


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  developing fruits (until opening again upon dehiscence).
2 hospital length of stay, and wound infection/dehiscence).
3 ther this technique would reduce the rate of dehiscence.
4 ing abnormal anther maturation and defective dehiscence.
5 ir or replacement as a result of mitral ring dehiscence.
6  the risk of pelvic sepsis after anastomotic dehiscence.
7  injury severity score correlated with wound dehiscence.
8 he evaluation of post-operative mitral valve dehiscence.
9  suture material reduces the rate of fascial dehiscence.
10 undergoes a programme of senescence prior to dehiscence.
11  but were male sterile due to delayed anther dehiscence.
12 ents to treat post-lung transplant bronchial dehiscence.
13 tively removed after adequate healing of the dehiscence.
14 ue facilitates flap closure and avoids wound dehiscence.
15 len grains stained for callose before anther dehiscence.
16  transient ischemic attacks, and one sternal dehiscence.
17 and should not necessarily be interpreted as dehiscence.
18 icate a role for CRT in anther maturation or dehiscence.
19 5%), most commonly for bleeding, abscess, or dehiscence.
20  filler port of a tissue expander; and wound dehiscence.
21 synovitis, synovial thickening, and capsular dehiscence.
22 ntraosseous defects associated with a buccal dehiscence.
23 of which progressively dry before sporophyte dehiscence.
24 alone in extraction sites with >/=50% buccal dehiscence.
25 a severe deforming force may result in graft dehiscence.
26 ering time control, seed development and pod dehiscence.
27 focus will be on superior semicircular canal dehiscence.
28 ons and treatment options as the other canal dehiscences.
29 g, but none of the animals experienced wound dehiscences.
30 s; and to development of a hernia or fascial dehiscence, 12.8 months.
31 h seromas (17.4% vs 2.4%, P = .004), fascial dehiscence (15.2% vs 2.4%, P = .01), intensive care unit
32 e suture-related graft infiltrate (3), graft dehiscence (3), and Descemet membrane detachment (2).
33 lications remain infrequent: wound infection/dehiscence, 3%, atelectasis/pneumonia, 2%, intrathoracic
34 rative intestinal stricture was 10.3%, wound dehiscence 4.4%, and intra-abdominal abscess 5.8%, and d
35 , repaired with CV-8 Gore-Tex), conjunctival dehiscence (5.3%), suture exposure (5.3%) (trans-scleral
36  included pelvic abscess (1.3%), anastomotic dehiscence (6.4%), bowel obstruction (11.7%), and anasto
37 tamen length, and the other affecting anther dehiscence, a taxonomic character used to distinguish Ly
38 aosseous defects associated with buccal bone dehiscence accessed by buccal SFA may support the stabil
39  with tamsulosin have a higher risk of wound dehiscence after cataract surgery.
40                                    Bronchial dehiscence after lung transplantation is difficult to tr
41 ould potentially lead to higher incidence of dehiscence after surgery.
42 rforations and anastomotic or primary repair dehiscences; although this approach may seem aggressive,
43 nce was associated with a reduction in wound dehiscence, anastomotic leak, pneumonia, prolonged requi
44 gnin in vascular elements, failure in anther dehiscence and absence of phenolic autofluorescence in s
45 d wound healing with elevated rates of wound dehiscence and chronic wounds.
46 hibited delayed senescence but normal anther dehiscence and fertility.
47 ted shorter anther filaments, delayed anther dehiscence and greatly reduced male fertility.
48  findings were seen, suggesting that zonular dehiscence and lens dislocation may result from progress
49 , the technical problems of papillary muscle dehiscence and mitral regurgitation appear minimized by
50 rse events reported were infections (61.1%), dehiscence and partial or full necrosis (20.1%), and ble
51  filament elongation, severe delay of anther dehiscence and pollen inviability.
52  anther epidermis to synchronize both anther dehiscence and pollen maturation.
