


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nly in the latter (Kcat = 0.03% of wild-type dehalogenase).
2 oyl-CoA more tightly than does the wild-type dehalogenase.
3 nt of dichloroethane catalyzed by haloalkane dehalogenase.
4  source of the catalytic power of haloalkane dehalogenase.
5  W137F mutant enzymes of 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase.
6 -CoA undergoes major changes upon binding to dehalogenase.
7 er enzyme of halocarbon metabolism, haloacid dehalogenase.
8 ized product in the active site of wild-type dehalogenase.
9 on, and near 1610 cm-1 in the active site of dehalogenase.
10  to the active site of 4-(chlorobenzoyl)-CoA dehalogenase.
11 ectroscopy in its free form and bound to the dehalogenase.
12 r a haloacetate dehalogenase or a haloalkane dehalogenase.
13  measured for wild-type and Glu232Asp mutant dehalogenases.
14 erial, isomer-selective 3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenases.
15 genases as well as metabolic and cometabolic dehalogenases.
16 alamin-dependent methyltransferases, and the dehalogenases.
17 nover rates in the wild-type and H90Q mutant dehalogenases.
18 xpression levels of their multiple reductive dehalogenases.
19 dration of functionally important regions of dehalogenases.
20 six rRNA operons and six predicted reductive dehalogenases.
21 er-containing, membrane-associated reductive dehalogenases.
22                                 In wild-type dehalogenase, 22% of the bound substrate accumulated as
23          The recent crystal structure of the dehalogenase-4-HBA-CoA complex reveals two hydrogen bond
24 sis that MSAD and trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase, a tautomerase superfamily member preceding
25 ndent subfamilies, we propose that reductive dehalogenases achieve reduction of the organohalide subs
26      In addition to the ligase and reductive dehalogenase activities, hydrolytic 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA
27 ables the acquisition of a basal iodomethane dehalogenase activity as yet unknown in natural alkane m
28 rystal structure of the complex of 4-CBA-CoA dehalogenase and 4-HBA-CoA we propose that aspartate 145
29 sive similarity to the ancient L-2-halo-acid dehalogenase and DDDD phosphohydrolase superfamilies, bu
30 cus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064, and haloalcohol dehalogenase and epoxide hydrolase from Agrobacterium ra
31 oethane by a carboxylate group in haloalkane dehalogenase and in water.
32 this domain is similar to that of haloalkane dehalogenase and shares the alpha/beta hydrolase fold.
33  work investigates complexes formed by D145N dehalogenase and substrate or product.
34    The k(obs) for EAr formation in wild-type dehalogenase and the more active dehalogenase mutants (Y
35 e activities, hydrolytic 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase and thioesterase activities, 4-hydroxybenzo
36 tion of a soluble, oxygen-tolerant reductive dehalogenase and, by combining structure determination w
37  current knowledge about catabolic reductive dehalogenases and the electron transfer chain they are p
38 hlorobenzoyl-CoA ligase, 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase, and 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA thioesterase.
39  species contains three enzymes: a ligase, a dehalogenase, and a thioesterase.
40 , glutathione transferase, haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase, and isoprenoid synthase), with five superf
41 ed Protein A, three wild-types of haloalkane dehalogenases, and a mutant stabilized by protein engine
42 s phosphoesterases, ATPases, phosphonatases, dehalogenases, and sugar phosphomutases acting on a rema
43 ts for EMc formation in wild-type and mutant dehalogenase are approximately 200 s(-1) while the rate
44  (or bvcA) encoding reductive vinyl chloride dehalogenases are important to achieve complete dechlori
45                                    Reductive dehalogenases are responsible for biological dehalogenat
46 nd 11 microM(-1) x s(-1)) binding to the two dehalogenases are similar in value.
47 n, it is likely that tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase arose from a maleylacetoacetate isomerase.
48 he structurally modified 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase at kcat = 0.06 s-1 and Km = 50 microM.
