cell and its neighbor spontaneously became unc
22                           In motile, rapidly deforming cells such as human neutrophils, bulk cytoplas
23 atenin showed that the protruding margins of deforming cells were mechanically coupled to neighboring
24 mens from 14 human cadavers under static and deforming conditions (0 to 200 microm/s).
25                                        Under deforming conditions (10 to 200 microm/s), tau correlate
26 leting cells of Vps4 create uniform membrane-deforming conical spirals which are assemblies of specif
27 ditions of constant stress and strength, the deforming continental lithosphere creates a type of visc
28 ists convergent motion; however, the role of deforming continental mantle lithosphere on plate motion
29       Aftershock sequences within the slowly deforming continents are predicted to be significantly l
30 f dislocation microstructure and strength of deforming crystals.
31            Furthermore, the computed cost of deforming DNA on the nucleosome is sequence-specific: in
32 he incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in deforming domains.
33 M can be used more precisely to quantify the deforming effect of OA on the proximal femur and to iden
34 hresholds may not always limit fluid flow in deforming environments.
35 lar connectivity and geometry information of deforming epithelial tissues, and computational tools to
36 of ALIX, which connects ALIX to the membrane-deforming ESCRT-III complex via its CHMP4 subunits.
37                       It contains a membrane-deforming F-BAR domain as well as a Src homology 3 (SH3)
38 sively recover their original shape once the deforming factors are eliminated.
39 vated and assembled together into a membrane-deforming filament remains unknown.
40    For comparison to this case, a set of non-deforming, flat-plate wing (FPW) models of wing motion a
41 l physical model of particle dispersion in a deforming fluid domain to show that transport of organel
42 the concept of negative stiffness, where the deforming force and the resulting displacement are in op
43 -host junction tends to persist and a severe deforming force may result in graft dehiscence.
44                         The magnitude of the deforming forces in the optical stretcher thus bridges t
45 sentations or realistic ones that indicate a deforming genetic disorder is the subject of continuing
46 chemoreceptors in live cells by artificially deforming growing cells of Escherichia coli in curved ag
47 ory experiments suggest that viscous flow of deforming hot lithospheric rocks is characterized by a p
48 med system can resist small stresses without deforming irreversibly, whereas unjammed systems flow un
49  Mobius strip soap film rendered unstable by deforming its frame changes topology to that of a disk t
50 ly formed gouge organized itself into a thin deforming layer that reduced the fault's strength by a f
51 rnia, and identify seismicity in an actively deforming localized zone penetrating the lithospheric ma
52 density was continuously associated with the deforming membrane.
53                                              Deforming miniature semiconductor-based sensors with hig
54 ocal strains that result from the inclusions deforming more than the composite as a whole.
55 likely the dominant mechanism, with the wall deforming most at the centre of the duct.
56 tions and melts therefore elastically resist deforming motions that occur faster than the stress rela
57  Estimated erosion rates within the actively deforming mountains are high (3-6 mm yr(-1)) on all time
58 e stiffness can occur, for example, when the deforming object has stored (or is supplied with) energy
59 origin for interactions between any membrane-deforming objects, from nanometre-sized proteins to micr
60  guide chromosome movements without severely deforming or damaging the local chromosome structure.
61 focal low SI that was not nodular or contour deforming or diffuse low SI).
62  elastic stiffnesses on a spider web without deforming or disrupting the web in a non-invasive, non-c
63 rom lethal in the perinatal period to severe deforming osteogenesis imperfecta (OI).
64                                          The deforming outer accretionary wedge may decouple the stre
65 d focal low SI that was not nodular (contour deforming) over a region in and around the pathologicall
66 ibute to the chronic inflammatory and tissue-deforming processes characteristic of CRS.
67 These findings support a role of the bilayer-deforming properties of amphiphysin at T-tubules and, mo
68 ytoskeleton also have powerful lipid bilayer-deforming properties via an N-terminal module (F-BAR) si
69  of an oligomeric array formed by a membrane-deforming protein, making possible the dissection of its
70 H-Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs) subfamily of membrane-deforming proteins are involved in actin pedestal format
71 cases, lipid transfer proteins, and membrane-deforming proteins in virus replication.
72  from seismic anisotropy in partially molten deforming regions of Earth.
73 ly low shear strain (of about ten) such that deforming regions of the upper mantle will exhibit signi
74 osion produces rugged landscapes in actively deforming regions.
75  pressure of 1.1 gigapascals, dehydration of deforming samples containing only 5 vol% of antigorite s
76  Core was recovered from across the actively deforming San Andreas fault at a vertical depth of 2.7 k
77  atomic diffusional mobility inside actively deforming shear bands.
78 ny signs of fracture with the application of deforming stress, and this bending is within the elastic
79 tifying many soft-tissue parts in 3D without deforming structure or disturbing function.
80 tive VPS26-VPS29-VPS35 trimer and a membrane-deforming subunit of sorting nexin (SNX)-Bin, Amphyphysi
81 rotation because a sphere can rotate without deforming the adjacent elastic cytoplasm.
82 ss: cell recognition is realized by smoothly deforming the atlas to best fit the image, where the seg
83 ace forces pulled the two surfaces together, deforming the bead to produce an enlarged contact area.
84 based microphones that respond to stimuli by deforming the device in thickness directions, this hydro
85                        The energetic cost of deforming the DNA to the states found in the SIN-mutant
86                                           By deforming the droplets to high aspect ratio, we visualiz
87  of the vacuum Rabi frequency is obtained by deforming the EMNZ region without detuning a bound eigen
88            This reduction is accomplished by deforming the Hamiltonian function for each replica in s
89 e without altering the thoracic impedance or deforming the heart; vest CPR; manual CPR; and respirati
90  neighboring hexamers can tilt out of plane, deforming the hexamer layer and generating the continuou
91    PS optimally opened the SB ostium without deforming the main vessel (MV) bioresorbable vascular sc
92 tates ('slip'), or prolong bond lifetimes by deforming the molecules such that they lock more tightly
93 t this scaling is a consequence of particles deforming the neck surface, thereby creating a pressure
94 s, and the computed displacements induced by deforming the nucleotide-binding pocket also overlap poo
95 tor, the somatic motor was more effective in deforming the organ of Corti than in displacing the basi
96 phase difference between the two ac voltages deforming the potential and shows random fluctuations in
97                              By mechanically deforming, the optical characteristics of the devices ca
98 es, and to place these in the context of the deforming thoracic mechanism that the muscles actuate.
99 ncides with a transition from thin, actively deforming to thicker, less tectonically active crust and
100 stability of lawsonite, while the sample was deforming, to test whether the lawsonite dehydration rea
101 ements show that the New Madrid is currently deforming too slowly, if at all, to account for large ea
102 scous incompressible flow in an axisymmetric deforming tube.
103 nds of the type observed in metallic glasses deforming under mechanical stress.
104                                  Rather than deforming uniformly, materials such as dry sand or cohes
105 provide insight into the mechanisms by which deforming vascular injury, such as that produced by arte
106                            By simultaneously deforming vesicles with different properties in the same
107  eruption potential, this high proportion of deforming volcanoes that also erupted (46%), together wi
108 d (46%), together with the proportion of non-deforming volcanoes that did not erupt (94%), jointly re
109  and morphological properties of cells while deforming were critical for this classification.
110 ens to thousands of kilometres in width, why deforming zones are sometimes interspersed with non-defo

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