53 mate stage of anther development, leading to dehiscence and pollen release.
54 icient to rescue filament elongation, anther dehiscence and pollen viability.
55  or expression in the tapetum do not restore dehiscence and pollen viability.
56 efects in stamen filament elongation, anther dehiscence and pollen viability.
57 lcifications, and endocarditis extent (valve dehiscence and pseudoaneurysms).
58 s confirmed an increased incidence of airway dehiscence and reduced survival in the sirolimus-treated
59          Two patients (4.6%) developed wound dehiscence and underwent successful reclosure.
60 h as pneumonia, mediastinitis, and bronchial dehiscence and was not an independent risk factor of mor
61 lay essential roles in pollen maturation and dehiscence and wound-induced defence against biotic atta
62 tissues leads to crowded seeds, a failure of dehiscence and, frequently, the premature rupture of the
63  property provides a platform for healing of dehiscence and, in time, peribronchial soft tissue grows
64 3 while insulin independent because of wound dehiscence, and a third died on day 30 with high sirolim
65 re rate, time to closure, incidence of wound dehiscence, and hernia development after closure.
66  morbidities (intra-abdominal abscess, wound dehiscence, and intestinal stricture) in extremely low b
67 ne contributes to risk of bone fenestration, dehiscence, and soft-tissue recession.
68 e glaucoma, and to capsular rupture, zonular dehiscence, and vitreous loss during cataract extraction
69                         Infection and suture dehiscence are significantly correlated with graft loss
70 al ventilation and management of anastomotic dehiscence are the unique attributes of this device.
71 tion tends to be inferior on the side of the dehiscence as well as the opposite side of the implant.
72 , there was a slightly higher rate of airway dehiscence associated with nighttime transplants (57 of
73                                        Of 16 dehiscences associated with a moderate to large amount o
74 ls and for naturally selected differences in dehiscence-associated fruit structures in mustards.
75 n endoluminal flap or diverticulum at CT had dehiscence at bronchoscopy.
76 creased risk of preterm delivery and uterine dehiscence at delivery.
77                      We conclude that anther dehiscence at flower opening depends on the presence of
78 or posterior wall defects were suggestive of dehiscence at four anastomoses (7%).
79 imal probing depth (PD) and depth of osseous dehiscence at the buccal aspect.
80                                   Sites with dehiscence at the time of implant placement had signific
81 ounts of extraluminal air or larger ( > 4mm) dehiscences at presentation, CT cannot help predict whic
82       There was no statistical difference in dehiscence between NPWT and dry dressing group (36.4% vs
83 p (36.4% vs 29.7%; P = 0.54) or mean time to dehiscence between the 2 groups (P = 0.45).
84  difference in the incidence of infection or dehiscence between the NPWT and dry dressing group.
85 creased incidence of wound infections, wound dehiscence, biliary complications and overall infection,
86 ignificantly (P <0.05) less remaining buccal dehiscence, both clinically (6.81 versus 10.0 mm) and ra
87 and complications such as leaks, staple line dehiscence, bowel obstruction, abscess, hepatic or splen
88 was to evaluate a new technique for treating dehiscence buccal bone sites (Class II) with immediate i
89               Immediate implant placement at dehiscence buccal bone sites using flapless surgery comb
90 chrome signaling, globulin expression, fruit dehiscence, carpel and epidermal development.
91 actorial analysis, which grouped outcomes by dehiscence categories (none, partial, or full dehiscence
92                                        Canal dehiscence causes an abnormal communication between the
93 four immediate implants were associated with dehiscence (controls).