49 ase structure with the 4-(chlorobenzoyl)-CoA dehalogenase backbone.
50                                         TCHQ dehalogenase binds the glutathione involved in the thiol
51 evel cis-CaaD and trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD) activities, with the cis-CaaD activi
52       The enzymes trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD) and cis-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalog
53 reviously studied trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD) and with other members of the 4-oxal
54 merase (4-OT) and trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD) are members of the tautomerase super
55                   trans-3-Chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD) converts trans-3-chloroacrylic acid
56 e active site of the enzyme 3-chloroacrylate dehalogenase (CaaD), isolated from a pseudomonad growing
57 ichloropropene is trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD), which converts the trans-isomers of
58  critical for the trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD)-catalyzed conversion of trans-3-halo
59 the heterohexamer trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD).
60 ion with an enrichment of vcrA (VC reductive dehalogenase)-carrying Dehalococcoides, whereas ethene p
61 the adjacent subunit, to 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase catalysis.
62 examines the role of binding interactions in dehalogenase catalysis.
63 entified aspartate 145 as being essential to dehalogenase catalysis.
64         Isomer-specific 3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenases catalyze the hydrolytic dehalogenation of
65    In this paper, we report the kinetics for dehalogenase-catalyzed 4-fluorobenzoyl-CoA (4-FBA-CoA) a
66 m of tyrosine, while tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase catalyzes a more specialized reaction, it i
67               Tetrachlorohydroquinone (TCHQ) dehalogenase catalyzes the conversion of TCHQ to 2,6-dic
68 t bound to the active site of asparagine 145 dehalogenase catalyzes the deamidation of the asparagine
69       4-Chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A (4-CBA-CoA) dehalogenase catalyzes the hydrolysis of 4-CBA-CoA to 4-
70       4-Chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A (4-CBA-CoA) dehalogenase catalyzes the hydrolysis of 4-CBA-CoA to 4-
71              The enzyme 4-chlorobenzoate-CoA dehalogenase catalyzes the hydrolysis of 4-chlorobenzoat
72       4-Chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A (4-CBA-CoA) dehalogenase catalyzes the hydrolytic dehalogenation of
73       4-Chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A (4-CBA-CoA) dehalogenase catalyzes the hydrolytic dehalogenation of
74       4-chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A (4-CBA-CoA) dehalogenase catalyzes the hydrolytic dehalogenation of
75       4-Chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A (4-CBA-CoA) dehalogenase catalyzes the hydrolytic dehalogenation of
76         Furthermore, tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase catalyzes the isomerization of maleylaceton
77                      Tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase catalyzes the reductive dehalogenation of t
78                      Tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase catalyzes the reductive dehalogenation of t
79                      Tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase catalyzes the reductive dehalogenation of t
80                      Tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase catalyzes the replacement of chlorine atoms
81                      Tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase catalyzes two successive reductive dehaloge
82 brominated benzenes, including the reductive dehalogenases CbdbA80 and CbrA.
83 e inhibitors of the cis-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase ( cis-CaaD) homologue Cg10062 found in Cory
84                     cis-3-Chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (cis-CaaD) catalyzes the hydrolytic dehalog
85 e gene encoding the cis-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (cis-CaaD) from coryneform bacterium strain
86                     cis-3-Chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (cis-CaaD) from Pseudomonas pavonaceae 170
87 inetic mechanism of cis-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (cis-CaaD) has now been examined using stop
88 logenase (CaaD) and cis-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (cis-CaaD) represent the two major classes
89 nd expression of the bacterial chloromethane dehalogenase cmuA gene in the A. thaliana phyllosphere c
90  describe the development of an alkyl halide dehalogenase-compatible chloroalkane linker phosphoramid
91  in the structure of the 4-HBA-CoA-wild-type dehalogenase complex.
