


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of the peroxo intermediate in CYP-catalyzed deformylation.
2  us to investigate regulation of delta-toxin deformylation.
3 cids is decreased, but the rates of aldehyde deformylation and mechanism-based inactivation of the cy
4 t any functional role in protein formylation/deformylation and validates PDF as an excellent target f
5 ant of this cytochrome, the rate of aldehyde deformylation, as determined by formation of the alcohol
6 n synthesis does not involve formylation and deformylation at the N-terminus, there has been increasi
7 kinetics and computational study on aldehyde deformylation by two side-on manganese(III)-peroxo compl
8 ibitors and the necessity of the formylation/deformylation cycle in bacteria.
9 nalysis of the heme adduct formed shows that deformylation does not occur.
10 htar and colleagues proposed that in steroid deformylation effected by P450 aromatase an iron-peroxo
11 te with acrylate/acrylamide, followed by the deformylation in one-pot.
12 ossible explanation for the apparent lack of deformylation in the mammalian mitochondria.
13 ings and our previous evidence that aldehyde deformylation is supported by added H202, but not by art
14 for neutrophils, suggesting that delta-toxin deformylation may have functional consequences.
15 etal provides a branch point for a concerted deformylation mechanism; however, a stepwise mechanism i
16                                      Herein, deformylation mechanisms of the sterol 14alpha-demethyla
17 tal-induced P450 2B4, catalyze the analogous deformylation of a series of xenobiotic aldehydes with o
18 heses also feature stereospecific photolytic deformylation of beta,gamma-unsaturated aldehydes 46, 70
19                       In sharp contrast, the deformylation of cyclohexane carboxaldehyde by the T302A
20 ative active DNA demethylation mechanism via deformylation of fdC or decarboxylation of cadC.
21 The deformylase is also capable of efficient deformylation of formyl-Phe-Tyr-(Phe/Tyr) peptides.
22 peroxy species is apparently involved in the deformylation of many aldehydes with desaturation of the
23         Importantly, akuammicine arises from deformylation of preakuammicine, which is the central bi
24 r mechanism for compound I (Cmpd I) mediated deformylation of the geminal diol was considered in the
25 Cmpd I states failed to initiate a concerted deformylation of the geminal diol.
26 sis in bacteria involves the formylation and deformylation of the N-terminal methionine.
27 ive other products, all of which result from deformylation of the sterol side chain.
28  intermediate that carries out the oxidative deformylation of the substrate.
29 Escherichia coli deformylase resulted in the deformylation of those peptides that are the most potent
30 that the 1beta-hydrogen atom abstraction and deformylation or decarbonylation occur in a nonsynchrono
31 or substrates for PDF and exhibit incomplete deformylation, particularly when they are overproduced.
32                                          The deformylation products arise by addition of the same fer
33  acid (Compound I pathway) at the expense of deformylation products.
34 he conventional acid metabolite and the five deformylation products.
35 says using a series of substrates of varying deformylation rates indicate that Co-PDF has the same su
36 dehyde inactivation of P450 2B4 involves the deformylation reaction and is unrelated to carboxylic ac
37 es of experiments aimed at understanding the deformylation reaction.
38 rimary kinetic isotope effect of 5.4 for the deformylation reaction.
39 plex, to have enhanced activity in oxidative deformylation reactions believed to involve FeO2+.
40 mylase, the bacterial enzyme responsible for deformylation, represents a potential target for antibio
41         Mechanisms for the aromatization and deformylation sequence which are initiated by 1beta-hydr
42 ipient alkyl radical formed in the oxidative deformylation step in competition with the oxygen reboun
43  of several substrates and enhanced aldehyde deformylation via a presumed peroxo intermediate.
44                                              Deformylation was for a long time thought to be a featur
45                    Inhibition of delta-toxin deformylation was relieved by TCA cycle inactivation or
46  cyclohexene from cyclohexane carboxaldehyde deformylation, were determined with P450s 2B4, 2B4 (delt
47 (2)OH)(2)]Cl can be separated by a selective deformylation with aqueous NaOH.
48 ehyde to give a peroxyhemiacetal, which upon deformylation yields the alkyl radical.

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