94                               A standardized dehiscence defect (6 x 3 mm) was created on the buccal b
95      All sites had a non-space-making buccal dehiscence defect associated with the subsequently place
96 ver root); 2) 6 mm apical to the CEJ of PM2 (dehiscence defect); and 3) 10 mm distoapical to the CEJ
97 roach to insert xenograft blocks into buccal dehiscence defects as well as the gap between implant an
98        Twenty-nine implant-associated buccal dehiscence defects in 25 patients were augmented using p
99            Regarding PM2, buccal bone in the dehiscence defects lacking periosteum was not augmented
100                                              Dehiscence defects of 5 x 3 mm were created bilaterally
101 ries of 9 patients with 8 fenestration and 3 dehiscence defects on implants consecutively treated wit
102           GBR around immediate implants with dehiscence defects using PDGF and xenograft alone result
103 t CM) for GBR around immediate implants with dehiscence defects.
104 n, pocket hematoma, seroma, wound infection, dehiscence, device migration, lead fracture and dislodgm
105 ifference in perioperative mortality, airway dehiscence, dialysis requirement, postoperative length o
106                              A high level of dehiscence did not compromise final outcome.
107 ient died following rectosigmoid anastomotic dehiscence during cycle 4.
108                                        Wound dehiscence, endophthalmitis or retinal detachment was no
109 t graft to achieve successful GBR results of dehiscence/fenestration defects when placing implants.
110  infection-associated signs/symptoms: fever, dehiscence, foul smell, peri-wound erythema, hypotension
111 the plant even after silique desiccation and dehiscence had taken place.
112      Study outcomes included reoperation for dehiscence, hernia or enterocutaneous fistula.
113 ), revealed that with intact defects without dehiscence, HFDDS had less bone fill compared to the car
114     However, in defects with partial or full dehiscence, HFDDS had more bone fill compared to carrier
115  forms of wound healing complications (wound dehiscence, impaired healing, lymphocele, and incisional
116 1 and DeltaPpSCRM1 mutants exhibited delayed dehiscence, implying stomata might have promoted dehisce
117 ma in 2 eyes, graft infiltrate and traumatic dehiscence in 1 eye each.
118  anophthalmic surgery complication was wound dehiscence in 11.5 % of patients in the enucleation and
119 (SHP2) MADS-box genes are required for fruit dehiscence in Arabidopsis.
120       The most common complication was wound dehiscence in both groups.
121 ection occurred in six (10.34%) individuals, dehiscence in five (8.62%), and mucosal perforation in s
122 tedly high incidence of postoperative airway dehiscence in lung-transplant recipients treated with si
123 nificant rate of postoperative infection and dehiscence in patients with multiple comorbidities.
124 ptimal flower opening and closing and anther dehiscence in rice.
125 the positive predictive value of an apparent dehiscence in the diagnosis of SSC dehiscence syndrome i
126 scence, implying stomata might have promoted dehiscence in the first complex land-plant sporophytes.
127 heobronchomalacia, stenosis, and anastomotic dehiscence, including one patient referred from an outsi
128 abdominal incisional hernia or infusion port dehiscence/inflammation; 1.7% v 0.3%, respectively), pai
129                                        Canal dehiscence involving the superior, lateral, and posterio
130                   The aim is to review canal dehiscence involving the superior, lateral, and posterio
131                                Intercellular dehiscence is a common cardiocytic response to pathologi
132                 Posterior semicircular canal dehiscence is a rare entity, with similar clinical prese
133 d in flapless extraction sites with a buccal dehiscence is able to regenerate lost buccal plate, main
134  infections, incisional hernias, and fascial dehiscence is low in kidney recipients.
135                  Superior semicircular canal dehiscence is now a well-established entity in the medic
136                   Lateral semicircular canal dehiscence is usually associated with chronic otitis med
137 has no role in the diagnosis of infection or dehiscence, it probably will not replace FOB for assessm
138                       In patients with small dehiscences ( &lt; 4mm) and patients with a tiny or small a
139 sis of the molecular events underlying fruit dehiscence may allow genetic manipulation of pod shatter
140 pplied to tooth root surfaces in soft tissue dehiscence models.
141 rities when anastomotic infection (n = 2) or dehiscence (n = 1) was present but resulted in an overdi
142 failure (n = 8), sepsis (n = 6), anastomotic dehiscence (n = 6), and other causes (n = 9).