92      X-ray crystallographic analysis of H90Q dehalogenase complexed with 4-HBA-CoA revealed that the
93 ain normal (nonresonance) Raman data for the dehalogenase complexes in the 100-300 microM range and h
94 ntly described corrinoid-dependent reductive dehalogenases, constitute a new subclass within the nitr
95                 In this process, a reductive dehalogenase (CprA), couples the oxidation of an electro
96                         One of the reductive dehalogenases, CprA, is encoded by a well-characterized
97 ecord kinetic time courses of the haloalkane dehalogenase DbjA and analyzed 150 combinations of enzym
98 m extorquens DM4 expresses a dichloromethane dehalogenase (DcmA) that has been acquired through horiz
99                                          The dehalogenase derives its catalytic power from: (i) bring
100 rmostability of the model enzymes haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane dehydr
101    For comparison, we also mapped haloalkane dehalogenases DhaA and LinB, both of which contain signi
102             The catalytic site of haloalkane dehalogenase DhlA is buried more than 10 A from the prot
103  considering the S(N)2 reaction of haloalkan dehalogenase (DhlA), analyze the energetics and dynamics
104  domains located in the lumen and a haloacid-dehalogenase domain exposed to the chloroplast stroma.
105 found that the conserved C-terminal haloacid dehalogenase domain of EYA1, which has been reported to
106 ently expressed of four detectable reductive dehalogenases during 1,2-dichloroethane exposure, sugges
107 rain 195 showed genes encoding for reductive dehalogenases (e.g., tceA) were not affected during the
108 gen-halide lyases (EC 4.5.1), and haloalkane dehalogenases (EC 3.8.1).
109  attention and development: halalkanoic acid dehalogenases (EC, hydrogen-halide lyases (EC 4
110 as putida strain PP3 produces two hydrolytic dehalogenases encoded by dehI and dehII, which are membe
111  by the horizontal transfer of key reductive dehalogenase-encoding genes.
112  We apply our method, GASPS, to the haloacid dehalogenase, enolase, amidohydrolase and crotonase supe
113 f the pseudouridine glycosidase and haloacid dehalogenase enzyme families, respectively, catalyze C-r
114 investigate ligand passage in the haloalkane dehalogenase enzyme LinB and the effect of replacing leu
115 hosphoglucomutase (beta-PGM) of the haloacid dehalogenase enzyme superfamily (HADSF) catalyzes the co
116 e large enzyme family, the haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase enzyme superfamily (HADSF) form a "mold" in
117                                 The haloacid dehalogenase enzyme superfamily (HADSF) is largely compo
118 phatase branch of the HAD (haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase) enzyme superfamily, yet it has evolved to
119 lden inversion mechanism of the fluoracetate dehalogenase FAcD (RPA1163) has been studied by subjecti
120  bacterial homodimeric enzyme, fluoroacetate dehalogenase (FAcD).
121 ain, which has high homology to the haloacid dehalogenase family of phosphatases, has not been defini
122 phosphatase domain belonging to the haloacid dehalogenase family of phosphatases.
123 isms of nucleotidase members of the haloacid dehalogenase family.
124 or a member of the Mg(2+)-dependent haloacid dehalogenase family.
125 ponds to At5g32470, encoding a HAD (haloacid dehalogenase) family phosphatase fused to a TenA (thiami
126 chitecture, a fusion of a predicted haloacid dehalogenase fold with a previously unidentified GCN5-re
127                                    Reductive dehalogenases form a distinct subfamily of cobalamin (B1
128 le in the active site of 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase, forming a transient covalent link at the 4
129 taining 3-chloro-4-hydroxybenzoate reductive dehalogenase from Desulfitobacterium chlororespirans.
130  glutathione (GSH)-dependent dichloromethane dehalogenase from Methylophilus sp. strain DM11 catalyze
131 dimensional structure of 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase from Pseudomonas sp. strain CBS-3.