143 wel obstruction (n = 6), gastric staple line dehiscence (n = 6), splenic infarction (n = 5), hematoma
144 ed abdominal wall infection (n = 9), fascial dehiscence (n = 8), symptomatic hernia (n = 8), unplanne
145 ned second look (n=7), leaks/fistulas (n=6), dehiscence (n=6), obstruction (n=4), ischemic bowel (n=3
146 ring the healing period, neither soft tissue dehiscence nor membrane exposure were noted.
147                Normal anther development and dehiscence occurred in plants containing the TA56/barnas
148          It was consistently found that when dehiscence occurred on the buccal side of the implant, t
149                                         When dehiscence occurs during immediate implant placement on
150 On multivariate analysis, history of fascial dehiscence (odds ratio, 16.9; 95% CI, 1.94-387), colosto
151                         All cases had marked dehiscence of all layers of the wound down to the sternu
152 soidal obstruction syndrome are initiated by dehiscence of sinusoidal endothelial cells from the spac
153 perative phenomenon rather than from gradual dehiscence of sutures over years.
154                                 Furthermore, dehiscence of the anthers filled with viable pollen, was
155 In this series morbidity occurred in 34% and dehiscence of the CAA in 7.0%.
156 ize, difficulty of reimplantation, and early dehiscence of the papillary muscle anastomosis.
157 ells (SEC) within 6 hours of HIR resulted in dehiscence of the SEC lining in 24 hours.
158      The biochemical changes that permit the dehiscence of the sinusoidal endothelial cells were inve
159  repair may be complicated by post-operative dehiscence of the valve or annuloplasty ring resulting i
160 out specific clinical signs appeared to have dehiscence on 1.0-mm-collimated scans.
161 (3.6%) recipients developed either a fascial dehiscence or a hernia of the wound.
162 ning voids around the DI and often a partial dehiscence or thin facial alveolar plate.
163  surgical site infection was associated with dehiscence (OR, 30.4; 95% CI, 19.9-46.5; P < .001), seps
164 40% of the NPWT group had a wound infection, dehiscence, or both.
165 Arabidopsis occurs by a process called fruit dehiscence, or pod shatter.
166 scularization of the lens through a capsular dehiscence, other causes are explored, including direct
167  reported was either conjunctival erosion or dehiscence over the extraocular implant and was treated
168 ed corneal infections (P < 0.001), and wound dehiscence (P = 0.002) were greater in the PK group comp
169 tions (P = 0.003) while Current BMI impacted dehiscence (P = 0.009) and infections (P = 0.03).
170 ence was greater than that of primary repair dehiscence (p = 0.032).
171 l patients healed uneventfully without wound dehiscence, paresthesia, or lip droop.
172  such as suture-related infections and graft dehiscence persists even in these cases.
173 ry to or embolism from prior grafts, sternal dehiscence, phrenic nerve injury, excessive hemorrhage,
174 rise: infection, intraoral hemorrhage, wound dehiscence, postoperative pain, lack of primary implant
175 l incisions were evaluated for infection and dehiscence postoperatively.
176 37920-OE lines showed no sterility or anther dehiscence problems.
177 e specific anther cell types involved in the dehiscence process.
178                                        Wound dehiscence, recurrent cellulitis, hematomas, neuropathie
179 lity that was associated with delayed anther dehiscence, reduced pollen viability, and decreased fecu
180                   Eleven eyes that had wound dehiscence related to ocular trauma were included.
181 m for bleeding, and mediastinitis or sternal dehiscence requiring surgery were also less in the LIMA
182 sseous defects associated with a buccal bone dehiscence resulted in a limited post-surgery bREC, a lo
183                                        Wound dehiscence resulted in treatment discontinuation for thr
184 ehiscence categories (none, partial, or full dehiscence), revealed that with intact defects without d
185                              In mitral valve dehiscence, RT 3D TEE provides additional information ab
186  In patients with life-threatening bronchial dehiscence, self-expanding metallic stents offer prospec
187 of CBL10 function resulted in reduced anther dehiscence, shortened stamen filaments, and aborted poll
188  1.4%, and morbidity (including leaks, wound dehiscence, splenectomy, and postoperative hemorrhage) o
189 e 1B) before progressing to a full-thickness dehiscence (stage 2).