132 ferent microorganisms: engineered haloalkane dehalogenase from Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064, a
133 show that LinB, an HCH-converting haloalkane dehalogenase from Sphingobium indicum B90A, is also able
134             The S(N)2 reaction of haloalkane dehalogenase from Xanthobacter autotrophicus GJ10, which
135  by Asp-124 in the active site of haloalkane dehalogenase from Xanthobacter autotrophicus GJ10.
136 nd product inhibition patterns of haloalkane dehalogenases from Xanthobacter autotrophicus GJ10 (XaDH
137                 Diversification of reductive dehalogenase functions appears to have been mediated by
138 undwater among the samples with VC reductive dehalogenase gene (bvcA and vcrA) abundances reaching 10
139      A quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay for the dehalogenase gene dhlA was developed to monitor DCA-degr
140 s by quantifying major orthologous reductive dehalogenase gene groups.
141 ular analysis targeting a putative reductive dehalogenase gene of D. chlorocoercia or the bphA gene o
142 ic link between transposition of ISPpu12 and dehalogenase gene silencing.
143 ional genes (etnC and etnE) and VC reductive dehalogenase genes (bvcA and vcrA) were strongly related
144                                    A pair of dehalogenase genes from Xanthobacter autotrophicus was e
145 enases were the most abundant halogenase and dehalogenase genes, respectively.
146 f substrate to product and of D145N to D145D dehalogenase go on simultaneously.
147 5 were found to contain a conserved haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) domain, which was found to be require
148                        The haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase (HAD) enzyme superfamily is the largest fam
149 se (HisB) subfamily of the haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase (HAD) enzyme superfamily.
150                                     Haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) family phosphatases are widespread in
151                      The 2-haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase (HAD) family, which contains both carbon an
152 e phosphoserine phosphatases of the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) family.
153       Mammalian phosphatases of the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily have emerged as important
154                                 The haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily includes a variety of enz
155                                 The haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily is comprised of structura
156  to the phosphatase subgroup of the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily, and propose a function f
157  In phosphatases and mutases of the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily, phosphoaspartate serves
158 pFHy1 (At1g79790), belonging to the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily, seven candidates for the
159  sEH N-terminal fold belongs to the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily, which comprises a vast m
160 P-1 suggested a relationship to the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily, which contains a number
161         beta-PGM is a member of the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily, which includes the sarco
162 endent, suggesting an enzyme of the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily.
163                                 The haloacid dehalogenase (HAD)-like enzymes comprise a large superfa
164 -regulated, novel low-Pi-responsive haloacid dehalogenase (HAD)-like hydrolase, OsHAD1 While OsHAD1 i
165 as PfHAD1), encoding a homologue of haloacid dehalogenase (HAD)-like sugar phosphatases.
166                           Mammalian haloacid dehalogenase (HAD)-type phosphatases are an emerging fam
167 Another gene encoded a homolog of 2-haloacid dehalogenase (HAD).
168 dingly, the atomic structure of L-2 haloacid dehalogenase has been fitted into the relevant domain of
169 oA and 4-FBA-CoA bound to WT and H90Q mutant dehalogenase have broad features near 1500 and 1220 cm(-
170 mined that JNA harbors at least 19 reductive dehalogenase homologous (rdh) genes including orthologs
171 d that two proteins encoded by the reductive dehalogenase homologous genes CbdbA1092 and CbdbA1503 we
172  8-P phosphatase is a member of the haloacid dehalogenase hydrolase superfamily.
173               The enzyme 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase hydrolyzes 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA (4-CBA-CoA)
174 sistent with deiodination of labeled knob by dehalogenases in hepatocyte microsomes and uptake of the
175 d to determine the activity of the reductive dehalogenases in resting cell assays of strain CBDB1 wit
176                                         TCHQ dehalogenase, in contrast to most members of the superfa
177 ble of switching the catalytic activity of a dehalogenase into a nitroreductase.
178  constant for hydrolysis of EAr in wild-type dehalogenase is 20 s(-1) and in the H90Q mutant, 0.13 s(
179                                         TCHQ dehalogenase is a member of the glutathione S-transferas
180                      Tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase is a member of the glutathione S-transferas
181                      Tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase is found in Sphingomonas chlorophenolica, a
182 benzoyl-CoA catalyzed by 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase is investigated using combined QM/MM approa
183               Tetrachlorohydroquinone (TCHQ) dehalogenase is profoundly inhibited by its aromatic sub
184                                         TCHQ dehalogenase is severely inhibited by its aromatic subst
185 larizing forces and reactivity seen here for dehalogenase is similar to that reported for the additio
186 ctive site region of tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase is very similar to those of the correspondi
187  the only heme-containing peroxide-dependent dehalogenase known to be capable of removing halogens in
188 d region of Pah1, in particular the haloacid dehalogenase-like domain containing the DIDGT catalytic
189             The conserved N-LIP and haloacid dehalogenase-like domains of Pah1 are required for phosp
190  EC and belongs to the l-2-haloacid dehalogenase-like protein superfamily.
191 tein lipin 1 and the superfamily of haloacid dehalogenase-like proteins.
192 lorinases (LinA1 and LinA2) and a haloalkane dehalogenase (LinB) from Sphingobium indicum B90A.
193                              This haloalkane dehalogenase lowers the activation barrier for dehalogen
194 spectra of the complexes involving the D145A dehalogenase mutant that are unable to form an EMc.
195 n wild-type dehalogenase and the more active dehalogenase mutants (Y65D and A112V) was taken to be an
196 talysis in the F64P, G113A, G113S, and G113N dehalogenase mutants was very slow with k(cat) values ra
197              Catalysis in the Y65D and A112V dehalogenase mutants were almost as efficient as catalys
198         Genes encoding 17 putative reductive dehalogenases, nearly all of which were adjacent to gene
199 observed in phosphonatase and the 2-haloacid dehalogenase of the HAD enzyme superfamily indicated com
200  the active site aspartate in the haloalkane dehalogenase of Xanthobacter autothropicus have been com
201  of Asp-124 at the active site of haloalkane dehalogenase of Xanthobacter autothropicus.
202        Covalent immobilization of haloalkane dehalogenase on a surface support displaying poly(sorbit
203 not exhibit activity as either a haloacetate dehalogenase or a haloalkane dehalogenase.
204 yme-specific rate constants (k(cat)) for the dehalogenases PceA and TceA: 400 and 22 substrate molecu
205 ion catalysis by tetrachloroethene reductive dehalogenase (PceA) of Sulfurospirillum multivorans was
206 hafniesne Y51), which only has one reductive dehalogenase (PceA).
207 operties and the tetrachloroethene reductive dehalogenase (PceA-RDase) localization did not result in
208  tetrachloro-p-hydroquinone (TeCH) reductive dehalogenase (PcpC), which is a glutathione (GSH) S-tran
209 amino acid residues at these stations by the dehalogenases, phosphonatases, phosphatases, and phospho
210                                    Reductive dehalogenases play a critical role in the microbial deto
211 tic strategy and the active site of haloacid dehalogenase proteins shares a common geometry and ident
212 nantly mediated by a single, novel reductive dehalogenase (RDase) catalyzing chlorine removal from bo
213 vealed the presence of 29 putative reductive dehalogenase (RDase) genes.