190 ident in mutant grains at the time of pollen dehiscence, suggesting defects in vacuole and endomembra
191  apparent dehiscence in the diagnosis of SSC dehiscence syndrome improved from 50% with 1.0-mm-collim
192 dictive value of CT in identification of SSC dehiscence syndrome improves with 0.5-mm-collimated heli
193 ut the exact anatomic characteristics of the dehiscence that can be used to help in planning the most
194                      In intact sites without dehiscence, the presence of cultured fibroblasts in 1.5-
195 reased risk of SSI in SR: history of fascial dehiscence, thicker subcutaneous fat, colostomy, and whi
196          However, sites with partial or full dehiscence treated with HFDDS had significantly greater
197  eyes developed significant peripheral graft dehiscence visible by the first postoperative week.
198 who developed an incisional hernia or facial dehiscence (vs. those who did not).
199 interval between transplant and diagnosis of dehiscence was 29.1 +/- 18.5 days.
200                       The incidence of wound dehiscence was 3.2% (11/338).
201                               However, wound dehiscence was 3.81 times higher (95% confidence interva
202 between the initial DALK procedure and wound dehiscence was 9.45 months (range, 2-16 months).
203                                              Dehiscence was confirmed bronchoscopically at two of the
204                                        Wound dehiscence was defined as spontaneous partial or complet
205                                          SSC dehiscence was documented on CT scans in all 36 patients
206                                       Suture dehiscence was effectively managed in two patients who w
207 stomy revision, the incidence of anastomotic dehiscence was greater than that of primary repair dehis
208 ents, an area judged as possible or definite dehiscence was identified in 18 of 100 ears.
209                                Perioperative dehiscence was rare with 2/109 (2%) for primary closure,
210                                  The rate of dehiscence was reduced from 6.6% to 3.8%, P = 0.03 compa
211  pneumothorax (PTX), and postoperative wound dehiscence (WD).
212 ificant risk factors for a hernia or fascial dehiscence were any reoperation through the transplant i
213 ction of a hopeless tooth with >/=50% buccal dehiscence were enrolled.
214 ndividuals with at least 5 mm of buccal bone dehiscence were selected for a flapless surgical approac
215 .6%) incidents of life-threatening bronchial dehiscence were treated with self-expanding metallic ste
216  and vertical peri-implant bone defects, and dehiscences were assessed.
217 he 2 groups except the occurrence of zonular dehiscence which was seen in 7% patients of Group 1 comp
218 ighly reduced mainly due to a lack of anther dehiscence, which is caused by degeneration of the endot
219 hepatic artery thrombosis, one case of wound dehiscence with evisceration that required surgical repa
220 osis which resulted from levator aponeurosis dehiscence with good levator function had gone through s
221                                Eight of nine dehiscences with a tiny or small amount of extraluminal
222 d most serious event was postoperative wound dehiscence, with 9.42 extra days in the hospital, 40 323
223 ays a role in controlling the time of anther dehiscence within the flower.
224 of mortality, pneumonia, sepsis, anastomotic dehiscence, wound infection, noncardiac respiratory fail
225  and SHP2, show that these two genes control dehiscence zone differentiation and promote the lignific
226 e SHATTERPROOF MADS-box genes, which promote dehiscence zone differentiation at the valve/replum boun
227 olygalacturonase gene (At2g41850/ARABIDOPSIS DEHISCENCE ZONE POLYGALACTURONASE2) has been fused to a
228 LL is sufficient to prevent formation of the dehiscence zone.

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