214      Idiosyncratic combinations of reductive dehalogenase (rdh) genes are a distinguishing genomic fe
215 ology with the cobalamin-dependent reductive dehalogenase (RdhA), however the role played by cobalami
216 containing bacteria with different reductive dehalogenases (rdhA) genes can lead to variable dual C-C
217 dies have identified a critical role for the dehalogenase residue Asp 145 in close proximity to the l
218   The crystallographic investigation of this dehalogenase revealed that the enzyme is a trimer.
219 otic members of the cis-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase subgroup are limited to fungal species, whe
220 The phosphotransferases of the haloalkanoate dehalogenase superfamily (HADSF) act upon a wide range o
221      Alpha-PMM1, like most haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase superfamily (HADSF) members, consists of tw
222 tional space of the ubiquitous haloalkanoate dehalogenase superfamily (HADSF) was revealed by screeni
223   The protein, a member of the haloalkanoate dehalogenase superfamily (subfamily IIB), was purified t
224 cus on the phosphatases of the haloalkanoate dehalogenase superfamily and the thioesterases of the ho
225 hosphatases that are members of the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily contains the catalytic motif DX
226                                  In haloacid dehalogenase superfamily enzymes, substrate specificity
227 tion assignment of the unknown haloalkanoate dehalogenase superfamily member BT2127 (Uniprot accessio
228  with molecular structures of other haloacid dehalogenase superfamily members that were crystallized
229 terminal domain that belongs to the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily of enzymes.
230    Tpp1 shows similarity to the l-2-haloacid dehalogenase superfamily of enzymes.
231                             The haloalkanoic dehalogenase superfamily serves as an excellent model sy
232 rotein-tyrosine phosphatases of the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily, as being responsible for depho
233 known and a few as belonging to the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily, but has no known biological fu
234 th sides that is reminiscent of the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily.
235 different functional classes of the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily.
236  which are members of the conserved haloacid dehalogenase superfamily.
237 horylated by AlnB, an enzyme of the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily.
238           KdsC belongs to the broad haloacid dehalogenase superfamily.
239                            The HAD (haloacid dehalogenase) superfamily includes phosphoesterases, ATP
240                                          The dehalogenase TceA and the Ni-Fe hydrogenase HupL transcr
241 ry revealed that a trichloroethene reductive dehalogenase (TceA) homologue was the most consistently
242 id approach to evolve a bacterial halohydrin dehalogenase that improves the volumetric productivity o
243 ered a mechanism for tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase that involves a nucleophilic aromatic subst
244  on its degradation by the enzyme haloalkane dehalogenase that is accompanied by a change of local pH
245 -dependent and quinone-independent reductive dehalogenases that are distinguishable at the amino acid
246 d investigations of the haloalkene reductive dehalogenases that catalyze similar reactions.
247 er, distinguishes CaaD from those hydrolytic dehalogenases that form alkyl-enzyme intermediates.
248  substrate and inhibitor specificity for the dehalogenase, the enzyme was found to require an hydroxy
249 sis that MSAD and trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase, the preceding enzyme in the trans-1,3-dich
250                                For wild-type dehalogenase, the rate constant for a single turnover is
251                The reaction mechanism of the dehalogenases, the most recently discovered class of B12
252                                     For H90Q dehalogenase, these rate constants are 1.6 x 10(-2) and
253 r to facilitate electrophilic catalysis, the dehalogenase utilizes a strong polarizing interaction be
254 ode a corrinoid-containing 1,2-DCP reductive dehalogenase was detected.
255 mulation of arylated enzyme in the wild-type dehalogenase was not observed in the mutant.
256 ratase/isomerase family, 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase, was altered by site-directed mutagenesis t
257  absent in the wild-type 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase, was shown to occur with the structurally m
258 e strong evidence that four to six reductive dehalogenases were involved in the dehalogenation of all
259 e, no-metal chloroperoxidases and haloalkane dehalogenases were the most abundant halogenase and deha
260             With the exception of haloalkane dehalogenase, which binds very small substrates in a nar
261 thereby distinguishing CaaD from a number of dehalogenases whose mechanisms proceed through an alkyl-
262                             Treatment of the dehalogenase with diethyl pyrocarbonate resulted in comp
263 lmost as efficient as catalysis in wild-type dehalogenase with k(cat) values of 0.1-0.6 s(-1).
264                 Chemical modification of the dehalogenase with N-bromosuccinimide resulted in full lo

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